Dad Reacts to JPEGMAFIA - LP! (full episode)

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name is Connor I'm here with my father Kevin and today we are covering an artist that uh I like a lot and you seem to really like a lot you haven't heard too much of his uh discography other than veteran and scaring but you uh you seem to really like uh jpeg Mafia as as a as a person as a person and I also highly respect him for what he does on that SP machine he's not using it anymore but Matt to work out of that machine you got to be talented and you've been uh really into some of the stuff that he samples uh you really like some of his influences uh he's talked about it was it in the the nard War interview the nard War interview in Malibu he talked about uh skinny puppy and uh I have very close friend who uh met Bill leeb who was skinny puppy they became really good friends they moved into um a starting Frontline assembly uh Reese went went on his your buddy Rees ree fulber the producer he went on to create um conjure one and delium and if you haven't seen them uh anyways so I spoke to him uh recently and I said I can't find a vinyl he's on tour in the United States now he's in Europe uh a few days later something comes in and in the mail yeah in the mail and it is it is uh conjure one's uh it's called C1 he calls it C1 conjure one's first album it has uh it has uh great songs that I actually grew up listening to because you were friends with Reese and you played this in the house um so I actually you know have some history with uh with a little a little bit of what jpeg Mafia listened to I know I don't know if he listened to conjure one but skinny puppy yeah skinny puppy and uh I just thought the connection was really cool cool yeah I think it's such a really cool connection this was tears from the moon was recorded um tears from the Moon let me get that straight was recorded uh and I believe Reese was in LA at the time and sheno Connor was in Ireland and they used the probably talked about it before but they used a satellite yeah to record to record it in real time which was [ __ ] amazing man technology is crazy right well that and what year is this from do you know this one is uh 2002 mhm covers can I see it yeah the covers um very cool and I just want to say is it's uh this is the 45 RPM heavyweight 180 g sand colored vinyl it's heavy I actually put it up against some other that's one record oh that's just one in there it's not a oh no it's a gate fold I think is it a gate fold yeah it's a gate fold but uh you're saying there's only no may there's two okay that makes sense yeah it's a cuz I'm like that thing's heavy no yeah there's two um with cuz it has three bonus tracks on here okay um and oh cool got's name there Reese fulber but uh really cool album artwork if I can it's very shiny yeah yeah uh but there we go anyway I haven't opened it yet I was waiting it just arrived so I know we got to listen to it um together yeah but uh yeah jpeg Mafia this is his third no it's technically fourth I always think veteran is uh his debut but I know he had a project before that he's he's had mixtapes this is one of his projects that came out about two years ago I think I think it's 2021 um I am very familiar with the first five or six tracks uh and then I kind of just haven't gone back to it I did a full listen when it came out uh and I I really go back to the the F first five tracks love them all yeah the other tracks I just haven't gone back to as much but um I did do a relisten the other day while I was walking uh I went for a walk listened to it front to back uh so I'm more familiar with the uh the first half of the uh but I with the second half not as much we are doing the offline version cuz I know everybody would be mad if we did the uh the online version which I understandably why like why they would be mad it's uh not what he intended he put it out uh and it was like didn't have the samples cleared and certain songs didn't make it this is a different version it's a little longer um some songs made it that uh yeah he couldn't clear the sample for I think I we I was telling you about it uh on our teaw walk it was a was it Anita Baker I think yes there's Anita Baker sample that wasn't cleared uh till later so this is the version that he envisioned it to be nice nice so so what happens when the the sample is not cleared it doesn't go or he fills it with something else uh well for the song I'm I'm referencing that one just he just wiped it off like put on the album other times artists will you know have to just get rid of the sample yeah we look at a record like faces Mac Miller uh when his family got it onto streaming there was one sample that they had to not they couldn't use it so they had to kind of recreate a similar sound of what yeah of what it sounded like I think that was for Diablo the song Diablo um huh interesting he yeah this is what he wants us to hear this is the one that is that is supposed to be this is the one that we Spotify just went down recently like literally 10 minutes ago it wasn't loading and then I checked Twitter and everyone's like yeah or Spotify my my Spotify is down so I said [ __ ] but we were like it's a sign that we're doing the right album today because he has it on band camp and you can pay pay you want so I went and downloaded it um and then by the time I was getting it set up uh through Apple I I don't like using the the MacBook for listening to music it's kind of weird looking um but by the time I was done setting it up Spotify was back online so we uh we have it the way he intended yeah you know I I just want to throw something else here while we're talking here is like last night I went for a good walk with my good friend bass player Grant and we were he he was over for a jam a while ago and I showed him Harry Mack the the hip-hop the guy the freestyler so he's infatuated with him now he's like he's watched every video he can't he can't figure out how he it comes off the his Dome and just Fu and he starts spitting stuff right so he's like well what do you like and it was it was this was the first real interaction I had talking about hip-hop talking about hip-hop from my point of view from how you started the journey with me right with one of your older friends one of my older friends and it was really [ __ ] wild because I was spitting some good stuff out man it was like I was saying like people just that don't because I played him what I played him was surround sound right by j j j yeah I'm like you check out this like so we're walking I crank it up and I play I just listen to this like and he's like ah I just don't get it like I said I said are you like what what do you get out of of of of um him Mac or not Mac the guy the freyle yeah yeah what do you get out of him that you don't get out of this right now he goes well it's just he's just off the Dome sort of and people throw words at him and it's just that live creative thing I then I was like okay this is what you need to do you need to start with an artist right which I would probably like to do for him right yeah start with an artist and and I started to explain how many different styles of hip-hop there are we're about to go into one of the weirder ones today yes but there's so many it's such a you can't go and he's like I can't believe that you he goes you're so into this like you listen I I listen to it I drive I [ __ ] all day you fall asleep to it I fall asleep I listen to hip-hop I I I wouldn't have he goes oh man I find it so hard like there's no Melodies I go but I'm trying to explain to him too it's a different feeling you have to understand when you get into the into hip-hop you get a different feeling in your body than rock music it's it's a it's a [ __ ] it's a well that no but but even then there's there's different types of hip-hop some hip-hop makes you want to do that other other sides of hip-hop make you feel there's like a infinite amount of feelings you get you know I I get a totally different feeling listening to a Kendrick record than I do a Metro boomman record but there's still placed in the same genre for most people you know you think about it in the same way um I think the best way to introduce somebody like say your buddy for example get him into hip-hop is is yeah pick an artist yeah that you think he would resonate with or he would appreciate you know style so if he's like a jazz player I'm uh you know what I'm starting with with with Grant to pimp waterfly pimp butterfly I was going to say you go with the pimpa butterfly and uh I think from there then you Branch out and then you know before you know it look two years later you're like [ __ ] listening to Death Grips jpeg Mafia uh uh whatever Metro booming Travis all on your own time I know I got to say I I I I Pat myself on the back sometimes because it was like I was spitting last night I was I keep saying spitting because I that's that's my new word right yeah I was saying um uh all these artists like it just right off the top of my Dome I'm like oh my God J Peg and and uh Death Grips and Danny Brown and Freddy Gibbs and J jid and like nameing all these and I'm like [ __ ] I know them now yeah you know so many I know so many I Tyler Earl Frank Frank you could just keep Kanye yeah like all these artists it's uh it's a crazy Journey you've been on and I'm excited to keep going track number one trust you thinking of me [Music] nice yeah these hes canot I won't even try to I won't even lie I'm looking good I even feel I'm feeling nice I'm looking good today I bought a new suit I'm about to go to work praise God I feel like celebrating I ain't been [ __ ] up yeah I've been [ __ ] over still going hard I feel like [Music] this is [ __ ] great already man [Music] wow nigas I won't even try I even lie I'm looking good I even Wicked vocals is wild I don't even F I'm feeling nice he gives me he gave me shivers on nice eh yeah I'm feeling [Music] nice okay I don't think he was using the SP on this thing no I [Music] yeah this sounds fly like a [Music] Daw is this the feel of the album yeah [ __ ] great these can I wouldn't even try even if I did I would't put it in no R I ain't chasing plaques I ain't even running baby I'm a soldier I get medals when I'm gunning they looking like pgy let's see some receipts everything I say I do going get I don't talk trash I don't say nothing I just speak facts [ __ ] be bluffing I won't even lie I'm looking good I won't even Fe I'm feeling nice trust wow that was that was great way to kick off the that was a lot different from vet vetan for sure yeah it has a different mix and just where his vocals sit and everything wow yeah you can and his his throat is deep in there it sounds good when you just hit it on the head what did I just say about five minutes ago before before he filmed yeah before we was filmed and I was making a cup of tea I said [ __ ] do I feel good today yeah yeah and that's the song to F I'm reading the lyrics like I'm feeling good I'm looking fresh I got a new suit go to work and praise God no was like [ __ ] walking down the street and it's sunny I know I've played that song CU it's short it's like 2 minutes but I've played it like probably [ __ ] I'll go for a walk and I'll play it like six times in a row I'll just be smiling like walking I'm not wearing a suit great great production Peggy yeah really really good I was thinking we might come into this and have a bit of grime and dirt there there's some later on but uh just I love the way he starts record off beautiful beautiful the clarity was just unmatched man it was so clear and then the the deep and stuff and going in there yeah right yeah no it sweet all right we'll keep going uh track two dirty got it yeah so [Music] I withone [Music] Dirty Money I'mma make [Music] youke [Music] itar just talking about [ __ ] the other day his M's cool s big and fat twins pull it out s and [Music] iig yeah little [Music] Skippy get [Music] get [Music] look at these [ __ ] my teeth how they spit [Music] so we ass rhym we ass [Music] old I love the clap the [Music] Dr even you got to try my sh [Music] on look at that lowy there was that it yeah yeah that was it there's a little bit of sound at the end but then it goes into the next track um yeah the short the tracks are short the shorts are tracks the shorts are tracks no the tracks are short uh but sweet and they've got real great production you know what I like about that is because it it it is short and sweet and it's [ __ ] done really good easy to digest too very easy to digest and if it went on anymore it'd be like again he knows how to keep it concise right and get his point across right um there was dirt in there like that that's what I'm saying it was it was a little more dirty title's dirty but a little more dirt than uh the first track for sure um you can hear the influences that he's talked about uh right away for sure yeah you know what I I even heard some uh I heard a Clank in there like an industrial Clank that reminded me of uh um people are people now what do you see depes mode oh yeah like just yeah depes mode 9 in nail skinny puppy [ __ ] I think that's great artist like that mix with hip-hop is is such a a unique yes path that he's carved and and he kind of talks about it a little bit on this track just about like his you know own just yeah what he's done you know how people are uh like he talks about on this record and in other songs as well like just how he's paved his own way yeah has anybody else it's like okay I know we talk about the big guys right in terms of like JPEG and Danny and all that and all but is there somebody else copying him is there well I'm sure there's there's smaller artists for sure that have like kind of adapted and and and felt or used influence from not copy copy but yeah gotten influence from his uh his style yeah um but uh not many that I know of at least not in the mainstream I'd say I'd say jpeg is probably one of the the more you know well-known yeah uh out of the you know kind of experimental underground hip-hop scene there's a lot of artists a lot of great artists too uh but he's yeah definitely one of the ones that kind of rose up high in terms of uh just from like popularity I don't want to say popularity because the the numbers are still you know they're nothing like they're no Drake numbers we just did Drake two days ago like's he's not pulling in Drake numbers but his name you