Dad's Pregnant Mistress Is Younger Than Me & Demands My Money - Family Money Stories

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serious how does your family talk about money and what was the biggest incident adoptive father 65 years old stepmother / mistress 20 years old me 28 my husband 30 my husband and I have been married for almost four years and we have two children my adoptive parents divorced after my adoptive father knocked up his 19 year old mistress this would normally be really terrible but it's less so as my adoptive mother has early onset dementia and has been in a nursing home for two years she has since passed from the disease that will not be named my adoptive father married the woman I don't have negative feelings but the fact is she's untrustworthy she's an addict in recovery for only about eight months before getting pregnant less than two years sober total he was putting her through nursing school and they have a baby now the fact of the matter is that when he dies she will lose the apartment they live in he has no life insurance and there isn't an inheritance coming I know this because I have always had to handle all the financial and legal things for my parents she will be homeless in roughly three months she seems to believe that she and the baby will come live with my husband and I this is not happening she's extremely high risk for a relapse and has a long history of stealing from her own family which is why nobody is opening their doors to her she's never held a job and believe she shouldn't have to because she has a baby and we're family she cannot live here this conversation of what if has happened vaguely several times and she's still delusional I finally laid it out clearly and told her that her son always has a home with us and any homelessness he has is her own fault but that she does not she has been looking for sympathy from everyone that will listen some of them seem to agree with her but nobody has confronted me beyond vague illiterate posts that I've been sent to screen caps of so this is obviously a long story spanning our entire lives but I will try to condense it as best as I can players are me 30 female my sister 34 husband 39 niece and dad 80 my dad had cancer for the last decade despite my sister and him already living in the same apartment complex and my dad paying the entirety of her rent my husband and I were essentially forced to move across our city three months before our wedding because dad was starting chemo and needed extra help my next three years were devoted to caring for dad I lost two jobs due to the time I needed to take off to care for him and my sister continued to mooch and do absolutely nothing for hands I was the one expected to make medical decisions for him alone because he didn't trust my sister not to try and off him for his money dad is now finally at peace and against my better judgment I asked my sister to come by so she could say her goodbyes before they even came to take him from his apartment to the funeral home she was demanding that I open and read the will she insisted that dad had been paying for her to try to finally earned her bachelor's and she needed $2,000 this amount changed to $3,000 within 24 hours she started pointing at dad's belongings and said that she was claiming items she wanted after I finally read the will I'm the executor of the estate we learned that dad left everything to me except for creating a trust fund for my niece that my sister can't touch until her 21st my sister lost her mind and started demanding that I split what I got from him dad also left specific instructions to me and my husband to use what he had left to buy us a house pay off our debts and finally start a family and we really want to honor his last wishes but we wouldn't be able to if I split it with my sister obviously emotions are high and none of us are thinking right but am I wrong for respecting dad's wishes and making sure that we use what he left us for what he wanted it to be used for I mail but an expensive gaming computer last fall it's one of my most valued possessions basically I jump and saving up Christmas and birthday money I detasseled last summer I helped my uncle with his painting job and I watched my cousin's when they were out of school basically I busted myself to get this computer anyway my mom lost her job about a month ago and didn't have to pay April rent however our rent was due at the beginning of May and I guess she didn't have enough my older brother and I went camping last weekend and when I came back my computer was gone my mom played dumb for a while but she eventually admitted that she'd sold it when I suggested reporting it stolen I blew up and I told her she had no right to sell it I have other expensive things that I would have happily offered up for example I inherited some expensive old suits from my grandpa but he was a small man and I'm already too tall to use them my mom also has expensive jewelry and other items she could have sold but she went right for my computer when I confronted her she went off about how I spend too much time on it and it'll be good for me in the long term she said that I'll have time to actually make friends if I don't waste time playing games and she told me I just have to borrow her computer which is crap and has lots of viruses because she has no common sense online if I need to do homework am i wrong for going off I know I live here too and I should want to help keep the roof over our heads but I feel it wasn't right for her to sell my stuff behind my back I am 19 female have a little brother and living with my parents at the moment I'm still studying so I cannot pay rent yet but I do earn my own pocket money from part-time jobs my father's three brothers and their family came to our town for a vacation for three days over the weekend they have not met for years so it's their big gathering and they had been planning for a long time that plans seemed to have the members split into two groups the adults and the kids I had been arranging to join the kids group when I tried to protest they insists that I am a kid too so I just had to submit to my fate clearly they all just wanted a babysitter for their five kids ages 5 to 10 while they adults get out and enjoy their reunion so I spent the weekend babysitting a total of five kids that includes organizing games at home to entertain them bring them to Science Park and the likes for outings and foods and just overall watch over their safety and be an adult when needed to be honest it was quite fun though tiring when I sometimes had to raise my voice to make myself heard and drag the younger ones back when they stray too far I admit I'm not really babysitter material the kids seem to like me so I guess