CWC SDA featuring Dr. Abraham J. Jules - "The Prayer Life Of Highly Effective Christians"

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you've got a tree [Music] I know why I was born this is it day for the ministry of music [Music] and for the praise team for their ministry today you put your hands together along with our musicians Russell and our band thank you all so much thank you all so much one of thanks to said dual c8y for blessing us today thank you so much and you sang for us one of my favorite songs was a throwback and we appreciate that so much brother Owen Romilly one of our own members here for blessing our hearts remotely we thank you so much and we had assistance of Pierre to bless us thank you so very much today again for enhancing our worship experience we're delighted to have with us today second term Assemblyman for the state of New York New York State Assemblyman Michael Blake is here with us today he is a candidate for the office of public advocate for the city of New York and we want to welcome him glad to have you when I'm through preaching we'll give you just a few moments to share with us right glad you put your hands together give him a warm welcome everybody today is our day of print fasting which means there are many who will not be eating we begin after I'm through preaching we'll have a short break by 2:30 we love simple here and we'll have services all the way to 5:30 we'll end at 5:30 about 5:15 I'll come before you for an anointing service and a cleansing service which means there are those of you who may need special anointing today you should be here the elders and I and the pastor's we will perform this service of anointing that the Bible had undergirds as our practice and what our practice should be if someone is sick someone is ill so we'll have this public anointing service today one for you to be back we want all of you to come back we'll start in time and end on time at the end of the service at 5:30 we will go downstairs and we'll break the fast together there'll be food for us to eat and fellowship we begin at 2:30 and at fine now let me just say this to you if you're gonna eat don't feel guilty and you're not committing a sin if you ate the banquet hall will still be open and you can take your food your children there are people who must eat we don't have a problem with that even if you need to go on home and then come back hurry back by 2:30 so you'll get the gain and really the benefits of our coming together in prayer and fasting the Bible says there's some things that will never happen in your life until you're fast and praying and so we are following what God says are we gonna put some things to the Lord today as a collective body and we believe that God will hear and answer from heaven above amen amen so please I don't want you to go home I want you to stay but if you do go and eat quickly and come back and be with us we have a pragmatic religion that we practice here I'm not here living in heaven yet it's a real religion people do eat some of you must eat a little too much but we eat so if you must go home and eat that's fine but avail yourself of the benefits of the services for three hours 2:30 to 5:30 and we believe that God will answer our prayers here all right let's Stanford the reading of Scripture and for the Word of God today Luke chapter 11 verses 1 through 13 Luke 11 find it in your Bibles and I'll tell you when we'll begin verses 1 through 13 Luke chapter 11 verses 1 through 13 on this day of prayer and fasting let's begin someone will read for us when he seized one of his disciples said unto Him Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples and he said unto them when you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven so in earth give us day by day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone that is indepted to us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and he said unto them which of you shall have a friend and shall go on to him at midnight and say unto Him friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine in his journey is come to me and I have nothing to set before him and he said from within shall answer and say trouble me not the door is not now shut and my children are with me in bed I cannot rise and give thee I say unto you though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet because of his importunity he shall rise and give him as many as he needed and I say unto you ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened if a son shall ask any of you that is a father will he not give him a stone or if he acts a fish will he for a fish give him a serpent or if he shall acts an egg will he offer him a scorpion if he then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask a man I want to bring to your message today entitled the prayer life of Highly Effective Christians father would you bless us this day as we study your word and we wait upon you to teach us and to lead us and to guide us in your precious name we pray amen let's stand as we continue to sing Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary everybody [Music] [Music] that's singing one more time everybody Lord prepare me sing it reverently [Music] [Music] would you be seated everyone the prayer life of highly successful and effective Christians I want to declare today all you will ever need to know about prayer you will find in Luke chapter 11 in those verses read to you the emphasis of this text is not so much on the method of our prayers but on the motivation which produced them only three verses deal with the content the curriculum of prayer while the rest of the verses are show us that God the Father will hear and will answer our prayers and he will answer with only the best gifts in response to them in these verses you will find in verses 1 to 4 the power of prayer then the verses 5 to 9 you will find the prompting of prayer and then you will find in verses 11 to 13 the principle of prayer what can we expect God to do for us when we pray first of