Daily Mass by Pope Francis | 29 April 2020 | Vatican

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Catherine of Siena was the 24th of 25 children she decided not to marry and she was treated basically like a servant in her family she became a third-order Dominican was instrumental in brokering peace in many areas in Italy and was also instrumental in bringing the papacy back to Rome from Avignon she's the first lay women to be lay person to be proclaimed a Doctor of the Church our Holy Father has entered the chapel we prepare ourselves to enter into this celebration this Eucharistic celebration which will begin hearing the Holy Fathers intention for this liturgy oh geez Santa Caterina in today st. Catherine of Siena Doctor of the Church patron of Europe this pray for Europe for the unity of Europe the unity of the European so that everyone together might move forward as brothers and sisters quest television siga elevator is the wise virgin from among the number of the prudent who went forth with light lamp with lighted lamp to meet Christ hallelujah but Apache see - boy patella perch elevated element in Santa misty reconcile we know skipper cutting our Holy Father has invoked the Peace of the Lord aboard upon us and we now recall our sins seorak no7 Otakon denarii mapperton re a be petted annoy lord have mercy please to give a Vista Peroni purgatory purely potato a peep little annoying Christ have mercy signora capers own immortal to AMA advocate enjoy your have mercy perdรณn in Ossipee Cathy chicken do calivita turn Gloria D you near to the chain sorry to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good we praise you we bless you we adore you we glorify you we give you thanks for your great glory Lord God heavenly king o God Almighty father Lord Jesus Christ only begotten Son Lord God Lamb of God son of the Father you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us you take away the sins of the world receive our prayer you are seated at the right hand of the father have mercy on us for you alone are the Holy One you alone are the Lord you alone are the most high Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father amen p.m. would you in Santa Catarina the scene are tentative those pieces of the amore you need to know contemplation is a God who said Catherine of Siena on fire with divine love in her contemplation of the Lord's passion and her service of your church grant through her intercession that your people participating in the mystery of Christ may ever exalt in the revelation of his glory secondly we enter now into the Liturgy of the word our first reading is from the first letter of Saint John de la primera Tierra de San Giovanni Apostolou fill you all my question is sadaqa be amadito de lui a que no via news channel di Luce Alou in uncertain ebrill Kuna this is what we have heard from Jesus Christ and the message that we are announcing to you God is light there is no darkness in him at all if we say that we are in union with God while we are living in darkness we are lying because we are not living the truth if we live our lives in the light as he is in the light we are in union with one another and the blood of Christ and the blood of Jesus his son purifies us from all sin if we say we have no sin in us we are deceiving ourselves and refusing to admit the truth but if we acknowledge our sins then God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and purify us from everything that is wrong to say that we have never sinned is to call God a liar and to show that his word is not in us I am writing this my children to stop you sinning but if anyone should sin we have our advocate with the father Jesus Christ he is the sacrifice that takes our sins away and not only ours but the whole world's the word of the Lord in addition Signoria anima mia my soul give thanks to the Lord my soul give thanks to the Lord all my being bless His Holy Name my soul give thanks to the Lord and never forget all his blessings my soul give thanks to the Lord it is he who forgives all your guilt who heals every one of your ills redeems your life from the grave who crowns you with love and compassion my soul give thanks to the Lord the Lord is compassion and love slow to anger and rich in mercy his wrath will come to an end he will not be angry forever my soul give thanks to the Lord as a father has compassion on his son the Lord has pity on those who fear Him for he knows of what we are made he remembers that we are dust my soul give thanks to the Lord the love of the Lord is everlasting upon those who hold him in fear his justice reaches out to children's children when they keep his covenant in truth my soul give thanks to the Lord [Music] ta'rhonda Lodi father Senora del Charlie del at last are you Father Lord of Heaven and Earth or revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children [Music] [Music] it's in your Asya convoy valve Angela second on Atia Incan temple Judas a terrain dolor de Padre senorita's for this morning from the holy Gospel according to Matthew Jesus exclaimed I bless you Father Lord of Heaven and Earth for hiding these things from the learned and the clever revealing them to mere children's yes father for that is what you please to do what it pleased you to do everything has been entrusted to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father just as no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the son chooses to reveal him come to me all you who labor and are overburdened and I will give you rest shoulder my yoke and learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls yes my yoke is easy and my burden light bottle the gospel of the Lord no prima later the first reading the first letter of Saint John the Apostle there are many contrasts between light and darkness between falsehood and truth between sin no chance and innocence no sempre the posture of American creates that the Apostle always calls us to concreteness be in union with Jesus