Dad Reacts to The Strokes - Room On Fire

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name is Connor here my father Kevin and today we are covering my band's album uh anytime we do Julian Casablancas whether a it's a feature or a Strokes record it's always the same comment oh my God that's so cool him showing his dad his own album I don't I don't see it that much I mean sometimes I do I see you know not as much early days I feel I looked more like uh like Julian but you know as the channel grows and as my hair gets different and everything I'm starting to look less like him who do who do I look like the most right now I'm asking you guys anyway second record room on fire it uh came out I think a couple years after uh is this it their big breakout record which we did cover on this channel and uh and you liked it we had a fun tile last night yeah it was a good listen and we've done their most recent record the new abnormal which is actually my personal favorite of theirs that was the first one uh that we started with for The Strokes that was your introduction uh I kind of now wish we did it the other way because I love that record so much I wish I saved it uh for later yeah for last um but anyway room on fire uh it is there kind of I don't want to say like it's a exact copy of is this it it has a few distinct kind of features that make it different but they did play it pretty safe I'd say um so if you like is this it he'll probably like this mhm track number one what ever [Music] happened anded please don't make this hard [Music] [Applause] no nice yeah lot a lot of solos on this record I [Music] forgot you see it's it's the same grit for sure dirtiness dirty vocals [Music] yeah nice yeah I love that guitar room yeah it's weird we just started with Stevie Nicks and that that is like the total that's the feel for Ed Edge of 17 [Music] yeah oh cool yeah so cool cool opener you know what I I it's been a while since I've done The Strokes and I I you know what I I remember being at the time when we listened to them um and being like wishing that Julian was came out of his his distorted vocal technique right that he's using right but you know what that's I just realized in listening to this song there and and it's the that's his thing that's what makes it good like that's what makes it is his thing and I remember bitching about it and saying you know what it's uh he's got to come out and be more clear and [ __ ] like that but that's what's his thing everybody's got different that's what makes The Strokes The Strokes later on like on the new abnormal if everyone's wondering why I keep looking there we have a poster poster of it um uh like you know there's songs where his vocals are a lot clearer but I felt like it fit better on that record having clear vocals I wouldn't want clear vocals on that song there it would sound weird because it would sound like the vocals are sitting on top of a bunch of muffly guitars exctly what is this yeah know yeah totally and that that's there's there exactly you got you hit it in the head cuz that you have a nice super clear vocal and then it would just be this everything's was everything was gritty there was a couple of points in the song where they clean up they cleaned up the drums and and they came in and then they they brought it down in the mix but uh that was a a cool you know catchy little diddy I'm going to call it okay track two reptilia real muffle drums eh like they got a sheet over them you know what you can play me any Strokes now and I'll know it's the stroke yeah I know that I know that yeah which is cool they carved out that for themselves right I mean they inspired bands like the Arctic Monkeys that came out you know 5 years later [Music] after this is good man [Music] oh they [ __ ] me over I thought it was going to be a big drop man I love that base both of those combined yeah holy yeah see that guy a nut [Music] job I don't know why I feel like this driving really fast into like an Aston Martin sports car it's F album to drive too I'll say [Music] that blood is fast his vocals are like so just unique [Music] and that's where I figure it eh but they [ __ ] me up yeah then they come in yeah I love the Bas line [Music] though B guys all over the [Music] place oh okay was that a big one that's a big one I could smell a big one when I see it yeah in in the context of Music uh in hits yeah yeah it's good you could feel that that was like as soon as you hit the chorus vocals and bass are the stars on this song for me oh yeah for me it's it's Julian uh with his his vocals and just his range and um his phrasing yeah I like the lyrics a lot too um you know cuz he writes all the lyrics and uh I find it very like I don't know he's just got a very unique way of phrasing things like most singers do do yeah uh but I like hearing going back to these two records like is this it and uh room on fire because you can hear stuff that was or you can look back at the influence that this had on other bands yeah that's what's cool for that came out later you know like the Arctic Monkey debut in 2005 definitely had a lot of inspiration from the success of is the sit and and room on fire this record is is also one one of the most uh memorable things about this record is the uh long silent intros like the tracks sometimes it will be like six seconds of Silence before it comes in the song I don't know why I don't know what I don't know what they did in the mixing uh and mastering and everything finishing the record yeah but people make jokes about