Dad Reacts to Mac Miller - Swimming

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name is connor i'm here with my father kevin and today we are doing mac miller swimming you haven't seen any comments about this guy right every second comment has been mac miller so i'm really excited about this album but i'm also a little bit um trepidatious because there's just been so much talk of it it's been really really really highly anticipated um not just this album but mac just general exactly mac i'm getting all the macs right yeah right all the mac stuff is coming through um and so it's really um it's gonna be uh i know that i know you know obviously what's happened to him i know a little bit of the history from some of the comments people have been writing and i've been reading so it's going to be a bit of a tough lesson i think i i think it will be yeah for for me for you for people watching as well um but it's definitely an album that we need to check out um that i think is kind of essential where is this in the discographies of uh so this was his last record before he passed away okay he passed away in september of 2018 and i believe this came out in august of 2018 so it was very close to his his passing young he's young right yeah i think 26 i believe oh wow [ __ ] um but yeah it is a fantastic album and then he came out with a a second piece to this album uh posthumously that's how you say it right i think so i'm not even going to try it posture misty oh posthumously posthumously um titled circles um in 2020 which is also a fantastic album uh but we'll start here okay and uh yeah this will give me a really good feel i think so already yeah for sure uh for those of you who don't know uh we do have a second channel now where we're gonna be posting things like vlogs and making music and yeah just other kind of content yeah so you can check it out it's linked in the description i'll link you guys to the first video we have on there uh if you haven't seen it already okay we'll get into track number one which is titled come back to earth my requests look just like texts i shouldn't send and i got neighbors they're more like strangers in my own ways [Music] now i know who mack is yes [Music] [Music] strangers we strangers [Music] wow connor so that is track number one that is seriously i thought he would anyways that's why lyrics is orchestration there jazz yeah wow man and then there's there's so much in this song right away it's so so absolutely beautifully done but the lyr even the lyrics that i just resonated with so much was the sunshine like that one came out to me so strongly don't feel right when you're inside all day yeah don't you know that the sunshine don't feel right when you're inside all day like i've i've had so many of those moments in my life and that line just really really hit me hard right that was yeah i know that exact feeling like you know when it's it's super nice out but you you just feel like [ __ ] and you're inside the house and yeah it just doesn't feel right it just doesn't feel right and that line really hit me i did not expect um mac to be singing all right i didn't know that oh you thought you just wrapped i thought it was just i didn't know that it was singing like i didn't know it was this i thought it was just rap and um just flowing and stuff like that it was um that was a big surprise to me honestly really i didn't know and it was just the orchestration and the jazz and just his voice in general man yeah it's very comforting it's so good it's so comforting right yeah that was um that was a real eye-opener surprised i'm super super surprised in such a good way right because this is my very first introduction i've heard nothing else yeah you haven't heard any single singles or anything popular yeah so this is like this for to me is wow is it such is a wow moment for me i was moved by it lyrically soulfully everything it moved me i think i'm in for a real special one here i really yeah just from that if that's any indication shrek number two is titled hurt feelings [Music] [Music] mine keep to myself taking my time always into some bullshitting out of line turn the ignition i'm driven and sitting pretty listening to whitney and whipping it through the city man on a mission figure [Music] the harmonies are beautiful [Music] such a different mix again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that totally freaked me out at the end okay so that's track two that is a totally different track than the first try yeah yeah um i really like the the uh the lineage the how long what word am i gonna use here or how it's so even all across that whole song it's so nice and it's it's in terms of the mix in terms of the mix yeah it's just right across even and it's just like really ear appealing you know right lyrically it's uh lyrically it's one i think i have to go through again right yeah yeah of course first through but the song overall is uh it's it's a really really cool track man it's he's um he's gonna be interesting to explore uh all around his discography you know that will you what was your impression because i i mean you haven't heard mac miller but i you didn't know much about him before we started the youtube channel but you didn't know about him right i didn't know his name and and his face and stuff like that right yeah but you just kind of assumed he was just uh like i honestly i thought he was just sort of uh uh uh like um somebody who wasn't respected in the industry in terms of uh an artist yeah i just got that kind of like a frat boy yes yes exactly i thought it was that that's kind of how he came out like uh starting his career