and walk in the darkness because he is light it's either one thing or the other and gray is even worse because the gray makes you understand that you are walking in the light because you're not in the darkness and this calms you suits you the gray area is is a traitor it's either one thing or the other and so going ahead Apostle says if you say you're without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us because all of us have sinned all of us are sinners koseki keeping them down here is something that might deceive us to say that we are all sinners late as if to say hello good morning it as if it's something habitual or a social truth and so we don't have a true consciousness of sin no I am a sinner because of this and this and this the concreteness the concreteness of the truth the truth is always concrete lies are always he's waving his hand as if to say ambiguous and they're like the air you can't define them the truth is concrete and you can't go and confess your sins in an abstract way yes yes I one time I lost my patience in these abstract things I'm a sinner no the concrete being concrete I did this I thought this way I said this concrete being concrete is that I feel that I'm a sinner specifically and not keeping it up in the air Jesus says in the gospel I bless you Father Lord of Heaven and of Earth for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children the concreteness of little ones typically it's good to listen to children when they come to confession they don't say things that are strange they say things that are very concrete and sometimes too concrete because they have that simplicity that God gives the little ones simple accordions I always remember one time a child came to say to me that he was sad he had fought with his aunt and then he went forward I said what so what happened oh well I was at home and I wanted to play soccer he was a child but the aunt said no don't go out his mother wasn't home you have to do your homework sabe la fenix gnome and article pious and then he said one word after another and finally he he basically sent him to hell and he even knew the triple the place where he sent his aunt mm I say the same he was able to name exactly what happened and that's what we need to do is to be concrete concreteness brings us to humility because humility is concrete we're all sinners is some to say we're all sinners is something that's abstract no I am a sinner because of this this in this bring and this makes me ashamed and so I go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness this is the true attitude of a sinner if we say that we are without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us this is a way of saying that we are a way of saying that we are not sinners is this vague abstract attitude yeah I lost patience one time but everything up in the air I don't I'm not aware of the reality of my sins you know all of us do these things miss barrace I have been sorry no it gives me pain I don't want to do it again I don't want to say it again I don't want to think this way again importante what's important is that within ourselves we name our sins conquer the concreteness being concrete because if we remain abstract we end up in the darkness where let's be like the little ones who say what they feel and what they think we don't have not learned the they still have not learned the art of saying things a bit wrapped up because they they think the art of the of great people that's what they do they they rethink what they are feeling and thinking yesterday I received a letter from someone named Andrea he said it's a letter from a child they're so beautiful because of the concreteness and so he was saying that he had heard on television and he wanted to reprove me for something because I say peace be with you but you can't say that because because oh no he says Pete um to exchange the sign of peace and yet in this time of pandemic we can't touch each other but the freedom to say that things as they are may God give us the grace of being able to say things as they are lord I am in sin help me just as Peter after the first miraculous catch of fish go away from me Lord because I am a sinful man how baby with us I just said you have that wisdom the concrete but K is the overall because the devil wants us to live is the porti tepidly in the gray area neither good or bad neither white or black but gray you don't beyond that does not is not pleasing to the Lord the Lord does not like those who are a tepid mediocre it's concreteness burn on a cerebral charity so as not to be liars say confession we know super kotti if we confess our sins he better or not he will forgive us he won't forgive us when we're not concrete the spiritual life is so simple it's so simple but we make it complicated with these very very Gatien let us ask the Lord for the grace of simplicity so that he might give us this grace that he gives to the simple to children who can say what they feel they don't hide what they feel even if it's wrong they say it transparency and not to live a life that is not neither one thing or another the grace of free of being free to say these things and the grace kernel should have been a to know well who we are before God we now move into the Liturgy of the Eucharist on this feast of st. Catherine of Siena we pray for Europe and it's unity this critical moment of its history as well as the unity of the nation in which we live well that to say to seniority of the universe narrative on table emod chibuto burst open truth of their terror the revolt of the roman no placenta ma t / k developer noise she would've it at that plus the Picard forever etis atis in unity the universe narrative on Tammy I'm going to go to West Covina fruit of the la vista de la mort de la la presencia mati perky developer Nova van that he said it's nice it be God forever [Music] we gotta fidelity give me a vote for sacrificios here at elite idiopathic attends may