CZ Shadow 2

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it cocked 45 with sort of a competition pistol so let's see how accurate it is you want to at long range oh no let's don't do that let's do this Hey shoots pretty well yeah I think I like it I'll bet I've got more ammo for it I do that's too close shut down a tree so I guess we won't shoot the two liter and test the long-range accuracy yet we'll get to it can you see my shadow funny huh there it is it's a shadow to my CC and guess what about half a million of you have requested it all right and your wish is our command you wanted to see the cz shadow too we got right on it because you've been requesting it for years I think or since it came out and I'm glad you have because sometimes you'll are smarter than I gave you credit for you really are you recommend guns firearms pistols rifles shotguns that I actually enjoy once I get them in my hand so I thank you all for that a few dumb recommendations come along but most of them are brilliant so I appreciate you requesting this and several of you had comment how you you just knew I'd like it alright well you must have seen a lot of videos heard me yak and must know me because I do like it so anyway of course we appreciate buds gun shop comm for furnishing this firearm lending it to us ordered it up because you are requested it and you'll go back to there you gunner and 10% to charity here the food bank and Middle Tennessee and everything is I've discussed before so pretty good situation we get to shoot it show you let you know what we think about it and then send it back so I love it I love it but we appreciate their help hope you support the people that's Federalist you bunch of good old federal ammo here hundred and twenty-four grain 9-millimeter but would you put nine-millimeter it because it's chambered for nine-millimeter and kind of like one twenty four grains so usually you request that most often from from from federal we appreciate their help and before I go any further don't forget if you're not a member of the NRA go to our link in the description or our website and you can join up ok at a discount all right the important stuff join up if you're not a member then join all the other organizations as many as you can afford that's what John and I do so appreciate your support there this is kind of a competition pistol like the guy said when he started the video it's it's not necessarily a carry gun I don't think there's any laws against carrying it well let me rephrase that I think there are a few countries where it's not legal to carry probably maybe even a few states in our supposedly free country but uh most places in this country you could carry this if you wanted if you are really strong you've got strong legs a good belt and a great holster for it okay because it's a chunky heavy pistol it's all steel it's not alloy it's a not polymer it's heavy you know what I forgot the actual weight I'm thinking thirty some forty ounce I forget now look it up let us know but it is heavy because it is designed mainly for competition this kind of replaces I guess I don't know if they still make that one or not I'm not as knowledgeable about CC you all know that and I need to become more knowledgeable because I've always liked the cz-75 and that's the way they're made they feel like a glove they fit your hand like a glove so I run into some of you all who are cz I won't say nerds but man you are big fans of cz all the time there's some guys at the cigar club where I hang out occasionally and in Nashville and they're real cz fans and they can talk cz and my numbers and names and they can lose me in the discussion really so we need to do more cz they are great firearms generally speaking and this kind of a saber place back to where I was the the cz-75 I think it was the the shadow target model okay a lot of people were starting to use that in competition and he correct me if I'm wrong again because I haven't done the USPSA games IPSC for a good while but there was something about that net model it had a bushing that had come out of the Custom Shop or something and so it was technically illegal or violated the rules for production class and USPSA competition or something in in production class that's supposed to be a firearm you know I'm going to read through those rules in long thing I used to compete in production class something I competed all the classes but it was it was designed for a carry pistol kind of thing we didn't have to go spend $2,000 to play the game and which was a good thing you could just take your Glock 19 or your cz 75 or whatever your model 1911 if a lot of thing loans did fit in the box and it's the right dimensions and everything hadn't hadn't have modifications it was as it came from the factory and it had added some kind of production numbers you know had to meet like five thousand or something that couldn't be just something some company made to fill that niche they made a hundred of them to sell or something and I forget you all know what all the rules are and you can look them up but so anyway this one is all original as it comes from the manufacturer there's nothing custom on it so as my understanding this one is legal for production class tell me if I'm wrong and also you all who who still play that game or just got started in it let me know how how you like this firearm if this is one you compete with in that class as I understand it is in wide usage in production class and IPSC of yes PSA okay so so closely and now some of you all that are still out there running around on the courses like I used to do all the time and you know how it's doing and how you like it and if you think it's really a nice gun for that I can't imagine it not doing pretty well now it is I think it retails suppose supposedly around twelve thirteen hundred dollars but I think for about a thousand you can buy it but I don't know that you could find a better suited firearm you know to go compete with man this thing is smooth it's it's accurate and it's got some weight nine millimeter