bring him up in a conversation with a c like someone that's relatively into hip-hop and they'll know who he is who he is yeah yeah yeah you know I found trust to be um and I'm going back a while but I found trust uh to open the album was like hacker closer for yeah for death grip because I found hacker would to be the to be the most sort of like structured more poppy on that album yeah on the money store yeah and so this here this opening with trust it it was very similar to that yeah and then we've eased into the second track it's a little bit dirtier right so we sort of going backwards for me there there's a lot of variation you'll see us as we get into it we'll go to the next uh track it's called Nemo like the fish like the fish yes I like Nemo I do too it's a good good F yeah I I didn't watch the other one Finding Dory you know what I I didn't even have you know why I'll tell you quick here I don't like going backwards no you don't like prequels I don't pre I can't stand prequels I watched Monsters University I'm like they should have went forward yeah yeah I don't know why they didn't go forward with Monsters Inc like there there's so so much you could have done that could that could have been a Trilogy easily Toy Story was great um I haven't seen the fourth one I don't know if that's good I don't uh I I don't have no interest tail off after a while The Incredibles they did it [ __ ] way too late if they would have came out like maybe a couple years after uh but it was like 40 years right yeah something ridiculous yeah like in 15 years or something um what are some other ones that they've like gone back on uh there's a good amount Nemo was they've never done cars cars just weird the trilogy there's oh I've I only saw the one I've never gone anywhere else yeah apparently I haven't watched the other two but apparently the second one is like completely unrelated it's like about a spot it's like a spy movie is it really yeah with cars and then the third one is apparently okay I saw sorry I saw that last night on um on Tik Tok I was watching a re and I'm like okay what is this guy anyways he's the comedian I I should have his name on my head his comedian guy big southern guy with a hat on and anyways he was a he traveled around you'd know his name if I said him right anyways he got a call from his agent to do U this Pixar movie and they said check your fax machine so he went and checked his fax machine it was from John Lasser I guess it is and it was like hey we want you to play this character this tow truck that's the tow truck guy in Cars Mater yeah yeah yeah what's his name I should know who who it is yeah he's anyway so watching him in the interview and he started [ __ ] balling and I I he was emotional about the he was so emotional about the role he went in and tested with John John gave him the what to say so he went and he started spewing what he said he goes yeah blah blah and he did it with the southern draw and stuff like that like Mater has and then he didn't hear from like seven months and he's like [ __ ] I didn't get the party talk to his agent he goes what happened he goes oh no they're rewriting the whole film now because they want Mater to have a bigger part really wow yeah because of that impact that he had on that's crazy but he was crying and watching this grown man comedian guy goes you don't understand it's like it's Pixar calling you yeah and they give you the job like yeah no that's crazy though they I didn't know they had to rewrite stuff for him they similar to uh Breaking Bad with uh Aaron Paul's character Jesse did uh he was supposed to be killed off in the first season really but they loved the chemistry he had no pun intended chemistry he had um with uh what's his name what's uh Brian Cranston Brian Cranston uh together they were like this we can't like we can't kill got and he made it to the end and then he had a he was in the spin-off series as well he made an appearance he uh had his own movie uh uh kind of paring into Breaking Bad like he was probably the most important character by the end of the show wow that's amazing for the writers to see that they were like you know what we got something something's Brewing here we got well that's the thing with TV and and lots of different kind of artist as things evolve over time and and I know we're going a little bit of a rant here you know I'll sum it up quick yeah um mistake with How I Met Your Mother Tv show uh mostly familiar with it they wrote the ending uh in season two because they didn't want the kids that he's telling his kids the stories to to be older like okay if this Show's going to go on for 10 Seasons or nine Seasons yeah um the kids are going to be [ __ ] old so we got to record the ending now yeah so but then so the ending made sense if it happened in season 2 but by the time they got to season 9 all the characters have evolved there's new story lines things make more sense with other people better chemistry with different characters uh but then in the last episode they like how do we get back to the season 2 finale or season two ending so they had to [ __ ] just rush one episode and basically rewrite the whole story to get back to that and everyone was pissed about it um but uh so it's just yeah how things evolve in in TV and movies how did I get here Nemo oh Nemo okay sorry okay here we go we we literally we went full circle we went on a long rant uh but I'll cut that out for YouTube we landed we landed back at Nemo yeah we're back at Nemo track three Nemo you think you're num [Music] me downtown shoty your ass out only set [ __ ] up back down black around with that every time I look down I'm clean yeah got it on me big BBS and wrist slap see [ __ ] trying to Doge all this new tech [ __ ] your [ __ ] like I'm [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] my just that's SP [ __ ] what you going keep pushing your luck if I a for your head better hope nice [ __ ] that [ __ ] like I'm back for no Fu gotop in a jaw [ __ ] I'm choking on the song nice [Music] S I love the down [Music] mhm [ __ ] like I'm going to war [ __ ] that [ __ ] I I'm back from the me baby you know that he boring I feel like AI I'm just huh I can afford it in the ocean like [Music] nasty [Music] do you hear feed or is it here yeah I heard someone walk oh feet I thought somebody I thought it sounded like somebody was on the keys and then in the studio and someone's walking up no I wouldn't be surprised though cuz he's uh he's always throwing in cool sounds and [ __ ] uh another like solid track that's just like it's you can't not appreciate what he's doing because it's just so so unique and like him like I'm just picturing him programming that that ending piece there yeah like all the the snare or not snares the the high hat they weren't I don't think they were high hat whatever they were um the they were so I was trying to catch like a melody to them but there really wasn't they were just all over the place but you know what it's it's it's done in a way that it's not irritating yeah like it's and I I was just going to say these are like for me that like a song like that it's like again I'm going to go back to digestion right it's so easy to digest because it's done in such a concise way 2 minutes what that [ __ ] 212 215 207 207 two minutes and it I I look at it like this I look at it like a short performance piece MH you're going up on stage somewhere and somebody just comes up and they do a quick a quick yes they come up and they just and then you have the next person coming up and it's it's it's nice that it's done that way if that song went like quick click slam poetry like someone comes up does does their thing and then they're off and the next person's up yes and you for that 2 minutes and 7 Seconds you're [ __ ] totally invested you're totally invested and you're watching you're like wow and then you you've got a little bit of a break and next person comes on that's how it feels it just feels really really good and I think that if you push this to [ __ ] 325 or yeah or something longer yeah [ __ ] it's getting there a thing that I I don't know you know I don't think jpeg is watching and and so it's up to the viewers to let me know if you guys feel the same way but I think a record uh I don't know if I don't there might have been records before this uh but to me I think mad villain had a huge impact on the way certain records like this are formed that are like you know 20 tracks long but all the tracks are short very short um because you look at mad villain it's so similar I think it's 22 tracks and uh they're all short but they're they feel like you know one person coming up performing something and you're on to the next thing and they're they're all you know kind of all over the place but they fit together in a way similar to this record you know everything fits together but it's each track as its own thing but you kind of have to listen to it all together you know it's interesting you're you know what you're banging on and I'm not going to I'm not going to [ __ ] on the on all for all the dogs but for all the dogs was over hour and what it was hour and 20 something an hour and 20 something and I think I think that the this album is so much easier to take on because of the well I don't know I'm saying this [ __ ] couple songs in four TR three tracks in three tracks in I'm might go [ __ ] this is tiring but it's um because of that small those small things yeah I'm going to say eating okay okay we'll go to eating you eating I've been to lots of Asian Chinese restaurants growing up uh with families and what we did it was probably 3 hours of eating yeah you spend a long time but you take your time one dish at a time one one one frean slip you take it one dick was this in the back kitchen room like behind the restaurant you guys would do this this is out a rubbing tug holy [ __ ] no they bring green beans yeah they start with your green beans and we get green beans and we all share them and we had a drink whatever you wait for the next dish then we then they brought hot claws for us to clean your hands clean our hands and then we sit there and we walk we or chat and walk yeah you guys go in the kitchen using walk no and then the next one and the next one they were all small little meals and we really never got full we never got tired of it right this is this working here or I just [ __ ] [ __ ] in the bed no and you're right uh it's specifically on the Never Getting full part because that is the stereotype with Chinese food is you're hungry like [ __ ] 10 minutes later I I don't know why that is but the way we ate at the round table and then you just brought the food and it was just nice and it it just it worked right when you have a really long you have these long songs and long albums it's like eating a lot and you're sloughing your way through and you're starting to get tired because you're like [ __ ] I'm full but there's more there more yeah oh [ __ ] I I can't have any more man I'm getting tired by this so it's like it's like anyways let's let's get comparison no was it a good food analogy I lik it uh next one is and credits are it's track four at the end um you won't get this reference but I saw somebody tweet they said this song like fits in like a old school Call of Duty sniper montage and I was like as soon as I heard that I can't get that out of my head it doesn't mean anything to you cuz you don't know what I'm talking about so yeah but but you know I I'm quickly very quickly I'm not going to over talk you that you brought Connor brought me to a strip club last night yeah I was playing GTA for fun I got I really downloaded GTA I'm redoing the story mode so but but but he brought me to a strip club and we went in a private Lop dance and then he told me that my wife brought him to Best Buy to get this game when you were what 12 12 years old yeah because I couldn't buy it without Mom yeah Mom had to buy it for me I was not even going I was too busy doing life in that I wasn't going into strip clubs but you were actually in the bedroom virtual strip clubs virtual strip yeah like yeah and and it looked fairly decent yeah yeah the graphics aren't bad yeah yeah I was blowing a lot of money um anyway track four and credits you pull up to a red light right a man jerks your door open says out of the car I'm taking your car you say okay take it just don't hurt me you know what I do I pull out the Glock put it on his and his all over the walking great look at this SC on your and I only is the of in the this Myer L to [Music] a I love you why would I show you my hand I put on the show I was on the who these never a you ain't do sh [Music] I [ __ ] great that's cool I like where he sits in the mix tocal yeah like he's off in the [Music] distance [ __ ] I dig the mixture of that the guitar sample if you sampling it and then and then just everything going going on there that was too short yeah they talking about Chinese meals and stuff like that that that I would like this should have been a large plate of like yeah that was like that was like two uh like uh shmp dumplings yes I a full Chow on that that got me guitar solo in there or something that got my blood going you know what's crazy is that I know that he was he's a he's a veteran and this song here would be and I'm I'm not I'm not saying that I'd ever I would ever make uh just with all my problems in my life but I would never make being in the military right with my physical issues right but I could see this being one of those songs where you'd have to go like I would listen to um just to cuz you know you're going into bad territories and [ __ ] and you have to get that adrenaline you can't listen to you can't listen well or you go the other way listen to really Calm stuff that's true yeah yeah yeah I think that's probably a better approach yeah you know what you're right yeah you don't want to be [ __ ] it's all [ __ ] [ __ ] you want to be calm and see I would have been killed seriously this why you're not in the military yeah I'm running out in the field like this he's gone um no cool track I do wish it was longer but you know that's a thing it's like small little no that it's great man I I I love that I love that they're short track five Hazard duty pay one thing I know about this Anita Baker is my love love making music Anita Baker you think you know [Music] me oh God I'm going to the fear of the Nightfall darkness