CWC SDA featuring Dr. Abraham J. Jules - "Under New Management"

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if you've got a three in the direction of your brain [Music] no I was born this is it stands you feed everybody for the reading of scripture one verse of scripture today for our contemplation 23rd division of the psalm there are no chapters in the Psalms there are only divisions 23rd division of the psalm verse 3 everybody knows it so let's say together he restoreth my he leadeth me in the for his name's sake one more time he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake want to bring to you a message today entitled under new management in this new year under new management let's sing our song in preparation for the word of God [Music] if your render holy [Music] everybody's singing again Lord prepare me [Music] racist God in this moment we pray that you may speak to us speak to us speak to us for real listening may our hearts be engaged in study of your word today our lives being enriched because we were in your temple in your presence thank you for hearing our prayer and the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen be seated everybody want to remind you at 4 o'clock today a Y takes place and the sceptic is pure hearts and clean hands it's a day of consecration and this the first Sabbath of the plan to be here with us it's gonna be a great a y program I neglected to thank director of youth choir sister lavona casa me for marvelous work with our young people I want you to put your hands together and we want to thank her thank you for a great work and for the wonderful ministry today that blessed our hearts you've seen the sign in many places under new management and normally it means that the business has been turned over to a new manager it also means that sometimes the place of business is the same same location same address the only difference is somebody else is in charge somebody new is in charge well today I want us to see through the study of God's Word that we can be the same people we've always been but if we change our leader we change our destiny some people are sad when they come to church some people are mad when they come to church but the psalmist said I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of God now the reason we loved the 23rd psalm so much is because the 23rd psalm speaks what life speaks this writer in the 23rd psalm goes through all of the challenges and all of the vicissitudes and experiences we have and he realizes that we do not live in an idealized world and we do not live idealized lives this psalmist is not romanticizing life he's dealing with life as it is here is a guy who says I'm a sheep which means and vulnerable and many of us are vulnerable it's hard for him to find pastures because the Bible says he's walking through rugged terrain but the shepherd helps him and leads him by green pastures he has some anxiety about fast moving waters because he's a sheep and sheep have a wool coat and if the Sheep falls in the water the water will be absorbed in the wool and the sheep will drown so the shepherd leads him beside still waters this sheep has some enemies and so do you and so do I the Bible says to love your enemies but it doesn't say you should join them it doesn't say to help them to hate only us but he's got enemies but the Shepherd prepares a table before him in the presence of his enemies the Bible says he gets sick this sheep is so sick that he literally sees the shadow of death but God gets him through the Good Shepherd he's got bugs that bug him and some of us have some stuff right now that's bugging us but the Shepherd has an insect repellent and he anoints his head with oil and all the bites from the bugs the things that bug us he heals this sheep doesn't know what's coming behind him so the Shepherd puts goodness and mercy in his rear view what a mighty Shepherd we have and for all of the stresses of light we find here and all of the answers for the stresses of life we find them right here in the 23rd division of the song so if you have too many demands on you the Bible says you shall not want and if you've got too much business the Bible says he will let you lay down in green pastures if you can't get back up after you've been knocked down the Bible says he will restore your soul and now we shall discover that when we have to make decisions the Good Shepherd God will help us ladies and gentlemen with those decisions Amen somebody so Psalm 23 in verse 3 says he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake why do we need a shepherd to lead us in the past that's right well one of the reasons is because we live in a multiple choice society and the more choices you have the more prone you are to error it was a certain time when it was customary that when you got married you married a man or a woman if you are man you married a woman there was a time there was a time when you told me you're getting married and you were a woman I knew it was a man I didn't have to ask what's the person's gender but we live in this multiple choice society and you can get in trouble politically if you preach what I'm about to preach but I'm not a politician I'm a minister of the gospel and I believe in what God says a man for um I was about to say the wrong way let me let me get it straight before it comes out of my mouth amens I might because this goes around the world somebody will say you heard him a woman for a man and a man for a woman that's the order of things that's what God gave us and I believe that God is never wrong he's infallible he can't make a mistake God never has to apologize we live in this multiple choice society you can have the androgynous look which means you can dress like a man or woman based upon society and it's no big deal that's just one area of multiple choice but it's one graphic area I was trying to make the point you all got it uh-huh the more prone you are to error is when you have multiple choices a bad decision has grave consequences and we have so many decisions to make on a daily basis and that is part of the stress when I was younger things were much simpler and less complex and we did not have a lot of choices when I was