CZ 457 22LR - 100 yard sight in

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video out of the range today with heavy metal and today i already know we're gonna have a whole lot of fun because i brought out this incredible bolt action rim fire rifle that being the cz 457 and this is the trainer model but you can see this one it's got iron sights on it right there under the scope is the rears and i did a video on this a couple weeks ago doing an ammo test with the iron sights and at 120 yards we were drilling like three inch steel up here easily with the iron sights and i did an ammo test with a bunch of different 22lr ammo and that was two weeks ago and i can't even remember which one was the best you guys might have if you seen the video got a better memory than me but um i wanted to put a scope on this thing and really squeeze out some precision out of this thing um if you're a cz fan you know pretty much everything that cz puts out is good stuff um including this so far with the iron sights but i actually got some uh scope rings in from worn but they were too low and they were hitting this rear sight i tried a hundred different ways to try to take this rear sight off and could not do it i tried to punch this front piece out no matter what i tried to do i could not get this rear sight off and the czs come with this special size dovetail which those worn rings had but i couldn't get this uh rear sight off this stack um cz so i ended up um online i found this pick rail adapter it's like 50 bucks and finally got a scope slapped on this thing but that being said we are going to try to stretch this thing out i'm going to do another 100 yard ammo test with all different types of 22lr but with a scope and the scope we got on here what is this the only one in my drawer of random scopes uh that would fit and not hit this uh rear sight again cz you need to make this rear sight easier to take off uh but this is a bsa sweet 16 scope and how many zoomies does it have it's a three by nine zoomies so i really wanted to get like a 24 or a 30 power zoom scope on this so we could split some frog hairs at 100 yards because i know this is a quality rifle but nine power zoomies is the only scope that i had that we could fit on this because of the way that they make this rear sight and i couldn't take that sucker off anyways um today for this video i'm going to sight this rifle in it's either going to be a short video and real easy or long video and i'm really going to screw it up mainly because this scope for example see on the top there normally it would say hey up click it this way or down click it this way well the little the thing that tells me which way to give her the clickies is gone so 50 50 chance i turn it the wrong way but uh i'm gonna see where the scope's at here at 10 yards i think i brought the laser boresider then once she's a little bit close we'll take it back to 100 i brought out some of this norma tac-22 simply because um i got a lot of that well i shouldn't say a lot that's the most i have the most of that kind a couple boxes worth but yeah let's uh sight in this cz with this uh zoomy scope all right now let me show you what we're working with we got the cz up here on the on the wrist i got my laser bore cider out here in the end of the barrel suckers are about 15 i'll try to find the link and put it in the description down below for 15 20 bucks everybody needs to have one of these suckers it will save you on some ammo pay for itself probably the very first time you use it but i got that little uh laser job there in the end of the barrel then at 10 yards got a little paper plate there do i have the laser on there yet if you can see the laser there so what i'm gonna do is get that laser in the center there we go close to the center and you know what i can probably adjust this can i shoot i'm gonna leave the camera on the laser i'm adjusting my rest here you see i'm adjusting that rest i'm gonna put the laser dead center and then i'm gonna come back here now we got the laser on the center out there i'm gonna come back here do some clicking my bobs on my scopey thing here until i get the reticle looking at the same place i wonder if our camera is going to let us do this so where's the you can see that red dot on the center of the plate there there we go that's halfway decent you can see what i'm talking about that laser is on that red but our crosshairs are not matching it so i'm going to move the crosshairs until they're on that laser then take a shot quick hopefully this is going to work like it's supposed to but i'm gonna do some clickies take a shot we'll see what happens all right now i don't know how well you're gonna be able to see it but i've got that uh the crosshairs and the laser pretty much hitting the exact same spot probably hard to see there but you guys get the gist now i'm going to take that laser out you got to take that uh laser out before you start flinging bullets and then i'm going gonna put my hat on so i don't look like a crazy person and see where that's hitting at 10 yards and then we're going to take her back to 100 it's probably going to be off up or down at 100 i don't think at 10 yards it hits the same at 100 for 22lr honestly can't remember it's been too long since i flung 22lr that far but we're going to get it dead on at 10 yards and then see where it hits at 100 should be pretty cool all right now uh ladies and gentlemen maybe i can move it over here so you can see me uh so now if i did everything right like i was supposed to we should put a hole right through that little red dot on that plate very first shot i loaded up three of these norma's let's uh let's see if i can hit that red dot [Applause] that hit right quite a ways didn't it um i'm gonna make some adjustments right to left at least the laser got us on paper but i screwed something up didn't i so that was lip so we need to click or write knows how many clicks that was but 10 or 12 probably let's shoot another one here aiming right on that red dot that was a little bit closer so we probably need seven or eight more clickies the same direction now let's see where this one's at all right i'm gonna give it two more yeah we ought to be pretty close now uh to that red let's go back to 100 yards we're about dead on at 10 yards let's go back to 100 and see where we're at on a piece of paper plate from 10 yards i don't know are we going to be high