the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and the good of all his Holy Church what you do with the significance of it it is accepted or the saving sacrifice we offer in commemoration of st. Catherine so that instructed by her teaching we may give ever more fervent thanks to you the one true God to see you Signoria convoy veramente kosovo now just not to the very affordably cerveza Linda grazie same pin only level that is in your ripple result the only pertain to the tell police the sinner lost the first assembly as a society which played in the Saints who consecrated themselves to Christ for the sake of the kingdom of heaven it is right to celebrate the wonders of your province providence which you call human nature back to its original holiness and bring it to experience on this earth the gifts you promised in the new world to come Perkin dvd-r de la de la morte la stessa coronally Laura berquist immediately Anjali their country they are to teach and betrayal can common sense Afeni Linda there are two valid [Music] [Music] veramente Sato for today only sensitive scientific requested or call officially the low speed per Kelvin per noi is called for example this is crystal gnosis nd a friend of the liberal mental as a partisan basis Bonnie justice branded image at electorate which is a New York or refer to each circle each perform my Lord and my god you who take away our sins who intercedes before the Father Papa latina Alice's basic listicles is painted be evicted questo a traditional music audience such a pony but soon they pick at heart a question in my Lord and my god this is the blood of Jesus who purifies us from all our sins Steve claimed your death Oh Lord and profess your resurrection until you come again [Music] at least to completion we will now be invited to pray the Lord's Prayer VNT Epidaurus have authority for Matthias libera senior that timid conscience is a patchiness to shorten Akana you toda la da misericรณrdia be very most simple evil is advocate you see who lead our winter lament that s exocomp the elevators Palin's having I not to sabotage the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever Katie that we oppose to live in Asheville Apache video Lamia patch no word re a most respected well I feel that work is Dona Lumet eyepatch say Condor equivalent to give you a rainy security patches can be fin invited to exchange a sign of peace and we now invoke our Lourdes Lamb of God [Music] yeah [Music] yeah I can be that Tara cherish your neck but I never do it because as we behold the lamb of God we pray lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed we can pray in the words of our communion antiphon this morning if we walk in the light as God is in the light then we have fellowship with one another and the blood of His Son Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin Alleluia our Holy Father will now lead us in a spiritual communion the personal and impersonal father of New York well they're sort of communal spirit was just women yo creo que sera mentor present the Santissima sacramental attack Tiamo sobre una cosa - decision Alma mia cowan impose of a charity sacramental meant a venial may know spiritual mental in your court who job isn't to youtube rock show a to to name is what a nonparametric a Miriam is the variability and we can now pray my Jesus I believe that you are present in the Blessed Sacrament I love you above all things and I desire you in my soul [Music] since I cannot now receive you sacramentally come at least spiritually energy to my heart [Music] as though you are already there I am raised you and unite myself holy permit not [Music] we now enter into a period Federation of our Lord be placed in the Austin thorium here where we can remain in a few moments alone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Yuriko such evil spirituality a fundamental sustained santa catalina an elevated terrain community annoy as wellbut immortally Pecola stenosis nearly nearly and our Holy Father prayed may the heavenly table at which we have been fed Oh Lord confer eternal life upon us as even in this world it nourished the life of st. Catherine through Christ our Lord our Lord our Holy Father is blessing us with the Blessed Sacrament we can bless ourselves and we pray O sacrament most holy O sacrament divine all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine our Lord is now being proposed once again in the tabernacle here we pray that he may repose in the tabernacle of our hearts and the holy father invites us to go in peace at the conclusion of this mass celebrated on the third Wednesday of Easter on the feast of st. Catherine of Siena I invite you to join us again at 9:30 Rome time our Holy Father will be holding his weekly Wednesday general audience and tomorrow again at 7 o'clock where our Holy Fathers Mass on Thursday I also invite you to check out the Vatican news web portal you will find playback of all liturgies summaries of homilies and other Vatican and world news on behalf of Vatican media I'd like to thank all of the technicians and stations who have made this broadcast possible have a wonderful day in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who forgives our sins laudatory a Zeus Priestess praised be Jesus Christ [Music] land of the free and the home of the brave United States of America grounded in the conviction
Channel: Shalom World
Views: 34,542
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Keywords: Vatican live, Palm Sunday, holy week live, palm sunday live, shalom world, catholic channel, christian media, chrism mass, maundy thursday, Holy week, Vatican, Live, Pope Francis, Vatican LIVE TV, Pope Francis live, Live mass, Live Holy Mass, Live TV, St. Peter's Basilica, Rome Live, way of the cross, exclusive live, Live from vatican, Holy Thursday, Live broadcasting, Catholic Church, Catholic, Holy Mass, Good Friday
Id: YsxPpXwKZHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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