Cyberpunk RED Actual Play - Out on a Limb, Ep 1, Part 1

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] be [Music] sirenscape twitch channel where we will be shortly playing some cyberpunk red uh and this campaign is called out on the limb i am phil or scruff from baby beard media and i am joined here by an absolutely stellar cast who have been asked to introduce themselves now in no particular order sarah hi i'm sarah or mustang you might also know me as that um you can follow me on twitter at mustangs up and i am playing uh nyx phosphate who is a med tech fantastic and kelly and tanya no okay girl like unmute myself hello and i'm kelly uh mostly known as the opera geek and i am playing uh olympia slash muse hmm two names um the rocker boy fantastic and gabriel hello i am gabe uh gabe james games and i am playing nero the ned runner excellent and tanya hey i'm tanya nina seifert here everywhere i am playing strife the tacky fantastic now uh as well as playing the game today we'll be giving away some fantastic prizes as well so we are giving away a digital copy of cyberpunk red as well as a physical one too and a subscription to sirenscape now this is going to be a us only and you'll have to stick around to the midway break where we'll be giving away the passphrase you'll be able to enter that at the end of the stream today and a random person will be picked to grab that prize so do stick around for that now if we're all ready to begin we're all sitting comfortably yeah yeah excellent ready as i'll ever be the year is 2045 and we come to night city across the acidified and depleted pacific at the limit of these once united states nestled in the crux between norcal and socal the city's fighting spirit withstood decades of disease dissolution and global upheaval that is until a devastating blow in the final chapter of the fourth corporate war finally laid her low in 2023 a nuke in the heart of the corporate zone brought the arasaka towers tumbling down and the city of dreams slipped into a coma while the rest of the world went about putting itself back together it was all the refugees of the bomb could do to survive under the crimson paul cast by the destruction of the fourth war but after 20 years of achingly slow recovery night city is starting to twitch to life once more you can see it as we come over the blackened core of the city surrounded by a network of cranes picked out with a constellation of blinking lights and the neon logos of construction corpse and the rising skeletons of new towers and mega buildings this new growth is pushing back the decay and disorder of the combat zones which send the staccato of gunfire up to meet us as we come in land and here the once pristine suburbs of beaverville are stacked with millions clinging on to stability with their fingertips on the slopes of the california hills and above it all carved directly from the heights and snug behind its fortified perimeter we arrive finally at the executive zone with its peerless views of the changing city our story starts at the home of biotechnica exec aubry cantrell where her little soiree is beginning to wind down the rocker boy cantrell pulled off the streets has sung one last intimate set to get the guests in the mood to find their coats when the door closes behind the last one she is invited out onto the balcony for a night cap as the doors slide aside we catch our first glimpse of olympia [Music] can you tell us what we'd see as the door opens to reveal olympia to us yes so olympia is um rather tall probably about five foot ten um she has red hair that's got gold tips on the end of it her eyes are a bit odd because her right eye is a very pale blue but her left eye is green and looks slightly more natural her gown that she is wearing is very high-necked futuristic think that labyrinth gown from not labyrinth um uh legend with the collar and stuff and she is after she's done performing has a very practiced smile while she bids farewell to the patrons that have been at the party you can tell she's done this many times before following you onto the balcony is an angular white woman in her early 40s dressed in a maroon evening dress her glinting cybernetic eyes peer out from under a jet under a jet black bob of hair uh can you give me a human perception role please oh boy why you make me do the first role oh no because you're in the first scene so just give us a 1d10 uh and add your empathy oh and your human perception close to exploding that die however it is a 20. plenty plenty your patron aubry uh is relaxed after a successful night of socializing but it papers over a veneer over a uh stress induced fatigue um you see as she just lightly rubs one of her temples and flops down with her straight vodka uh with a dash of mint uh on the on the balcony and below you are the overpacked suburbs and growing city and uh she turns to you just as for you to take a seat and she says wonderful again tonight olympia thank you so much of course and you know i'm always pleased when you ask me to perform for your friends oh and um did you like the piece i wrote for you it was lovely you were i did think you were ever so slightly sharp in the second movement is it perhaps beyond your range or were you just feeling off tonight well no i i think maybe with a little more time um it's i'm not quite used to getting a piece only a few hours before i perform it so i'm sure next time i