CYBER-SECURITY VLOG | WFH work day in my life | Work productive morning routine

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[Music] so [Music] you can keep [Music] don't try to come back good morning it is what 6 30 a.m now and we've just finished our yoga it's something we've been trying to do um more frequently in the mornings as a gentle way to wake up and get a little bit of exercise in without smashing out a hit workout or something so we're currently doing the 30-day breathe or breath um series by yoga with adrian and we're really enjoying it so far it's been really good so normally after we finish exercise or whatever we're doing if i'm commuting to work that day then i will skip this thing and do it on the train but because i'm working from home today i'm gonna do a quick meditation while michael is making some brekkie so i'm going to jump into that now probably do a 20 minute meditation and then i'll start my day [Music] hello again now 7 am i've just finished my meditation and i'm going to move on to making some brekkie breakfast each day changes for me depending on what we're feeling like but this week we've prepared some egg like muffin cup things kind of like omelets but in little muffins that we we made over the weekend so we've been working through those so i'm going to warm myself up some of those with some avocado and i'll probably have my vitamins as well because that's something i'm trying to do more in the morning is take my vitamins and not forget they don't look too flush but they are amazing i've also found some cherry tomatoes that need using apples i'm going to have some of those with my breaky as well [Music] [Music] and here's my bricky two little egg muffins with some avocado and tomato i'm not a huge fan of taking vitamins so i normally try and put it in a tiny little cup and scale them as quickly as i can [Music] so i'll normally catch up on some youtube and social media while i eat my bricky [Music] so it's a little bit after 7 30 now michael has left for work and i'm gonna start getting ready for my day i'm gonna have a quick shower this morning and then pop some clothes on and get ready for the day so normally while i'm getting ready i try and listen to an audio book or a podcast and at the moment i'm listening to barack obama's new book a promised land and i'm listening to that on borrow box because i can get it for free from our local library so most days when i'm working from home i'll try and finish up my morning routine between 7 30 and 8 a.m and that normally leaves me about an hour or so before i want to start work to kind of do whatever i want with so some days that'll be editing youtube and often it'll be youtube related stuff but it's also time if i wanted to use that hour for an extra hour of sleep in and get up a little bit later or maybe i had something else i wanted to do that morning like read a book so i just make sure i have enough time in my morning so i can do something for me before i start work for the day so today i'm actually a little bit busy at work so i'm actually going to spend that hour doing a bit of extra work preparation before my day starts and i'll take you along with that but before i start my day it's always time for a cup of tea [Music] well carrying that cup of tea in here was a lot harder than i thought it would be alright so now i'm just gonna set up my desk and get ready for the day so normally what i'll do first thing is i'll log on and check my calendar and see what i've got coming up for the day and i'll also check anything that i've written down in my notebook from the day before so if you've watched my working from home tips video you'll know that at the end of the day i try and write a to-do list for the following day so that way i have a clear head and i can focus on what's most important the next day so i'm gonna get stuck into that so i've just had a bit of a look at my calendar today and it looks like i've got a few meetings this morning um i've got a team meeting and a couple of other project meetings i'm having lunch with a friend and then this afternoon i've only got a couple of meetings here and there so i should be able to get some work done my manager did say she was off sick though today so some of those meetings this morning may or may not be cancelled so i might end up with a bit of extra free time in my day we'll just play it by ear but to start off this morning i'm going to do a little bit of work on some project stuff we're overhauling one of our security tools at the moment and implementing a new system and i'm helping out with that project so i'll be testing some of the new features that have come out this morning and making sure that we're happy with them and then there's no bugs so it's always fun when you're trying to play around with a new tool and effectively break stuff and see what works and what doesn't work so that's what i'm going to be doing to start my day i just realized as well that i haven't explained what i actually do for work so i work in cyber security so i'm an information security analyst but i do a lot of engineering work as well as my normal bau work so basically i support the function of our blue team or our detection and response team and i can talk a little bit more about that later so i cover a lot of different areas at work and we'll talk through some of those things today and what it means to work in cyber security i've just finished my first stand up for the day most mornings i have some kind of a stand up with either a project team or my direct team and that's just to go through any updates or blockers that we want to share with the group and so i've just finished that one now and i'm going