Federal TSS - 100 YARDS

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video out at the range today with heavy metal and we're testing out some 12 gauge shotgun load so right now if you're watching this when the video came out it's turkey season and a lot of you guys asked for turkey videos so previously uh did a video with these tss and i'm here to tell you for the money i wasn't impressed i paid 60 for this box of five and i just really wasn't impressed um a small amount of you guys said that these are absolutely worth the money federal tss but a large majority of you a lot of you turkey hunters said i either use the cheapest stuff i can find which i also brought out to compare today or some other winchester uh type of turkey load that's like a third of the price of these or some of them even cheaper the examples you guys sent me so another comparison you guys said you want to see some more so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go back to a hundred yards and shoot one of these three and a half inch shells those tss and then we're gonna shoot one of these which is the cheapest walmart special you can get at 100 yards and see what kind of a pattern uh we get so just to give you the details on these these tss are three and a half inch shells going a thousand feet per second at the muzzle it says seven to nine shot and two and a half ounce and one of these uh i think they're touched in or something uh but then these are uh two and three quarter inch shells one and an eighth ounce so a lot less and seven and a half shots so i know uh a bunch of you uh are gonna be rooting for the cheapy cheap here and a small number of you guys who swear by the tss are gonna be rooting for the tss but like i said i'm gonna go back a hundred yards uh put the shotgun in a rest to help us get the best uh results possible and i'm gonna be firing them both out of my i always forget the model mossberg 395 kb bolt action it's got one of these poly chokes adjustable chokes i've got it screwed all the way down to full choke me doing the same choke setting for both of these shells so first um i'm going to do the cheapy cheap then i'm going to do the tss and we're going to see what happens so let me get my rig set up here with the paper so we can see exactly how these things turn out let me get it set up quick and i'll show you the rig we're shooting at all right so now let me show you my rig i got set up here on these papers a hundred yards away from our shooting table out here so i got four white sheets of paper we're gonna obviously be able to see where this paper and this cardboard gets hit i drew kind of a rough shape of a turkey head right there and labeled it winchester so we knew for sure remembered what we shot just in case we forget but i'm gonna go back to 100 yards hold dead center of this and then we're gonna come up here and just see what happens with those cheapy winchesters and yeah let's go shoot it all right now i got a camera down there zoomed in on the target let's see uh how we do here i'm gonna do my best to hold that dead center but just me sitting here like this i barely move my face and the aim completely goes off those sheets of paper but i'm gonna do my best to hold dead center i'm gonna shoot these uh gotta put my glasses on first so my ears won't go on uh i'm gonna shoot these cheapy winchesters first i'm super interested to see what happens with this one let's see what happens cheapy winchester safety off all right this is too far back for my eyeballs to see anything but let's run down there quick and see what happens all right so up here at the target let's look at the middle first where i was aiming we got a pellet on the beak nothing on the head if that joker was going that way we what i had probably one two three four five six seven eight pellets hit him but at that distance man it's hard to say those pellets probably would have just bounced off that bird don't know but hey no shots on the turkey head and seven or eight might have hit that dude in the body one of them hit him in the beak there and then coming out a little bit spread out pretty far guys we got some up in the cardboard but as far as the paper goes man each piece of paper pretty much has six or seven hits on it so remember that let's go uh i'm gonna set up a new target and go shoot that federal tss and we'll try to one see if anybody hits him in the head and then just kind of how many hit each piece of paper all right now we got this 12 dollar shot here let's see what happens our last test was at 30 yards and you couldn't tell much difference i think at 100 yards we're probably gonna see something of a difference here see if these are worth twelve dollars a shell [Applause] oh i tell you what they kick a whole lot more i had that tight in my cheek and now that gum it be surprised if i didn't just break my cheekbone there but let's go down there and check it and see what uh happened on the paper man that really rocked me good there on my face no i hurt my face though you okay yeah that just kicked a lot medical attention no all right now so walking up to it yeah so there's a big difference guys remember i was just saying on those cheapy winchesters at 100 yards has six or seven pellets each sheet let's zoom in on the head here first that's got one two three four five six seven it's got like 10 hits on the turkey head there and then each sheet has more dots than i could probably even count that high 25 30 hits maybe on each shot so definitely uh federal tss is the winner on these if you're a turkey hunter trying to snipe turkeys at 80 90 000 yards then uh you might want to pick some of this up i'm not saying you should but definitely a difference at 100 yards there big time so guys i got to tell you at the beginning of the video i was really wanting to discount these based on our previous tests that we did at 30 yards but you guys suggested we go back even further so we did that even further than you might normally for hunting a hundred yards where these barely even hit the turkey at 100 yards even the few that might have probably didn't have a whole lot of juice but these definitely stretched out at 100 yards i would bear to say that all those hits would take down a turkey at 100 yards i'm not saying you should maybe some of you guys with some turkey hunting experience more than me could let us know in the comments down below what's the furthest you ever shot a turkey i've never shot a turkey at 100 yards away but let us know but based on this hundred yard test if uh if you're having a hard time getting any close distance to some turkeys maybe these are worth the 60 dollars a box to you uh but hey like somebody said on the last video you could you could get two turkeys from the uh kroger's or grocery store wherever you live for the price of this box which is true so all that being said i appreciate you guys watching the video big time stay tuned we literally have a video just about every single day of the year really enjoy interacting with you guys check us out subscribe to the videos or subscribe check us out subscribe to the channel if you haven't already don't forget to hit that bell so you know when all the videos come out but big shout out to heavy metal check out the links down below and subscribe to them we'll see you guys on the next one tss they win today [Music] you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 24,219
Rating: 4.9509501 out of 5
Keywords: tss turkey loads reviews, tss, turkey hunting, federal tss, turkey shotgun shells, turkey shotgun reviews, tss 12 guage, 12 guage tss, federal tss pattern, federal tss 12 gauge #9 review, federal tss 12 gauge patterns, who tee who, whoteewho, tss pattern, turkey ammo, turkey shells, best turkey shells, barrel length matter, tss review, review of federal tss, federal tss review, turkey loads, tungsten super shot, best turkey load, federal tss 100 yards
Id: ga__G0gELBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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