younger and I started shaving there were only two kinds of blades sharp and dull now you could go to the store and buy about a hundred different types of blades when I was younger we had about six television stations here in New York CBS to NBC for WABC seven channel 11 channel 13 and channel 21 and some of them went off the air at midnight with the singing of the national anthem and he old folk here remember that now we've got hundreds of channels radio we just had a few radio stations now you got satellite radio you got internet radio you got cable television when I was young all we had were some converse sneakers but there's so many tennis shoes right now so many different brands when you go to footlocker to choose from one day I took my kids and I said listen y'all help me choose some sneakers so I could look like a young man and they picked some lebrons it was over $200 and I bought it but we hid it when I got home from my wife because there are so many choices and here many con artists out there people trying to take advantage of us and it's easy to be led astray that's why one of the first things you need to teach your children is how to make wise godly principle decisions I once heard of a man at a graveside grieving profusely and inconsolably and he was saying why did you leave me why did you leave me in this predicament why did you have to die and someone came up to him and said who died who is it who's in the grave and he said that's my wife's first husband you all didn't get it god bless you I don't have time to explain it he made the wrong choice and many of us have made the wrong choices choices have consequences there was a record company in Memphis Tennessee and RCA came and said we will buy your company for $35,000 and they thought they were getting over in the early 50s there was a lot of money then and the man signed the contract only to discover years later that one of the artists was Elvis Presley and he signed the rights of millions of dollars away for $35,000 the maker of Marvel comic books Superman sold it didn't realize what he had he just sold that a $100 the inventor of coca-cola sold the patent away for $50 somebody let him in the path of stupidity and how many of us have been led in the path of stupidity the Portland Trail Balin Blazers in 1982 had the first two choices in the NBA Draft so they chose from the University of Kentucky Sam Bowie number 2 they chose from the Houston Cougars Clyde Drexler and then the number three pick went to the Chicago Bulls and it shows a guy from North Carolina by the name of Michael Jordan I can't imagine what Portland would have been like with Clyde Drexler and Michael Jordan but they chose Sam Bowie above Michael Jordan but they were led in the path of stupidity and how many of us can look back over our lives and decisions we have made because decisions have consequences and we can say boy was I led in the path of stupidity decisions are important we are today who we are because of a decision we made yesterday and we will be tomorrow what we're going to be based on the decisions we make today we make our decisions and then our decisions make us and success is always making the right decisions early managing the right decisions early success is not always about talent it's about decisions it's not always about opportunity because there are a whole lot of people who have great talent and tremendous opportunity but they were led in the path of stupidity they ended up with erect life following God as our Shepherd there's two things for us who are his sheep first of all God protects us because sheep need protection and secondly God directs us because sheep need direction now if God can guide migratory birds who flew from south down south from New York in the winter and they had no navigational system they had no Maps but they made it to Florida and then will bring themselves back in the spring to the very same nests that they had built if God made provisions for birds to be guided and if God can make provisions for salmon to swim for the winter to warmer climates hundreds of miles away and then come back to the same place in the spring if you can take a dog you're trying to get rid of and drive a hundred miles away and you drop the dog off in the woods and you're saved by dog three days later that dog is looking at you at your mailbox and somehow God put in the door a navigational system to guide the door in the right path to your house do you mean to tell me God has made provisions for fish and birds and dogs and we the crowning act of God's creation and he has made no provisions for you and me God has he will lead you in the path that is right why for his name's sake and if you need guidance in this complex world where you can easily get fooled and have a misstep then consider how our Shepherd in the midst of the distress of decision-making how the Shepherd leads us in the path that is right rather than y'all see people Fanning here brethren y'all turn whatever heat we have off are they listening to me Foca Fanning is hot help us with the temperature in this place I'm about to get hotter than I am right now first of all the Shepherd leads us in the path that is right only when we admit that we need a guide I don't care how much education you have you need a guy I don't care how connected you are to people in influential places you need a guy I don't care how experienced you may be you need a guy I don't care how much money you have you need a guy because Isaiah says in Isaiah 53 and verse 6 all we like sheep have gone astray why let me tell you something about sheep sheep have poor vision can't see very well one of the reasons we are called sheep is because we have poor directional vision sometimes we think something is so right but it is so wrong and that is why we should thank God not simply for the prayers God has answered but we should thank God for the prayers he has not answered how many of you heard of the country singer Garth Brooks Garth Brooks had a song out he said I thank God for unanswered prayer and he talks about some people he had in his life and he prayed he might have this particular person and years later he saw this woman and he started thanking God for unanswered