will fulfill all of your expectations i'm sure you will i'm sure you will i'm i'm sorry i'm just you seem very smart yes work has been it's been difficult recently we have a punk problem can you believe it how strange have you heard of heaven you've probably heard of heaven by now are we talking metaphorical or physical no the tower look just on the edge of uh little asia down there and she points out very hard to see down there uh one of the skyscrapers among many down in the heart of the city oh it has a so a bunch of uh how would they call themselves edge runners have set themselves up in one of those towers oh well why should that bother you they're just like a million others yes well they wouldn't bother me except they're growing ideas above their station oh these people were very useful in the past you know deniable assets who could circumvent bureaucracy when they band together they become quite dangerous they've been raiding our labs poaching research stuff for their little project giving me quite literal headaches olympia oh i'm so sorry and she will go over to the bar and begin mixing another drink for aubry because she is she has seen this pattern before oh thank you darling yes of course fortunately those with the real power have started to take note and i'm sure things will get a little less straightforward for them in the future oh it's frustrating you know we're trying to get night city working again look at me my eyes i lost them falling glass in the fourth war biotechnica gave me new eyes and a chance to make a real impact and these dreamers these punks they're just they're just getting in the way well that must be extremely frustrating i know how very important your research and work is to you aubrey certainly and i'm just trying to uplift people biotechnica is just trying to uplift people much as i've done with you of course and you know that my gratitude overflows hmm can you imagine what it's like in there squalid lawless hmm take my advice olympia stay away from that type of people well it's a bit difficult i'm sure you remember i was that type of people oh you you've left all that behind oh of course you've given me such wonderful things on that actually are you sure i can't get you an audiovox implant we could do so much more than just with your voice no i don't um i'm very fine without the i i just i can't put something in i just can't i'm so sorry aubry i know it's it must be amazing technology and i'm sure that there will be many people who would love to use it could you run me a normally um where is that on this sheet um social skills yeah it is indeed social oh boy this is gonna go well well my next piece really does require it so uh we'll have to talk about this further very shortly um i i have given you a lot olympia and and this this resistance is um is a little unseemly that is all i'm trying to make you the best performer that i can i i understand that you resisted the the um the sculpting i believe your nose could be refined i understand it's your face but really as a performer and as your patron i i really think you should reconsider olympia this this conversation is making me tired i think i'll retire oleg is outside he he he can take you home in the car tonight okay oh of course may i help you to your room do you need any assistance no i don't need help gosh olympia i'll call you tomorrow of course and she goes inside doesn't show you out doesn't really regard you and you're free to leave at your own time finish a drink or take another no she'll pour the drinks down the drain how do you how do you feel about that conversation olympia's very tired of being treated as a thing um so it's particularly the um the imposition of of cyberware the cyberware installation as well as the idea that um they must shape me into this perfect image that they have in their head um and their music as well hopefully she never hears you uh voice that out loud oh of course not um as you leave the apartment leaning against the far side of a deep green sports car in a classic style is a tall black man the bright street lamps are reflecting off the metal threads weaving across the back of his bald head he appears to be in the middle of a phone conversation uh your agent uh the uh personal assistant with a limited ai that for you speaks to you only in your head and is named uh wolfy i believe yes identifies the gentleman as a rocklin organics exec maximilian darvo he was at the party tonight another human perception if you would um one moment i would also uh like wolfie as i make this check to actually to activate my recorder doing so now good oh that's a d6 i don't need that mm-hmm look at this this time it's a six 17. uh so darvo uh seems to be in conversation with a superior and he's on the defensive uh and he seems to be repeating information that he believes the caller should already know uh and um do you do you wait and listen yes i think i'd try to stay slightly inside like the vestibule or slightly around a corner so that i don't excellent startle him he's his back is to you at the moment and you hear the following conversation or at least his side of it uh this this is within the timeline set out in your data packet uh when adverse reactions occur the data scraper will collate incidents reported on city net into usable results but because i built it myself well yes i understand but my apologies i was in a networking event lining up