as far as follow-up shots you know shooting you know quickly good sights nice trigger it the grip is of course like a cz it feels great fits like a glove you got great friction a good grip on it it would be highly desirable you know I can see why and you also got you know your safety there and all that so let's load a mag here and shoot some more walk gunner mag gun oh yeah I've got one already loaded let's just shoot the thing there's stuff here that needs to be stopped like that pot and that Bert no let's let him live oh well let's see who wants let's pull off some bowling pins yeah I mean the trigger is sweet you can really even really pump them out with that thing let me love these mags don't ya catch you about it what do I know about it nothing well let's see where's my mango there it is it's got a different mag not a Magus eighty you can replace it with if you want a kind of a paddle lay that out there if you want to install that you can lay your thumb on that one a little bit better so that's one thing that comes with it comes with some more buffers there you can put on the spring it has one on it and I'll take it apart show you and got a rail I'm not sure what you do with that competition unless you're shooting in the dark maybe you put a flashlight on it I don't know maybe somebody uses a laser in some type of competition or or maybe use it for something different than competition you know any really good shooting pistol you know it could be used for a lot of different things but it's to me it's not a carry gun it might be you might like it for a carry gun but it's a little large unnecessarily heavy and maybe even large it's not gigantic it's a little bit bigger than the SP what a one shadow that I was talking about earlier this one was more targeted and and correctly targeted as I understand for competition because it's all original it's it's legal for production class supposedly and I made a little bit heavier a little bit longer just a little bit and it's a dandy it really is I bet you somebody is watching you use this gun exact firearm in competition last weekend I just know there's somebody out there okay so don't make up any stories now about how you did you're a grand master you know you've never even fired a pistol but I'll bet you somebody did and we'll be able to tell they're telling us the truth that's not how it does how you like it for the folks out there they were thinking about doing the USPS they stuff okay okay yeah I mean it's fun I fun doing it I talked about the competition like like I used to do like I'm an old man and I just can't do it anymore I just did it so much I kind of got burned out on it to tell you the truth and you know I have my own place to shoot you ever noticed that and I got so many different types of firearms and interests and everything I mean I would perfectly enjoy shooting that through a course of fire I can get my own stuff like that by one to night I had played that game for a long time the Cowboy Action Shooting the GSS f-block matches and you know the IDPA I did for two or three years and I just enjoyed all of it but I just kind of had my fling with it and my fun and it's not like I can't do it I might not be able to win as often as I used to I don't know but I enjoyed it and I'm sure a lot of you all are kind of thinking about getting into it and I don't blame you it's a lot of fun yeah and if you are don't be afraid to do it because you know you'd never do anything if you're afraid just go do it and don't worry about your score or don't worry if you don't win or where your place I'm trying to say it looks like some ricochet hit that 2-litre let's finish him off down there yeah yeah see that couple empty cans Oh some more pot to smoke and a target yeah feels good makes me want to go to an IP SC match it real so many targets so little time here's another magazine let's put it in there act like we're not shooting in slow motion oh we haven't gone across the hill let me try I try red plate on the left okay now slow down and take a side picture you have to use your sights when you're out at 75 yards it always helps go let's try that pig now let's try the red let's try that Turkey let's try that pig in the middle hmmm let's try that pig bellowing I tell you it's hard to miss with this firearm it really is I'm gonna shoot we candid weak-minded and we candid it feels good I'm out of ammo yes about Abel sorry it doesn't take long it comes with three magazines they'll say that okay the three that I have and I'm assuming you know I don't even know for sure the the other shadow a target model or the mags I guess would interchange don't know for sure you all would know that have had these but it does come with three magazines that's pretty cool let's take it apart while it's hot maybe you'll get the enjoyment of seeing me burn myself okay so this is one of those you really want to make sure it's clear because you kind of have to mess around with it in a different way here with slide so you match up those notches there and I it is one of the negatives is it's a little tricky - it's a little hard to get the pin app is this new I assume that's part of the reason and I'm not being able to just push it out from the other side with my finger or even the the end of the screwdriver with the wood usually if it's a little stiff you can just kind of put put the wood and push it through I'm not even been able to do that so get it back lined up there that's hot that's why I see I have my hand for kind of in front of muzzle so just carefully I don't want to scratch your gun because it will belong to somebody out there there you go so it's not a problem to get apart and pull it trigger and it comes right off hot there's a buffer there on the spring ie gas that's recommended it comes with it you know when I was competing speaking of that of those days we used to put those on our 1911 spring sometimes and there were a couple of different schools of thought on that you know you know supposedly helps keep it from getting beat up as much but I don't know I think