yeah it was like that kind of frat boy rap um well that's sort of what i what i thought my initial thing was just that he's and i and not knowing a lot about hip-hop and stuff like that i thought he was a sort of outsider in terms of of anybody hiding uh holding him in any type of high regard you know i mean so was it a shock to you when you heard that a lot of people held them in a huge yeah huge when you first told me i was like what i thought he was just you know just you know just like held off to the side right yeah and um and after that opening track in this track here man it's just it's starting to envelope and open up and i understand who he is right track number three what's the use that's odd eh yeah it's way back there so something's gonna freak me out [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] i'm not going to worry about if these are samples or not i'm just going to dig the music because it's not a sample no it's okay [Music] i like these lyrics okay colder than the breeze but the breeze ain't flowing like me [ __ ] hold up you don't need a holla make it up way up where we on space shuttle elon time we don't waste much [ __ ] when we wake up and i have her tank just like celine dion catch me if you can but you'll never catch me damn yeah the time is ticking inside this is highly different i'm talking that one's tweaking hey [Music] so far but paul we can parlay all day crib long range with the yard i know i should probably pray more but you gotta love me [Music] whoever whoever's playing that four string man i believe it's uh thundercat playing bass yeah wow wicked wicked thunder [Music] that was a really nice surprise that base is stuck in my head who's thundercat is a bass player yeah you don't know thundercat no yeah he's a well malty instrumentalist uh he's got his own records as well which are pretty good thundercat on the base like seriously matt the the chorus in that is so good his phrasing yeah this is a surprise to me it's wow yeah this this one i'd say is closer to that first track in terms of the instrumentation yeah um but i do love how he comes in and flows at certain parts and that's where i jump like whoa where does that come from man yeah just kills it like that and then uh he's a great good voice i love his voice i know it's i thought look again i just i thought he was just going to be spitting stuff out yeah he's got a very unique singing voice um i don't know what you would compare it to to be honest yeah you know what the [ __ ] it's weird how you get into like i realize now he's not here anymore yeah that's a shitty thing and i just i'm just you know what i mean no anyways i'm not going to go down i'll pass but i just now i'm just like wow this is this [ __ ] talented dude man he's like so so talented it's not here anymore yeah it's it's really sad to think about especially considering how young he was too and like how much of a career he could have had yeah because he started his career when he was super young you know um rapping and then you just saw his evolution go yeah like through his mixtapes and albums and uh it really seemed like you know towards like when he got to swimming it was like he was really starting to perfect this new sound and he's oh wow so it yeah it's uh it's shitty to think about about like where he could have continued to go yeah because that's man that's that's well crafted music man yeah like it's beautiful like to you know you know how hard i try to struggle to make [ __ ] a two-minute song that sounds cool yeah it's hard man it's like that is talent that's talent embodiment right there man track number four is titled perfecto [Applause] [Music] as hard as it gets cool come and collect it holding my breath this ain't what i expected don't argue to death i'm treading water i swear that if i drown i don't care let go [Music] you can sure feel his struggles in his lyrics it's just right out there man [Applause] [Music] this is really powerful this pre-chorus yeah seen it all unfold sat back and watched knowing time don't give a [ __ ] about clocks until they stopped [Music] well man that's okay that's a heavy track the pre-chorus is i don't know why the pre-chorus hit me so hard with the i'm treading water i know if i stop moving i'll float then then it hits the chorus and it's just like it's just such a good chorus but it's so sad yeah it's very dark to to look at it like especially looking with hindsight that's what i'm doing now in every song yeah yeah it's definitely harder to listen to now than when it initially came out and uh i think the thing that was like so tough for people when he passed was this album did seem like he was he talks about his struggles but you can hear kind of like the hope that he has yeah uh through the lyrics yeah [ __ ] um whereas some of his other work has like like my favorite project by mac is uh faces his mixtape which we have up there yeah and uh the lyrics on there are pretty dark and he's in this kind of drug habit addiction world but it has i feel like faces has less kind of hopefulness than uh oh really yeah yeah like this seemed you know you listened to this and it went when he passed people were just so surprised and shocked because i know the lyrics have that you know the dark tone and yeah underlying themes and stuff um but people just didn't think it would you know that's you you know what and you you and i know this and and lots of the viewers know this you don't really people people talk about it and they and they and they you know they'll write about it and say things about how they're feeling and how they're where you know they're they're in that in that state