prayer some of you should thank God for unanswered prayer because god directs both our steps and our stops things you wanted to be but thank god you're not somebody you wanted to marry and glad you didn't marry them have you ever prayed a dumb prayer you can always hear dumb prayer when others pray it's but it's hard to hear your own dumb prayer when you pray it until we mature a little bit and we reflect back on what we praying for and we say man that sure was a dumb prayer if you admits you need a guide God will guide you proverbs 14:12 says there is a way that seems right unto a man but they ended their off are the ways of death there are some things that seem right to you but it's not good for you and everything that's good to you is not good for you somebody says let your conscience be your guide God never intended for your conscience to be your guide God intended for an enlightened conscience to be your guide and your enlightened conscience comes from the study of God's Word because your conscience need guidance needs guidance not any councils because some people have no conscience God expects the Holy Spirit through the Word of God to guide our decision-making not because I think it's right or think it's wrong there needs to be a standard by which right or wrong is determined and it's not your conscience number two then if you want to Shepherd the guide you then ask in faith for directions first admit you need a guide and then ask God in faith ask God and faith to guide you ask him he says ask and it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you ask in faith look at what James a half brother of Jesus said in James 1:6 if you want to know what God wants ask him to us who has the right to ask and he will gladly tell you for he is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all God wants to give you wisdom and he wants to give wisdom to all let me give you the Hebrew word for all all let me give you the Greek word for all all that means everybody who has got the guidance God will give it to you and notice what he says he will not resent it what does that mean it means many times we don't feel comfortable asking God because of a three-letter word si N and because of sin or disobedience or because we don't have ourselves together because we know we are not right then we avoid prayer and say what right do I have to ask God for anything have you ever been there I have you don't ask God because you're good and God never has never blessed you because you're good God blesses you because he's good that's why when you understand God and how he is it was strip you of any arrogance spiritually and he says you can ask and whoever you are that drug dealer the woman selling her body the deacon or whoever you may be there is never time you cannot ask God that is by His grace he won't hear you because he loves you just that much he said ask him but if you listen to me vote but if you want him to hear you when you prayed there's only one condition anybody could ask but if you want him to hear you only one condition it says but when you ask him be sure that you really expect him to tell you anytime you go to God in prayer and ask God for something he wants you to believe by faith that whatever you asked for God is gonna do it now this past week my wife asked me to do something and she gives me a list every day of things to do I tried my best don't always succeed so she called me from her job and says did you do this I said I told you I was gonna do it and I said I like when I tell you I'm gonna do it that you believe me I said you should believe me have faith in me have confidence in me y'all need to tell her that in the hallway somewhere they leave him listen to me folk if I'm a man and I want someone to believe in me and my word what about God who has never failed anybody God says when you come to me you're gonna believe me that whatever you asked for in my name I will do it anytime you go to God he wants you to believe don't you know you don't know when God is gonna do it you don't know how he's gonna do it you don't know where he's going to it but you've got to have this inner conviction that what you asked for is gonna come to pass the Bible says you have not because you ask not and some of the things in like we don't have is because we are wishing and not praying God does not answer wishes God answers prayers there's some things I'm praying for and even though I don't have it in my hand yet I have it in my heart saving somebody and when I get it in my hand I'm not gonna be shocked because I already pray for it I'm expecting it God wants us to pray and anticipate that the prayer will be answered never ask God for a bucket of blessings and bring a cup if you ask God for a bucket of blessings what should you bring no you're wrong you should bring two buckets because he will always do for you what is exceedingly abundantly above what you are able to ask him it's always gonna be more I'm talking about my shepherd who is able to do it if you believe if you only knew what God was gonna lead you to you couldn't handle it if you follow this Shepherd he will lead you into blessings that will blow your mind and he doesn't have to get anybody's permission to do it same and somebody in fact he delights and blessing you in the presence of your haters there are people who who don't think you would be doing what you're doing and you were going to be blessed like you are being blessed they didn't see you operating on this level but God will bless you first admit you need a guide secondly ask God in faith to guide you then thirdly listen to God's response in other words if you ask God give me some directions what's my next step what's my next move then listen because all prayer is is asking and listening right now in this room there is music and there are images that you and I can't see and can't hear but just because you can't hear it and you can't see it doesn't mean it's not in the room because somewhere there's a television station that's transmitting waves and it's in the air and there's a radio station that's transmitting music and it's in the air and the only reason why you don't hear it and you don't see it it's because you don't have right now in