comes and [Applause] covers see how deeper she is yeah so [Music] cool for this P of my art on my heart don't pick up being for this part if wasn't [Music] my I would have never thought that sample would underneath repl them now I see my DNA all in beat up smoke [Music] my my pride you be gim with turn SP be you I do it right who did it you you [Music] tiet when [Music] I this is like completely organized chaos it's a great way to describe it [Music] yeah that that growl with the sample right here [Music] sometimes we feel [Music] [Applause] pain there's that [ __ ] growel there the growel that was that is my favorite track so far yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah you know you you listen to the sample and you think how this how is someone going to do something over top of this and he layers it underneath there and that hook he's doing his flow and he's [ __ ] he's [ __ ] spitting going and going and then you sometimes it's still going it's not like muffled in the back or like how you would assume it would be you know or like uh like like pitch down and then you know hidden and then wrapping over top no it was right up with him time and I got to say another thing that was very very interesting to me is that I love the where the position of his vocals and the reason I like the position of his vocals it forces me as the listener to really stay in tune if I didn't have this boom right I'm he's in there and I'm really forcing myself to really listen to what he's saying yeah he doesn't let you sit back and just relax no no yeah and I have to fight for it yeah right it's like it's um no food analogies but um you have to really really concentrate on the on on him when he's singing being I was just I found myself just going like okay I'm listening to you I'm reading but if I wasn't didn't have the lyrics I would just be going I'm fighting closing your eyes and fighting to to keep up and listen and to listen to him yeah cuz there's and like I said organized chaos that's exactly man like it it's it's like it's that should be the title of his next record organized chaos well it's you know what it's like it's it would be like people running right and all this [ __ ] happening but everybody knows where they're going it reminds me sometimes when you I think you've showed me some videos of like India or or countries where um people are going down the street like there's no rules yeah there's there's some wild driving going on there like this but it's somehow working okay yeah like we don't see them where they're getting squashed but there's Mo mopeds with six people on their head and all that kind of [ __ ] it's going like this and it and you know what it's flowing and it's working right to me it reminds me uh if I go I've done this many times in video games where I'll be like you know what [ __ ] it I I'm after after this uh I'm just going to close the game and go out so I'm just going to go do whatever uh like I'm not going to care about uh you know if I die early and then so I'll rush in somewhere and for some reason you know everything will be working out I'll be I'll be I'll shooting a guy over here and then I'll duck and I'll miss guy and I'll shoot things and I'm going through this thing and I'm like oh [ __ ] it nothing's happening like there's chaos there's bombs but nothing's hitting me and I'm like holy [ __ ] how did this work out uh it's cuz maybe it's cuz I go in there with no stress yeah like no I'm like after this I'm done I'm going to leave so then I end up being okay which brings us back to the meditation and the war so if you're going into the war with uh uh [ __ ] being all jacked up on whatever you know what I I'm really curious to to to to hear uh and read about soldiers because I you brought up a good point I like I would listen to Judas Priest or or something heavy something to get you you might want to just go as calm as possible like listen to like Buddhist chants and [ __ ] and really work on your breathing and [ __ ] cuz you're really you have to be aware like yeah I wouldn't want it cuz you're yeah you know what you're so right you might want to be totally quiet like mow in your soul and your Vibe and all that kind of [ __ ] right yeah that's what I would assume I I don't know I I haven't read anything any military books I'm not in the military um but I'm just assuming uh anyway track six God don't like ugly okay what me hey no that's really he's just being uh blunt about it yeah God don't like ugly track six God don't like [Music] ugly put y can keep that dick riding I don't need that cuz real [ __ ] only you when they see checks these days the bar soow for wish [ __ ] had to stop sharing I'm so you off your ass like white be who they think SC hate don't like what I be sharing steady bump [ __ ] who don't what they bearing it's aent [ __ ] got by your parents like sharing cut season off as soon as you get Toon God don't like ugly and just look how you appearing [ __ ] you [ __ ] all Blue Notes no Melvin look I get it y'all need an image I don't care about talent I know that you want admit it but you love my styling got a clip at one of my shows you see me free and Wild [Music] beitch [Music] assess oh my God okay very short track like a minute and 20 yeah if if the previous track Hazard duty pay was where okay I'm just got to have to say that God don't like ugly would be like an an acid trip on an empty stomach because I it was like it happened and then I was just I was literally [ __ ] lost like and then yeah gone and now we're back to reality yes yes exactly I do like uh the topics he covers on there like this one is more of a so fast yeah it's it's less focused on the instrumental though whereas I feel like Hazard duty pay was very like you know really you were getting into the the sample the drums the bass all that and his vocals this was more the the instrumental took a backseat for this I felt it was more lyrically focused yeah yeah um I love the line I'm a young Frank Zappa you all you all sah pal that's I thought that was a great line here um but yeah short track we'll go to the next one just so we uh you know we don't want to spend too much time on all the on the shorter ones okay um what kind of rapping is this you got it Y what is this seven yeah track seven what kind of rapping is this I think this is a is it you have lyrics for this yeah oh why I no I don't know there's one that's instrumental on here I don't think it's this one then starts with wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist I'm not sure how he's going to do that can I guess wrist wrist wrist no okay I I remember this one wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist wrist ice ice [ __ ] look at this [Music] [ __ ] is this going to be one of those moments that I get [ __ ] ball knocked possibly I I don't remember this track completely pretty meditative right [Music] now [Applause] okay it's always different it's always [ __ ] weird looking at the lyrics first yeah nice ah so [Music] nice [Music] [ __ ] I love it holy [Music] [ __ ] what kind of weapon is [Music] this this is fire ass man this is at that rolls oh he took it away this anding a hit he car I Carri C like what kind of is this I prit him for a sound like please don't deliver me now weak man always got so much issue with me it just happens it's B little [ __ ] been rapping like [Music] [Music] this great bot in [ __ ] I love when they growl he you going to bring [Music] back there we [Music] go yeah as soon as the this came in this part I remember cuz those tracks split up into different parts this that it yeah oh [ __ ] my ass that was so good that was really yeah one of one of my favorites uh for the drums on there I I absolutely love the drum mix and then I love how it great produ it's got this great uh drum pattern going on and then I'm you know you're already like [ __ ] this is great he just says [ __ ] it I'll do another one and he brings in a totally different one and it's uh you know yeah and the way it starts I like I said I haven't gone back to this record uh you know much since it came out other than the first first like you know few tracks I have in playlist and stuff yeah but uh as soon as it came back on uh I was I was a little confused in the beginning uh cuz it was you know that was syns and stuff as soon as those the the sample came in I was like oh yeah [ __ ] really really really [ __ ] great drums you know to take a chance on um I've said this before in in uh I think I said in veteran it's like is taking a chance and and doing these things is the real real real artist and and I'm not dissing other people but when you know there's a there's a safety zone and you can stay safe yeah just stick with this let's well this is good we're doing good no no CH it up [ __ ] change it well some some of my favorite records take extreme risks and then I just you know become addicted to them I think every record up here I put uh you know has taken a risk uh yeah even the Eminem One I'd say yeah um so it's one of my favorite things in in music especially when it's an artist I mean jpeg you go into his projects at this point expecting yeah this kind of style but I love when an artist who is relatively just kind of sticks to their guns and and doesn't take too many risks eventually does take a risk risk and then you really notice it yeah you're like who what was that it was crazy right that's one thing with jpeg is sometimes you might you know hear people uh just you know not I don't want to say underappreciate him but um he's just so good at his craft that yeah you forget sometimes that like you know how how great it is and how [ __ ] hard it is to construct that yeah yeah like to really construct that see you know what's freaking me out now is that I figured that we would start off with trust and that would be sort of the the sonic element of what was this album was doing right totally different right yeah um but it didn't go there yeah and it was like there's elements of that first track I mean with some vocal parts and stuff yeah but you know the clarity was the thing for me like that that was like wow what's where what direction is he going but you know what he's he's he's stuck to his guns of where he's where he places his vocals and stuff like that right I think the the I don't know maybe we'll get we got how many more tracks we got to go uh we got like 12 tracks left 12 tracks W yeah we're almost half we're almost bu balls we'll just keep going okay um thoughts prayer just next one okay Track eight thoughts [Music] prayer good inside you know all that green baby like like to hold that hold it up play with it a little bit you know nice Great Sound see to me those don't sound like samples those sound like he's playing I I don't think those are samples my Lon is [Music] meide I still my l it's killing me inside best I still [Music] when [ __ ] little things man those hand claps yeah at just a couple of [Music] times for the resolution color the size of I a't relaxed yet taking a break from I'm ging is that talking down we looking right at thatg myig you thirsty are you L are you dumb [ __ ] where youan Diego in you li to the Lord you li these your man got the two piece cuz you'll get the M don't stop lying I get stuck in the P the crying then remember my P it's rhy h it doesn't get better I like this TR man this is a good album man [Music] mind baby [Music] I think I want to talk to him just have a chat I just want to have a chat I I'll bring it up after this [Music] but that sample with that that that real Soul high and it's just throwing in a little B throw in is really great [Music] this [ __ ] gives me I've got Shivers up my back it's it's so it's so artistic [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [ __ ] great wow that was that was a piece of artwork yeah really really good I got to just going to throw this question out and and and and Peggy if you're watching this I want to know if when you're creating and you're going do you first and I have a little bit of a uh a musical um I don't know if it's if it's it's I got a little bit of a musical thing that happens when I'm trying to write and I'll come up with I'll do something very very quick yeah and then I'll I won't go that direction right MH I think I think what comes in his brain yeah at the first shot he puts down and he just goes with it and goes with it like and I don't mean that in a bad way he not I I think it's a natural thing those three claps in there that happened didn't happen again ever it happened it was over here and then one over here in the left ear those are instinctual things that just happen when you're making music and you go oh [ __ ] you feel it I need a clap here yes and and but you hear it and you're making the music going like and you hear that like he's he's obviously super rhythmic so he's hearing these snaps and stuff like that and I think he's one of the people that just goes I'm putting it down it's going to be there because he doesn't repeat it and not not overthinking it not ex which is what you tend to do with your music I'll overthink it for hours then I'll go it should maybe should I have four claps should I have three claps should I even have claps yeah and should I keep those claps consistent but he only put a couple of claps in there and it's just like yeah really really really smart artwork and you know what and I'm not dissing other people who because there's every different style of music right but I put this in like in in like uh in into like [ __ ] artwork like I look at I I look at Picasso and that kind of stuff and I said I've said this before I guarantee it is that I look at it in like abstract art and I'm I get amazed that like and you go oh I could do that easily right when people say that yeah yeah easily like I [ __ ] I could just slap that [ __ ] up well try it cuz I've tried it and it doesn't work right I've tried it musically I've tried it on paint and it I'm sure there's people that listen to jpeg uh that hear it and and they're like oh [ __ ] man he's just throwing together random [ __ ] like anyone could do that fuing just open up a a DAW and just throw in the sample with some drums and claps and then boom and make it some Distortion and you got a song there you go it's easy but no [ __ ] it try doing it TR I [ __ ] I try every night not you I'm talking to the people that complain yeah to the people that say like oh what