to jump into a little bit of work before i have another meeting but i thought i could take this opportunity to talk a little bit about cyber security and explain kind of high level what it is and what we might do every day so the way i like to think about cyber security is that there's a few different critical functions at play here and most of the time there's a broader underlying supporting function of cyber security in an organization that controls the risk and the strategy and a lot of the stuff behind the scenes but a lot of organizations will have a concept of a red team and a blue team so the red team is kind of like the bad guys they are basically trying to hack into our own systems and work out what the vulnerabilities are so that if we know about our own vulnerabilities first we can fix them and remediate them before real bad guys in the real world try and exploit those vulnerabilities and then we've got the blue team which is the flip side of that so it's like the active defense of our actual systems so while the red team is trying to identify threats and issues with the way our systems work the blue team is trying to defend against real threats in our environment so my role is in the blue team so we have a security operations center full of people who are actively defending against threats each day and basically these people get alerts every day saying when we've seen something suspicious or a little bit dodgy happening in our environment and they'll look into these tickets find the underlying log sources and collect all the information they can about what has happened and then make a informed decision about whether the action is benign or if it's actually got a malicious intent and if it's got a malicious intent then they'll have to take certain remediation steps to prevent it from escalating or from happening again so my role is to basically support the function of our security operations centre so we look at onboarding new detection logic and new looks so that our detection is keeping up with what's happening in the wider world and keeping up with the bad guys basically we're also trying to maintain and uplift the systems that our analysts are using so that might mean trying to create automations so that it makes the analysts lives easier when they're investigating different cases we take some of the manual labor out of what they do and automate the stuff that can be automated um it could also just mean physically maintaining the infrastructure or that could mean improving their lives by developing a new tool or implementing a new app or something like that another large part of our job is to write playbooks which is basically just the process that we expect analysts and consultants to follow when they're processing sort of tickets and things that go wrong in our environment so we write out the you know best case scenario process for what you should do if you see a case and hopefully that helps people and guides them in their [Music] investigations [Music] so as often happens i my day has been derailed a little bit and i got swept into a couple of meetings i'm having a little bit of a later lunch but today i'm actually having lunch with a friend so i have so i've warmed up my lunch and i'm about to join a teams call with my friend [Music] just finished lunch with my friend and now i'm going to jump straight into another meeting which is basically the story of my life right now [Music] so i'm back i've finished that meeting i've got another meeting in 15 minutes so i'm probably going to take just a bit of a breather and make a cup of tea and wash up my lunch and all that kind of thing um i think it's important to you know know when we're working from home about we can have a little breaks between meetings i think in the office we probably did do that like walking to and from different meeting rooms and getting a cup of tea before we went into another meeting and we don't really get that same thing at home because people expect to start a meeting exactly on time and they'll usually use up the whole meeting time if they if they can as well so i think it's important to try and take little breaks between meetings if you can so that's what i'm going to try and do now practice what i preach but in other news my day has become very busy all of a sudden and i'm glad i did a little bit of work this morning but i'll still have a few more things to do and the list of tasks that i set myself yesterday i've barely even touched so i'm hoping that after this next meeting i'll have the rest of the afternoon to myself and i'll be able to get stuck into some work um but i managed to get a couple of things on my list done which is which is always good sometimes you can finish a day feeling like you haven't haven't achieved everything you set out to but i think you've just got to remember that you've still done your job and you've been working towards things that are better in the team anyway whether that be responding to a crisis or working through one of our long-term goals or projects so all work is valid basically all right time for a couple of tea [Music] i have to say i do take my hat off to youtubers though because now that i've been doing this for a day i've i've realized how hard it is to to vlog and to work and to multitask so jeez i don't know how you would do this every day but yeah it is very time consuming and very distracting but while i wait for my teeter boil to my teeter boil while i wait for the kettle to boil i'm going to actually update our debt tracker so if you're following along with our debt free journey we're trying to pay off 150 000 of combined student loan debt and we try and keep track of how much