all let's establish what prayer is prayer is simply talking and listening to God and we are told to pray you are aware that we could not even approach God in prayer were it not for Jesus destroying our sins in his death and resurrection as Paul wrote to the Christians living in Rome Romans 8:32 he said he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how will he not also graciously give us all things along with him if God didn't withhold his own son for you but sacrificed him to take away your sins is there anything that he want to do that will be good for you sauly he will give you everything you need for this life and that includes eternal life to come first of all the power prayer verse 1 and onwards notice ladies and gentlemen it says when you pray not if you pray Jesus assumes you're gonna pray that's why you don't have to worry about them taking prayer out of school the schools as long as there are math tests calculus geometry and Christian and chemistry there will always be prayer in school so he said when you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so in earth give us day by day our daily bread forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil in those four verses you find the power in prayer in verses 5 to 10 what is it that prompts us to pray it is out of our nothingness in the meaning of the demands of life that we are prompted to pray to ask God for help I have nothing to set before him the man said and he from within shall Hanson say trouble be nothing not the door is now shut and my children are in bed with me I cannot rise and give thee I say unto thee though he will not rise and give him because he's his friend yet because of his importunity or because he has made a nuisance of himself he will rise and give him as many as he needed but I say unto you ask and it shall be given unto you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you have you noticed that the first letter of every phrase asked a seek s hey not a SK and it shall be opened unto you for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and he didn't knock it to him it shall be opened unto him having provided us with the curriculum or material for our prayer the Lord now moves to the motivation of our prayers to do this he tells us two parables each of which begins in the new American Standard Bible at least with the word suppose the first parable deals with one's request of a friend and a second with the requests made of one's father the first example which our Lord gave is a rather humorous one when you try to visualize it one man has an unexpected guest in other words I'm at my house somebody shows up at midnight and they sure and they say Jews I'm hungry and then I go into the refrigerator and there isn't nothing so I go over to my friends house to ask him to let me have some bread for my friend my friend is already in bed perhaps he's in the same bed with his children based upon the story and there may even be animals in the room as there often was and still is in some parts of the world today the friend in bed would have quickly given the bread if it were not so late but it's past midnight and if he were to get up off the bed it would wake up his children it would disrupt his household but even though the man is in bed his friend who needs bread keeps on knocking and talking to him through the door I need some bread and a man in the bed protest he knows his friend is in need the Bible tells literally says that the man on the outside shamelessly persisted which prompted his friend to get up finally open the door and whatever he needed now if this man's request was granted due to his persistence even though it was most inconvenient than persistence in seeking what one truly needs must pay off the next verse is simply apply the lesson which the story has taught so I say to you ask and it will be giving it to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone who asks receives he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened in the first story Jesus used the example of a friend who gave his buddy what he wanted even though it was inconvenient because of the man's persistence let's stop right here ladies and gentlemen you do not stop the first time you get rejected don't don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about she didn't accept your proposal the first time but you kept on persisting amen somebody because whatever matters to you you'll keep on doing it with somebody say hey man we must be persistent in prayer not because God doesn't know how nice when you pray you're not informing God of anything he doesn't know prayer is not to inform God prayer is to affirm my faith in God I hear people praying and they say Lord you know in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 33 you don't have to tell God what he already said Amen somebody you affirm what God has said he knows everything he knows the end from the beginning he knows your journey before you begin it's a man somebody he knows your destination before you get there in the second story Jesus leaves the poetry of a friend and moves to that of a father if friends can be expected to give us what we asked for when we persist what can one expect of a father better yet of our Heavenly Father not only do we see the power in prayer and the prompting in prayer our nothingness that's why I pray cuz I don't have what I want or what I need so because of my nothingness that's what prompts me to my knees to ask God for it now he gives us the principle of Prayer in verse 11 if a son shall ask bread of his father will he give him a stone or if he ones fish will he give him a serpent or shall he a scan and the father gives him a scorpion and if ye being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him and the principle of Prayer is simply this listen to me you could write it down and put it in your fridge rater God is only gonna give you give to you when you pray that which is in your best interest amen somebody sometimes when we pray we don't know what is in our