he you know if I've seen people say it's like you know it feels uh like just put together quick and it's anyone can do this kind of style no no it's it's thought out meticulously and it's yeah like but but I'm not saying that that those little claps and that that are not thought they're I think they're felt yeah they're felt and he just has that Natural Instinct in them and then they're then they're acted on yeah so it's like you know you're sitting there going I'm going to so and yeah and then you add that in there because you hear that in your head yes right as as an artist you hear the claps you hear the horns and you go maybe it's a trumpet here right so he acts on it I think he does anyways I'll if we ever get to chat to him right if you're ever if he's ever in Vancouver yeah and he wants to sit down maybe you know with uh some other people like maybe us yeah well last time he was not last time was here I don't know when he was here last but I was supposed to see him live uh he was opening up for injury Reserve oh okay uh but he was sick so it was uh it was sad cuz the injury reserve concert was amazing yeah uh those guys uh were they put on a one hell of a show and jpeg uh opening would have been crazy yeah uh this was I don't know what year this was what venue I'm just curious uh Fortune wow yeah it was small it was that's tiny it's like this size yeah I've got I've got a video I I took a picture with grogs and uh you know sadly he passed away uh he was such a sweet guy like cuz he was right you know how fortunate is the state you can just walk right there and people left after the show and there's a few people talking and I got to chat with him just uh this is when I was doing some producing stuff like I was trying to get into music myself I was with my buddy Erton at the show yeah and uh I just chat with grogs um and I was asked for a picture and then I asked him about the I I was I was a kind of probably an annoying fan but they they they probably are used to that I was like y you guys got anything cool coming out you're working on anything and he was just like excited to talk about music and he he was just such a cool guy and uh yeah man that that that law still still hurts um because that group I know I've shown you a couple songs but they I haven't really shown you deep into their discography if we start at their the beginning and go to their last record yeah it's it's a journey and a half and uh sadly JP was sick that day I think he had I don't know there was some reason he couldn't perform he rescheduled for Vancouver uh for a solo show and the tickets were sold out and I couldn't go yeah uh and then I don't know if he's been back yet but if he is back I'd love to go see him live cuz I heard he puts on one hell of a show as well I think he likes Vancouver I I I got that from somewhere that he he he he likes Vancouver I don't know I don't know well we'll see if he uh if he comes back at some point on tour but next one are you happy yeah I'm feeling no I'm not asking you oh [ __ ] track number nine are you happy you're well there some there will come a time in your life when you will ask yourself a series of questions am I happy with who I am am I happy with who I am am I happy with the people around me am I happy with the people around me am I happy with what I'm doing am I happy this reminds me of f Happ radio or am I just living do not let these questions restrain or TR you just yourself in the direction of your dreams that was once right [Music] yeah sh impossible I make these believe in be thinking are they just [Music] [Music] I it's hard it's easy to ha I get it but I can't relate these [Music] the I love that RP Doom through the villain I'm raised yeah this [ __ ] the Daman liard I made it out poverty richer you heard one of my songs and got triggered we ain't got the same typ of ISS [Music] jealous if you my from weak ass man with they weak ass hoes and they woke ass friends I come truth I make them go [ __ ] I'm these with the Cs dirty make there will be people who will say the can there will be people who will say don't will I love how he uses the sample as like kind of a chorus in a way yeah yeah yeah that was the sample there that whole that right well the woman's vocals I don't know what they are where they're from but this part oh [Music] yeah and that Memphis style sample to the right that's the that's the thing right over here [Music] yeah a real cool mix of all different I [ __ ] I love how he's I love his unconventional timing of things which is like I would never do that and I love that but then it still feels like there's some type of like forward momentum that you can Groove to like it's not so like offbeat that you're like what the [ __ ] am I doing like I I can sit there and I can just kind of move that's that organized chaos it's weird it's off but it's like it's you're going forward we we also we we got the the Doom line I was going to grab my ring but I I had a ring here oh here it is I yeah I wore it and they couldn't get it off oh was that the one that you tried to put on earlier yes they got stuck had a bit of a panic yeah I have a MF Doom I've got two actually this is a gold one I bought off Etsy and then I bought another one um I I love my my MF Doom ring I I told you I remember when they showed up I'm like is I I you you had them out you were confused right no I didn't know anything about anything hipop or no and I'm like what is I thought it was like is this a [ __ ] culty thing yeah like I'm joining some weird cult yeah they have to have that ring I'm like what the [ __ ] I saw it and I'm like but now you understand the significance of Doom and why he's so important in the experimental hip-hop scene the boundaries that he pushed um yeah so he he was uh he was something else and uh you know like I said mad villain I think paved the way for certain records like this you with those short tracks that are kind of condensed on their own yeah um but it's good to listen to the whole record which is like kind of like this like there's certain songs on here where you know I'm only going to listen to it you know when I'm on a doing a full listen yeah like I'm not going to go back to uh I totally agree you're not going to just jump back into I'm not going to go on to God don't like ugly and just like play that randomly the only one I really play like you know on my own in a playlist is Hazard duty pay and dirty love those tracks by themselves but the rest is like it's just you know when I'm when I want to sit down and have a cool experience I'll put on LP from front to back top to bottom no I agree I agree that's not something I'd just jump in on you put it because first off you've got to be in the mood you've got to have that you want to be in that mood to listen to it and then so while you're there the tracks are short and you have to listen to them in its entirety I think yeah right okay we'll keep going uh track 10 it's featuring dat piff Mafia which uh I'm not super familiar with I don't know if that's I don't know what who that pip Mafia is that pip is that thing right that website yeah uh so I don't know I think is it Alter Ego or is it uh does it say on there um it's loading I don't remember this track very well uh so I'm trying to think if it's if it's Alter Ego or if it's an actual feature um part of me wants to think it's an alter ego okay ready I I got it now cuz I went to LTE I think it might be our Wi-Fi the hype song features dat piff Mafia otherwise known as en Eno Sinatra who was Peggy's old rap friend when he released under the name Devon Hendrick that is a raer yeah so okay it is a actual feature then it's not jpeg yeah cuz I know J Cole did that on one of his records uh what was it I don't know the name but he had a rapper featured and it was just him his alter ego he had it listed as features did he change his voice or anything yeah okay yeah yeah uh anyway track 10 rebound yeah you know the truth is the truth you [Music] know when I look at your I'm like H when I look at my [ __ ] I'm like like all I do isad itny more you you make what you when I'm [ __ ] these [ __ ] [ __ ] and the public cool the be singing I'm [ __ ] my enemies [ __ ] we Sig no she just we wi I'm down with the sickness bab doll dig I'm [ __ ] white [ __ ] pushing me they the difference there I love how this I love that [ __ ] with me baby I can't be St for real last [ __ ] tried me BR and lying baby I heard this man got real look at the preacher and look at the SP s the Bible and R like why would I for your I for [Music] I okay here we go I hear horns yeah I'm over the top uh I get the the energy by the Ops uh I get [Music] thep [Music] keep sister and may you to find we know that that car we know you puts this goes really hard aggressive [Music] daddy out nigg who you really be sh to your girl I just you do it to me he told me to stoping his kid o it again Dad de sh I love the grit in this love the [Music] grit I got a lot of sensors on here in the lyrics yeah they I don't know what was underneath this here well this feels like a track that deserves to have its 3 minutes yeah yes you know like the other ones like we said like oh it's nice to be short this one feels like it it's earned its right to be a lengthier one Len like that is on like some fat old high hats really heavy up right hear the [ __ ] ring on the bell of a high [Music] hat sorry [ __ ] that was great rebound rewind that thing yeah uh that was [ __ ] aggressive and it was really good I love the dirt in it what's crazy is it was it was dirty and it had that aggressiveness to it but it wasn't like loud it was it wasn't like a you know I don't think of like uh like a black skin head Kanye it's not like but it's it's got this power to it each uh like you know time it the snare comes in it's got this Punch Yeah yeah um but that's what's great you could be quiet yeah you could be quiet but have power yeah exactly especially through the lyrics they said there was a bar that you wanted to ask me about yeah no yeah I hear a dog barking at us and I'm not I'm freaked out right now it's the the ghost of the Drake album yeah uh it won't leave us alone all right wait let me just let me see if I can pull up the bar here quickly it was uh R full met jacket uh yeah it was during D piff mafia's first I think right was it yeah you said yeah it was like right after the Full Metal Jacket you said I got a question I got to ask you you oh I can't find it anyways I'll come back anyway um the dog is bugging me cuz she's right out the door or she let her in I don't know what she wants uh the next track is a instrumental um I and then that's we're past the halfway mark yeah um so let's listen to this in instrumental and then we'll take like a quick break I think I want to change the battery weow I'm not I don't need a long break or anything I just want to change the battery what it what it say can you see it uh I can't there's a dog barking I don't know why we're at 40% which will not get us through not through the rest the record so we will have to change batteries uh but let's just listen to this instrumental um it should block out the dog barking or maybe the dog barking will make it better that's true yeah um sampled vocals are by Young Dolph just to let you know oh okay I did not know that um it's the 100 emoji okay so it's like an emoji does it say 100 emoji or does it have the actual Emoji it has both it says the 100 emoji and then it says 100 emoji yeah cuz it it is the yeah it's just the Emoji that's the actual track but then when it's listed on here they can't put emojis on Spotify so oh like band camp it has the Emojis for every track that's Emoji called Flame Emoji 100 emoji it's just the actual Emoji but here they can't here they they can't put it on Spotify for some reason I don't know so they have to write it yeah so anyway um track 11 100 emoji [Music] this an instrumental so you can feel free to spit all over it just start right well they're singing right I think it's it's probably a samp yeah yeah you can rap if you want okay [Music] yo [Music] so he just has that going this just yeah this is he said [Music] young oh [Music] there I'm curious on what does it say what Young Dolph song sampled I'll check it out right now it says I guess I could talk over this right yeah does it sample 100 shots 100 is a track composed of vocals from 100 Shots by Young do shots okay pitched to a lower tune and given a new beat J Pike has previously named dropped young Dolph on his 2019 record all my heres are cornballs Peggy also sent an RP message after the rapper untimely passing in November of [Music] 2021 [Music] referee I like that little bit there is that continuation yeah it's almost done I I actually have a lot of questions about this track cuz I I haven't gone back to it since like you know came out yeah just cuz it's instrumental and I don't really I haven't really dug deep into it but now that we're sitting here I've got some questions I've got some questions too and we can explore those questions [Music] together do you think uh will you go ahead oh no uh i' I've heard that instrumental because I've listened to this record a few times front to back uh but I haven't really paid attention I didn't even know it was young Dolph actually yeah uh then as soon as you said it's young Dolph I immediately went to 100 shots cuz it's 100 emoji and he's got a song about 100 shots uh it's called 100 shots like 100 shots or 100 shots bullets oh bullets okay that would be a lot yeah um but uh uh I don't know does it have context on on why CU I one record from jpeg you told me that it said he talked about he Nam dropped him in 2019 cornballs yeah that's one record from jpeg I have not really other than like two songs I don't know really cornballs yeah I know LP I know veteran uh but I haven't listened to and scaring the hose uh I haven't listened to uh all my heroes are are cornballs other than like the singles um so I should check that out at some point but I'm curious ious if it's uh paying uh to him because uh I know he I believe he passed away young Dolph yeah yeah do you know when he passed away uh November 2021 okay so that was after this or that was that would have been after the release but he says Peggy also sent out an rip message after the rappers untimely passing in November of 2021 so I don't know cuz this came out in October of 2021 a month before he passed yeah yeah so I don't