clients for when we have proof of concept no as per the data packet any info gaps in the public beta are outweighed by the logistical obstacles involved in the acquisition and disposal of subjects tomorrow well i'll be following myself so i'll be sure to keep you updated um well watch the pin placements on the back nine i think the greenskeeper's having a bad week yes ma'am good night he hangs up and uh when he turns around he sees you uh lurking under the light of the vestibule oh you're muted kelly um as soon as he hangs up i would make a rather ostentatiously um evident exit from the vestibule wonderful like whipping a fur stole around my neck or something like that like one does okay can you give me an an easy acting role the sheet has a lot of things on it um 14. excellent yes he uh he as you uh he he turns around uh as you throw your stole over your shoulder and his eyes widen as he sees you and he reaches out his arms as he comes around the car olympia a wonderful wonderful performance tonight i am such a fan of yours he says oh how lovely to hear and she she you know extends a hand and and your name sir well i'd hope my reputation precedes me he's giving him a rather quick smile like it's a bit of a flirtation oh a little bit of a small power play to to not know who he is excellent um well he he places his card in your hand which announces him as an exec at rocklin augmentix oh man his name is maximilian darvo he um he says i have to dash but i wanted to offer you the opportunity to play some parties that might be a little bit more lively you know where you could something a little more modern well i'm sure we could absolutely discuss that mr darvo excellent i'm so glad to hear that uh he he leans in to give you a little cheek his cheeky cheek kiss do you allow that um i i allow it and as soon as he has come to the point where he cannot see me there is like a eye roll excellent lovely um he uh he steps into his sports car and tears away into the executive zone uh he he doesn't need to obey any speed limits here he just uh roars off into the night uh and nearby is a um uh a rather plain executive ground car with a a driver inside waiting for you um so she she kind of drops a little bit of the uh the air about her and she starts walking and as she's walking she's talking to her agent do you think he's compensating for something making the car that noisy well it uh i'm not quite sure what you might mean there i am limited in my ability to make inferences oh i know i was just musing out loud uh excellent i will uh try to add that to my data is there anything you would like me to note on his profile about compensation hmm yes that he tries too hard making a note inside the car is oleg you know oleg he's driven you home a few times before uh he is a nomad who has tired of life on the floating nations and uh now drives for uh olympia they're not not for olympia for uh cantrell and when you get in he asks you if you'd like to go home to your corp funded apartment or to heaven where he also resides i really think i need the noise tonight let's go to heaven excellent and now we'll move to the next morning when a greasy rust tinged rain falls on the city soaking into the red and black pennants hanging from the outside of the ramshackle skyscraper called heaven high above its fortified perimeter at ground level and hollowed out boom town where most of the dreamers live we'll find ourselves in the concord medical center on the 43rd floor here tucked against the supporting beam on the west side is the cyberware and emergency clinic of one nyx phosphate can you tell us a little bit uh about how nyx appears to us as we uh enter through the door of her clinic of their clinic sorry you're muted i forgot i muted again um no nick says um she would be if standing at roughly about five foot four maybe um and uh they have uh you know shaved hair on one side uh pulled over on the other it's green uh probably doesn't come through very well on the lighting here but my hair is green at the moment um they also have a cybernetic right eye um this is like a a magnifying eye so able to see in close detail for wounds and such um and they also have um in their arm uh their left arm is a biometric uh scanner thing i can't remember what it's called the biometric reader biomania that's it thank you um and uh they also um are using uh currently sat in uh their cyber chair um and their cyber chair is uh essentially a wheelchair but without wheels instead it has um two legs either side uh and it sort of crawls around forward and backwards almost uh you know by itself but you actually see it's kind of plugged into a normal interface um socket um just at the back of her head at their head sorry um and they are wearing kind of punky you know clothing pretty much like red and black um and their whole like area that they are working in is uh completely scrubbed down clean sterilized very practical um minimal mess um you know that kind of uh a massive difference to what um aubry cran trowel was kind of painting it as you know all that squalor but actually this is like a really neat um tidy place um and uh the lighting overhead is very uh bright but um in one area where like there are people recovering from surgery and such uh the lights are able to dim uh just to be a bit more comfortable um for people um and currently you know they're kind of uh taking stock of um different cybernetics and