your presence where you're sitting what's called a receiver because all the television set is and a radio is is a receiver and guess what God is transmitting but in order to hear what God is doing and what he wants to do in your situation you personally have got to be a receiver you've got to pull your antenna up and be a receiver same and somebody but some of us we have our receivers turned off if the television is turned off you're not going to get anything some of us only turn on our receiver when we get in trouble we turn it on sometimes when we come to church and then it benches over we turn it off again you gotta keep your receiver on and you've got to be sensitive to the spirits leading Sam in somebody God speaks in a mysterious way sometimes he will speak to you while you're driving on the South conduits he'll speak to you sometimes on your way to Dunkin Donuts some of us may have our receivers on but we are on the wrong channel we have to tune in to what folks are thinking and what folks are saying tune in to a whole lot of okie-dokie stuff that don't matter and you're blocking your blessings because you're more concerned about what people say and what people say it doesn't matter then some of us have it on the right channel but we are getting interference because we are talking to too many people some dreams have got to keep shut up in your heart until God isn't ready to reveal its aim and somebody something you don't need to be telling everybody about your troubles in your life you're gonna learn to take it to the Lord in prayer same in Somali New York's troubles are not everybody's trouble God says in the day of trouble you can find him somewhere where in his pavilion run to God and if you listen to him he will speak to you and you've got to be careful about restricting who you allow God to use to speak to you he can speak to you through black folk and white folk and good folk bad folk men woman and if you're a racist or sexist or a religious snob or you bigger you may miss God's blessing I was in a hospital Catholic priest came by he said sir would you like me to pray for you I said most definitely I'll take that prayer and a Baptist preacher come by he said sir would you like me to pray for you I said yes sir I had a nun came by sir would you like me to pray I took all the prayers because you know what I'm not a religious snob God could hear anybody who cries out to him they'd all have to be like sometimes God will speak to you when you come to church some have said to me pastor how did you know to priests this or that how did you know have you been reading my email have you been bugging my phone how did you know how did you know what I was going through I didn't know but God knows what you need when I preach God's Word and stand on the authority of God's Word sometimes it's like the preacher is talking to you one-on-one but that's really God because if you listen and you ask God for directions God will give it to you but you've got to listen for God's response first admit you need a guy secondly ask God in faith to God idea thirdly listen to God's response fourthly you've got to trust God to lead you even when it doesn't make sense this sheep head was he's following the Shepherd and he's saying Shepherd why are you leading me in a valley not on the mountain Shepherd why are you leading me by the shadow of death Shepherd why are you leading me and I've got enemies all around me Shepherd why are you leading me and I've got bugs that are biting and nibbling at my nose and sometimes when the Lord is leading you he doesn't always lead you down some easy path he doesn't always lead you down a problem-free path or a trouble-free path and just because you're catching hell right now and things are not working out for you doesn't mean that the Lord is not leading you listen to me don't let anybody make you believe that your religion is not tight and your religion is not right and your religion is not true and your religion is not accurate don't let anybody make you believe that your religion is false because you're going through hell and serving God listen to me I'd rather go through hell all my life till the day I die and leave this world for the better world that live here problem-free and bust hell wide open do you remember when the Lord was leading Moses when the Lord led Moses and we know the Lord was leading Moses the Bible says the Lord led him by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night God was leading them and instead of God leading them to the promised land the Bible says God led them in a roundabout way he didn't lead them the direct route but in a roundabout way sometimes God knows you're not ready for the promised land yet and sometimes God will withhold some things for you because you're not ready for it God knows if you've got something prematurely that you'll forget him I had a woman that came to me when I was pastoring in Brooklyn the New Life Church back in the early 80s she came to me she said pastor would you pray for me to get a husband I was single but she wasn't talking about me I said okay sweetheart I'm a pray for ya she got her husband and she came to church for about a month after she got their husband I didn't see her again for months the Lord blessed her with the husband but when she got what she wanted she forgot who gave it to her that's why God doesn't give you some things cuz you will not remember from whence the blessing came you'll believe it's all about you it's not about you every blessing every good gift that comes from above it really comes from God to bless you so that you'll remember the blesser star didn't lead him a direct route he led them in a roundabout way and God's got to get some stuff out of you so you wouldn't mess up your blessing so he wouldn't lead you directly to the blessing he'd take a long way to get there because he's got some things to take out of you he knows what he's doing so he's getting something ready for you and he's getting you ready for what he's getting ready for you so he will lead you in a roundabout way and as God was leading Moses the ground started getting soggy and the reason the ground started getting soggy was they were coming to a body of water