Dad Reacts to $uicideboy$ - Sing Me a Lullaby, My Sweet Temptation

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name is Connor here with my father my name is Kevin yes that is your name you said it not correctly but that's not how we do that I can say it again just stop ready Kevin okay yeah that works and uh today we are covering a artist that is they've been around uh the channel I guess for a bit in terms of like I've had the record up here and there in the background for those of you that watch all the time you've probably seen it a few times here and there uh or in like Instagram videos and stuff and and it's it's around the house um an artist that I uh really enjoyed around uh like I I found them early on in their career uh probably around 2016 and uh I've just been casually listening to them you know as the years progress but in more like recent times I've found myself listening to them a lot their newer music um and there's a big debate you know of people liking their older stuff and their newer stuff I'm a huge fan of their newer stuff um and I've told you many times about uh the one of the other one of the members of the group uh goes by the name of scrim you've I've told you lots about how he's uh one of my favorite favorite producers um favorite you know modern producers I know what we're doing yeah yeah we're doing it um he is one of my favorite producers one of my honestly favorite just artists in general like I love everything about the dude he he went through uh some tough [ __ ] uh you know drug addiction and and uh he talks about it a lot in his his music and you can hear it uh in his production just a really cool guy all around and then uh the other member of this group Ruby uh he's also fantastic uh a really good rapper and I'm excited to cover this record this is uh this is suicide boys you don't know what record we're doing uh but do I know I know the cover the green' seen the green cover yeah we've seen the cover suicide boys are known uh for having long ass titles for their songs and some of their records yeah um we L did a interview with an artist uh we are starting our interview series uh again that we we tried and I think this time we have a little more uh I think we're approaching it in a better way uh excited for you guys to see it but one of the conversations we had was just talking about suicide boys and their cult like following and how big they are uh without you know being on the charts without you know having radio songs and and doing you know going to like winning Grammys or anything like that uh it's just crazy how big of a following they have and it's like this this very Niche following that people are just diard fans for and I think that's like the best thing you can imag or best thing you can hope for as a musician I'd say oh for sure man track number one Genesis you know they say that money is the root of all evil no wonder I love it so [Music] much my soul to the became a house name I claim my CH my name I'm out the game I don't play the I don't all anci blazing [Music] that great [Music] oh and then scrim comes up next here so this is odd enough the snow leopard yeah one of his many names Ste white TR [ __ ] bit ain't a damn thing change what the change I got production is really cool with all the harmonies and double [Music] vocals very very chill yeah you'll notice some songs are chill uh some less chill uh but they're all pretty short the record is short it's like 30 minutes yeah and that's that's the two of them there going back and forth right yeah so every track has the two of them um so odd enough the slow snow leopard is that's Ruby that's Ruby and then we had somebody else here we had uh little Apache yeah that's scrim scrim okay so they they'll have different names uh but you'll you I just got to catch on to their voices their voices yeah you'll get it uh as we progress chill production I like it I really like that the right away off the bat they started right away as soon as it hit you they with some uh serious uh harmonies mhm yeah that's that's one of their uh vocal layers yeah yeah one of their strong suits is is doing these vocal Harmony song tracks yeah that's cool track number two Matt [Music] Black [Music] I my pantsing that [ __ ] in Swinging with SM my that's what mean that's the money right there [Music] list Jesus for you walk D water speak game show me how that py shave coming with my sh M crying for my pain when they ever understand can I even love [Music] that they have a really I know said but they have a really nice even mix still shining baby [Music] girl sa it ain't my T it ain't my want to marry me I said you better off dead if it didn't work out baby I'll be real hard to foret drink of insanity I can't make up my mind yeah I battle my vanity and I [Music] that was fantastic yeah and it's so chill like you me like I bump this record in the summer a lot uh driving around I love this part here [Music] what like a little bit of scrims mixing come in full Circle that that was my favorite so far it it was it was so catchy man really easy to follow these it young Christ young Christ and then it was uh what was the other name Romeo the the black rose yeah so they go by different names on each it just they reinvent them themselves with different names uh and I love it it's like it's just funny as hell and it's cool and you know what's cool about it like you again I've always said you could hide behind personas right exactly yeah you could be whoever you want each character that could be rapping from a different perspective be all different kinds of things kind of like jcole with his kill Edward thing we did recently uh you know that was him uh kill Edward was Edward was his stepfather I think um so kill Edward was kind of like a Persona of