if this is uh I I don't know if it's paying it's not paying homage cuz he hadn't passed yet um Can can you do you mind queueing up that 100 shots yeah just yeah I'll show you just you like like to hear it cuz this is this is this is tuned down yeah my buddy and I used to listen to this all the time um it's about him surviving uh I believe it's about him surviving that's a nice sound eh yeah like a shootout did he die from shooting or no I actually don't know oh I got look that [Music] up wow lots of nice I bring me some back wheels up out of the home in a cup of ice there some rubber bands out there too homie yeah it's 300 p.m. 80° outside I'm in something to go real fast sitting outside the Conner store six figure car ain't got no business in this area if it ain't one thing it's a [ __ ] another damn we trapped together then that's my [ __ ] brother that's my I pay your bills and bad designer but I don't love her what you need M she just play a part when it's time to smuggle hey you ready I pull up pick up that bag [Music] and he's a good voice but he's brought me into the story man yeah he set it up I know that he was at the corn [Music] [ __ ] me with my diamond CH if I ain't in the bank then I'm on a plane about to go get some money or go spend some money they stopped me in the airport had too many binges on me they don't want you to live they don't want you to B the [ __ ] smile in your face yeah then they pray for you to fall hey young niggaas stay focused yeah I love how building think about where you at think about your past yeah I really came from [ __ ] but I change for [ __ ] my [ __ ] say I'm stuck in my way my say i' been getting paid 100 shots shot 100 shots me and my [ __ ] pull up in aund drops my role model used to get a 100 blocks Street [ __ ] in the tux we the she looked at my watch too long now she see St I got so last night I a ons Myck hers my pinky ring extra large PHS all in the garage remember my first Min yeah toy and Brit I'm shopping for diamonds at Tiffany no I don't got no sympathy she blew my whistle like a referee broke black [ __ ] remember me until I [ __ ] like this guy yeah I don't know much of him but uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so he [ __ ] you miss with 100 shot yeah yeah that's that's the story I believe at least that's what I heard from my friend he's the one who show me this [Music] TR Oh What a Feeling [ __ ] man [ __ ] got me sex healing who just walked in the building came out with six [ __ ] my uncle said that's pimping my diamonds always hitting you looking for your [ __ ] with me [ __ ] she ain't missing I told you [ __ ] [ __ ] stay out my way but you didn't listen stupid ass [ __ ] big rock in my watch in my and we put extensions in all of the Glock shot sh how the [ __ ] you miss shot I'm adding this to my playlist you should it's I love I like this this is so I'll tell you I'll tell you my experience with it once we one last bar left and then [Music] yeah young Dolph young Dolph yeah I wish if young Dolph was alive right right now I would put him together with Metro booming oh [Music] yeah [ __ ] rest in peace young Dolph that that [ __ ] song man can I just tell you before I forget yeah you go I absolutely love how he started with such minimalistic with stuff right and then he set the he set the story in my head and we slowly slowly CL climbed to the beat drop there's a couple high hats and then he brought me in and then it was just dry me along and it was just like storytelling that just got better and better and better and then that's the exact reason why I fell in love with the song My Buddy showed it to me I don't know like I really don't know anything about young Dolph uh so when I heard about his passing I was like oh [ __ ] that that so shitty I haven't listened to his music but I know that song and I know about him um my friend showed me this song and uh you know it was he just told me about it he's like just listen to it you know he apparently it's about you know him getting I guess shot at or whatever and I I don't know if exactly 100 shots but I'm going to pull it up while we're talking here anyway he survives this shooting and uh he makes this song where it's yeah it's minimalistic at the beginning and it just slowly builds to a climax at the end and I was the first time I heard it I was like holy [ __ ] this is it was in my playlist instantly and uh it's the only young Dolph song I've heard I'm sure I've heard him on features uh but I I do love that song and uh so then when I saw the jpeg reference I automatically went it's probably that song that he's talking about you have the song pulled up yeah it says the the king of Memphis meh I didn't know he's from King of Memphis returns viciously on the second studio album addressing the February 20 fifth incident in which over a 100 rounds were fired at his bulletproof vehicle however this hasn't stopped the king in the slightest and he is still rapping about his everyday lifestyle in a way only he can deliver that was just on the that was the track 100 shots it's a it's a it's a like amazing song I I've loved it um you know it's it's funny because this was I I you know found this song way before the channel yeah uh so I I heard the song I was like oh this is dope I'll add it to my playlist and I I listen to it but now that we've kind of really gotten into listening to a whole artist discography and albums I'm like why haven't I checked out his like a full record yeah yeah like I love this track when it came out why and I listen to like other [ __ ] that he did yeah yeah um but so I'm curious now I'm actually going to after this video I'll probably go check out some young Dolph I need to know I need to know right here cuz he did his first [ __ ] his first uh threesome right yeah uh was Tori and Britney so was that was he talking about uh Britney Spears and Tor spelling Britney Spears and Tory Lanes Tory Lanes who's that the guy I don't know the Toronto rapper he in prison for shooting Megan stallion or something you don't know to Lanes oh okay well the joke the joke's not that funny then okay you want to take a break and and get this battery change let's get the battery change but uh yeah cool instrumental and I'm that's cool that we listen to the whole song actually I was just going to show you snippet but as soon as I got back into it I'm like I can't show you to Sni you know what if you would I would have had to put I would have had to start it again cuz it really had me man he said it and the car is pulling up and he said something about the car this shouldn't be in this [ __ ] neighborhood yeah and yeah yeah anyway okay we'll be back in 5 4 3 2 1 we're back got tea yep we're uh pretty short break there but we're ready to go um track 12 OG you want to pull it up yeah I'm just looking here am I getting the [ __ ] version or I had to leave that's why cuz I went to go look at uh young DOL yeah and it's there it's the one with the liquor store there it is hey I looked it up he he uh young Dolph passed away in shooting um 2021 yeah November 17th 2021 so rest in peace uh I will check out one of his projects if you guys know uh any because I'm not going to check it out like literally right after this video I going to have to put it up and I've got stuff to do but uh I will check out one of his projects later this week what sorry we'll check out one of his projects later this week if you guys have uh no one that's like you know considered a fan favorite uh let me know in the comments and uh let's go with uh track 12 OG oh nice nice nice mixing with that vocals there [Music] I got it it's not AIT feel like a [ __ ] iack it up it's a I know it's my how you this feels old school little bit yeah with some scratch mix with some newer [ __ ] you ha [Music] that this is just ice and human DMX do you know don't know human DMX there is a a DMX right yeah I love what they're doing here [Music] vocally oh that was cool that ending yeah yeah Excalibur strong words out there from J really great production on that track I love I love the old school uh sample and uh and then mixing it with some newer drums and then jpeg flowing I know he didn't uh have the longest verse or anything it's a pretty short track less than two minutes very very short but uh a fun one for sure very fun one can I I'm just going to read a little bit I I'm very curious to hear about this jpig this just ice and human DMX um it's a sample OG is the 12th track of JP mafia's four studio album LP the song samples the song The Original Gangster of hip hop by just ice that should be an interesting track to listen to the song describes how he wants to quit his label and start releasing his music independently interesting I'm curious uh if anybody knows uh why he had to release LP early not early but before the samples were cleared and then we got the offline version and then the offline version like they came out at the same time yeah just the offline version was YouTube and band camp only and then the streaming for Apple music and Spotify was the uh online version yeah um Contra contractual I'm well that's what I'm wondering I don't know if he if it was contractual obligations cuz now he's got the offline version on streaming he eventually cleared all the samples um anyway we'll go to track 13 uh which I I don't remember how to pronounce this oh that's d kimbe d kimbe okay kimbe D kimbe um track 13 to kimbe holy [Music] [ __ ] wow that's got a lot of treble even for my ears I can't usually hear treble right [Music] yeah sounds like Spanish here by Maria [Music] Toledo lots of good base on the record though great B you can tell when it leaves [Music] though and strling the and the all my [ __ ] me sh take down the look at theing in choices you going make this is really good no know I look up TOS I'm on the ground with the gods I act like a dick they treat me like I don't hearone of you I'm in of you my trou you [ __ ] you how did I that you don't want step on pop out I'm just to do anything it Tak to make [Music] we next [Music] time this part's cool that's really cool listen that with those little clings [Music] too then we have Maria hit it Maria Maria Maria I'm drunk yeah I guess she's not coming Maria Maria oh into the vocals she should come pretty [Music] soon says [Music] Maria this is really [Music] cool here's Maria here's Maria Maria's in the house [Applause] [Music] chopped [Music] saxophone easy [ __ ] fire woo that was great man dope track um no you say I know I just want to say I just want to ask the viewers does anybody else find this really hyp hypnotizing hypnotic yeah and then sort of you want to just [ __ ] I could just sleep I could be in the sun with that on just going well that's kind of why um the second half of the record I'm not like super familiar with even though I've listened to it multiple times it's cuz I'll put it on and and just kind no not sleep but like I'll just you know I'll be driving or go for while you're just throwing ideas out of there hey those those are decent ideas maybe I'll try that uh might enhance the experience but no I'll go for a walk or I'll be driving like on the highway and it's just like it's so hypnotic that um you kind of like close your eyes no when I'm driving I just close my eyes and just zone out you know I I just make sure it's like a straight line for at least like a couple kilometers and then I just [ __ ] okay yeah let's just F about um no don't do that but uh yeah great track the ending kind of reminds me of uh you know how it's like like you said it's uh there's very treble lots of treble and kind of this a little bit of like a staticky feeling where it's in and out reminds me a lot of is it the track you I forget uh exactly which track I'll show you especially especially was Maria speaking Spanish on there yes yeah so it reminds me of I believe I you know what don't hold me to it I just it I'll I could read out what it is here and she said okay hold on be careful there's going to be a loud yeah so you know the second half of you on uh it's pimple [Music] butterfly cuz it does that cut and it reminds me of this in a way [Music] this is so cool the cat say Yeah in the ears it's let me transition to him in the hotel room [Music] drons this is where I have to in my he's got to listen the whole record he get to this point and I think he got [Music] bottles or leave his best friend little brother you promised you watch them before they shot wasis on the road bottles and [ __ ] you FaceTime the one time that's unforgiving you even facetimed instead of a hospital [Music] that's a real talent to get your voice like that eh yeah I think fck F you [Music] ain't might be the second verse here I know your secrets [ __ ] moose Wings Is frequent [ __ ] I know depression is resting on your heart for two J [ __ ] I know you and a couple black boys ain't been speaking [ __ ] y d beef and I see it and you're the reason [ __ ] and if this B I myself to sleep bit everything is your break to Pieces earthquakes so Nery weak because you shook as soon as you knew confin was needed I know your secrets don't let me tell them to the world about that [ __ ] you think that and then the the way that track ends [ __ ] you know with the drunk perspective from the hotel room wrapping and then finishes and then the way it trans yeah you got to show your buddies yeah yeah yeah transitions those beer bottles and then goes into all right we going to be all right I we could do a whole video of us just like Rel listening and [ __ ] just talking about [ __ ] it's this monkey mou [ __ ] sitting in my Throne again I'm mad but I Ain stress anyway true [Music] friends anyway that's that's the you got to show your your buddy gr uh from the beginning just tell him listen front to back it's it's an hour and 10 minutes I think yeah um or 15 I don't know but I would like to give him lyric sheets though he needs to go lyrics sheets like lyric sheets like the way you introduced to me and sit when he gets to the end I don't know how familiar with hip-hop he is but when he gets to the end and he okay well still uh it still would kind of blow his mind I think that you know Kendrick is slowly reciting this poem throughout and revealing at the end yeah revealing each track a little bit more of the poem in the beginning and then you finally get to the end where he's reading the whole thing to Tupac yeah see he he wouldn't understand that because he's not