called the Red Sea after falling god with mountains on both sides one mountain called McDowell and the other one called PI Harris they started complaining to Moses and it said Moses we are at a dead-end street and it doesn't make sense and you said God was leading us Pharaoh is behind us mountains on either side and the Red Sea's in front of us and God has led us this way and it doesn't make sense but you've got to trust God my brothers and sisters even when it doesn't make sense you've got to stand in the authority of God's Word and declare I don't believe God led me this way to leave me now because if he led me this way he must be trying to teach me something he must be try to get something out of this situation so I'm gonna stand still I'm gonna hold my peace and see the salvation of the Lord God said to Moses take out your rod stretch it over the waters and when he stretched his rod over the waters of the Red Sea the waters parted and Moses and the children Israel what over on dry land when God leads God leads to his destination not yours I would rather go where God wants me than the way I want to be I'd rather marry who God can bless me with that who I think is cute because cute doesn't last long queues get wrinkles and cute gets fat and cute loses that coca-cola body she's helping me preach today cute don't always take you so if you're young man or young woman look for somebody who is not only cute please marry somebody that turns you on say MEMS about it but that's not the most important thing Bible says after they got over after they got o the Lord says if it had not been for the Lord where would you be after they got over the Bible says when they were reflecting how God opened a highway through the Red Sea Psalm 77 and verse 19 it says God your Road led by a pathway through the sea a pathway no one knew was there that's how God works you don't know there's a pathway cuz God will open the door where there's none Amen somebody God will walk through walls for you say Amen somebody after disciples God will open up a highway through the Red Sea because God's ways are not our ways stop thinking God's gonna do it the way you think it should be done and stops thinking that God will bless you through the people you think a bless you God will bring your enemy will make your enemy his footstool and God will use your enemy in other words they were saying when we started out we didn't know there was a way to get out and sometimes when God is leading you you don't see the way you don't see the blessings he has for you a year from now you don't see the people he's gonna put into your life a year from now you do not understand why he shut one door because he had a place you didn't know what's there anybody in here can testify that God is blessing me now in a ways I never anticipated he gave me things I didn't see was coming has anybody had a sneaked in blessing well you didn't know the blessing was coming but before you knew it when you woke up in the morning something you didn't see coming the Lord made it happen for you somebody should be shouting right now I don't see it yet but I'm gonna keep on following him because if I stay on the path God's got abundant blessings in my way first admit you need a guide secondly ask God and faith to guide you thirdly listen to God's response fourthly trust God to lead you even when it doesn't make sense finally if you're gonna follow God quit allowing others to mold you in their image can I just help you a little bit here stop living by anybody else's agenda stop being a people pleaser trying to make everybody happy make God happy for us make yourself happy second and everybody else god bless you amen somebody you're not many miserable people they are in this world and they're miserable because they're people please us Levi's own agenda no what you're here for if the Lord is leading you there's always somebody to tell you that you're on the wrong path your boyfriend is not your shepherd your boss is not your shepherd the Lord is your Shepherd and if folk don't understand that it's none of your business try and stop trying to make them happy I love all of y'all and you know I do I love you to death I pray for you anytime you need me I come to you you'll never call me and I don't call you back I love you to death but I don't love you more than I love me Amen somebody I can't love you if I don't first love me and you've got a whole buncha people that's why I prayed before I got into pulpit said Lord if I'm about to say the wrong way just yank me back a lot of folk who are self haters trying to love somebody else you don't like you I don't want you to love me if you don't like you that's false love you could never love me more than you love you alright let me get back to this the Lord wants to guide you when the bugs are biting you he says I'll anoint your head with or follow him when the water is moving and he will slow down the water so you can drink beside still waters follow him when you're in a valley he'll be with you and his rod and his staff will comfort you follow him when you've got haters trying to block you he will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies just keep on following the Shepherd and if you keep on following him he will literally blow he lifts you up he elevates you does not matter where you start but it's where he wants to take you trust him people do exceedingly abundantly above all you may ask or think some of you should have a little flashback right now you're doing pretty well now don't get cocky I've seen people doing very well and it changed in a day in a moment one illness one divorce one loss job and all the things you are proud and cocky about are gone if God blesses you be humble be thankful be grateful be nice be kind to people who are not as blessed as you are you know back in the Caribbean where all of us are from you don't have much racism there what you have is classicism classism subscribes to this theory that you know what because I'm light-skinned and all the light-skinned people don't like me right now but I'm making a point I'm better than you or if I belong to a family that achieved or lived in a big house or in a certain neighborhood I'm better than you let