you just don't think it's ever going to happen that yeah something it just that's life is not as shitty that way right yeah is that um used to have people rights to one of you know one of the guys i had always admired and he two of them were chris cornell and um anthony bourdain yeah they you know they left so early in this uh and and they i don't know it's it's such a strange thing when [ __ ] like that happens right it's just because not a lot of people see it coming no it's like it catches everybody by surprise exactly yeah because you don't know like just like that one line there that everything looks like everything you look fine yeah you know i mean how many times do somebody say oh you look fine you don't [ __ ] well you don't know what's going on in here man yeah you know you can ever put you can put on a facade and smile and do that [ __ ] right i don't know how many times i went in my worst state ever to go meet people and and i put on in a work meeting where that's like with a bunch of people and i put on such a [ __ ] phony thing i was falling apart inside it wasn't i was just such a such a mess but i was in there going oh yeah yeah okay we changed the schematics and all that [ __ ] right but i was just as soon as i got out of there it was just like so those people like probably saw you uh kevin's [ __ ] he's fine yeah he's great his life is great everything but you know it isn't always that way when you look at people you know this has been a topic of discussion between you and i forever track number five is titled self-care a lot of interesting sounds on this so far yeah i love the soundscape that's on this album they had some really cool flanging two songs ago that was going on [Music] [Music] right um [Music] [Music] um [Music] some really cool production on this yeah i love the vocal panning yeah i was going back and forth yeah and i like how mac holds really like he held a note there really like i didn't [Music] yeah yeah is this a beat switch mm-hmm [Music] hard like that man [Music] we spend all nights all night this is so so good [Music] [Music] [Music] that was something special man in the second half second half really blew my ass off wow it was beautiful his phrasing yeah the way i i i was closing my eyes for a second when he was talking about the four sitting listening to the 45s and it's it's hell or war outside is it war yeah yeah it's still a war outside like that this whole thing was just from the beat switch on man that really was like something yeah it almost like teleports you into a different totally yeah yeah somebody [ __ ] messes with your head and then goes bloop and you pop out somewhere else you're like what is this i'm in oblivion then like that and there's a vocal like how you mentioned like holding notes oh just that oh my god the way he just that that one piece i'd like to listen to this again um i slide in and then i roll the roll out the roll out is really nice and long all those little things make things so much just so much more you know what i mean to the ear just gives you that wow that's [ __ ] so cool because it's just different yeah yeah no that's one thing i love about max music is uh the elongated notes and then the like pitch shifting yeah vocals as well yeah i have to be honest with you i'm like work we're at this track here and i'm getting sadder and sadder as i go and i'm i'm not gonna cry here i promise i'm not gonna cry but just knowing he's not here anymore because i can't hear anything new i can go back but i mean when someone's at this level and doing that kind of [ __ ] like that i can't imagine what the future would have brought yeah yeah i know really can't imagine how the how like when you're that 26 and you're writing that kind of [ __ ] yeah at that age you know it's uh i know it's it's i was [ __ ] i was just i was playing a g chord playing with my dick at 26 man this is like so intellectual and beautiful and well thought out and and and deep emotional um musically constructed beautifully like it's just it's it is sad it's sadder as we go so yeah that's that's the problem with the is this is this i want to ask you is there's a reason why you put this off for long it's been it's been a long time yeah it's just a tough lesson yeah yeah especially i don't know i was i've been a mac miller fan since like i remember when my friend uh showed me a song off kids in 2011. um and then so i've been a fan of him you know since very close to his when he started yeah um and then this being i mean this album is not as hard to listen to as his album after this that was released after his death yeah that one is a really tough lesson i'd say um but yeah it's just uh does it does it make it easier that this album like you said earlier that it it there is this that hope that's in there does that make it easier listen because you know that there was hope in there and then it was there was some kind of i don't know i don't know if that makes it easier or harder maybe harder i think harder you're right because if it was just the darkness that and you know that was just surrounding the lyrics and it was all kind of hopelessness and then he passed it would be really shitty um but it sucks that there's that he had hope yeah yeah that's true track number six wings yeah [Music] i got a bone to pick like roses roses i ain't feeling broken no more bought a fish that got spin i know this talking [ __ ] i wanted through the motives twin in my face don't stop now when i feel so great you can run to slip on the sidewalk and the same bone that you pick on break that's a motif that's a maltese yeah i put some money on forever [Music] wow he's so