it went well too however I still would rather be hanging out with the other adults or just having my weekend to my own when my three uncle's families were leaving after the weekend they gave pocket money to each of the kids including my brother my father also gave pocket money to each of my cousins almost as expected there wasn't a share for me now I don't really care about the pocket money they are just a couple of notes I can easily earn in a few hours but I am rather annoyed for the fact that conveniently I was skipped for being an adult this time I put on the biggest smile and asked politely for pocket money from my uncles and aunt in-laws they were a little taken aback I said as sweetly as I could that I deserved pocket money too for being a kid they said so themselves in all awkwardness I got my pocket money needless to say my parents look like they had poops smeared across their faces I got the biggest crap from my parents after they left in their words I am a major idiot to have deliberately made my parents lose face and so on and so forth my husband and I got married and are treating his side of the family and my side to a one-week all-expense-paid vacation to Bora Bora as a pre family honeymoon before going off on our real one we were able to rent out half a side of the bungalows and only one villa was in that section my husband and I took the villa the bungalows are a 1,000 square feet one bedroom option of one king bed or two Queens one bathroom and outdoor space type of deal we made sure everyone was accommodated for and everyone had a comfortable living situation our villa is a 4,000 square feet one bedroom one bath including sauna living room a grand outdoor space with an outdoor bathtub pool and slide to get in the ocean we have not even made it a whole 24 hours here yet and a fight has already broken out during dinner my cousin mentioned wanting to come over and use our slide my grandparents what we were talking about and asked to see pictures of our room well they saw my Villa and demanded that we trade rooms with them as no elders should be made to slave and live as peasants while their grandchildren get a nicer room this is Bora Bora we're talking about no one is living as a peasant here there was only one Villa available in our section had I given it to my grandparents I think it would have been offensive to my husband's grandparents if there were three we would have given it to both grandparents and one for ourselves but unfortunately there wasn't I mentioned this and they still demanded the villa I obviously objected and said I felt as though my husband and I should have that room as this is a vacation with family to celebrate our marriage plus we paid for this entire trip wouldn't one just sit back and be grateful there on a free vacation instead of complaining my grandparents freaked out saying I'm holding money above their head and that I'm being disrespectful and not following their orders they stormed off after threatening to take the first flight out tomorrow morning and leaving I don't know what to do my side of the family is telling me to just give them the room to be respectful and bring peace to the family while my husband's side thinks my grandparents are crazy and I agree they are so ridiculous all I wanted was both sides of the family to get together and get to know each other and now it's falling apart I don't think I'm the idiot at all but I've been up all night thinking whether I should just squash it and invite my grandparents to stay in the villa in order for them to not leave but another part of me just wants to tell them to get lost for making my honeymoon about themselves just like they do with everything else so reddit what do I do will I be the idiot if I denied giving up my Villa update even though I really wanted to be Petty and tell them to fly off I decided it'd be better to kill them with kindness so they have little to work with if they decide to spin it around that I was disrespectful during breakfast my grandparents refused to show up if I was there everyone tried calling them nope we're not coming because disrespectful granddaughter is there after a lot of persuading and even having to send our baby cousin to their room to soften them up they finally decided to come I made the first conversation by asking if they looked at any flights to leave yet they could forward the pay stub to my cell they said they hadn't looked yet and that should be my job if I was kicking them out I made sure they knew I was not kicking them out but understood if they wanted to leave and offered to send some staff to their room to pack up their belongings so they could have a little more time to explore or get their complimentary in-room massage that comes with all the bungalows they kind of stopped eating and looked at each other in shock every time they threatened not to go anywhere my family has always babied them and begged them not to leave and offer money or extravagant gifts for them to stay well I'm not doing that I'll pay for their flight back home but I've already done enough accommodating on my honeymoon vacation so there you have it my grandparents weren't even planning to go home they tried scaring me into begging them to stay I called their bluff after breakfast I found a flight leaving around 5:00 p.m. and walked to the main desk to ask them to cancel reservations for that room for the rest of the trip and to send staff to help pack they also didn't get their complimentary massage because the resort only offers that on four night stays or longer staff came to help pack and they left half an hour ago I'm currently in my villa distressing before dinner and some uncle's came in who were married into family and confided in me that they were sick and tired of the entitlement my grandparents have had since day one and they were glad someone born into the family decided to speak up my cousin's came over and honestly couldn't care less my grandparents are gone in their words they killed the vibe so everyone's happy right now and is using my slide before cleaning up for dinner I'm happy I was able to stand up to my grandparents without being blatantly disrespectful when my grandpa passed 20 years ago he left two houses to his kids my mother and my uncle my grandpa didn't make a will so they both had a 50% share in each and were both entitled to using the houses in the same way one of these houses is a pretty huge chose that my cousins my uncle's kids and I spent our summers in and is the crown jewel of the inheritance my uncle had gotten divorced during that time too 20 years ago and that divorce left him in debt my mother tried to help him settle the debt at the time but we weren't too comfortable financially either so she couldn't as a result the debt