most of us quit using them and then people that were carrying their 1911 for a defensive work there was that possibility of a gang shoot up and getting into the works and you know locking up the firearm and there's one of the arguments against that but Long's done causing trouble you know for competition then matter ones you keep check on it which you would you're taking firing down regularly they cease these you know I had a part before the video here when it was clean and John and I were see how how well you know machined and how well it's made it's a little bit dirty now is a little harder to tell but there they are just their precision firearms they really are they feel good they feel quality they always they always do I'm always impressed with the CZs and nothing to hate about them there's a mystery associated with this gun I did notice there's a number in there can you see that 890 yeah okay well actually maybe you're wrong maybe it's oh six eight say nobody will ever know but anyway it's you know that frame unlike most a lot of pistols polymer pistols of you know SIG's with the alloy frames and everything you get the slide off and the rest of it's very light not this got some weight kind of chunky and of course with the cz you know you get to how the slide fits down into the frame at the barrel but yeah I mean it's a simple I like I like this firearm there's there's another negative I'll talk about like I would need another firearm to actually own but boy this thing is a sweet shooter that came back together here and talked about I'll bash it a little bit okay get that mark lined up and pop it back so she's back together now it is for competition it's got this big mag release now with my long thumb and large hand I know that's the last thing I need I mean it could be just the defensive mag release I'm fine and it does you can loosen it because I did that and it'll you can change the position of it I think there's about three positions you can change that if you like but you know it's big it's big so who's enough trouble getting that mag out you know if you're shooting competition you go and you're empty or you're close to empty depending on the course of fire and you hit that get this mag in there and you're still going yeah so it's nice but for me just doesn't have to be that big in fact I am so unorthodox way I shoot when I pull the trigger I get it my hand wrap than that thing I pull it my fingers against it and I don't be you suppose sheet with a pad of your fame I know that but I break the rules so it bothers me being there and being that big all right I would probably prefer the regular shadow I've not owned or shot one but it you know the SPO one you know without the the enhancements you know for the competition that the shadow - I probably would prefer that far my life to try one sometime if they still have them but but this is a nice gun your sights adjustable there bring her up or down and I think you can move it laterally of course loosen those screws but you know fiber-optic front sight really picks up quickly and I so that's a negative for me but that's silly most people that wouldn't be a problem I like of course that's kind of the nature of a cz the slide sits down in there and you don't have as much to grab up here in terms of serrations but it's okay though I mean it's alright but I kind of miss more real estate up there for that and there'd be another negative but boy that's about it you know again for a competition production gun now if we're talking to carry gun I could come up with some more negatives especially the weight and I don't know I guess they'd make a unless you're what the holsters would be available if you decided oh that's going to be my carry gun wow it's a heavy one and I guess would be some kind of suitable holster for it don't know I would say most of the holsters are more geared towards competition but who knows what do I know so you saw that that comes with it this comes with it and these three mags I'm gonna load one more time you don't mind okay I brought it out and the other day and I shot the I'm shooting at the red plates hit three red different red plates in a row first three shots I mean that's the kind of not can't do it now probably but that's the kind of trigger it has it's the sight I'll say accuracy but when I say accuracy I'm talking about with a pistol shooting offhand you see our video called accuracy okay so that's the title of it for further discussion of that but when I talk about accuracy with a handgun like this generally I'm talking the trigger the sights and the grip the ergonomics of it all that enables me to shoot it accurately okay as far as inherently how accurate that barrel is or even how that slide is designed I know that makes it more accurate inherently accurate I think in a lot of ways the full-length slide and rails and all that but again you're only going to notice that if you're shooting it off a bench rest as a ransom rest or something you're shooting it off hand it's that trigger in those sights in the grip that make the biggest difference okay all right that's my little lecture you may agree or not agree with but it is nice to know it's inherently very accurate but any pistol I have in the house if I get a good trigger break on like this one has clear sights get a good grip on it and I can shoot as well as this but now this is just easier to shoot well it really is I bet that's why they made it that way for competition again some of you have stories to share I'm sure you might have a story to share about how you beat somebody if your Glock 26 so because it is mostly the shooter right but still having a great tussle over heart I can't think what I've forgotten that you're dying to know but it's a nice looking pistol too that's always good the beaver tail is wonderful I think has a little bit longer beaver tail maybe then the regular shadow I believe I read that and it feels like a million bucks no doubt about that and I think in your hand you know my hand it almost feels a little thinner than some CZs you know