me tell you this this cemetery reminds all of us nobody is better Amen somebody you got eggheads in the cemetery you got presidents in the cemetery you gotta risk smoke in the cemetery God is reminding all of us you're only here for a little season understand that you are my gift that I've gifted you not for yourself but for the world so you're blessed to be a blessing somebody could testify today when I lost my job he led me where I live what I do what I Drive what I eat what I wear nothing short of the blessings of God when a door needed to be opened he led me when I needed to raise my chill but he led me he led me from a room in a basement to my own house my own car he led me I'll shop by myself because you don't know like I know what God has done for me be not dismayed what a happy time God will take care of you and when you get off track he will bring you back the Bible says he will restore you that's why you should never give up on people that's why you should never talk about people that's why you should never talk about people's children that's why when somebody loses his way you should reach down your hand to lift them back up that's why you should never talk about somebody who messed up along the way pray for them be compassionate be loving be kind do what God does restore listen to me I know their people listen to us from around the world and I know they hear me right now as a pastor I am never in a hurry to disfellowship anybody now y'all don't go do stuff that's disfellowshipping worthy because I said that you hear me I'm more interested in restoring I'm more interested in saving them severing I'm more interested in giving you another opportunity then putting you down cuz that's what God will do he will restore your soul after you have lost your way can I tell you why God led you to your blessings into your destiny until your degree into your career and to the new you that you are he did it not for you he did it for his namesake so that when someone asks you how you got over you can say the Lord is my shepherd so when somebody asks you how is it you're making it you could say the Lord is my shepherd when somebody says how is it that after all the hell you've been through you're still smiling so that you can declare the Lord is my shepherd even someone asks you how's it you lived through cancer and you're still praising God you can shop the Lord is my shepherd when somebody asks you how is it your children have been acting up they've been in trouble and you're still shouting you're still praising God you can shout the Lord is my shepherd coz when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah because with God every round goes higher and higher let the redeemed of the Lord say so he's led you Sasa he's lifted your burden safe so he's guided your footsteps say so he's restored your soul say so he led you in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake say so he will take you out of the valley to the mountain say so I'm glad today that God wants to guide me Clare today God will guide you I don't know we know this song lead me guide me along the way do we know that song it's an old song I don't know Dave you know it let's sing that something because that song speaks to my heart today late me night me along the way tell on these mics please along the way [Music] everybody stand to your feet let's see [Music] turn on these mics please [Music] [Music] just before we continue to sing today's the day of consecration is a day of new beginnings and if you want to say today pastor I want to reconsecrate my soul to direction and leading and guidance of God Almighty through the power and the medium of his holy spirit I want you today as a day of dedication and rhe consecration to get out of your seat come to this altar we'll pray today for each and every one of you as we say [Music] come close to the orderly room for those who are coming behind [Music] [Music] thank you sing [Music] [Music] every head is about the eyes close loving father today we want to be under new management we want a new Shepherd to guide us to believe in who will lead us even when it doesn't make sense and who will take us out of the valley to the mountain by way of the valley we open God - you're leading we open to some things that we can't explain somebody even in this moment at this the beginning of the year is in the valley but the Shepherd led him there and that soul is crying out to you I pray that you may build our faith in this new year I pray that you may cause us not to complain as much as we do but trust you I pray God that you may increase our faith that little things will not trouble us that much in this new year but we'll take it all to the Lord in prayer because the Shepherd is leading us I pray God that somebody will have a closer walk with you because the Shepherd has promised his eyes are always on the Sheep he'll never leave us nor forsake us I pray God that somehow we'll believe that the Shepherd has our best interest at heart and wherever he leads us be it raising water source to waters be it mountain or Valley that we will trust the Shepherd's hand pray God to stay that whatever you will for us wherever you want to take us wherever you want to guide us Lord we are willing to follow we did not follow you as we should in the past so we pray that you may forgive us we pray God in this day in this moment in this time that as we reconsecrate ourselves to you that our journey though for though fraught with danger will be confident still that where he leads me I will follow thank you God for saving us thank you for being our Shepherd thank you for being our guy thank you for being our leader thank you for being our God thank you for being a savior thank you for being already Eva thank you God thank you thank you thank you Lord we consecrate ourselves to you we pray for strength and power and mighty the mighty and precious name of Jesus our Lord and our Savior that the People of God say amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 3,133
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, under new management
Id: 1E557nN2qJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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