drugs and medicines and whatnot well as you're setting up before you can finish uh a man bursts into the clinic he is pale in a cold sweat and its face is contorting in sporadic pain most disturbing of all his left arm a cyber arm is intimately spasming and contorting into human inhuman shapes um bending backwards the fingers uh grasping and as it does so he he grunts in pain uh and he calls out to you as he's hanging off the uh doorway ah oh i don't know what the hell is happening but it hurts like hell um okay have i have i seen this kind of before um give me a uh concentration role for a feedback concentration rule um second uh concentration um so that is 11 i think this is not something you recall has having seen before extremely unusual especially for a cyber arm to be transmitting intermittent pain for no apparent reason to the person right okay oh god can you do something the pain is okay um yeah um nick's uh essentially uh that's probably like a free kind of bed i guess uh uh yeah um immediately well jesse to the chair uh the chair sorry this is the bed um and be like like you know talking kind of seriously like stay calm like it will be sorted uh you know just calm down um beetle right okay yeah um yeah and you know once they've been told that they they that doctorly approach of like saying your name for like comfort so like it'll be all right beetle like things will be okay we'll sort this out it's probably just like a technical malfunction excellent excellent so that um that does start to calm him won't make you roll for that and and as you start your um diagnosis with him can you give me a deduction role please okay um adoption should be in uh that is math uh that is 18. excellent um so you um quickly managed to uh get your gear to scan the arm despite its sporadic movement um and over 30 minutes of a board of scans and and finally getting a good reading from it you work out that the um arm is sending some scrambled signals down into his nervous system and you surmise that you could uh possible treatments are uh straight up pain relief uh nerve blockers which will uh disable the arm temporarily or you could actually fully disconnect the arm from his nervous system which will require surgery or a cyber tech check and it will take a couple of hours to fully disconnect okay um nyx will uh you know present these options to beetle um you know these are kind of the three options we can try the less severe option first um so you know taking pain relief and the nerve blockers that's something for it's like my arm is on fire dog it's on fire uh yeah as they're shouting uh nyx will uh immediately like uh you know with just thinking the chair kind of scuttles over to one draw immediately uh they're pulling out um a bunch of pain relief um you know we'll ask the customary are you allergic to anything that you know of before i give you this oh i don't think so i take all sorts of [ __ ] nothing's ever happened before just give it to me okay uh yeah um and nick's stay completely calm like you know unwrapping uh their medication and yeah i'm giving it give me a first aid roll please okay um [Music] just looking for it um okay that is uh my nine plus eight um 17 uh easy peasy for you um it's a dv9 so you pass it with flying colors administering painkillers not not an issue for you um you sink the airport our air hypo into his arm and uh he relaxes oh thanks doc oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] no no oh god that didn't do anything at all oh [ __ ] and the pain comes right back um okay uh we can try the nerf blockers next yeah please please okay paramedic ralph it's a little bit more difficult to get these into the right spot db13 uh what skill is it again paramedic paramedic um okay that is uh so that is math uh 14 yes beat it by one well done you um you stick the nerve blockers in their ring around the mount in his arm and as each one goes in and it enters into his bloodstream arm goes completely limp and he um uh finally sighs and relief he waits apprehensively for a minute or so the two of you kind of looking at each other and the pain doesn't come back for now um your agent um speaks up from the uh side where the counter where it's laid uh i believe your agent has a lovely english butler kind of uh accent to it yeah definitely uh nix uh i don't mean to bother you too much but uh you have two more patients already uh and an alert is going out all across cmc uh there are patients with cyberware malfunctions flooding the emergency center as well as your clinic um if you like i believe your colleagues one uh nero and uh one strife both have a small amount of uh experience with cybernetics uh should i call them up uh yeah nixon just what do you think darcy uh of course of course i'm sending out an alert now um and uh as uh he does so um one of the other medics from you know from the cmc from concord medical center comes rushing in and um uh has as panicked look on his face on her face as you've ever seen now when this alert goes out to your agents uh nero where are you and what are you doing in this morning mid-morning uh probably walking down a street uh more in a corporate area and then just taking in the sights looking at all of the idiots that don't know what to do with their money time or influence and trying to see which is the worst scum to wipe off the boot what do you look like as we uh as we come down towards you uh so he's he's