familiar with yeah Pock and all that but anyway yeah but we can smoke some weed and listen to the picture of me roll yeah yeah yeah and show him that yeah I know I we there was picture me Roland's not even like that that much of like a gangster song it's not like uh his diss track like yeah with biggie it's like I [ __ ] your [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] but it's just it's got this like this vibe to it um picture do you want to tell them what we did yesterday yeah I want to say like it starts off like that yeah clear for right anyway picture me rolling my 500 bins anyway uh I was in the Tim Horton and you were in the car and you gave me your phone to use Apple pay because I forgot my wallet and then I was like I'm going to [ __ ] with you because there was like kids going to school and stuff and people walking by I think you had the windows down I was like I was like I'm going to just crank picture me rolling cuz that's the only one you had saved like downloaded on your phone one of them for for a reason yeah yeah and and then uh I clicked play because I thought it was still connected Bluetooth I cranked it and I was sitting in there and then it just starts I'm [ __ ] getting my tea and I'm in line with the phone and I'm like this I'm like a you're going to be [ __ ] pissed at me cuz I got control and I it's just and then everyone in the store was like they're like why you [ __ ] bumping music so loud on your like on a on your iPhone like in line and I was like [ __ ] cuz it doesn't do Bluetooth right no we have an older truck so it's so you have to plug it in PL yeah so you thought you were [ __ ] getting me I was thought I was getting you but I got myself anyway we you did get me once on the stream remember I've changed it on the stream yeah that was easy I've done that a few times yeah you were you were somewhere else and then you were watching the stream and you [ __ ] with me and I was like I was like and I was like where the [ __ ] is this coming from confused yeah I like doing that um we'll keep going tired nervous and broke is the next one um sounds like hey man sounds like 90% of your life yeah story [ __ ] my Warehouse days 24 years in a warehouse um anyway track 14 tired nervous and broke you think [Music] you yeah Bas is something else on this album yeah he programs all face I'm assuming there was the one that sounded like it it had have been a sample cuz it was an upright well could there's upright that you can use in Daws oh that's right yeah yeah I'm tired and you can you can make it real sound real good why the [ __ ] you say that [ __ ] you [Music] say Sergeant I know you mad cuz your friends ain't no and we got Str as big as in my apartment hit the load theow the cartridge a he at your Bo this is very linear for jpeg yeah not a [Music] lot he need your deep voice in here [Music] man now feeling me baby you need more [Music] can on don't wish [Music] yeah that's great that snare [Music] there [ __ ] great this is really good [Music] man the [ __ ] I'm still here walk around if you a demon see I don't believe it shoot my [ __ ] I never miss but H my target going quick I'm the wrong [ __ ] to start I why you hate cuz you don't feel saving your own apartment I know why you you know you lame know you yeah I see you [ __ ] I know that's the money can't change how [ __ ] [ __ ] shout out to the Canadians [Music] about this a [ __ ] great course really me now are you feeling me baby or do you need it more I kiss likey I'm [Music] in like how he put these snares yeah through these [Music] parts ooh we got part two some reason I know the name Kimbra I don't know heard that [Music] before that had such a nice flow to it mhm that whole first part the whole first part was just so it's very linear for a JPEG but in a very good way in a great way you know what's great about this it's got these elements that I like and these elements that push my musical boundaries a little bit yes yeah I'm liking the sense and all that then it's like what the [ __ ] is this yeah I don't know I never know where he's going to go [Music] like like listen to that Echo somebody walking up [ __ ] stairs yeah hey let's do that again [Music] yeah just just the whole thing so just sing with [Music] me you selfish like me while we get along famously it's too late for me baby I don't want to be sold out baby I don't want to be stressed out for profit I don't want to be gone that [Music] long okay I love hearing the chair move yeah the cre of the piano get [Music] mine you get yours and I'll get [Music] mine and then like you can even you can you can alternate in you those how okay hold on very very cool I you know I don't know if that is intentional or if that was what but but having that sound the out in the outro in the outro just here with the with Kimber and JPEG and somebody's playing the piano I don't know if it's a sample or but but adding the creaking to the to the to the bench it's done in a way that's [ __ ] very cool because and I don't know if this is intention or but when you add two people to a piano bench it adds more weight so it gives me the vision that they're both sitting side by side working out the parts yeah I don't know if it was intentional um but I'm assuming uh even if it wasn't intentional he probably heard it afterwards and was like that's cool let's keep no do you know what I was thinking I thinking maybe maybe like maybe that piano was played by somebody else and then and then he added in a squeaky yeah it's possible I actually don't know or if it happened real yeah it might have been you know just completely live uh and all that was just put at the end and they put a bunch of weight on the on the on the piano Ben but the the main the main part of the track the the beef of the track really [ __ ] good solid really really good TR cool with the sense and and that chorus very catchy for a chorus that's just him spitting some bars yeah um I like that track a lot you know a little [ __ ] cool shadow caught for possession I feel like Sarah mlock I going to look at that because there's a connection to this album here um there's a reference to the song Sarah McLaughlin's possession JP Mafia is known to smoke weed frequently it's possible that he's referencing a time when he was caught or arrested by the police for possession of a control and then referencing her song reference her song Sarah mcglaughlin is on network records ah we got little connections whiches which is that album Reese's album is on net on network record it's interesting little little little where's she is she from here like Vancouver Vancouver she's originally from like back east newfinland or that but she's based here yeah yeah cuz I know she's got her school here right yeah Sarah mlon school yeah you know I I sat by her at the place called The Town Pump before she blew up I P or pump what pump or Pub pump pump the Town Pump the Town Pump was such a great venue in Gast town then it turned into like uh just uh I remember at the time at the I was like what the [ __ ] is why would you take live music out and put a guy with a [ __ ] record like just DJ dancing and I'm like [ __ ] you took and now you now everybody in the city wants live music right live music venues but I was at the kitchen so you're I pretend I'm at the my back is facing an Open Door 6 foot door stainless door and with the two swingers yeah right no two swingers but no Sarah Sarah was right here and the stage is straight through right and then the kitchen's here and then you have like then the rest of of the bar goes that way really really deep so it was a really weird place to listen to a show because most of the seats were that way and the stage was facing the kitchen right interesting did you you chat with her or no I just looked at her and I was like wow she's really pretty and I know I know her from one the one of the the big videos at the time that I forget the name of the song but it was an indie one it was on much music like crazy and like oh [ __ ] that Sarah mlin so Sarah mlin she's relatively well known would you say like she's a pretty uh household name oh yeah look at the number say just what she's streaming now probably I don't know if she's streaming as much now Sarah mclaughin is pretty well known well for people that don't know her she's uh singer from when was her original like uh not come up but when was she most relevant I'd say was it early 2000s early 2000s probably yeah and then she did the big I don't know if you know it she did the big the the world tour I think maybe nor Lilith the Lilith Fair Lilith Fair had all the female artists on it it was such a big tour and um there was I forget you could look at the names of who like look back now I'm I'm going to do it right now probably Joanie Mitchell I'm going to guess uh let's see here let's see uh I'll just pick up one of the shows uh Lilith I put liati Sarah okay 1990 so you're bang on so Sarah mclocklin uh Liz Fair Maya Cheryl Crow six pence nund the Richer uh she's only got 2 million listeners that's why I just wanted to double check viewers cuz I I know she's here at Canada everybody knows s but um I'm wondering if she's like a worldwide phenomenon because Angel that song was in [ __ ] every dog commercial yeah remember well no she was she was on like big in the US like she had a [ __ ] her tours were huge yeah but you do you remember that commercial yes with the sbca I can't I can't watch it it's sad it's like dogs that are abandoned cats that are aband of an Angel yeah that song traumatizes me cuz I can't I only think of animals I know I it was she probably made money uh given that song to The whatever was it sbca or something um maybe not sbca But whichever company but uh she's ruined the song for me I can't listen to it sad sad track Sarah mlin Cheryl Crow Dixie Chicks Queen Latifa Liz far uh Nora Jones like a big is there a Joanie Mitchell I I called I said I'm going to guess Joanie Mitchell no Susan she didn't want to participate no but Susan teski she married the [ __ ] slide player um uh did you know no super famous oh I know who she is s Sarah was this was prior to her marrying Derek truck Derek truck is one of the greatest slide guitar players he's fantastic and now he has he has a he has a he has an album he has a band together I think there's 14 12 15 people it's called trucks teski and it's fabulous man if you're into slide guitar and good vocals check it out okay let's keep going uh track 15 it's a flame Emoji oh wow you were opening the wrong app oh yeah I opened I opened something I shouldn't have open ch ch I don't know why you have the app kissy face emoji no flame Emoji oh I got kissy face emoji with a flame oh then that might be it can I see cuz I know it's this album is is complicated uh okay it's complicated dad [Music] um yeah that should be it flame and then kissy face emoji um okay cuz I guess I think it had a different name it was okay done differently I don't know something there's two versions of this album and it's a little complicated but anyway I think you're on the right track thank you track 15 flame emoji [Music] those snaps right there remind me of Doom oh for sure yeah yeah the cartoon stuff Batman [Music] what Bab You better lock your door shorty You better lock your door shorty [Music] shorty you got stle that [ __ ] [Music] inside wow one deep in the black man can depend on sympathy I feel like hip hop Dr put hit on me [ __ ] [ __ ] put me in a boxing these beat keep coming in KY make feel Mano in this game the police use [Music] chos huh I feel like I just a Casey my hand you been here while youate I stay feeding my kids on government babying I'm cracking the casle down get the [ __ ] on my chest bang on the stage [Music] of fire [Music] beat you know what if you played this for me I would not think this part right here I would oh you would think it be different like a band or something to relax on the road I'm a red stranger you know I got to keep smoke for the haters you know with these Mages conceal no faces no no [Music] deac I feel like I just be Cas sty my hand you here while you I my [Music] baby look at that stop man yeah like [Music] do you see how this record can be intimidating when you look at the track list and you see it's like 20 tracks long but as you get into it you realize it's like it all just kind of works together yeah yeah like we're all we're close to the end and it doesn't feel like it's been a long time not at all man that's the short the two two minutes yeah [Music] right see I like quantity over especially in the bedroom I I say to your mom you know what you want like four in a day 2 minutes yeah or do you want the whole eight minutes all at once and you prefer the the more it keeps things fresh yes yes I guess I guess that beat was fire that track was really really good um there was a a spot there where I'm like if you would have after after veteran and you would have just played me that and you would have went oh that's that's Peggy I would have went n that's not it can't be that's a different B some experimental yeah but it was really really cool really really cool and it's crazy that little again that that I'm going to I'm going to have this [ __ ] beat flowing and you're going to be in and then right but still make it work and be too shocking like I think of uh you know what's it called that we just did uh the last record we did uh I don't give a [ __ ] with Yeet and Drake you know where it comes in like piano and sacks and then just boom the Benny X that's the one that blew my balls right yeah well yeah you were like what the [ __ ] it felt like a slap in the face like to me that's too much as much as I like the the Yeet part and I don't mind Drake on that track I don't like the beginning because I feel like it doesn't fit it doesn't serve a purpose where jpeg will do these quick switches into different uh you know parts of the beat but they feel seamless and and even even when they're not seamless and they kind of shock you a bit yeah it's like a good kind of shock they work they they do they do really work and and I never thought I'd be a guy for changing tempos like like how he does like oh my God we're oh [ __ ] that's that doesn't work like whatever but it it [ __ ] makes it work it it feels good I like this this I like I really really like this project um uh I don't want it to end at this moment cuz I could just really listen to music all