piled on and kept increasing it wasn't pretty for my uncle and he probably fell into a pretty severe depression I'm only saying probably because it's undiagnosed divorced in debt and soon after his my cousin's stopped talking to him he was a broken man and sort of withdrew from all of us entirely the situation remained unchanged for the next 8 to 10 years at which point he started to slowly improve he was still massively in debt and was paying it incrementally but he started talking with his kids again he wanted nothing to do with the beach house however since he only had bad memories of it that of course didn't stop my cousins from using it as a vacation home 50% was their father's after all so from that point on my cousins and I all shared that house for our summer vacations generally without much problem it really is huge now I don't mean to brag but I've done quite alright for myself not all of it was through merit slash skill as I was fortunate enough to marry into a very wealthy family out of love not for the money my uncle was still in debt of course so I offered to buy his share of the beach house but only if it was enough to settle his debt as I said he wanted nothing to do with it so he was more than happy to sell we consulted a few real estate agents to get a feel for the market value of the house and we found out the whole thing would sell for 300% of my uncle's standing debt so half was a hundred and fifty percent of his debt he sold it to me and my wife for a hundred and thirty percent so now 50% of the beach house belongs to my mother who was okay with us buying and helping out her brother and 50% to me my cousins are absolutely furious they were against the sale from the start and urged their father not to sell but he was eager to get out of debt and the house meant nothing to him either way so now they focus their anger onto me and are saying I took advantage of my bankrupt uncle and cheated them out of the inheritance I never really liked my cousins so I've told them to get lost because I bought at a fair market price and if I really was taking advantage of their uncle then I'd have just bought at a hundred percent of his debt they're still complaining saying how I moved too quickly and I should have given them time to grow enough funds to help their father get out of debt on their own I have two kids a 30 year old daughter and a 20 year old son I remarried with my new wife after my old one cheated with me two times my new wife is my daughter stepmom and my son is the Bayeux child of my daughter stepmom me and my wife have been married for 25 years my daughter was just 5 years old when we split me and my wife have a great relationship no one cheated we both checked each other's phones and computer as no one ever needed to hide anything me and my wife had a great deal of trust so I plan to give all the property to my wife when I pass away my daughter however asks this morning what inheritance she was getting as I am pretty old I told her none my daughter yelled at me and then asked me what her brother is getting I told her he is not getting anything and that my wife is getting all the inheritance at this point my daughter started screaming at me saying she would love the house me and my wife lived in and said if I gave it all to my wife she won't get anything I told her not my fault that she might not get anything because she treated my wife garbage even all the way to adulthood my daughter told me that I was a piece of crap father and I was a garbage person so my fiance and I have a large wealth discrepancy my grandparents gave me and my sister a large amount of money when they died and I have a much higher paying job than him he works just as hard as me he just gets paid less the way our finances work right now is I pay for most of our day-to-day expenses but he gets me nice birthday and Christmas presents last Christmas he got me a really beautiful necklace that he wouldn't have been able to afford if I made him pay rent on the apartment so he contributes just as much as he normally would if he paid rent but this makes me feel better the rent doesn't suddenly cost more because he lives here I was paying it by myself anyway my parents pestered me and pestered me to explain to them how he was paying half the rent on our apartment with his job because he shouldn't get paid enough to afford it while also buying everything else he does I finally told them a few months ago that he doesn't pay the rent they basically had a meltdown over it and told me to break up with him don't go through with the wedding etc I called them over mother's day and they spent the whole time asking if I had started making my fiance pay rent I finally got sick of it and told them now to butt out and if they kept pestering me about our personal finances that they shouldn't come to the wedding they had another meltdown and said that I was horrible for even bringing up the possibility that I wouldn't invite them to the wedding was that threat too far my mom called me crying today apologizing and basically groveling to come and now I feel like crap my uncle recently died and when we went to discuss the will he left a majority of his belongings to me I know what you're thinking why would he leave it to me he never got married and never had children but me and him were practically best friends what he did have though was a girlfriend my uncle's girlfriend obviously didn't love him and was using him for money the two of them had a 30 year age gap and she had given birth to another man's children twins while in a relationship with him my uncle did love the twins dearly so he left them a trust fund the details about that are unknown anyways my uncle left me a large sum of money and his girlfriend is angry that I am not giving it to her since she was his partner my uncle also left his house and the majority of his belongings to me due to his age he updated his will frequently so if he wanted to leave his money to her he would have my mother is okay with this because his girlfriend was never respectful to the rest of the family not even my grandmother so it's not like she would have lasted long I understand that the children are innocent so I plan on giving her some money but she wants everything including the house okay so would I be the idiot for accepting the money [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 140,425
Rating: 4.7595248 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, reddit family, reddit mistress, reddit money, reddit inheritance, reddit cheating, reddit marriage, reddit divorce, reddit break up, reddit pregnant, reddit family money, money ruins family
Id: PqW405lxoGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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