an african-american man with a short throw bit of stubble on his beard you can see like some augments on the side of his head but there are visible augments in his eye and they might have a little bit of like a yellow tint to them as well just just a little bit off some some every now and then like he like takes a look at someone it might take a little bit of a tint to it and there's there's a smirk on his face that it's it's that it's that smarmy smirk that you see all the corporate execs make uh he's probably a little bit too familiar with it so you're you're in the glen which is the uh most rebuilt part of the city where most of the new administration is is happening how are you dressed when you walk around this uh slightly nicer part of the rebuilding city uh let's say a full white suit oh nice so you look the part around here so you wouldn't draw any eyes from any corporate security as they come around no okay and and your agent how does your uh uh agent sound and what personality do they have um i i'd almost feel like the the tone of their voice probably changed a little bit almost as if they're trying to continuously not be con they're not trying to be consistent so that people don't recognize them or know them um so even to keep changing it up yes yep and it's it's probably something that like vixen would advise me to as well almost so that like if if i'm interacting with different people they don't get they don't think i'm a corpo but these people don't yeah exactly so it matches the situation yes i'm sorry who's vixen is this the name of your agent that you use yes yep that is the agent who's the the mentor so um uh vixen at the moment uh here in in the glenn has a as a lovely sultry voice for you very gentle and says uh nero a emergency is developing uh back at heaven and uh anyone with experience in cybernetics is being called on to assist your colleague who you've worked before with nix is in particularly in over their head as patients are stacking up outside their door do you think it's worth the time uh several of these uh individuals are in severe pain or experiencing catastrophic malfunction of their cyberware i believe it would be worth their time this whole concept of morals is it takes time to understand and unlearn old habits your services are simply being requested i i don't believe anyone is making a judgment on you about whether you would tend or not fine i'll go i'm not like them i'm just gonna like look at some smarmy looking jerk that's probably like sitting on the side on a phone call like eating something that's not good for them and not really paying attention to the world and there's just a scowl that crosses his face he's he he looks up and he he's he looks back from his pack of kibble and he's like what's your [ __ ] problem nothing it was just envy what are you eating i'm curious just just a [ __ ] kibble man just i'm on the phone would you [ __ ] off jesus this [ __ ] city that's your name i love it when players do this [ __ ] you that's my name oh the family name isn't it it looks like it is hey your agent told you something you had somewhere to be huh get out of my [ __ ] face oh don't worry we'll meet again [ __ ] you and tan you're also going to get a call where are you this morning um tanya is nowhere near here but strife is around okay my apologies strife is about to get a call where it's drive uh strife is in her apartment um actually tinkering that's what she does when uh there's not a job afoot and uh she is you know how we joke about bisexuals don't know how to sit in a chair that's her currently like on a devon kind of tinkering with the circuit board before the agent uh pings her excellent i feel like you just came from my throat with that comment because i'm currently sat with my legs up on my desk i couldn't see that so you told on yourself and this also applies to me can you can you give us a bit of a a picture of you um so your your um your face and you're lit up by the the monitors of the screen in your workplace yeah i have that it's the stereotypical hacker den kind of look um the strife is about 5 10 medium brown skin locks with a few kind of cyber looking locks entwined in between them wearing you know jeans what could be chuck taylors except they're illegally distinct chuck taylor so we don't get sued um and you know since she's at home she's just in like her usual black t-shirt but it changes to suit her mood and so right now it's like a very soft heathered black comfy thing but depending on what's going on uh almost like her her shirt tells on her she's literally well with wearing her motions on her chest and a because she is kind of a nerd and a geek and likes a lot of things she liked growing up she uh she has the vamp fangs but she's the only one that knows they're not like really functional she can't go out and attack people she just likes the look of them there are you can have what's called vampires implanted which you can even load with a toxic uh like a biotoxin or a poison which people wouldn't know whether you had the real deal or just a little affectation so it's a little bit of a a secret you have on people now um camouflage yeah um so this is your both your living space and your your working space your workshop all all crammed in together now a lot of people a lot of people live in a place in heaven called boom town which is called that because it was hollowed out by an explosion in