7.62x39 Ruger American - VERY IMPRESSED

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video these are sometimes my very favorite videos citing in a new rifle i sight in almost every rifle that i own at a hundred yards i just bought this one up the other week big shout out to gun prime found it at gun prime but this is my ruger american in 7.62 by 39 i've been looking for one for a very long time and now we're gonna cite it in but hey this is your standard uh ruger american ranch like i said i just bought this one and i've started to like these one-piece mounts this is a amazon sonic king one piece mount and then on top i have a zero tech vengeance scope this scope is pretty ridiculous everybody that asks me and says hey i'm on a budget but i still want a good scope this is the scope that i point them to super clear glass not expensive at all you know most people say you need to go spend a bunch of money on a scope i don't agree with that especially depending on what you're doing um if you're hunting not too far this is a great option but even though it is a more less expensive optic it still has the moa dials and a bunch of awesome features that most rifles or most scopes in this price range don't have but hey we're going to have some fun sighting this baby in at 100 yards i got some of this run-of-the-mill steel case wolf ammo know if you guys can see it this snow is giving us some crazy light but i had this scope on my 350 legend ranch rifle and i'm gonna take a guess and say 350 legend is going to be hitting roughly the same place as 762 by 39 at least that's what i'm hoping so we won't have to do a whole bunch of clickies on the scope i think this scope should be pretty close to being sighted in since i just took it off a 350 legend that was sighted in dead on at 100 but let's get the fling and some bullets i've got some i've got two paper plates down there um at 100 yards let's see where we're hitting and we're we'll get her dialed in and see what kind of groups we can get out of this thing should be pretty fun all right so here we go like i said this is some of my most fun videos to film i really enjoy doing these type of videos but we got five rounds i'm gonna aim at that top plate first surely we'll have to make a couple small adjustments but hopefully not too many and i'm gonna go ahead and give her all the zones on this one is 12 zoomies so see what we can do here 100 yards 762 by 39. [Applause] okay check that out that middle circle is a penny so took this off the 350 legend put it on 762 by 39 and it's almost hitting the same spot i'm not even gonna adjust it just yet see where the second one hits [Applause] a little bit low so i am going to come up four clickies um this scope is real sweet you just pull it up clicked it four times let's see how that brings it up here ted [Applause] hit about the same hole as the first shot i'm gonna go ahead and come up four more and we'll stop at three more this boat really wants you to manhandle it i think this will be shot number four and i'm gonna come up two more i think we got one more shot then we'll do a full five shot group on that bottom plate there oh yeah i wonder how many people are gonna comment oh no you need to shoot three times man before you adjust your scope you don't know what you're doing i get that scope i get that comment all the time it makes me laugh but i'm going to shoot five shots now uh warm barrel we're not taking any pauses or anything but um we're not in a science lab we're just out here having fun guys so here's that bottom plate five shots in a row trying to do the best that i can um for this setup see what we can squeeze out of it shot number one inside that penny can't knock these ruger americans guys cannot knock them that's just a good shooting rifle i don't care who you are shot number two almost the same hole and normally on my ruger americans i lighten up the trigger as light as it will go and i forgot to do that for this one so we could probably do even a little bit better once i lighten the trigger up boom this thing is super impressive super impressed shooting the same hole every time guys yeah i am impressed this is now probably my second favorite rifle oh boy like this is why i love doing these videos guys because there are so many people that think you need an expensive rig and i just shot five in the same hole with a 762 by 39 i mean and i'm not an expert you guys know i'm not some fancy pants um shooter i haven't shot a bazillion rounds i'm just uh just an old dude who likes to flank bullets so walking up to it here is our first group there on the top where we made a couple adjustments and then the bottom there that is five shots and like i said that circle i trace the outline of a penny so that 762 by 39 ruger with steel case ammo gets a group of a penny at a hundred i love making these videos just showing regular old dudes like me can do with regular old cheap things there's this big uh what's the word stigma or train of thought out there that you got to spend a lot of money to get good results when it comes to shooting and i've proved time and time again that's absolutely not the case with those ruger americans my 350 legend i took the scope off for this video same thing same setup but in 350 legend same hole groups at 100 and we proved it here again with the 762 by 39 same whole groups at 100 yards absolutely love that rifle man that one just went up to the top oh boy behind my 22-250 that may be my new favorite rifle but as always appreciate you guys watching really wanted to get that video filmed to see what we could squeeze out of that rifle what kind of precision accuracy we could get but you guys saw it there in the footage almost same whole groups at 100 yards what i call a penny size group at 100 yards and i didn't even lighten the trigger on that thing like i said but as always appreciate you guys watching comment down below what you want to see next time don't forget to check out my friends at heavy metal go subscribe to their channel we'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 73,582
Rating: 4.9697061 out of 5
Keywords: heavy metal guns, heavy metal, gunprime, gun prime, ruger, american, ruger american, 7.62x39, bolt action 7.62x39mm rifle, bolt action 7.62x39 threaded barrel, bolt action 762, bolt action 7.62x39, ruger 7.62x39, ruger american 7.62x39 review, ruger american 7.62x39 accuracy, ruger 7.62x39 american ranch, ruger 7.62x39 rifle, ruger bolt action, new gun, whoteewho, who tee who, best gun youtuber, ruger american video, ruger american 7.62x39, 7.62x39 ruger american
Id: wvCjcfvpZNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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