amazing at mixing emotions [Music] well moving so fast the clock looks slow slow water my seeds till the flower just grow yeah love so much to my heart get broke [Music] no i love the spacing on this pre-chorus it makes those lines just hit you [Music] find them right not [Music] [Music] wow that was beautiful man yeah his those the lines where he breaks up the lines i love there's so many elements in this track i really really love i love when he breaks up the lines and gives a big break in between and then hits you with the next line and then then he jumps into the um into the the second part of that and then he starts introducing the lines quicker right yeah yeah the second part of the pre-chorus the pre-chorus yeah yeah and um i just listening to that that thing at the corner at the it's so weird i don't know if he picked this or what but that yeah i don't know what that what i don't but it sounds to me like there's a disconnection mm-hmm yeah like if you're trying to stick a wire into something or or somebody's phone is not connected and it's not getting through it's got that all i could think of when that was in there and he was talking you hear that in the background it's like somebody's something's not connecting here it's not and maybe i don't know if that sound was intentional or if that was that's just my interpretation but it really sounded like there was a disconnect right it's somewhere well these songs are so powerful man i can see really see how people resonate with um and why they wanted you to hear this yes it's it's a moving moving album his voice when he introduced when he comes out of his his rap piece and then his voice it's like oh you just want to envelope and hug him yeah you really do yeah no like it's you can hear that that like his voice is just calling out right you just want to say [ __ ] man it's all right that you know what i mean yeah you can feel it in his voice and in the headphones he's right there and it's just that that chorus in the song is so so so beautiful okay track number seven ladders no matter how many miles [Music] beautiful vocals man [Music] is [Music] has to be that [Music] it's such an odd feeling i have right now yeah like part of me wants to dance to this but then part of me is really sad yeah i know you know it's weird [Music] this album's progressively getting stronger like a ladder yeah going up a ladder it's like flickering hitting the right switches i'm living this life different and missing the flight [ __ ] i've been in this [ __ ] so long and it don't smell turn the hotel to a castle living like a king foreign [Music] he's uh can write choruses too no doubt man oh yeah 100 seriously [Music] oh man this is really [ __ ] [Music] oh my god i got bass face connor [Music] that was killer seriously wow that was so so smoking you know who mac reminds me of in the in the last couple of tunes here who he reminds me because they they start slow mm-hmm right the track is the couple trucks started really slow and then they really picked up pick it up right he reminds me of a guy that you meet at a party or something like that and then you say um he he's like hey matt i heard you you played a little guitar oh yeah yeah no i play a little bit just a little bit yeah just a little bit he goes and then like then he warms up and then because he's pretty shy and introverted and then before you know he's like he's playing something classical and [ __ ] like where did that come from yeah that's exactly what happened here yeah it started off just uh it just started off like okay then i'm just i'm you know what you know those you know when you're shy right we're both shy people believe it or not yeah um and then you you finally just have a moment where you just want to let loose and just say shine yeah the world i'm here and this is what i'm doing and i'm going to show you and and and that's how mac just felt there it was just like on that track that track was for me was like the right now the highlight of the album because it just it really the horn sections and everything about it and come and it again it made me [ __ ] sad but it made me feel [ __ ] fantastic and i felt guilty for wanting to jive to it and groove no i don't think you should feel guilty because like not that i know mac miller personally but yeah i think from what i've seen through interviews like he would want people to move to move to it and just enjoy his music well and not be you know i'm cranking that one after right on speakers and i'm just going to dance to it yeah and just let loose because i felt i felt awkward here right now to be honest because i wanted i was starting to you know just i was starting to just feel music the way i feel music and i'm like [ __ ] i'm sort of somber yeah it's a you know yeah no it is it is a weird kind of thing mix yeah i know it's like yeah like you know if i'm gonna listen i was listening to sam cook the other day like crazy right in the garage i was out there doing some [ __ ] cleaning the garage and i had sam cook on i don't know much about history and i'm dancing away but sam's it's a long time ago and sam was older and that kind of thing it's so different because it's like such he's like you know your age type you know yeah with a couple of years difference and stuff like that right so yeah it's it's like you know jamming out to david bowie or something like that or yeah yes you know yeah you're sad that he's gone but it's like david bowie passed it how old is he 70 something yeah so it's a really different feeling i'm feeling right now especially being a father right like it's from a father's point of view it's like i can't imagine