or low we're about to fixing to find out 100 yards all right now we got that cz 457 dialed in just about perfect at 10 yards i'm actually super curious to see where it's gonna hit at a hundred with normal center fire rifles at 10 yards i normally side them in like two inches low then they're pretty close to being dead on at 100 that's like 308 386 270 that type stuff but here's what we got set up here i got four paper plates and we're going to go back to 100 yards one of these plates we're going to get it dialed in and dead on and then we're going to take three of the other plates and just do like five six seven shot groups just for fun 22lr is always fun for plinking let's do this we'll take one of the plates sighted in and the other three will do five shot groups and see if this cz is worth anything i'm 99 sure it's going to be awesome but never know we'll see what happens all right now to the fun part i got five of these normatec 22s loaded up that may be enough for us to get it sighted in let's see what happens still not enough all right so that's slightly kind of good uh well i'm gonna have to put something under the front of this table but we're shooting 22lr not 300 win mag so should be okay i wish we had more zoomies like i said but i'm going to take a shot of the top left plate there see where it hits hopefully on that same plate [Applause] hit high so if you sighted in at 10 yards your 22lr with one of these uh norma's is going to be five six inches high and i didn't bring my little tool to adjust it so i'm gonna use my knife and i don't remember which way we turned it so i'm gonna guess turn it one way and if it's wrong we'll turn it the other way i guess i can just click it with my hands well there was a bunch of clicks by turning it to the right let's see where this hits too many clicks let's try these try this one we're closer two more clicks and looks like we need a couple clicks to the right too while we're at it three quickies to the right now let's see where she hits we got another shot in here yeah we do two more clicks to the right and two more clicks up then we'll do some five shot groups on some clean plates we kissed the ring of that thing i'm gonna come come right just to shave more two more clicks right now let me load up five more and we'll go to a clean plate and see what happens even though i'm only using the nine power zoom and i'm kind of got this table rigged up hanging off the edge i'm still gonna do my best on squeezing this trigger see what we can do here i'll be back after i load this thing up all right the top right plate let's see what happens do my best on five shots here we've got the ring and if you're new to the channel those circles down there i traced a penny so that circle is the size of a penny with this nine power zoom my crosshairs are pretty much covering that whole circle [Applause] pretty good group there now let's go down and uh i guess that's all five of my shots there and let me reload it and we'll do uh another five shot group here this is fun all right five more shots somebody's gonna say you need to let that barrel cool down nobody got time for that let's uh do five more here on a clean plate do the bottom right below that one [Applause] do you let the barrel cool down before you pop that squirrel out there in the trees i don't think you do partner oh we got her dialed in now boys pretty much shooting the same hole there i think that's a testament to both the rifle and this ammo here that one i got a little trigger happy i think that one was me but let's load up five more and do one more little group here all right five more five shot groups see what we can do a little higher there [Applause] all right there's three five shot groups let's go down there and take a look see how we did all right so walking up to our targets here remember this one we got our sighted in with five shots then we did one we did one two three five shot groups so there's our first one two of them in the same hole pretty much three of them touching and remember that's a penny so i'd say that's a penny size group at 100 yards second one we had three in just about the same hole just a little bit bigger group than a penny and then that last one there we had another three in about the same hole three must be the the lucky number there i'd say that's pretty near the size of a penny sized group there too so thumbs up but hey appreciate you guys watching the video super super uh impressed so far with this cz 457 trainer model with this setup you can see there at 100 yards we're getting several shots in the same hole not letting it cool down just kind of banging them out and having some fun and that's only with the nine power zoom scope so at nine nine power zoom at 100 yards you can't be 100 perfect that you're holding dead exact the same spot every time i know 9 power zoom is plenty for hunting 2 300 400 yards whatever but we could definitely probably tighten those even a little bit tighter if we had uh more zoomies on that baby but we gave her all the zooms with nine and i think she did great i keep having bugs landing on me man but hey uh cz457 two thumbs up um so far it likes that normatec 22 ammo too stay tuned if you're interested in seeing it we are going to have an ammo test video come out with this rifle where i'm going to go through and test every single type of 22lr i can get my hands on same test at 100 yards maybe we can um even find an ammo that this rifle likes even better but appreciate you guys watching check out all the links down below don't forget to subscribe to my friends heavy metal link down below we'll see you guys on the next one we like to shoot and make a little if you like flinging the less than [Music] here's
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 17,623
Rating: 4.9530792 out of 5
Keywords: cz, 457, cz 457, cz rimfire, cz bolt action, cz boltaction, cz 22lr, cz 22lr bolt action, cz iron sights, cz with iron sights, cz rimfire 100 yards, iron sights, 100 yards with 22lr, 22lr 100 yards, whoteewho, who tee who, norma, norma tac22, norma tac-22, norma rimfire, norma 22lr, norma ammo, norma tac22 review, cz 457 review, cz 457 trainer review, cz 457 iron sights, 22lr iron sights, long range 22lr, cz 457 groups, review on cz 457, best cz 457 video, cz 457 video
Id: pjszUcl6vvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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