Cyber Security Day In the Life! - Office Edition! (18 year old Cyber Security Engineer)

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what's going on everyone i'm tal and welcome to a day in the life of an 18 year old cyber security professional let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so a quick office tour desk tour if you will we have designing building a security operations center book by david nathan's and i thought it was really good and i've been reading through it right now again and it is very useful as far as developing a security program which is pretty much what i'm doing got a quart of water and a nutanix water bottle not sponsored video but they are really good software if you want to check them out they have a free community edition got my journal and then a commentary book of romans in the bible um that gear hot spot pods pro made a little lego stand just so many figures on there for my phone but i'm using that right now so i can't have it sitting up there but that's how i just have my phone set up in case i need to see anything on there final dell keyboard logitech gs602 wireless mouse a 13 inch steel latitude 3310 laptop and two dell 27 inch monitors over here got another quart of water in a bottle that conveniently branded towel from walmart it's not an actual collaboration or anything i'm not big enough for that kind of thing with people yet salt lamp my mom gave me and a dell dock over here all right guys so this is my office pretty much got a chair right there and some two other shares right there if any other guests need to come in here put my bag over here my lunch right there um yeah this is pretty much my whole office so so anyways i hope you guys enjoy this video and if you have any questions about what my day is like feel free to drop them in the comments below if there's anything that's not covered very clearly it's about 10 35 so it's getting pretty close to lunch i did wait a little while to film this introduction and i've been doing some work so far right now i've been working on setting up a scanner for our company so that way we can scan our devices on the network for vulnerabilities and stuff it's called openvas openvas if you want to check that out just google it it's free open source vulnerability scanner i've been working on setting that up so that's what i'm going to be doing until about 11 o'clock which is when i usually eat lunch so i'll probably try and throw some time lapse action in here just if you want to see some of what i'm doing also i hope this gives you a pretty good idea of what a day in the life of a cyber security professional can look like let's go [Music] so [Music] all right everybody so i'm done with my little bit of work um since i've introduced you to this video i'm still working on that greenball security assistant openvas system that i'm trying to set up right now as you can see i got it working on the machine when i rdp into it the only issue is whenever i try to access it on this machine via its internal ip which i'm not going to show you just for uh security reasons i get this error it says the request contains an unknown or invalid host header if you're trying to access the gsa because host name or a proxy make sure gsa is set up to allow it so there was a quick and easy fix for this back in openvast seven but that has since been deprecated which means now i have to find a new fix for this figure how to get it working so i can access it from my machine without having to rdp into the other machine because leaving the other machines already people are open is kind of a risk that i really don't want to take if i don't have to anyway now it is lunch time it's 1102 so i'm gonna go heat up my lunch and then we'll eat like this tacos a bowl of tacos rather with just it just has some like ground beef or turkey or whatever some black beans and rice in it and then i usually eat it with some chips this is very accurate to what my day in life is because i pretty much eat this every day that i'm at work [Music] so [Music] so while i was researching open vast stuff i'm trying to fix that problem i came across a thread on reddit in the r slash home lab community that listed the ton of tools and stuff that you could use and i discovered alien vault ossim it's from att but it's an open source community thing um it's basically like a linux distro that has a whole bunch of tools in it so kind of like security onion but it also has open bass and doesn't have everything security onion has but it looks really cool so i think i'm going to install that on the server so i got to go get that server now and i'll bring it back in office and plug it up and see what everything looks like here we have the service at dell poweredge t1102 running a intel xeon processor hopefully we can get this thing up and running alienvault ossim today before the end of the workday um but if not i'll be here tomorrow as well to work on it but shouldn't take any longer than until the end of today so well hey guys didn't see you there anyways just wanted to give you guys a quick update it's about three o'clock right now which means that i'm just gonna say i'm done with the server for today it's not working out very well i haven't been able to get it to work reload it with a different thing att's alienvault ossim then learned that that requires two network interface cards which i only have one of on this machine so i'm going to take the rest of the day and be reading that designing incident and building a security operations center book take some notes on that and then write up a justification for why we should purchase another vulnerability scanner also known as nessus professional so i'll put my time lapse of me doing that and then it'll be timely work in about an hour [Music] that is it for my um work day in the life i'll probably i might throw in some stuff that i do after work usually after i get home first thing i do is work out for about an hour i lift weights bodybuilding type stuff um and then we'll have supper i'll play some football in the front yard and then go upstairs at home and just do whatever stuff on the computer usually video editing or something like that or just independent projects that can't really do it work but tonight we're going to go to a church that's hosting pickleball it's kind of like a tennis and tennis and ping-pong like mixed but more so on the tennis side it's just a bit smaller i like it it's fun and we go there to play because that's the only place that has courts around here and that's what we're gonna do tonight um so yeah hope you enjoyed today's video if you like this video please leave a thumbs up and consider subscribing to this channel if you want some cyber security photography videography or tech related content as all of those types of content will be coming more in the future comment down below if you have any questions about any specifics that i do like i said i'm an 18 year old cyber security professional in a very unique situation because i'm pretty much the only security person here so obviously my duties will change as our security posture at the organization i'm at matures anyways i'm tal and i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: BigBroSecurity
Views: 84,958
Rating: 4.6926827 out of 5
Keywords: SuperTal3, supertal3, talkelley3, Tal Kelley III, day in the life of a cybersecurity analyst, day in the life of a cyber security engineer, day in the life of a cyber security analyst, day in the life of a cybersecurity engineer, cybersecurity, cyber security, cyber security engineer, day in the life of a cyber security student, day in the life of a cybersecurity student, day in the life of a cybersecurity consultant, day in the life of a cyber security consultant, big bro security
Id: CdQV4Ci3v0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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