what his family and friends and all that feel like it's must be so [ __ ] devastating yeah well i think he was his death was one that like really just affected everybody in the music industry because it's it's really hard to find somebody that's like a mac miller hater well yeah most people almost everybody loved him just as a person and they all have like great stories about him and whatnot just like what i was talking about with j cole i would like to how i i was introduced to j cole and through nardwar that interview and then i i put through his album i liked him even more i'm going to go sort of backwards on this one because we're listening to the album and i haven't really i haven't seen anything on on mac so i'd like to see him like i know there's a i know there's a people have been a lot of comments about watching a tiny desk that he did yeah he has a great tiny desk for this record for this one oh okay that's we're doing we're going to watch this after guys i want to see that like just how he is i don't know him yeah any history right so track number eight small worlds the world is so small [Music] i love his tone here yeah yeah i think i know it uh but i don't [Music] why you always at the mall when you're broke i've been thinking too much but keep it on the hush no one need to know just us that's really all it takes [Music] yeah his vocals sound like they're like right right i know next to you he's a i want to say well we got i can see we got a lot of he has um his i love the way his delivery is just sort of like this yeah i got a bad attitude playing till i'm out of moves no need for shame i get more peace at slow speeds aggressive in any way it's it's not it's not too laid back though yeah yeah it's not like he's sleeping yeah exactly it's right in that nice ground but when he was just flowing there for a second and then he started singing it was just like [ __ ] wow [Music] yeah nine times out of ten i get it wrong that's why i wrote this song to myself to hold on i'm tired i don't gotta spare a second when i lose when i lose i don't keep counting nobody checking that outro was something else just a piano in his voice like that was really really really cool man and the lyrics there and the lyrics are really really strong it's really again i'm listening to the beauty of mac miller and i can say that because that's what i'm that's what i've i'm hearing since the beginning of this album it's just absolutely beautiful amazing artist and then to read the lyrics here right i can feel my fingers slipping in a [ __ ] instant i'll be gone like all this is just yeah it's hard it's tough to listen to when you you know i don't know mac miller but again as a father and as a human yeah you look at artists and and young people that are that talented and they're gone so quick it's just it's really sad man really sad yeah and that's not even like the first time like there's some other lyrics on his older records that are even like harder to listen to um just because he was like self-aware of like the stroke his addiction struggles and whatnot so he knew that you know but i think when you're in that mindset like you're aware that you could go any day yeah um but you don't really kind of grasp that reality yeah or at least you don't you're not affected by it as much so his he went by overdose right yeah well bad [ __ ] man then again i think everybody kind of gets in that mentality of kind of like everybody knows that they could go at any second but they don't think about it like they don't realize no the you know well part of me you know you know you and i again viewers me and conor talk quite deep all the time right and we're chatting about stuff and that and i think that is um that's one thing i always keep in my mind is that it's not oh my god i could go on instant i don't keep that negative thing i just really really root myself on the belief that i'm enjoying this moment right now so that's what uh that's my word of the day white phrase of the day all right um we'll keep going and yes the foot is out i'm sorry anybody's gonna talk about the foot that that foot so long okay we'll move on to conversation part one we ain't on the same [ __ ] know it you ain't from my planet we don't speak the same language this is an occasion where you from where you came [Applause] now i'm in the space [Music] [Applause] [Music] otherwise it's just a conversation [Music] are super hypnotic in this track 100 no way my head hasn't stopped doing this has it no it's constant at least let's see if i'm still on the meter though [Music] [Music] all the verb on that make brought it to another atmosphere eh yeah yeah i think the best way to describe that track is like you said hypnotic it's very hypnotic and you know it could be taken like if the way he's the way he's spitting his lyrics and the way the music is and stuff like that you think that you would get bored of it at the like at the beginning but it really entrances you as you're going on it because it's the softness and the sincerity in his voice yeah 100 percent it's that real sincerity in his voice and his maddened in the basement right it's like he just pulls you in and it's not you know if he was doing other stuff his voice really is is encapsulating it just pulls you right into him yeah if he was really aggressive or doing kind of like uh in wrap what they'd call like a triplet flow or it's just kind of the same thing yeah um over and over or uh anything else really it could have gotten boring yeah but it's just it's that nice laid-back feeling man yeah and then the base that's one track i could just have on like doing whatever yeah i think this