best interest and that explains why so many prayers go unanswered because we think we are asking for an egg but it's a scorpion or we think we are asking for fish but it's a serpent listen to me foe God will answer and sometimes God will grant your request but sometimes people block your request and sometimes he says an outright no to your request and sometimes he just says be patient just wait and sometimes the answer is you've got to be kidding God says to you you don't really mean that do you you all stop texting in front of me the power of prayer first one what I see is Jesus is at the foot of the mountain and he spray and his disciples were just talking and they walking around the little bend where Jesus is and they are oblivious to the fact that Jesus is praying and all of a sudden they happened to bump into him and one of the disciples sees Jesus pray insisting master teach us to pray now they heard Jesus preach but at no time did they make the request Jesus teach us to preach they saw Jesus perform miracles he had heal all men of illnesses he not only healed but he performed some nature miracles they saw Jesus still a storm and in spite of all the miracles at no time did the disciples go to Jesus and say master teach us how to perform miracles but we do have the record of after seeing and hearing Jesus in prayer and observing his prayer life they said Jesus teach us to pray and the reason they said Jesus teach us to pray and not Jesus teach us to preach or Jesus teach us to pray and not teach and Jesus teach us to pray and not Jesus teach us to perform miracles is because they connected the dots they saw the force of his preaching and they saw the force of his miracles but they came to realize the source behind the force and it was frere listen to me you can't fake this thing you can't act like you have what you don't have if your prayer life is suffering your spiritual life is under way down and so God through prayer gives us the force to not become discouraged praying people will hardly be worrying people Amen somebody you can't be praying and worrying at the same time you've got to do one or the other and praying people sometimes could be held in limbo and wait till God performs his next act but people who don't pray are impatient the force not to become discouraged the force to keep on going the force to overcome the force to fight back the force to be determined the source behind the force is prayer lord teach us to pray and notice the request to pray not lord teach us how to pray because that's the mechanics of prayer when you read this passage they were not asking Jesus how to pray is Lord teach us to pray amen somebody it's not about mechanics it's not about whether I pray in bed oh I pray standing up or pray on my knees Amen somebody if you can kneel before God you should but we are not always in a position to kneel say Amen somebody but they that worship Him should worship Him how in spirit and in truth as long as the mind is right with God the Lord will hear that cry throughout the Bible you'll find people in different postures when they prayed not Lord teach us how to pray but Lord teach us to pray which explains why God has to prompt us to do it and what prompts us to do it is a sense of needing divine assistance a sense that we are not adequate to meet the demands of life and if there's one thing that Christians to do that we don't do and that is to pray we treat prayer like a spare tire when do you use a spare tire when the other goes flat and sitting there and saying I hope that spare is there and I hope that spear has air in it then you start singing spare tire I need Thee Oh I need thee every I need thee can nobody do me like my spare tire the one thing about the spare when your regular tire goes flat and some of us only think about God when something breaks down listen to this if God is not answering your prayers lately could it be that God is busy with his regular customers there are four reasons why we don't pray we don't pray because we overestimate ourselves our degrees our money our status of an answer portfolio our connections our stops we don't pray we don't pray because we don't believe we need God one of the reason if you check your prayer life it's because you believe you've got it all together I got money house land good health my children are healthy my wife is doing well everything is going about I will not pray that's why sometimes God will pull the rug from beneath you so that you can turn to Him so when things are going well praise him thank him reach out to him so he could continue to bless you say Amen somebody I teach my children if anyone ever gives you anything don't wait till you see them to thank them they give you a gift you get on that phone that same day and you call them and thank them do you know why they didn't have to give it to you they didn't have to bless you you don't deserve it saving somebody they took their hard-earned money went the store bought you something so that they can show their love for you be grateful well we don't pray because we overestimate ourselves I don't need anybody have you ever met people like that they act like they don't need anybody they walk around like they don't need anybody uh-huh until one Ennis drops them flat on their backs until you lose that job till you lose that house that car every good gift comes from above please remember from whence your blessings have come it was gone don't overestimate yourselves number two we don't pray because we underestimate God I knew you know why we underestimate God we have never had an experience where we saw God do that which seemed impossible you've got to pray about some things that you have not prayed for before we underestimated what God can do we overeat ourselves and we under ate God number three we don't pray because we overestimate the difficulty of prayer we think prayer is hard work can I just tell you a praise prayer is just talking to God as to our friend the kind of words we have to use our words must flow eloquently so we think