like this darker version of himself um so yeah I love when artists get creative like that but that track to me was like the highlight of what was it 2022 so my 2022 summer I just had that uh blasting you know when I was driving around because it was just it's such a it's perfectly mixed so catchy the harmonies are great yeah everything is just so chill about it track three [ __ ] your [Music] culture [ __ ] my G kill the black [Music] the my [Music] dick you I'm going to say Do you hear it but you the under lick thing yes it's it's that haunting [Music] thing keep just like [Music] a yeah bitch's [Music] the [ __ ] that goes hard eh yeah I I think Ruby uh had the better verse on there some [ __ ] hilarious bars but that Baseline scrims Baseline is really cool with that sin's base yeah I love the creepy thing man yeah wait for a beep dial 59 and hit the pound yeah no the trying to catch up with that lyrics is one thing right yeah [ __ ] smell like salmon or something yeah gripping my genitals North Side General pulling up in that Benz and everything's everything went very very fast in that song but it would the flow was badass yeah but this shit's fun to listen to really really fun to listen to and and again you know what when I hear uh usually in hip-hop I don't hear the the harmonies like I'm hearing right here like I usually solo harmonies well it's I usually hear in unison so we go you know uh big booty you and I right now ready big booty or whatever right but you don't hear that layers they're really layering it up which makes it really cool right and it's the same vocalist doing it which is cool as well you know it's not like having your the feature do harmonies with you it's the same vocalist doing these harmonies throughout yeah it's really really really good it enhances the song so much right track number four 1,000 blunts [Music] now we have Anthony [Music] marsit yes this is great like this shit's so [ __ ] cool and unique that's [ __ ] badass [Music] there fing [Music] [Music] nextage [Music] I love it I absolutely love this right here yeah see the great thing about them is is the chemistry as much I love solo scrim uh that was great they've got undeniable came that I liked it terms you likin basically for feeding his family and getting you know where they're at they just for that they should give him a Grammy cuz you know they haven't won any awards for anything but they're they've made it to the top basically uh I love those lines but you could kind of feel it just kind of dragging along and then Ruby comes in with those vocals and it's just uh that was verse two right yeah yeah that was Ruby with his his iconic vocal harmonies that was fantastic man that was that was the highlight for me man it was uh Norman Atomic that's what it went by yeah verse number two Norman Atomic track five in constant [Music] sorrow this is the Memphis style this part with that kind of okay yeah yeah and this [ __ ] love [Music] I got the first back Shivers [ __ ] love the atmosphere it's [Music] really this give this is giving me shivers all over I this a great great track got little hairs look it they're coming up okay that's that's my favorite now it keeps changing yeah but that's that that was something else man I got sh the sample's incredible I love the sample flip uh that scrim did and then um Ruby's coming in right away just incredible the mix on his vocals everything and then even scrims like uh harmonies were were fantastic on the second part that's my f in constant Sor like I think of Ruby is as the harmony guy and scrim is more of like the the darker uh really fast and good with his word play um but you know they both had fantastic harmonies on that track that was yeah that can I read about this it says in Conant store was the fifth track of sing me a little bo my sweet temp it's the album's most depressing song and while Ruby talks about how he has achieved everything that he could ever dreamed of uh how it does not matter anymore for him how he feels insufficient and how he's struggling with the name suicide Boys in in the line one day uh I'll be ready to gather my bones dig me a hole say goodbye as my two eyes start to close but the day but that day ain't even close all of you leave me alone like like that that was I tell you the combination of the lyrics and the and the thing just gave me shivers the production yeah they really put the two together so well yeah the thing I love about uh suicide boys is they are pretty like I don't know um they don't P back in their lyrics uh when it comes to like their mental uh health and their drug abuse and and all issues that they've got going on in their life um even more so on their their earlier stuff they were very open about it um which I think is why so many people connect with them like to see somebody just be so raw about about their emotions and then it's another reason why I love scrim solo stuff cuz I feel like he goes even in more depth uh you know when he has on his solo projects cuz he's got a lot of time to himself just to kind of yeah what was what was the one we heard you gave me a snippet of it off this off that album I forget it was the uh but it was like he was talking about his he was deep deeply talking about his anxiety and stuff it was like there was that one line I I forget if I showed showed you was where uh he puts his Xanax with his chamomile yeah yeah yeah yeah that was that was the that was the song that's the intro there and uh and then there's the other one where he's yeah there's a few on that yeah but very very very person personal and and and you know what I mean and just th lay it out on the table right yeah track six escape from [Music] Babylon I thought that was SAA for a minute yeah it sounds like [Music] [Music] right that sounds like