is the one thing with this album is it's very like calming in a way like you listen to it the whole thing is calm yeah even though like there's 808s and there's some some you know trap hi-hats yeah and claps and stuff and um and even the upbeat songs like they're they're still calm they have this calm element to them i couldn't agree more you could just kind of relax and you're not yeah you know who i'm going to tell you something who's going to dig this album but of all the albums we dug the most who mom oh yeah she will i'll play this and i won't tell her who it is yeah she'd probably like it no she will like it i know that shit's just it's got that thing about it it's got the jazz elements it's just his voice his texture is just it's really really good yeah i didn't even think of that but yeah yeah mum would do right you're guaranteed yeah i remember we took a trip once and you played uh someone from mom in the car and she's like who is this and she freaked out oh yeah i played anderson pack yeah but and he's collaborated with mac miller oh has he yeah so they've they were like best buddies yeah what not so they um that kind of makes sense that she would like yeah because yeah you you know connor played it in the car and then um and then at the end on the trip it's like what she was like connor's mom was like what is that what was that and it was like anderson pack and then i didn't know anderson pack at all either and conor played it for her and she went can you play that song again yeah but it's that laid back um really chill out you know what i mean i could sit in front of the fire right now and just have a drink and just listen to the whole album and have it really loud yeah yeah no it doesn't need to be like you know unless there's some some crazy [ __ ] coming up next i don't know all right so yeah there's nothing irritating on here yeah track number 10 it's titled don't know [Music] well we was [ __ ] almost missed my flight [Music] i wasn't even tripping i said this up right yeah it was coughing when you hit my weight but i've never seen you feel that free i don't know why that makes me happy [Music] [Music] well i was busy when you hit my phone [Music] but you missed me told me come back home i love his spacing look how much space there is there yeah and you don't really like to sleep but um makes the lyrics hit harder yes i'm always taking too long i wanna feel just how you feel touch me one more time so i know you're real we could spin that wheel wouldn't you rather get along okay that gave me the chevron wiggies oh [Music] okay that was absolutely stunningly beautiful i got one tear left eye it was just so well done um i got lost in my thoughts just now i i have so much to say about this track it's it's it's okay first off i know connie cuddy honey i know cuddy brought vulnerability mac is vulnerable in these songs i love seeing him be that soft gentleman i love hearing that right i just all the lyrics just the little thing that made me smile i just love when you was coughing when you hit my weed but i've never seen you feel that free someone to be so interpretive to just be happy to see someone else be so free just beautiful yeah um his i want to just say something about his infectious voice his voice and it's this chunk right here that he uses that that is that that thing about it like it's just you just i can't even do it i cannot i sound like a [ __ ] idiot it's that thing that just pulls you in man and you just you want more of it it's just that it's you know like i can't explain you know what i mean though right yeah i think it's all the viewers will know what you're talking about it's right there it's just there and then him to just be talking um to whoever he's talking to so specially and just being so happy just all those just a beautiful track man really really really well yeah what more can you really say it's uh yeah it's a beautiful kind of love song until there is no longer let's get lost inside the cloud right yeah and you you gotta work harder i can calm you down like i just love that like go back to cuddy but that vulnerability and just him opening up and feeling that you just feel so more much empathy to what he's going through because if somebody's going through uh drug addiction and stuff like that and then they can be really nasty and stuff like that to you and all that kind of stuff it's harder to connect emotionally it's harder to connect to them emotionally right because and i've we've had people in in our lives and that that it's been tough to to get that thing because they're making it hard but he's there interpreting seeing that somebody else is getting happy and free and all that kind of stuff and he's feeling that so you have this this struggle going on about about his own personal struggles but he's so self he's so aware that there's that other part right and he's looking at other people so that's as we yeah anyways next track because i don't want to okay we'll keep moving track 11 jet fuel [Music] okay good thing i got the lyrics for this part because you wouldn't know [Music] [ __ ] bones from the black eyes and i ain't counting it quits you can build a wall with your bricks well i keep talking that [ __ ] it's like this [Music] yeah i don't say nothing that i don't know jumping out the womb wearing paulo everybody want to jump in but i'm old school long wolf take them on solo yeah i don't need nobody i don't need to be nobody [Music] but i never [Music] oh this man [Music] this instrument the choice of instruments and the way he is pushing his message across is just that brings it to such a a crazy new level yeah it doesn't it you