that giant hand in your hand it's going to feel probably even better and I sound like I'm trying to sell it yeah well it really is a nice pistol and kind special purpose pencil but there's nobody I think on the planet that wouldn't enjoy shooting that if you like to shoot handguns plus a nine-millimeter it's it's very sweet all right I I could shoot this thing all day I thought I just fine it is nice it really is you know there's target it's still a target rich environment out here well let's just let's just play a little bit with about that I wonder if a 9-millimeter just to conserve ammo I wonder if a nine would go through and take both those two liters out see we can stack them up here probably not we saved a bullet can't beat that cowboy feels so good feels great makes you want to just keep shooting no doubt about it nope later too like I'll just shoot till I miss how's that about on the tree [Applause] Wow you don't want I think there's probably at least one round left and we have not addressed we're showing no respect for the gong are we yeah bring out a nice pistol and ignore the gong that's not good that's that's uh that's very disrespectful so anyway the shadow - I don't know any more lies to tell you about it it it would you would enjoy shooting it put it that way and you would probably shoot it pretty well it's I guess still a little expensive but you know people who compete go to these USPSA matches that's you know you know how how we all are if we get into a competition we want the best advantage that we can get sometimes depending on your philosophy all right which was something I was going to briefly touch on when I competed I I I looked at production classes I competed in production class in fact the last year that I would give it a match occasionally that's about all I did I just wanted to compete with my carry gun and I competed in production class I think with the Glock 23 most of those times because I just want to do it carry gun you know and that's the only thing and I think that was correct me if I'm wrong that was kind of I think the intent the spirit of production class you know people come in with their carry gun if they had a MNP you know they're packing or a Glock 19 or whatever it is they don't have to spend $2,000 on a firearm and they can compete and they're competing with similar firearms you know in that class production yeah and you know in a way you know this might violate the spirit of that you know in your eyes it is a little bit in my eyes if Madonna low if if that's where everybody's going you know introduction class okay just have fun with it you know if manufacturers are trying to make guns that are your their legal and production class don't break the rules is what I mean and they're incredible machines like this one you know that's what people want you know so be it you know don't a lot of us you don't worry about your score anyway maybe in production in class you know you just want to work out with your carry gun and your carry ammo the way you normally carry it maybe and there's a lot of us used to do that would even shoot from concealment you know in those classes sometimes but but anyway that dad wanted to mention that it is a big heavy brick that most people are not going to be carrying it's not going to be their defensive pistol they're going to to workout with in a yeah USPSA match I mean that I mean tell me if you disagree I don't think you know I haven't played those games for good long but anyway it's it's a nice pistol from my standpoint I've told you the negatives from my perspective but boy is it sweet that trigger is just just heavenly that double devil action is supposed to be about ten pounds and it is it's pretty light it's not bad at all and then the single action is a dream single action break is a dream and of course you know the grip you get with a sig and/or not a Sikh they didn't say that did I with a cz is wonderful so all that combined with good sights and you should be able to shoot this pistol you should be able to hit a barrel at ten yards I don't care who you are even if you don't shoot much so we appreciate buds sending this to us we appreciate you all supporting us you know so much you folks over on the gong club on the patreon account we appreciate everything you all do and everybody that watches and supporting the people that that help us cuz it just works out great because we get to bring you a lot of a lot of cool firearms I think fun to shoot firearms so I'll shut up I'm talking too much but anyway the shadow to cz all of you many folks who had requested that that we try it out I tried it out and I liked it life is good [Music] oh I didn't see you guys there it's playing a little guitar on the range as you do I want to remind you guys now that we're here at the end of the video to please check out our friends over SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute you can check them out at SDI edu they are a fully accredited online distance learning program or it can become certified in gunsmithing or get an associates degree in firearms technology so check them out SDI edu and also while you're here at the end of the video there's actually some other places you can see some of our stuff like Hickok 45 calm they [ __ ] 45 on Facebook they got 45 on Twitter the real who got 45 on Instagram we have some videos over on full30 comm there's a Hickok 45 and son YouTube channel there's a John underscore a [ __ ] 45 Instagram a John Hickok Facebook page and don't forget to check out our store which is on the website he got 45 calm so I guess that's all I had to tell you and I'll just leave you with a little little amateur guitar playing got this acoustic recently and I'm trying to learn how to play stuff other than heavy metal [Music]
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,923,559
Rating: 4.8970413 out of 5
Keywords: CZ, Shadow 2, CZ Shadow 2, 9mm, competition, USPSA, IPSC, CZ 75
Id: KkNux5x4Dow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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