it I saw somebody on the uh on Twitter the other day said you know they're I'm going to get in a car crash thinking my Spotify froze but it's really just the start of I can't win by The Strokes and like cuz it's like [ __ ] 6 seconds of Silence track three automatic stop that's that's that's a long time yeah it's abnormally that's new that's a new abnormal for this that was long see I wanted you you wanted me [Music] you what I do love that quality there yeah kind of goes like off key or something a second y it doesn't sound like it will work but it works but these big breaks between like that's going to hit the CH now oh wow see this is a track where I think he could have went clear on the vocals if he was yeah instruments are super [Music] clear I just love the difference between how weird that is now yeah see that back there yeah just that upull it's [Music] great wow really really really good chorus in that song and really like [ __ ] great great so now that I pointed it out you did hear the long silence that was really long like really long yeah it is a long silence in the beginning I thought you were [ __ ] with me seriously at first like you like did a double you hit twice and then you were like no no yeah I just left it and uh it's a long silence that's a long long this album you know so far we're only four tracks in um going into the fourth track uh it really is kind of the definition of like if something's not broken don't fix it yeah um you know I like this album but you can tell that uh they went with that mentality of like it worked on is this it let's just tweak it a little bit and kind of keep writing some songs in that same is there a last night on this song on this is there that that big like like reptilia was it the one yeah that was probably the biggest that was their last night yeah the big hit out the record I find myself not connecting to the lyrics in these and I and there might be there might be a reason is that they are vague they're vague but they're also uh the because I'm I'm he is so far away in his Distortion that I'm not right out like you know like in like really concentrating on them but having said that if they were right out in the mix and he was singing really really clear into the mic I don't know I like the connection for excuse me the connection for the lyrics is like I'm you know what I mean I'm picking yeah I've never been like crazy for for Julian's uh lyrical early lyrical stuff the new abnormal like I love the lyrics on that record I love I love every there's not one part of that record I don't like it's it's one of it's moved up to one of my favorite records of all time the earlier stuff with The Strokes you know I like some of the writing but you know some of it's very vague like for me where it's just like okay it's good it works as lyrics but it's nothing that like you know pulls me in I just saw a snippet of something can I read this because it just just showed me a little thing and I don't know where this is going it says The Strokes frontman Julian C Blan has said 12 51 was about the moment right before you [ __ ] that's uh yeah that's a good way to describe the song that's I hope he's talking like in the afternoon I think at night probably like at 12:51 in the a.m. yeah who the [ __ ] up then people that're [ __ ] is that when they do it yeah I guess so oh [ __ ] track number four 1251 so that we know that's his pumping speed [Music] yeah okay that song's got me already [ __ ] I love this part yeah claps yeah well you know what I'm going to give you a bad it's this is pretty much the cars oh yeah oh definitely Best Friend's Girl for [Music] L love these verses yeah the verses are are my favorite but the is it a syn I think it's a synth that's following his you know what a guitar it's I'll read it you [Music] after yeah this one's really really catchy that's going be in a movie [Music] soundtrack that's great yeah one of my favorites um 1251 but uh what were you saying it's not a synth it's a guitar leag guitarist Nick valenci managed to painstakingly create the sound of a synthesized keyboard with his guitar for the song however when a friend heard it he responded with crushing logic why didn't you just play a keyboard I mean fair point but I think it's cool that he used the guitar to make the syn but uh yeah with songs like that you can see what I mean were you know they didn't take too much of a risk on the second record but they did dabble a little bit in like trying new things out yeah that's probably a perfect example of them trying you know to sound a little bit different you said very similar to the cars yeah I felt yeah I felt the cars in such in in a really good way like in a really good way like the S you know this all all the cars music has that and then they they use syn though they yeah they use exactly yeah don't use guitar they didn't bother to yeah one of my favorites on the record that was great 1251 okay track five you talk way too much I I'll tone it down sorry son here let's get to the silence that I know it's one of the weirdest things about the record um to be honest [Music] wow I find it now as this album's going on the the the songs are getting catchier yeah for me at [Music] [Applause] least W his voice there who we slowing down or am I tripping out [Music] yeah this is that's great yeah as crazy as this he used a synth and made it sound like a guitar a lot of work [Music] eh you know what I really like that track yeah it's it's not it's not one of my favorites but I what do you like about it what