the war and then a sort of ramshackle town has grown up do you have you set up in that place or are you somewhere else in the tower um i have like a secret stash there and kind of a secret cubby hole where i can go work if something's too dangerous to be in my apartment okay yeah most days um i spend unfortunately kind of crammed in my apartment but i've sectioned it off so like my bed and stuff is in one spot and it's cozy and i can kind of cuddle up there if i need to then the rest of it is just plans here data pads there parts i'm working on all over but the boomtown lab is a lot more it's if anyone else walked in they'd be like oh my god what is this disaster i however know where everything is yeah so the boomtown one is is more where you sort of like get stuff done for others i guess and repair things whereas this is more like your personal kind of space and uh your agent um do you have a a personality and a voice for them uh my agent is very much a little sass master no matter what no matter what uh i ask them or what's going on and they vacillate between kind of a posh faux australian accent and kind of uh and kind of a snarky i was recharging what do you want like almost like almost like if a cat could talk excellent excellent so no one no one has their best friend as the agent uh we we all have um oh okay well sorry sorry i thought you you you were more kind of collaborative colleagues uh you and rolfie wolff is too fun to be just a result excellent lovely lovely well it gives me a bit of a bit more data on how to kind of love to make dirty jokes you know oh excellent excellent it's a bit hard to teach agents jokes but uh we'll get there we'll get there they have a little a hard time understanding um the complex human uh phenomenon that is that is humor completely inappropriate time jokes yes so but your agent doesn't have a name strife invictus invictus well invictus crops up now um uh sends you an alert your uh vast and unmatched skills and knowledge are required today uh imminently busy um and she's just like like tinkering with the with a motherboard or something uh a little bit who wants me uh about a dozen or more people up in the concord medical center whose cyberware is currently freaking the [ __ ] out hmm is this wide spreader just here in the compound uh let me do a quick scan on city net give me a sec can you do a library search for me sure what is library under it's an intelligence skill okay as as kelly said it's a whole lot of things there's a big skill list so you could ever see yes i'm just trying to see what my bonus would be before i roll i'm trying to figure that out uh i don't think i have anything in library you can use your base uh intelligence to roll your library search huzzah that will be a 12. uh i'm i'm picking up a few scattered reports of malfunctions uh across the city uh not sure if it's part of a phenomenon at this stage people's cyberware screw up all the time but i'll keep an eye on it for you all right um do a diagnostic on myself before i go up to eight next excellent uh i'm linking with your cyborg now no problems detected all right keep uh keep a low-level diagnostic running just in case this is some kind of weird virus that can affect cyberware by touch or by proximity oh it seems pretty smart i guess that's why they keep you around yeah it's not for my personality mm-hmm true that i can reprogram you you know i know do what you want you own me after all uh we're com we're companions i don't like the term owning you oh okay i won't use it again thank you um please inform nyx i'll be on the way up momentarily as soon as i get some gear can do next darcy informs you that uh help is on the way um and uh and uh as you diagnose and and treat uh your initial set of patients uh people are other med techs are rushing in grabbing nerve blockers you tell them uh they they consult with you yeah nerve blockers seem to be doing a job with a lot of these people um but everybody is having these various malfunctions now uh you have two patients already by the time you are finished with uh with beetle there is a 50 on year old uh man who is stoically sitting in one of your waiting room chairs um he appears to be pretty much uh uh blind at this stage but he is holding up his agent and the uh his agent is telling him what it can see through its camera and that's how he managed to navigate his way he doesn't seem too panicked uh although you know obviously not being able to see is a little bit unusual for him uh shortly after he arrives though someone comes in on the arm of one of their friends a late 20s woman and they are absolutely delirious they are being held up and uh shortly after they arrive they vomit on the floor of your pristine clinic they are having quite erratic behavior spelling out strings of words and occasionally they they they stumble before they can be sat down uh in front of you now you'll have to decide what you want to do with these two before your help arrives and you are muted hey keep forgetting um uh the gentleman who is um currently blind um it doesn't seem as urgent to nix as the person who is clearly in pain and delirious that's the person who knicks wants to help first um so yeah um nicks will uh immediately you know like the first available bed and get this person down on it okay so you you pop them down um and as i said they're having a severe mental disturbance they're sort of looking at you