Dale Jr. Had a Beer with George Strait

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[Music] amy doesn't like surprises and that makes it you know i do like surprises i think everybody likes surprises and so if i'm trying to plan amy's birthday i'm wanting to have some sort of element of surprise but she does not want to be surprised she wants to know where you're going what the what the big deal is so um there's a long story that i'd love to tell on this podcast one day about how i met and had a drink with george strait on a weekend with my wife and she happened to miss the whole thing what uh with the key west several years ago we took it was me and amy her sister and uh husband and another couple from texas so six of us from texas and all of those people were big george strait fans george happened to be in key west recording a record there's a small tiny recording studio you wouldn't even know it was there right in downtown so around lunch accidentally me and my friend billy who's with us one of the one one of them one of the guys on the trip got split up from the rest of the group so me and billy uh are wondering we're wandering around key west the rest of the day looking for them and they are wandering around key west looking for us literally the whole day and uh we went to the house twice nobody's there where we were staying we went to all the bars we thought they might be and we kept missing them or but we never saw them all day long hours and hours and hours and we had dead cell phones and no cell phones so there wasn't like this obvious way to to reach out and connect and we couldn't get into the house because it we didn't have the key it was just a mess so we spend the whole day wandering around key west like hey man we'll find them eventually right it's not that big of a place we end up going back to this bar called schooner wharf it's an open area bar and we sit down it's late it's like 10 30 11 o'clock and we're tired and we're just gonna wait soon enough they're gonna come here soon enough this is kind of the last place we always end up right there since george strait having a drink and so i told billy i said man maybe he will he i know he hunted with that i know he knows dad and as we're kind of having that conversation he he looks over and his son's with him and his son walks over and goes hey dad like to have a drink hang out well i approached you yeah and i was like of course you dang right george strait you bet and so we sat down with george we took a picture we talked he told me about hunting with dad and we had a beer while this is happening it dawned on us if if george's son was okay with it we could use his phone to text the picture to them to our for our wives and we did so we send them the picture on his phone we're like man we ain't got our phones they're at home we're we haven't we got to find our family and we if we could use your phone we'll send this picture that we just took of george straighten us to them we do that george stays for another couple minutes says i i'm gonna head home thanks george appreciate it appreciate george's son for helping us all that he leaves as soon as they walked out literally moments later here comes our gang wide open loud where's george where y'all been barreling into this bar right so they got the picture clearly yes and they were out of breath trying to get there fast enough where's george and so he's gone he left what are you serious and then you know the attention went from that to this was all our fault you messed up where we been you messed up where we been where we've been hiding yeah we've been out we've been out running around all day with george and it's been this happened years ago and it's been an ongoing joke i have that picture of me and billy and george strait in my beach house and for amy to see every day she don't let you live it down no i don't let her live it down okay so it goes back and forth so i have to think you've done something george strait related yes so on march the 20th he plays in houston and so i'm taking amy for her birthday with the same six people that were on that key west trip to see george play and hopefully have a chance to say hello and take a photo oh yeah with the wives that's the hope right no i can't hinge all of my all of my i'll i can't hinge the entire enjoyment of the day on the fact that whether we get to meet him or not we're just going to go enjoy the concert and hopefully all that works out you like that video well you need to listen to the entire podcast you know the dale jr download is available on all podcast platforms [Music]
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 120,964
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Id: 6RLmiqW7TGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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