I like about it is I like the looseness of it and I love that I love there's a time change in there where it brings it down right yeah to the chorus and I like that when everything is when your hand is going like this loose and you're not really you're not you're not tight yeah you're not Meek you know you're not using your palm muting right you're like and the hats are loose it's like I don't [ __ ] care you you know you talk way too much it it's very fitting with the lyrics yeah yeah and his vocal performance and he's sort of loose and he goes at the end of it it's like it's sort of that punky you know what I mean that's so that was a really cool track for me track six Between Love and Hate I love I love this [Music] song great [Music] grou [Music] wow I love they added this again this part here these part [Music] yes see my body was craving to pickup and it comes in yeah it came in [Music] like then we get the [ __ ] bit of a scar pick up eh like you can see another time with with this track of them like dabbling in some different styles yeah yeah look at this another yeah like it so it's not like a carbon copy of their debut no no it's like they do try different stuff out for sure and they're it's almost like they're just testing the waters of what what they could do in let's don't make it exact yeah [Music] I really like that one that had a lot of different grooves in it right away the drum Fab I love the guitar the middle section guitar solo that's my highlight track seven meet me in the bathroom I hope that is that isn't a track that is no that's the track name okay you're just not you know what's funny is is that track name if you added um something else to it like an if you added another track name onto that it would be like a Arctic Monkey debut song title if you take the last three tracks and you combine them yeah to make you talk way too much meet me in the bathroom Between Love and Hate that's an Arctic Monkeys title or Lana Del Rey [ __ ] song you had those three together yeah track seven meet me in the [Music] bathroom promises me [Music] nice mix on those guitars [Music] [Music] well those super fast hats yeah's like your arm would be then you has to take a break here no still [Music] tired I don't think every anyone's ever said that to me I said you earlier yeah that's true love these changlings here [Music] yeah the base is really nice on this TR you really yeah you hear that when it was it's [Music] gone that was good it wasn't my it didn't blow my balls but it was it was good it was it was yeah that that one is that one is like another one for me that I'm not like crazy about I look at it the same way as I look at you talk way too much it's good but it's not anything special yeah meet me in the bathroom track eight under [Music] control I don't want to waste your time I I like drum sounds in this pH yeah I think I like this one uh uh I have it saved because it's in one of my like just chill playlists cuz I think it's just a very very relaxed Chill song very chill [Music] like this another track where I I I'm going to say it but I would love to hear him really clear yeah there's certain tracks on here where there's yeah there's ones where I wanted like the Distortion but I would love to hear him on here with and let his vocals shine yeah just really clear in the the headphones nice that was great nice groupings I to [Music] I I don't to change your [Music] mind [Music] yeah that's that's a chill one I like yeah I think I have it saved for a reason like it's uh saved in one of my playlists track number nine the way it is cool definitely heavier he yeah she was still sleeping a problem was St I like the drums on this track it's one of my uh one sounds slightly digital eh yeah like like this part [Music] yeah sounds like the Metallica of St Anger snare I don't if you know that yeah you know what I the beat is really cool yeah the drums are what drive this song and I don't I think it's him playing I don't think it sounds like him playing yeah I don't think it's a [Music] machine yeah that's I I like the drums on that track another one that I don't like go back to to often um don't have that saved in any of my playlists but um I do like where they went uh drum wise specifically yeah it almost feels like a a precursor to uh uh the adults are talking you know oh yes like with the the drums on there um love the dirt at the beginning that was I think that that for sure was the heaviest dirt guitar dirt that we heard on this album right what did okay we do we do have to talk about I'm going to pee first hold on okay well I'll talk about the uh the Drake situation yeah the elephant in the room the elephant yeah I don't want to say elephant um a couple days ago the internet went crazy about the Drake uh leak uh the video that he had released uh I don't know if he released it somebody leaked it out there um and yeah people have been asking us to comment on it I don't know what to say I don't know what you want us to say um like I got DMs like are you guys going to address the Drake thing and I'm like how why what what what do I need to say I did have a funny text though that I would like to read dude that's got to be fake blah blah blah you can't have a 40 million compound and a private jet and a huge dick leave some [ __ ] luck for the rest of us Drake and then I said dude I know and then he says I wonder if Drake's character in Degrassi was even handicapped or he just was just tired from carrying that thing around and I laughed so hard at that text I was like oh [ __ ] that's funny track 10 the end has no end [Music] so he's a lot clearer on this I was just going to say listen notice that muted Palm clear vocals I really like [Music] this oh [Music] yeah see dirty and clean man yeah they can mix it well yeah you that's just like well that's to me that's what they perfected on the new abnormal like that's why to me that's a masterpiece [Music] this reminds me of the that's is that his voice no guitar guitar I know it sounds like a scream right yes I'm loving this track relax I do what I but I do that you want me [Music] love that cool sense yeah guitar or guitar I love guitar I love guitar rock with synthesizers yeah it's just I'm trying to listen like closely to see if it's a CN or guitar like there's still a chance it could be a guitar but it does sound more like a sing I tripped myself out the other night looking at space and I had to pull myself back and speaking of the end has no end oh yeah I was [Music] like wow that that was a that's that's track number two for me reptilia and this one like really stood out to me yeah Stand Out tracks that that really those those two really stood out if I had to do like I don't haven't heard the last one but I would do reptilia and the end has no end as as a sandwich on a 45 yeah yeah those are that one's uh it's funny because that's not one of my favorites I like that one a lot but I I prefer uh 1251 and and uh those are great yeah I'm they're Fant they're super super catchy those ones yeah but this one yeah I get what you mean really cool because of just the you know I feel like they're actually experimenting on this one yeah felt very unique uh I like the clear vocals in the beginning and then going into the dirty distorted fuzziness later uh the synth that I'm assuming is the synth cuz I know I know there is a synth on the they used a synth I think that was like a Juno or something yeah I was sure yeah and uh and and just really cool song uh all around and like I said you know I feel like a lot of these elements they perfected when it comes to their last record the the new abnormal like I feel like that was like everything built up to that record in my opinion track 11 I can't win and we can have a cheers or do whatever we want during the 7 Seconds of Silence it's been a hard day night yeah true okay this is just right away Strokes yeah you hear it like if I didn't tell you that was you up on the mountain on the I forgot you have lyrics I was like how the [ __ ] did he just predict what he was going to [Music] say take that okay what strength song does this really really sound like though all the the adults are talking yeah yeah yeah not all them I love The Strokes any jokes I'm making it's uh it's coming from my heart you he love The Strokes [Music] yeah [Music] nice yeah I can hear that I wait for something oh yeah yes I'll be right back there we go that was it yeah that's the album that you know what that's a good closer and I like I like what they said here you know yeah I wait for something cool we won't take that [ __ ] good try we don't like it hold on yes I'll be right back yeah the last line of an album I it is a yeah I love when albums close on certain L I don't know if it yeah work out I'll be right back um but anyway the followup record to is this it room on fire um you enjoy it I enjoyed it it was you know what it wasn't like one of these albums it's I'm I'm going to be like returning to and running to going I tried not to Hype you up or anything like that I wasn't like saying cuz there's certain songs that I've listened to for years on here so like they're I love them like like reptilian stuff in in 1251 yeah you know what for for me uh Dr back was rep ia uh like if I'm going to pick the two that the end has no end right and uh and reptilia yeah see like there's a lot of songs that I really like um but I didn't want to try to Hype you up too much and be like Dad you're going to [ __ ] [ __ ] your pants on this record because um you know I know it's it's like a good followup but it's nothing too crazy and one comment that really kind of sums up this record uh it was a comment on the this hit video Someone said uh you should definitely do room on fire or whatever I forget the person's name uh but they said you know I liked this reaction definitely do room on fire just wait a while oh okay because uh if we did it like too soon after it would just feel like you're listening to the same that's a good that's a really good call so they said wait like a year or something before you do the next uh Strokes record uh which I think was a good way to put it uh I hope you you guys had fun I had some fun you had fun I had fun I have a nice tea beside me not nice tea a nice tea that sounded like yeah we talked about Drake the elephant in the room yeah I don't know if that will be in the uh the YouTube version of that yeah oh that's right I might cut that out um yeah no if you're watching on YouTube uh this album's pretty short so we we tried to just talk uh throughout uh in between tracks on the patreon version uh talked about my Brazilian butt lift that will be Happ soon uh and a lot of other stuff so feel free to check it out on patreon if you do want to if this your first time here hope you enjoyed we do this pretty often uh with different albums and uh yeah take care guys we'll see you soon much love [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: turning the tables
Views: 105,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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