know what i mean no i agree having that muted trumpet in there and stuff it's just and the percussion on this track is so unique that big yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] same song yeah okay just though true [Music] [Music] okay mac sure can write yeah like wow yeah another hypnotic track with a sad undertone like i'm assuming that like this is about his addiction and right i don't know if jet fuel is what type of drug you know i think it's fair to assume that it could represent some type of substance that he's uh yeah now i'm in the clouds come down when i'm out of jet fuel but i never run out of jet fuel yeah everyone knows i feel i'm gonna be here for a while longer than i did expect to um he's just his this album is something else man i really really mean that wholeheartedly and not just because everybody holds it in high regard there's there there's a reason why everybody holds it in high regard because it's [ __ ] excellent yeah right exactly you just feel it in the music and there's lyrics and everything about mac and um um that like i said with that the muted trumpets and the jazz elements and that's what makes it really really cool yeah and it's just so like i know we said this earlier but it's just so calming and soft it's soft and calming and just it's it's the dad in me wants to give him a hug yeah really you know that i think everybody wants to give him a hug you know in this okay i'm not going to go deep in this okay no it's just it's easy it'll be easy to to to get really deep in this helmet and just keep going off yeah yeah we just got to listen to the music because that's probably what mac wants people to do right yeah track number 12 is titled 2009 [Music] is this live orchestrated or sampled do we know i believe it's live really oh wow man that makes it just much crazier he must play piano right he does okay okay [Music] nowadays all i do is shine take a breath needs my mind mine now stay inside the lines today 2009 no more yeah i know what's behind that door yeah okay you gotta jump in the [Music] sometimes i wish i took a simpler route instead of having demons that's as big as my house have a ball with a dribble and belts cause the party ain't over till they kicking me out yeah the lines that ain't two thousand now no more yeah i know what's behind that door this is killer [Music] [Music] [Music] no more [Music] musically that was my favorite on the track on the album yeah that's that's my favorite song off the album uh personally that is everything about music that makes music [ __ ] beautiful and i'm gonna throw this back to when you the first album you showed me in terms of hip hop was to pimp a butterfly i feel between this album and that album is i'm getting schooled in what music should be like what the like the changes and the way things are and through this whole process of us listing the thing i keep talking about me just trying to get out of that that musical groove that i'm in yeah just being kind of formulated formula yeah for the heaven formulation and to pimp a butterfly just knocked me right across the head was like this is how you do it um this is the same for me the way that it started with this orchestration and all that kind of stuff and then it went into that that thing stayed right to the end boom boom boom boom right all that whole thing right but his flow over top and the phrasing and then it's that that music stayed the same but things came and but the chorus was completely there like his going and that's how that's how you do it man that's how you [ __ ] amazing wow really i don't know what to say and i'm not [ __ ] this is [ __ ] really really great stuff yeah this is where you get the shiver i still got the shivers i don't know if it's cold in here if i'm just really freaking out right now it is cold in here but okay i get shivers from that track yeah that's my favorite track off the album for sure yeah that hit me in the head like it really did yeah like it was just it was something boom that whole that repetitive thing well and it's got like a like that child-like sound oh yes yeah which which which is which sort of parlays back to earlier it it's that young that young youthfulness that vulnerability you know what i mean i'm still young at what i'm doing you know what's crazy like what was he with this album uh i think he just turned 26 when he really like 26 years old writing this stuff man yeah like it's it blows i told you before i was playing with my dick and trying to learn a g chord like you know what i mean and it's just like when i look at what this like is an album man it's it's an intricate album with beautiful orchestration and feelings and emotion all that in there man and that's something that he created yeah that's so it's such that back to the beginning here it's so [ __ ] sad right track number 13. so it goes yeah well you could have the world in the palm of your hands you still might drop it i'm a slam we'll call it even i'll bring more flavor than all the seasons winter spring summer fall the grass is always greener till i cut it off please lead me to my studies i give you no applause my hands been counting money and it's hard to be the boss but somebody gotta do it really interesting that sounded the percussion every conversation we the topic this narcissism more like narcotics so it goes [Music] let everybody gather round i'm still standing sit down [Music] did i mention i'm fine cause her [ __ ] getting wetter when the weather dry clementine peeling off and everyone get left behind i'm only five seven steps i'm feeling like i'm seven five damn it cross planets interstellar neverland on