day today we got like four tracks that's five so track 16 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice [Applause] up hear that yeah like so [Music] [Applause] fast could you see this how how this would be fun at a show oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah [Applause] me what is that double time [Music] yeah you've got to go to a special I don't I get I get where I get his feel like what he feels you know it might be this might be a bold statement but I I'm just going to say it cuz I'm I it's in my head but I feel like jpeg Mafia is like a futuristic Jay Dill like if I know you don't know much of you don't know much of his production but I feel like he's Jay Dill from like 20 30 yeah or something like that you know cuz it gives me the same feel that I get with Jay Dill like the unpredictability and stuff [Music] okay so that's an instrumental try that's an instrumental try I I just want to say what what you I want to elaborate on what you said there um is that yes that would be I can totally see how that would interact with the crowd and it would be [ __ ] mad because they'd be saying all the chance and yeah if they know especially if they know the record and they've like listened to it in and out and they've memorized it you know and then his fans are passionate so live show would be so fun and then having said that is like um there's the difference between uh this is for me to explain to my buddy who's who's new to hip-hop is that there is a connection between the artist and the hipop pop fan that is I don't see in other music and I will say it in this way is that the artist does it for the fan and the fan does it for the artist in hip hop they're giving back to each other they're giving back to each other the energy and they're they're they i' I witnessed it with you a young AG at a young age yeah so you know you go to a concert and I go see Brian Adams everybody goes Summer of 69 and they're singing it right they're singing along with it but it's not I don't it's not that thing that like it's like I could hear that right there they're going back and forth and there's something about watching 177,000 or 5,000 people recite [ __ ] 480 words in three minutes just going the whole thing well have you watched the video I don't know if you've seen it um which I could play it right now um Logic No not logic um but the the viewer viers won't see it but you guys will know what I'm talking about I'm sure and you can hear it um which actually you don't even see it either I'll just play um while he's pulling this up hope you guys are okay this my third cup of tea today fourth cup of tea I'm going to be really Twitchy hope I I found this absolutely wild okay who is this uh this is Kendrick Lamar performing I don't know where this is let's see I'm going to say in Europe no Columbus Columbus Ohio um yeah performing humble um but he doesn't really perform it he doesn't need to listen to [Music] this if I my just went viral actually that's loud and crazy you should see the the video actually so let me just quickly turn it yeah [Music] I that's crazy look at him he just [ __ ] [Applause] think everybody still take you down I know your mama catching pight this [ __ ] way too crazy you do not [Applause] that must be unbelievable for the artist and for the fan wow so that's what you're talking about right yes in terms of like you know it's different you know ran Adam show and there people are singing summer 69 over this where they're rapping the whole second verse yeah word for word and then he's then he comes in for the course this and boom boom boom and no you you don't get that from pop like maybe you'll get somebody to to to to call back a line right yeah like I got my first reel I got my yeah yeah and all that [ __ ] right yeah yeah you could do that with Bri I got my first real Sixx Str yeah and then that then you do it a couple of times it's boring right yeah but and I've seen it where he does and the whole crowd goes right but they it's it's different it's it's a different feeling right all together anyway we'll keep going uh BMT is the next track BMT I'm going to guess that is I you know what I don't want to do that anymore cuz I did Canadian dick lift yeah and you were totally wrong yeah it was commercial driver's license track 177 BMT oh b a basic military training okay that's feet right I take it yeah marching that's [Music] cool where's this sample from I know this one this Till I Collapse sample do anything maybe it does or is it till I collapse sample this I don't know uh and where it's actually from but I know the this is heavy big everything [Music] Fu thatu them [ __ ] your music [ __ ] them chain [ __ ] your videos F your face everything do is fake everything that I do get [Music] w pain I just want the hate I just want your place I gave it up to God and God gave me this make Shake I'm tired of dodig [Music] [Applause] iig I love the flop of this it sounds like the flop of the speaker cuz you're pushing that so [Music] hard you not a song that you would probably want to introduce someone to hip-hop with but once you're in yeah yeah once you're in you're in yeah yeah uh that track is dope that was lot of [ __ ] injury and that the the grindy the grindin of it really you the grinding is the name of this thing is like basic training yeah so it really feels like you're grinding it starts with the feet and then I didn't I really didn't even [ __ ] check the lyrics out too much I just listened to it it was really really cool well that's what I do a lot with with jpeg is all first few listens I'll I'll kind of go in for the feel I've noticed um cuz he's a he's a great Lyricist but uh it's hard to do both at once at least for my my goldfish small not able to multitask uh I like to uh to just go in for the you know the feeling yeah uh get the energy and then later on further listens I'll dive deeper into the lyrics and stuff yeah we had a comment uh you know who you are on patreon that said uh you know Kevin's missing stuff when he's reading the lyrics and you know to be fair yes there is but it's it's it's it's a it's a balance you're sort of you're listening and you're reading you don't want to be completely just stuck on the phone reading every lyrics CU then you miss out on what's happening but when I'm scrolling here there's a lot of times I'm not really I'm not taking those lyrics in no you're just reading them so you you know kind of follow along yeah no but there'll be I'll miss chunks right because I'm [ __ ] grooving on something and then I'll just scroll as long as I'm in time I'll catch a word but if I'm really into the lyrics I'll make sure that the lyrics I'm you know it's one of these ones that you say well we I showed you the hundred shots one and you were into all the lyrics well no you didn't have the lyricss you were just listening I you know what that's that's what I liked about that track so much it was easy to follow it was first off his voice was [ __ ] killer right and then and he was he wasn't spitting so fast that I was lost and I could I was like you're getting every word maybe that's that's a part of it it it started so it started slow slow and and and clear guided you and guided me to this and I heard all the lyrics there was [ __ ] I missed at the end once it when it picked up yeah but in the beginning yeah and it was like [ __ ] I feel like I feel all right I feel pretty good okay we got three tracks left I'm just going to double check uh I'm breaking the fourth wall again like oh yeah yeah but don't you don't we always break the fourth wall yeah I check it sometimes um but that's breaking the fourth wall there like well no it's just for them because they think the album is there oh that's right so then I walk through it that's oh yeah yeah that's right okay um so sorry for walking through the album there because I don't have it on vinyl and even the ones we do have on vinyl we haven't been putting them there because it's just a pain in the ass to get it on Focus it's better to do it uh in editing yeah anyway uh track 18 the ghost of ranking [Music] dread got [Music] feat [Music] about people serious [Music] see put it my God it almost sounds a little bit of reversing eh in part [Music] Baby M stop harassing me I I just andace [ __ ] me back the street got to keep you [ __ ] every one of you I got the gun in the T she said I'm done with you I have my phone with you take me back to the streets watch you talk to this G chopping on Jam like one of y'all beat stay in the LA get the [ __ ] out the streets it's not what you want it's not whack this not it that [ __ ] it back I a't do that [ __ ] do sh your you need assist SP you know Peggy never autotunes does he no he doeses he just go listen just say that enough but lons and a me to be Jiggy to Hill this a me to be pretty [ __ ] named after baking soda but they never touch no [ __ ] Coke in your sack she so big hit that [ __ ] with a fast you won't [ __ ] for an image your I didn't get a mention last [ __ ] I be the sent that's what these hoes just want the attention stop talking I see blur your face the I blur your face forensics withar I'm Jimmy HRI [Music] [Music] with great [Music] [ __ ] I love the rattlesnakes yeah I [Music] know wow he's got some heavies [ __ ] drop D Harmony stuff going guitar wow was [ __ ] with last night remember [Music] [Music] yeah I got a shiver from that horn [ __ ] swell yeah that's that's one of his more focused tracks I'd say like in terms of like linear uh not going off to there's been a couple on here like that there's been two I think two or three um but yeah that no that one's dope um yeah the next one is uh damn damn damn I don't remember this one exactly uh I do remember the last track but uh damn Dam damn I haven't listened to this since I don't know cuz once we get to towards the end of the album I'll read about it it says Dam Dam dam is the 19th song off this album I okay good to know as much as we got track 19 damn damn damn oh wow this sounds like the trombone setting on a DX7 Yamaha interesting you should you should tweet at him asking him if that's what it is yeah or no it could be a roll in JB 1080 I [ __ ] with this [ __ ] a lot yeah I don't know what any of that means but yeah [Music] yeah oh God Shivers I'm waiting for [Music] something oh love the pounding some of you [ __ ] like that so I can't I can't say nothing to you you know I just got to sum you up know sum up tight round you [ __ ] up to one little thing you I got to address put you in a bucket don't the [Music] [ __ ] damn damn I feel like the New Black Rollins [ __ ] studying my footwork I'm James [ __ ] you where you going I thought I told you ass already i't from here we got to the and you know got to go [Music] H I'm bitam hold my hand on my XX I promise I swear to baby need some and a new head I did you like of I Can Do Better what else got to take more shots get a good lead keep taking them shots to the real bleed suce work like little Steve working all day I don't take no sick leave in my sleep beat got to keep swiming to Mother [Music] sh some great bars in this nose in that [ __ ] like the money put me in the the label got me n STS I need way more than that [ __ ] catchy catchy C very catchy the bars are catchy the bars are catchy yeah [Music] I [ __ ] love that he keeps the Rings in the high hats yeah that's that's a [ __ ] great track great track I love the taking I love the taking shots man um I love the I love the intro to the track that it doesn't you know add to the track later it's just to start it off with that him [ __ ] around on what machine did you say no I was just saying it sounds like it sounds like a like a one of the Yamaha dx7s or or a JV 1080 I got the module in there that JV 1080 remember I wanted to hook it up cuz it's got all these [ __ ] great sounds right and I got a couple expansion cards in there and they got these [ __ ] really crazy sounds and the good thing about that it's not a it's not a VST right it's like a in in the plugins it's [ __ ] hard so when you go it's a really I find it to be a really clear signal right yeah like a clean sound clear yeah it's really fat right if we could ever get that [ __ ] hooked up got to take more shots got to get a good lead keep taking them shots till the rim bleed yeah uh till I succeed work hard like little Steve I'm not sure who little Steve is do you know who little Steve is no uh this is a reference to the song bitter fruit by little Stevens uh the the track tells a story of a person and his family who were exploited by a distant Company the company takes the fruit of his and his family's labor while America remains distant I you know one thing I like about uh the lyrics on this record at least twice that we' do into them uh in terms of like references is uh he'll reference not like an artist be like you know I'm uh whatever [Music] I'm like saying I'm trying to think of an artist example no the Dolph thing was cool but I'm I'm thinking of like okay uh what did Drake say the other day uh uh like it was it was something basic like I keep it ASAP I I get whatever I'll make up a line what Drake would say I I uh no you don't have to thr but like it would be like I do [ __ ] ASAP like I'm Rocky you know like that would be the the artist reference whereas I like what jpeg is doing is like the Sarah mlin one like he referenced one of her songs about called possession when he's talking about his getting caught with possession of of marijuana yeah yeah uh in this track here you said he's referencing little Steve which is not directly referencing him it's referencing a song that is T that talks about you know working hard and being exploited so he's on working like little steeve so it's not like these direct quick references that you're able to get easily like you do have to do a little digging which I think is great I love that yeah well that's that's one of the [ __ ] my favorite things off MF food the food oh yeah MF Doom just his in general his stuff yeah his stuff yeah I got to think about it I'm like I thought like again I thought it was going to be burritos and he's like I like burritos I like burritos no no like yeah the record was totally like yeah platter and all that was like that's [ __ ] and then you go oh my God this is about yeah this is about yeah deep fried friends was like yeah so many great tracks on there but we'll go to the final track here it's