Daily Decree Live

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[Music] hello friend i am so excited to be with you today welcome to the daily decree live your online prophetic devotional and we are going to get into some amazing subject matter today and i'm very excited to be able to speak the word over you prophesy a declaration over your life that's going to carry you through your day and through this week and today i want to talk about the goodness of god you know we serve a good god we serve a powerful god and this is content that's straight from my book the daily decree and i think it's going to be a blessing to you today so make sure you grab a cup of coffee get your bible get a notebook write some things down and let's get into what i feel like the holy spirit wants to say and speak into your spirit that's going to carry you in faith you know that god's a good god i know that god is a good god and we need to be able to promote that promote his goodness you know anybody can look around and talk about how bad things are we can it doesn't take much you can look on the news you can scroll your social media accounts and you can see that there's a lot of bad in the world there's a lot of negative things there's reports that we get sometimes maybe it's about your finances it's about your health it's about a loved one and so we could hone in on those things and focus on those you know jesus said something powerful in luke chapter 21 he said in the last days men's hearts women's hearts it would it would literally fail them for fear simply because they see all of the things that are coming on the earth and i want you to think for a moment about the circumstances in your life there are circumstances that many of us all share together all of us go through things jesus said in this world you will not maybe he said you will have tribulation you'll go through stuff you'll face things that are difficult they're challenging even frightening sometimes and i want you to think for a moment about anything that you might just be facing in your life and think about how you can promote the goodness of god the bible says in the book of hebrews that jesus saw past the cross he had to look beyond the dark cloud he had to look past that doom that gloom that bad report he had to look beyond what he was going to go through so jesus he in fact had scriptures in there for our example so that we can ourselves learn how in the middle of trying times promote the goodness now you've thought of that situation that you're in maybe it's more than one that challenge in your life and i want you to think of how you can promote the goodness of god if it's a health challenge maybe there's a situation going on in your back or one of your key organs your heart or your lungs think about all the parts on you that do work come on now think about all of the stuff that you can do not what you can't do not what's that which has held you back but think about all of the things that are good all around you you know a lot of times we call it giving thanksgiving but pastor hank and i like to call it learning how to promote the good that's what we share with people that's why so often uh when it comes to prophetic things concerning the nation concerning the earth we promote the good side of god because we know that as long as the holy spirit is here the holy spirit has god has a redemptive plan which is a plan of help it's a plan of hope god has a plan of hope for you jeremiah 29 11 god says i know the thoughts and the plans i have for you come on that didn't just that scripture didn't just go away because we're in the last days it's still in full force over your life over your family your children your loved ones it is still in full force over you and we have to to walk in that we have to learn how to promote the good i want to read you this scripture and i believe it's going to bless you and then we're going to decree today over your life and your family here's what the word of god says it says oh give thanks this is first chronicles 16 34. you can look in your bible oh give thanks come on throw up your hands right now and give thanks to god unto the lord for he is good okay didn't say god's bad the devil's bad not god god is a good god he does good things and i want you to hone in on that truth today that god is good and his mercy endures forever i believe god's mercy is hovering over your life right now his goodness is resting on you right now if you focus on the bad you'll give access to the enemy to inflict things upon your life but if you focus on all of the good that god's doing all of his favor all of his blessings i promise you today you're going to see his goodness in your life all right i want to do this decree straight from my book daily decree if you don't have a copy or if you have a copy we're going on the promote the goodness decrees so i want you to decree this receive this in faith over your life right now let's decree this in jesus name right now we decree you are able to see all the good in every situation and circumstance and we speak that you will never be inclined to take the pessimistic approach not ever we say that you always look around you with an optimistic outlook and we speak that you don't emphasize the problem but you are focused on the answer come on be focused on the answer we prophesy that you can look around through every dark cloud and see the goodness of your god right now i we together you and i we break mental images of doom and gloom in the name of jesus and we say that you look at this world through the eyes of god's redemptive plan and that his mercy will always triumph over judgment we say you see the good you promote the good and you show his goodness to the world together you and i come on we declare that you are immersed in god's goodness to you and to your family we say that an anointing comes upon you to advocate everywhere you go that god and his mercy it endures forever in jesus name all right i'm going to leave you with this you go out today you go out every day promoting the goodness of god i love you till next time thank you for joining me on the daily decree live [Music] you
Channel: Hank and Brenda Kunneman
Views: 4,424
Rating: 4.9576721 out of 5
Id: RjxBvVOcp64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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