a little video game sound eh yeah there is a little bit of video game elements in this record the I'm glad you had now my [ __ ] been going I what do you know it's bit before she was stripping there let her go me Mighty now her finger fro [Music] Dre a Sentimental lyric that's just very brunchy yes EXA yeah how do it's beautiful I think I can go let it play into the next track which is really short uh ashes of luxury it's only a minute and 20 so you can pull up that that was beautiful Track by the way just that ashes of luxury [Music] y That's like you can smell it in was never would [Music] iing this album is really chill overall yeah I love playing it front to back it's so short and it's just like like you know how we let that song transition to [Music] this brain I can't focus supressing my emotions turn them into concrete let sink to the bottom of the the SLE dreamu [Music] up no I I I really enjoyed the first track too well I'm glad we just played it straight into each other cuz they were both very short um but you know what I mean when I said like I I'd listen to this record driving around summer time just let it flow yeah just let it go front to back cuz it's uh it flows really well it so goes by so quick that I would listen to it usually two or three times yeah like I just keep it going go Loop it um yeah cuz it was you know it's like 30 something minutes um like like 32 minutes or something like that so you you heard the line you heard the line Whatchamacallit uh like coming in [ __ ] and hoping my girl has a mini me yes quite a few times right multiple times yeah and then I like how on this track he talks about like right away kind of answers uh talking he's saying how he couldn't imagine having a kid because it's hard enough for him in this world yeah um so you know he's just they're just putting their emotions out there over some some really cool production Track eight resistance is useless on SCH on the mission and if for the set in my hood up bring the f that what to I'm the junky of the sick that on [Music] that out with t your head like my like every time she me head it's like my dick was train me with the shot I name [ __ ] [ __ ] your spy playl lame [ __ ] last taste like I love the half [Music] singing those haunting CS I love that [Music] very yeah something horrible is going to happen hey a this is got the text message this morning the zoom room and if you don't seem to have it just text your cousin he can send it to you thank you I wonder what what was that uh these are just little like uh you know pieces at the end of certain songs hasn't been every song but it's kind of uh messages together throughout the record yeah well the way they bleeped out to who the who the zoom was with that was interesting right yeah I think it's probably for privacy reasons oh yeah yeah yeah could be music related could be uh I don't know could be anything could be therapist related oh yeah yeah that's what I always think about when I oh that's stuff so I'm not sure Track n eulogy uh cool sample that they were able to get their handson uh a biggie sample oh ni and uh I don't know if you'll know the song or not but you'll hear Biggie's voice so be here we go track nine eulogy I want to go to hell I I I I I [ __ ] it I want to to hell you don't know this song but I love his I love [Music] biggies me what's the word my the come out [Music] in [Music] the ring is cool yeah it signifies like the loop right me the pistol and now the CLS look like my brain again always holding back tears it's how I manag to pay the rent the black hole in my chest sex and drives [Music] L I love the I'm a PR person and take pride in my vers [ __ ] your whole opinion I don't care if it worses I rule my reputation and make sure it's on purpose couple C SL the Zer in a couple homes I this [ __ ] for me that song goes hard really great lyrics yeah really just talking about how all the [ __ ] that they've gotten Fame and success money it's hasn't completely solve their issues exactly yeah the good news is I I do believe scrim is clean now I think he's been clean for a bit yeah yeah it's really interesting to you know to a lot of people in this world like this fill the black hole in my chest with sex and drugs but it never lost it never lost you always try to fill these things that are missing whatever's whatever is missing in your life is try you try to self-medicate and try to fill it with something else right and if there's I was watching Danny Brown's um I don't know who yeah his podcast the other day and I don't know who the guy was he's a cut off haircut like this and uh anyways he's he was talking about um he said as an addict and uh filling holes with things is like his his addiction's gone from here but now he his addiction is like working 18-hour days so he's just moved it from actual from drugs and stuff to something else just the grind so it's like he goes I'll always be an addict but I have to move at least it's a at least what he's doing has a lesser chance of killing him yeah yes yeah yeah um I guess you can look at it that way that way yeah yeah but he has moved it and so like just F like him talking about filling holes with with sex and drugs and stuff like that it just you still have that hole it's yeah and it's it keeps it's it's hard it's harder and harder to fill because you you you know what I mean it's it's until you Rectify that that that thing that's happening in your life you're going to just keep [ __ ] trying to cover it up with anything right I have a question for you and and it's more of just a an observation that I've made and I just want to see if you what you have to say about it with uh you know obviously struggles dealing people dealing with with depression uh mental health issues you've dealt with them your