called Untitled um unmastered yeah track number 20 Untitled [Music] up while fig [ __ ] ass face down you this [ __ ] I'll be that in the we see [Music] [Music] that it's weird how he can emphasize this you feel it Angry without him being or super yeah you know what I mean without being super angry [Music] L Joe Biden can't remember think I got line I think you like on this going I'm going out the me this job get your M right these [ __ ] [ __ ] hey you know weig deser donations don't play with me [ __ ] play Playstation safer great fun line yeah I you know what I was I was it was going so fast I missed the PK I'm right I'm going to be swinging on these crackers like I'm playing hockey young PK with the stick on me yeah yeah I thought you would I thought you would like that line uh cuz we don't get hockey references and songs often lot of basketball a lot of a lot of football yeah um sometimes soccer uh or football in in the UK um but hockey hockey it's rare the last one I can think of is on her loss where says I'm skating on y'all like a Montreal Canadian yeah hey but we got Sarah mclaughin and we got um BK PK suban and we got some H hockey reference so that's pretty good really really [ __ ] really cool project it really it opened with trust and I thought that was going to be like it the full sound it was going to be the full sound but he tricked me yeah yeah but there was a lot of linear songs that that were not what I would think of from veteran right yeah Veteran's very different and cornballs right you haven't heard cornballs yet but no not cornballs um H scaring the yeah scaring the hose yeah no uh it's a it's a really cool project it's it's kind of all over the place but also very cohesive yeah um it our word or two words were what uh organized chaos organized chaos yeah that's what it feels like yeah um in the best possible I just going to say that's not in like organized chaos that like it it really is that way you you feel it it's like you're it's going off and and you really you never know you're driving in this [ __ ] area down south somewhere [ __ ] Florida or something like that you've never been we're Canadians we're driving and you're down the thing and then down weird turns and and we don't know where we're going yeah that's a good analogy to it really is it's like I we don't know like we don't that's that's how we go into every project really when when we're uh you know going in blind like uh you know when we did Utopia we both it felt like we were driving through a city we don't know and we're taking but this feels like you're driving through a city that you don't know and you took a tab of acid yes yeah or or you know what it could it for me if this could have been like me driving around last night in your [ __ ] game in GTA yeah yeah like driving around and going down and cars and you know all that kind of [ __ ] chaos and [ __ ] yeah little short spurts right but I love you know what it was very very very easy to to digest in the 2 minute 212 25 increments right yes yeah that well yeah if the tracks were like 7 minutes long yeah um it would be tough because there' be so much going on and then so much to talk about at the end um where you'd forget about half the track and you would good point but with this it's like so much happens in 2 minutes but you're able to summarize it and talk about it afterwards it's uh this is a record I recommend you give a relisten straight through um not that it has like transitions like like a record like mad villainy or anything but it's just one of those records that uh yeah front to back it flows very nicely and it's uh it's fun to listen to without pausing cuz we you know we stopped and talk talked about every track yeah um I I don't think this is an album that I will listen to this will be an album I listen to I put it on occasionally no no not just occasionally but probably occasionally but I'll sit with with six beer yeah and I'll put it on in front of the speakers yeah and not have I'm not it's not going to be a passive listen you know I mean yeah it won't be while you're cleaning the house walk the yeah you're not and then you're like what the [ __ ] was that like you're going to be focused when you're listening to this you want to be focused because you have to catch all those things right it's I think this is an album that you have to do that with it's and you got to be really focused and I think I think it would be a absolutely fantastic live experience oh yeah I got I got to see jpeg live I'm still you know sad that I uh you know it's not his fault he got sick at that show yeah uh and he wasn't able to perform uh or I I don't know actually I don't know if he got sick or if there's another reason but he wasn't able to perform he was supposed to be the opener yeah uh which is crazy think about he was opening for for injury reserve that's like people's dream lineup now like like uh you know cuz they were I I don't want to say they were like super underground at that point but they weren't uh you know huge uh especially like injury reserve was not I think they were this was before their uh self-titled record so it was would have been 2017 maybe um small venue though come small venue and and it was uh it wasn't n sold out and it was for their for their 2016 EP drive it like I stole it that's what they were performing a lot of and and their older stuff uh but it was early on and uh it like people would [ __ ] die to have those two like yeah at this point if they did you know say if injury reserve I know they still made a record uh after the after grogs passed away yeah uh but like if they were to go on tour it would a it would be a dual like a double headlining tour it wouldn't be a j jpeg opening than andury Reserve uh they would be on the same level like they're both both artists are so huge now in the uh the hip-hop sphere yeah yeah if I I want to ask you throw something your way if if I just made you right now and said okay we got a budget and I I want you to make a you're a promoter tomorrow yeah we you got to put together a show we're going to do it at the p& Forum and we we want it in the vein of uh like the this the alternative hip-hop hiop stuff yeah so you injury reserve jpeg who else should you say you got you got a couple like well I wouldn't I wouldn't do injury reserve just because uh without grogs I don't know if they I think they've done some shows so maybe I don't know but I would who would you put on this list I would definitely do uh Danny Brown and jpeg as like kind of a Duo um the same way with uh with Tyler's Music Festival coming up he's got uh the hillbillies or I think that's what they're called oh is that what they're it's Kendrick and Keem oh yeah that's right yeah yeah yeah um so you know I would do that with with scaring the hose and have Danny Brown and and J would you have them come out separate points too I think so well I'd let them do a set together I think that would be the main set that would be the the the yeah the bread and butter the big set that comes in so that would be at the end of the show at the end of the show because they could do their stuff together and they could also do their separate you know their biggest songs I'm having fun listening to this cuz I I want to know what other artist you'd put on this um then I would probably go with uh yeah I don't know what injurers Reserve I don't know what they would be like live without grogs cuz all all their stuff the newest record you know it's not uh it's you know after his death but uh all the older stuff has you know he's got a verse on every song like mostly so I don't know what uh what they would do uh I would so I probably know to injury reserve uh even though it it would hurt to we got jpeg Danny we got jpeg Danny opening the show uh not open they Clos Clos the show yeah we um in this this alternative hip-hop space yeah um you know I'd probably go with an artist like uh you know I'd go with like Earl and The Alchemist I put them as a Duo as well that come out any bones um you know what I don't know if he if he would fit in he's in a kind of a different crowd you know I like him he's kind of with like the Xavier wolfes uh suicide boys sesh Hollow water boys um so I don't know if they would they would totally mesh know I know Earl and that would probably go well with JPEG and Danny uh maybe Action Bronson um maybe uh I don't know about clipping I don't I don't know enough clipping uh to be honest I only know one record so I couldn't say uh maybe maybe redevil um yeah like is a you know one of the St starters CU I know's he's on the come up and he's got some good stuff he's got a song with jpeg yeah um really good debut project oh see that's a good connection there yeah yeah that' be one someone I'd put up there uh you on guitar I'd let you go oh really yeah yeah you could play who would I play with you play with yourself play with myself yeah I'd start yeah no guitar play yeah get get the yeah get the crowd uh Charlie XX for sure I know she's not hip-hop but i' you know we'd spend half the budget on getting her there yeah um just because yeah I would like to just see her it's the budget's the budget's tight so I'm just saying like you're going to have to work some magic to get all these guys cuz we got a budget of like eight bucks and two double cheeseburgers yes and we got a couple of weed beers in the fridge in the fridge THC beers no um if you had to pick a f make a festival right now uh not underground hip-hop not like in the style of JPEG but just hip-hop Festival say it's a big your budget and you can you know it's uh you're doing it at pton or somewhere in squ oh big yeah you got a big budget um so you got to pick some big artists who who are you bringing in like give me like three or four okay I you know what headliner who's going to headline for you headline is going to be for me is gonna be is going to be Kendrick Kendrick okay Kendrick's gonna he's he's finishing the show yeah he he would and he would bring in anybody like people would yeah that would that's already you've already sold out just by having Kendrick there people are buying tickets yeah and then uh I I would bring in I would H I'd have to bring in um at some point of the show one of my favorites right now producers and I don't know how this would work though I don't know how he would do it but Metro boomman oh yeah well he he does live stuff I'm sure but how does he you bring Dawn on and everybody I don't know I you you could well okay just say you have him there for a DJ set or something yeah yeah just say you have that so you got Kendrick Metro yeah so Metro yeah so it be Kendrick's going to finish the show right you would want to you know if you're going to pick Metro do what I did with my festival thing where I said Earl and The Alchemist you're ruining my Festival over you know how I did Earl and the alist so do Metro and somebody who would you bring Metro with you know what I if we're unlimited budget I don't know if I'd bring I'd probably bring Dawn to yeah I was going to say Dawn I'm a fan of uh Heaven and Hell and and I'm looking forward to him and he's he's you see he's creating a lot of Buzz he's filling up shows and uh he would he would be really really good um and then I would bring somebody from the UK uh we're going to work our way I'd probably ask uh little Sims to come the show Okay so let's go with like Metro boomman and Dom uh Dom Dawn uh little Sims would probably be the the opening Set uh then you have Metro you got Kendrick at the top uh who would be like your second the second my second second before the headliner you know what I'm going to swap this over okay if I can do this Sims is starting the show yes then we're going to do Metro boomman M and and Dawn Oliver yeah and then we're GNA go from Carolina we're GNA bring in jcole oh okay so you're gonna have j. Cole and Kendrick J Cole and then Kendrick's going to finish the show yeah that that that would be you would Pro those tickets would be [ __ ] through the roof on Ticket Master you know why what I'm thinking here is like okay okay I'm I got a bit of uh a I've got some UK and she Sims is fantastic you saw her I was sick I saw some of the footage I thought she was fantastic great and she just open that show up and get it warmed up and then we would bring uh Metro on and Metro would just as as this sunet yes just Sims it's the summertime Sims is coming Sims is coming in around 6 o' yeah and then and then you got Metro boom in around seven suns going down and it's just that night time you see it it's coming on right 8:00 you got Jak come out stuff uh he does like a 40 minute 45 minute set 50 yeah hour set you're just increasing the set that's the money goes up you know I know I know but uh and then you end with Kendrick and you got to have Cole come out at some point in the Kendrick set for something yes and then then at the end of the show you play no the end of the show everybody comes onto stage right and they freestyle Over With a Little Help from My Friends from the Beatles yes a remix or just the instrumental just the instrumental what would you do if I sang Stand Up and got on me and then it's like and then they just go and it's the freestyle and is is is that a cipher yeah is is the Beatles song on Loop like so they each get a turn each get a turn yeah what would you do if I sang aimim yeah no I think that's a good way to yeah and then the whole crowd goes what would you do a little help you they right no that's a beautiful way to end the festival and then it's uh that's like 11 p.m. and you're done [ __ ] man let's make it happen Okay anyway we'll end the video off here uh I had a great time this afternoon I had a blast this afternoon I had a [ __ ] really good time this was really fun I hope you guys enjoyed jpeg thank you for the album uh for making it and giving us uh a project for us to have a great time listening to and enjoy on this uh beautiful Wednesday afternoon hump day yeah yes and uh we'll see you soon uh with the uh rest of our reaction set list we've got some stuff planned for October that I'm excited for uh and yeah see you soon guys take care byebye peace
Channel: turning the tables
Views: 135,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7906Tc27Tak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 2sec (9422 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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