Dale Earnhardt Confronted Mike Joy and How To Announce Hard Moments | The Dale Jr. Download

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we've talked about my dad's uh you know passing at daytona multiple times at this table and um you know what when you're put in a position like that when austin dillon crashes into the grandstands uh you know into the fence at daytona that was the first race for rick and jeff they talk about this that was their very first race they had no idea what to do they literally both took two steps back in the booth because they wanted rick to know like we don't want we don't know what to do and that's okay yeah and and that's and and that's good again you're not going to learn anything when you're talking so i i think that's when it's incumbent on the play-by-play person to take control and command of the situation do not guess and do not theorize except in a general sense of all right what usually happens in this case is this happens then that happens and we'll wait to see what happens next with ryan newman there was so much we couldn't say we are handcuffed in every one of these situations by the fact that the information flow from nascar comes to a screaming halt and they won't tell you anything right the track won't tell you anything the nascar won't tell you anything nobody and and that's where you know obviously the truck's not going to show replays until we see a driver get out until we see that he's okay um you know we're gonna wait in the newman crash there were things that we knew based on the response of the people around the car but no one would confirm for us and we weren't going to speculate you know so waiting is hard especially in live tv things keep ticking waiting is hard but i think i think that's where you fall back on your play by play person due to his training to overview the situation and not sugarcoat it and yet not alarm anybody until you have facts what about when you have you know you can't not make friendships on you know in this you can't not have relationships with the drivers in some friendly some some some just a working relationship how do you manage uh you know you're calling a ball in balls or strikes and uh you know when drivers go out there and have contact or whatever makes a mistake um do you have you know driver how do you handle that how do you handle sort of being biased same way the same way you do this is not dale jr your car owner this deal junior the broadcaster i got my headset on i got to do this job and it's like what what is your what's your obligation at that time and when you have a headset on your obligation is to the fans into the sport and it's not to your to your friendships uh alan quickie and i were very good friends ricky rudd and i were good friends you know and and you develop those friendships over a period of years and and in a matter of time rust in our good friend you know there just a lot of people like that and yes when you're looking at the rundown you're going to glance down you're going to see where the how they're doing all right but you can't call them on the track any different than yeah than you call anybody else you ever had anybody call you afterwards and say hey man why'd you say that or your dad really in a roundabout way yeah we're at north wilkesboro and it was pretty early in your dad's career and he had described his driving as short track driving as framing and bamin that was his phrase well i picked it up used it a lot on the radio your dad was exciting to watch on the short tracks so we're at wilkesboro barney hall says dale wants to talk to you i said well okay i'll go see him no he says he says he's over sitting in my buick in the infield he says why don't you go over have a seat and talk to him and your dad says you gotta you gotta quit this for him and abandon stuff he says it's you're giving me a bad name you're giving me a bad reputation you know people are upset about the way i'm driving i said well dale i said my obligation is to the radio listeners and and to the sen to nascar into the sport and and i gotta got a call you know like i see it i said i said you're aggressive he says yeah man he says but i'm not wrecking people i'm not you know i'm not dumping people into the fence he says i'm yeah i'm moving them out we had a great talk and i learned his philosophy of how he drove and it did adjust what i did as a broadcaster i wasn't kind to him if he wrecked somebody i said he wrecked somebody okay but i much more understood what he was trying to accomplish and and how he drove uh than i did before and again i thank barney hall for that for because barney was everybody's friend he was agent for a few people too you know that nobody knew about but um he had everybody's respect and yeah we sorted it out and we had a great relationship from that point on and of course he went on to do great things and the fans loved it it was all good did you like that conversation with mike joy well you ought to listen to the entire interview the dell junior download is available on all major podcast platforms
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 126,845
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Id: XzuMbdfcvpc
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Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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