is left using this little debt tracker so um i made a payment the other day and i haven't yet updated it with its new balance so i'm gonna update that now [Music] and just like that we've cracked the 60 000 mark [Music] so one big thing that's happening at the moment in my team and in my area is that we're actually uplifting a lot of our systems at the moment so a lot of the tools that our analysts are using every day are soon going to be replaced with newer alternatives um and that obviously means that we have a lot of work behind the scenes to try and get these tools ready before analysts are using them and we're also thinking about how we're going to cut over from our old tools to our new tools so a lot of the work i'm doing at the moment as well as my bau work is trying to make sure that these projects move along smoothly and help with the implementation of them so that means at the moment that i've got a whole lot of project meetings in my calendar that i would otherwise not have so it's sometimes a little bit hard to find time to do work throughout the day but i'm doing my best and sometimes that means starting a little bit early like i did this morning so i'm gonna continue on and get a little bit more work done before my next meeting [Music] so i finally finished all my meetings for today so now i have a couple of hours to spend on focus work this afternoon so i'm going to work through some access that i have to give a couple of people that's been on my list for a little while i've also got to review some articles for one of our internal systems and i've also got to do a little bit more testing on one of our new security tools so that i can give some feedback to the team so i'm going to get started with all of that and i'll talk to you when i'm done [Music] so the end of my day kind of derailed i had a very busy afternoon finishing off some work that i had been meaning to do for a little while and got dragged into a couple more discussions as per normal so i didn't record much this afternoon however i did finish a lot of things that i've been meaning to do so i worked a little bit later today i it's now 5 56 so i've had a bit of a longer day at work than normal normally i'll just work nine to five and that's normally sufficient but we've been exceptionally busy recently so every now and again i'll work longer hours than i normally would but i'm going into the office in real life tomorrow which is good and what i normally do at the end of each day is i'll write in my book what things i've got to get done for the next day so just for the next five minutes i'm gonna have a look at my calendar um have a look at the tasks that i didn't manage to get done today and i'm gonna write myself a list of maybe the top three things that i want to try and get done tomorrow i find that this just really helps clear my head towards the end of the day it stops me from stressing um into the evening when i remember things that i've got to get done and it also just helps me to stay focused when i get into the office so i find that sometimes working from home but particularly when i'm going into the office nowadays because it is a rare occurrence i find that you can get easily distracted with socializing and catching up with people and so if there are some things that i absolutely need to get done tomorrow i want to make sure that i write them down and keep them front and center so that i make time to do them while i'm in the office so i'm just going to spend a few minutes doing that now [Music] one thing i've actually decided to do tomorrow just looking at my calendar and how busy i'm going to be with some of these things is i'm actually going to time block them in my calendar this is something that i'm not i don't always do this i don't always time block my tasks but when there are things that i need to get done and i want to make sure that people don't book my time i will put a block of time in my calendar just so that i can dedicate to working on a specific task so i'm going to do that quickly before i log off for the day all right all booked in and i think i'm gonna log off for the day um michael just got home before so i'm going to go and have some dinner and probably watch some netflix or something tonight i was planning on doing some editing in youtube this evening but i think i'm going to give myself a bit of a break this week because i need to listen to my body and i think i need a rest this week i've had a crazy couple of days and an exceptionally long day at work again today so i hope you enjoyed my day in the life vlog today a little bit of a look into what it can be like as a cyber security analyst in a big company basically a little bit chaotic also a lot of fun it's always good to have such a diverse range of work throughout my day anywhere from engineering and coding all the way through to business engagement and projects so as always thanks for spending some time with me today because i really appreciate it and i hope i see you in my next video
Channel: Simply Sam
Views: 1,775
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: work productive morning routine, cybersecurity vlog, wfh vlog, information security analyst day in the life, cyber security analyst day in the life, work vlog, working from home vlog, work day in my life, day in my life corporate job, cybersecurity day in my life, 9-5 work day in my life, corporate job day in life, day in my life cybersecurity vlog, information security day in the life, cyber security day in my life, cyber security, work from home vlog, working from home, vlog
Id: SUg0elUwwwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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