entire life I've dealt with them my life uh and music is is one thing that people kind of go to uh a lot uh to try to you know give some you know like instead of self-medicating with you know drugs and alcohol uh and other harmful things people will go to music and music can be helpful in times do you think it was harder um when you were growing up just because there were songs out there that were more you know artists were being open yeah um but not to this degree of like like you could see why people younger people you know say in their their teens and early 20s yeah will go to a suicide boys or a kid cuy uh or a Mac Miller because how open they are um about the things you think it was harder when you were younger because I'm trying to think of stuff like yeah I could listen you could sit down and listen to something that Roger Waters wrote but I feel like it's it's not like you'd have to think really hard to get it to connect to you you know what yeah you you could listen to like if yeah no exactly you know what it it was harder to extrapolate and and have feel a connection to the lyrics because um especially what I was listening to I was I was listening to more like I I have my playlist out I was listening to more of the the happier stuff when I was in happier times actually it's not actually if you listen to the playlist it wasn't really happy stuff I was I never listened to really like jovial stuff right I always went to the sadder stuff and misery loves company type of stuff right but like if you were like needle in the Damage Done and and um there wasn't I would what I would do is it's funny that you bring this up is that because what would do is I would make those lyrics uh lyrics of songs and I would take them and interpret them to the way I always think of some guys have all the luck Rod Stewart and I used to cry to that song and it's it's it's it's it's it's it's something it's about a guy seeing a guy seeing another guy with a girl yeah right but when I when I heard those lyrics some guys have all the luck some guys have all the pain some guys get all the breaks some guys do nothing but complain and all that right and I was sitting at home in der realization and I was just like and i' listened to that song and it was like Fu I I was sort of screaming out saying like in my head I was going like [ __ ] nobody knows what I'm going through yeah like you know some people are complaining right now about the smallest things and I'm in a [ __ ] world I don't even know and and and holding it in and not but if I had an artist that was talking about D realization and what happened from smoking a joint and and having a h a family structure that was like a household that was crazy and and waking up with with [ __ ] uh nervous stomach as a young kid and throwing up and all that kind of stuff um I would have yes I would have I would have G went to it right but there really it wasn't it it was harder because you really had to pick and choose lyrics from different parts of song yeah and you had to just sort of pick and see and and you know what I mean there like yeah there there were just there it just wasn't there and then so when I heard with you know you were you were you heard cudy and then C's talking openly about things it's just like I would have I would have [ __ ] probably just started crying back then it was just like get [ __ ] dude man just get the [ __ ] out go have two beers and Shake It Off man you know what I mean it wasn't the same I was sitting under a blanket [ __ ] sleeping by covered like [ __ ] like a shaking like a twig and it's just like go outside get some sun like well that doesn't really work that way I don't know what the [ __ ] going on right anyway we'll go next track uh no matter which direction I'm going I need I never CH the I never Chas the hose that's it I've never seen I've never I've been on this using this genius and I've never seen that title so small they could barely fit it track 10 no matter which direction I'm going I never is it Chase Chase the hoes Chase these ho These Hoes yes there we [Music] go [Music] ho smoking do my [ __ ] pussying she [Music] [Music] me [Music] l they Shad out the label a lot eh yeah well it's their label yeah yeah yeah so yeah that's like their their thing yeah five9 into the grave God I love what's going on way back there you hear that it sounds like Gregorian chant [Music] yeah those are they are the the the production is so good so so good yeah you know if I were you i' I'd give scrim solo record just a listen we're not going to do it on the channel but like just skim through some of the stuff for the production skim through yeah skim through scrim no uh if you're loving the production on this record I'd give uh his record uh solo record the new one or the the his debut uh just some you know go through some tracks on your own cuz I don't think we'll do them on the channel but uh like you would definitely enjoy the production uh on that anyway this next track uh is titled suicide boys were better in 2015 it's kind of 2015 is when they really popped off and I mean this is definitely a statement that's been made online by people um saying they missed their old style oh yeah yeah uh this is kind of similar to what their old style was uh in a way uh to hear this now yeah track 11 suicide boys were better in 2015 and that is the track name I'm not stating my opinion CU I I don't agree with that I think they are at their best right [Music] now yeah they had very dark uh like piano and and just relatively a lot darker music yeah oh this is so so appealing to me man maybe they were [Music] better at the do breathing slowly look maybe I'll show you hopeless up a man deep in Nars and go shopping for my father's problems do you have some to [Music] my production