and on just like this is a real first sense yeah but i haven't missed them yeah yeah hey it's not like they need it since no it didn't day [Music] it's a little bit strange to hear this right now on the record yeah yeah like there there was maybe a little few bits of of uh of synth stuff maybe smattered in like tiny tiny bits but to to end that on that big thing is i wonder what that choice was it was it was so different right yeah when there was so much orchestration and live stuff going on right and jack i don't think that's the direction he would end it in but yeah um that's yeah that's very difficult yeah that's that's the record that is that that's a masterpiece yeah that's absolute masterpiece um front to back really front to back is it self-care that i like the most uh you like the second half of self-care yeah second half of self-care was killer um ladders you really liked that yeah you said thunder dog thunder thunder cat sorry i know now uh 2009 yeah if there's not a thunder dog i might i might take that moniker [Laughter] yeah you love 2009. 2009 was my highlight track of that uh of that one right so it goes is is stuck in my head this is a beautiful beautiful album um very somber in terms of how because i know how this this all ended mm-hmm so it's really it's sad from that point of view but um if i had to look at the from the perspective of just uh hearing it as an album for the first time and not knowing any outcomes and stuff like that i think it's a really really matured artist yeah um somebody who's like 40 something that's been doing this for a long long time yeah it doesn't sound like a guy who was 26 no no i need and just when you just told me i that's why i wanted to ask that he played does he play piano um because this stuff either like all this orchestration and all the stuff going on either he's really good at picking up samples from somewhere well he's good at that but he does play piano i know and then but like just having having that this just just the musical element of what's going on you know what i mean like like it sounds like somebody who's been in jazz or something for a long long time but his voice man his voice the way he the way he has spaces between lines where he he welcomes you in to have give you time to think about the line that he's just said it's like having a conversation where say you know um hey how is your day going yeah and then you leave that space you leave that space and then you and i have that conversation so you have a little bit of time to process what he's saying just hey how's your day going hey do you have a cat yeah it's if you're saying it yeah really fast really really fast and it's like i give you the time and mac mac gives you the opportunity to think about that line and process it for yourself before he gives you a new line i think that's such a brilliant writing style yeah as an artist right he's not just trying to bombard you with i'm trying to say this i'm actually listening to you and i think one of those lines with where our area with the uh the song which i'm assuming is about grande i don't know because maybe not with uh don't know yeah the weed and stuff yeah yeah i believe that was uh or at least that's what genius said yeah says it's about ariana grande but i i just know only one relationship so i don't even know how long they're together but i think that really cool and i keep going back to that little quip where he says um you've never felt so free when you smoke the weed or whatever like that kind of stuff is that mac and i don't know him and i don't never will on sadly but he looks like a person from just these things that really really gives that listener that person you're with full attention yeah just by his spacing and the words that he says and stuff like that and then um and just i have so much to say man his voice is really is is is something you crave and it's that throat area right here kendrick has it too though yeah no yeah he's not mac's not the only artist with it but when you when you find an artist with that kind of tone yeah yes it's it's really something else yeah and because he's not doing things super fast that that like it's he's not throwing things out you bump up he's just doing it and then and it's really taking that time to elongate those notes that you really hear it yeah cause he it he's you know deeper you know you're a deep talker but you if when you say when you say something like uh if say you said right now um uh all all the cats are hairy say that all the cats are hairy so then in the cats and the hairy is where you're getting the deepness right yeah all the when all the cats are hairy and that's what mac does with this when he's talking he gets those those those parts and really sort of emphasizes them probably without even knowing because he's just doing it naturally but yeah um beautiful beautiful beautiful okay that's probably a good place to yeah just beautiful to end it off yeah um thank you guys for watching and uh we'll see you very soon peace take care [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: turning the tables
Views: 1,015,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mac Miller, Mac Miller Swimming, Mac Miller Swimming Reaction, Mac Miller Reaction, Swimming Reaction, Dad Reacts to Mac Miller, Dad Reacts, Mac Miller Self Care Reaction, Mac Miller 2009 Reaction, Tundercat, Snoop Dogg, John Mayer, Syd, Steve Lacy, Flying Lotus, J. Cole, Swimming by Mac Miller, Mac Miller NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
Id: -AMr2fJd9WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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