or through you their pupils are changing size uh somewhat uh rapidly uh which is uh extremely disturbing um and as i say they they are spouting kind of strings of of words um you you catch a glimpse of one string of words that seems to run something like uh the um uh the cyber deck is your best friend when it comes to uh getting all the information that you need and then it cuts off and she starts babbling sounds uh before long okay um the person that she came in with um nixle asked them what cyber word do they have you know getting general details about this person uh they've they've got uh uh like a a neural uplink um and and uh like a chip a chipware socket uh for for uh uh like uh data and uh uh interface plugs um they they had uh uh like a new cyber audio put in put in last week as well okay um yeah nick will make note of that um and uh do they seem are they in pain or is it just that they're delirious uh it's very difficult to tell they're in pain because they are not really communicating with you in any kind of human way okay um nyx will ask is this something that just really suddenly came on or has this been like progressively getting worse uh she she was like sick for like two days uh she had like a a fever or something and but then she came to me this morning and she looked awful and then she was uh her eyes started going weird and then she just started just spouting nonsense at me it puked and collapsed and i i brought her up here straight away okay um uh i'm assuming that this this patient can't really sit still if they're really delirious at the moment no they're kind of they're kind of thrashing a bit yeah yeah um then nyx uh to prevent them from hurting themselves and also because uh nix suspects that this is something more to do with the cyber tech and must and you know we'll wait for um strife and um gabe and everyone else to make their way here um so nyx will give this person a sedative if possible not enough to make them fall asleep because obviously um the person working on their attack will need to know whether or not they're doing the right thing um kind of like brain surgery i guess so uh nyx will just give them enough said if that they're just relaxed or you know kind of sleepy but not actually asleep okay give me a paramedic roll okay um that is plus uh 11 that is 19. excellent so um you uh give them uh sedation to start uh bringing them down and their um their movements become a lot calmer uh and their muscles relax a bit more although um their eyes remain wide and they seem sort of mentally uh still kind of quite awake uh now i'd like you to make a deduction role for um what you've already surmised um production um 17 excellent the diagnosis was a dv15 so um what you realized is that uh this person is uh they are undergoing an imminent failure of their uh neural uplink and uh this will kill them within eight hours uh in addition their chipware socket is locked at full bandwidth and the um the data chips they have installed in their head are just pumping their data into their consciousness which is where that blurb about net running is coming from it is the uh like beginner's guide to netrunning they have in their head and it's just pumping data into their brain um so they will need to have their neural uplink uninstalled which is a surgery that takes four hours uh and if they don't have it uninstalled they will die within eight hours okay um uh nyx has surgery skill so they could do it themselves feasibly okay um so nyx is going to explain this you know talking uh in terms of this you know talking to the patient but also talking to the patient's friend um mix will also ask you know what's the patient's name what's um you know your name the guardian i guess this person so your patient's name is proxy and her friend simply goes by anna okay um so uh one second just writing that down so i don't forget um so um nix is going to uh you know when administering that sedative um we'll be talking like proxy through it so like what nix is doing so that even if proxy can't really respond proxy is aware of what's going on um and uh you know then we'll address uh kind of more anna but also include proxy in the conversation obviously but uh talks to anna saying you know it will require surgery we'll talk about the severity of it that this has to be done or in eight hours proxy very likely faces dying she she asks you to do whatever you can for her friend and um as you're setting up for surgery at a uh around that time um nero and strife uh um uh strife first and then nero shortly afterwards uh arrive on at uh concord medical center on the 43rd floor in chaos med techs running everywhere and people coming in with non-functional legs non-working eyes or suddenly throwing up or delirious as their neural implants malfunction on them when you arrive at nexus clinic there are already two more patients arriving which i'll tell you about when we come back after our break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Syrinscape
Views: 8,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: actual play, cyberpunk, cyberpunk gameplay, cyberpunk red, cyberpunk rpg, tabletop rpg, role playing games, RPG, cypheroftyr, gabe james games, theoperageek, Mustangsart, baby beard media, sound effects, Syrinscape, r talsorian cyberpunk red
Id: KKJ2mLzmVAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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