is just yeah it's the spacing is what's really intriguing less is more in this [Music] it's I'm moving What Choosing me how I'm doing out the bathroom floor I go back out I got I gu [Music] first forgive me for saying so Reverend but God is a sick [ __ ] wow suici suicide boys were better in 2015 is the song yeah I thought you were making a bold statement after not hearing anything that they've done in 2015 hey that was that was really really [ __ ] good yeah production is another phenominal production track like I said this whole record is is kind of flawless front to back when it comes to the production yeah and and both of them brought their aame so this is their fourth studio album to me I think it's their best um like you know they have mixtapes and stuff that some people might prefer but to me that this is their best like just cohesive project because it's short and everything hits you know um and like that's another track that it's just like it's short it it kind of references the P past but they are still the their current s uh it's a really cool track in general but I just wanted to say that you know what it's a real Testament to uh uh the artists and The Melodies that when you just have like three things happening like and and it's like you have your piano piece you have your your heavy duty Bass you have your drums going on right um that you can really fill that space up and make it really interesting and appealing yes to the ear like you it would be easily to to just be like oh my God you need some more [ __ ] to fill in but when that's that's the that's the real essence of when um when when you have it simple and you can keep the listener really captivated with only a few things happening that's that's I find amazing like when when somebody's doing AC capella or um uh the guy with the Chicken in the Corn or whatever right just one string and and something really good it's it's real talent right track number 12 unlucky me it's intro is SWV and young Marino like the Cherry young [Music] Cherry oh my God this gives me like 80s yeah 80s like really cool R&B like like but not to not I promise it won't affect you I'm just trying to H staring for attention but I'm not trying to B it's interesting to hear it's so interesting to start hearing things of all the stuff we listen to I can hear I can hear cisms in here I can hear stuff from that Brock [Music] Hampton hey I'm nor place the I'm smoking back back bus is that him chewing on a pill yeah he's popping a pill like yeah yeah that's [Music] cool hi audience Scott just called to tell y'all I love and miss y'all send in love and hugs and maybe one day we can go bowling love Granny that's awesome I want to go for gumbo and roast and go bowling and go bowling with Grandma Fu man if I had that offer I'd be on there like a dog on a meatball be [ __ ] I love that track I love the uh the sound remind me about that uh when we get to when we finish the record we're talking about things uh because you said it had like an ' 80s field yeah which is cool uh but there's another song that I want to show you that's a scrim solo song um but we'll go to the final track uh the evil that men do and uh yeah this is to close off the Record track number 13 the evil that men do you ask me to help you whenever I hear that I think of right there to it's cool that you attach all these different things when you're listening like you're NE to it's neat to cuz it's they might not be directly influenced but like you just you're tying them together [Music] my that's a toned down piano hear that yeah [ __ ] [Music] [Music] see that was that some of that flow there yeah the the user tongue to collect a remind me totally Doom yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that was that was a good that's the Finish yeah that's the end that was really really cool um that was a cool cool way to end it I love interlude where he's like bro I got more [ __ ] to say I did my a bars I did my eight bars already um just them goofing around in the studio but uh yeah that that's your first introduction to Suicide boys that is a returner for me I got to listen to it right from beginning to end yeah it's great uh listening without without pausing and chatting uh and you know the fact that you did like them makes me excited because I'd like to cover another uh one of the records at some point uh especially the new one I'm very curious to see what sound they go in like Direction wise go back to 2015 or do they go to 2027 they do tend yeah 2093 2093 uh they tend to change uh their style pretty often uh so it is really cool seeing how they evolve I I had fun listening to this did you have fun I had lots of fun and I learned a lot of things in my ear today and I hope you guys had fun uh if you are a fan of suicide boys and you've been waiting for us to cover them for a while uh my apologies for for taking so long there's just uh you know so many albums that we like to cover uh but I'm glad we finally got to it today it's like the stars aligned with their new album announcement scrim uh you know his solo project and our interview and talking about uh suicide Bo Y and all that and they're following and they're huge foll yeah and and all that coming together was like the sign of me like okay we should probably do it now uh because I'm probably going to listen to some more scrim later today uh when I'm driving I'll put on Lonely Boy so hope you guys had fun hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see you soon take care peace [Music]
Channel: turning the tables
Views: 83,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $uicideBoy$, Scrim, Ruby, Reaction, Dad Reacts to $B
Id: ItJmHutOZs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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