in Elizabethan and Shakespearean language in order to be heard by God and because we can't pray like the pastor or the preacher or the deacon we believe God is not gonna hear our prayers when we pray thou art the first cause and thou art the unmoved mover who was before there was a was when we stand up in pray that way we give you the wrong impression about what prayer is my kids have never come to me and said dear father creator of the jewels family now who has spit some money in thy pocket and credit cards in their wallet and is able to bestow upon us thy children some pizza they don't say that instead they say from the backseat of the car with their heads in their devices daddy I'm hungry they don't come to me in that formality why because it's a relationship they come to me because they are inadequate they don't have it and they believe that dad does so they come to me out of a sense of relationship because they believe that I love them and you can go to God out of your relationship with God because he loves you and cares for you and God is not concerned you can be yourself we make prayer what it's not Ellen White says prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend you can share anything with God so we overestimate the difficulty in prayer and finally we don't pray because we underestimate the results so many things we could have so many things we could be over so many doors that could be open so many advantages we could have all because we do not pray when you get to heaven listen to me foe there will be warehouses and the angels will take you to the shelf with your name on it and there will be a big box of stuff that God in heaven has with your name on it stuff he wanted to give you while you are on earth but you did not get it because you did not ask for it in faith when you get to heaven you will see a life you see the anger the worry the frustration that you've gone through when God was standing God ready to solve your problems but you did not ask him say the problem is not God's reluctance to bless but it's our unwillingness to be consistent and to prioritize the importance of prayer there is power in prayer you know the devil trembles when he sees you on your knees I used to hear the old preachers say that when I was young and it sounded real good everybody would shout amen the fact of the matter is you have not yet comprehended what I just said if ever you want to put the devil to flight you get on your knees if ever you want to devil to run from you get on your knees if ever you want victory over sin get on your knees if ever you want to see the devil scamper get on your knees there is power in prayer and God doesn't care so much about how you pray but that you do pray stop trying to get your words right and your language right when you come to God come just as you are if you speak broken patois go ahead telling me want y'all gonna teach me some good patois so I can say I was trying to make the point y'all understand and there to illustrate the power of prayer the Lord gives us the Lord's Prayer now what makes the Lord's Prayer so powerful it's more accurately by the way the disciples pray it was not the Lord's Prayer the disciple who asked Jesus so it's the disciples prayer but I'm using that because that's what you understand the brand deals with the cosmic need of the coming of the kingdom of God at which time the character of God will be fully revealed it is my understanding ladies and gentlemen that the hallowing of God's name is virtually synonymous with the coming of his kingdom which takes place at Jesus's second coming let me tell you something all of your knees are not temporary planetary and physical needs there are some needs in your life that you have put on the Shelf like your eternal needs like your soul needs like your God needs like your spiritual needs same answer body and if all you want God to deal with are your physical needs your planetary needs your worldly needs you have missed a mark that's why this prep begins with thy kingdom come when the whole creation of my brothers and sisters when Jesus comes the entire creation will be restored and rid of sin and men's God's holiness and splendor is revealed in his totality Romans chapter 8 speaks of the cosmic need for his return for the kingdom to come and this prayer petitions God to bring it to pass in this prayer God is also promising to meet our basic needs and every need you have in life is spoken off in the Lord's Prayer what are the basic needs everybody has here they are number one inferiority all of us have since that I'm not up to it I don't care how confident you look see how arrogant Trump sounds he's got some inferiority issues remember I told you that he's not only narcissistic but he he doesn't feel good about himself all of us have a sense that I'm not up to it something is wrong with me I am inferior I don't care who you are gave us all of is this issue that's right dr. Martin Luther King jr. he calls it the clouds of inferiority floating in our mental skies and God says for every person who feels a sense of inferiority if you pray this prayer you're gonna find the power of my person because the loss rate opens up with two words our Father somebody need to save is our Father which means when you're not you connected to the Heavenly Father you know the god of the universe is your father that ought to eliminate all issues when it comes inferiority our Father now if Oprah Winfrey were your mother you wouldn't be tripping over lunch money for tomorrow why because Oprah's got some resources she's got some millions if mr. Goodyear was your daddy you wouldn't be tripping over Buster tire because you know a rich boy was a part of the aristocracy took a poor boy from the hood to his estate and a young man from the hood stayed with him all night and the rich boy was talking about his father and says let me show you something you'll see all those horses and cattle out there they belong to my daddy and then he took him to a big body of water and said do you see those boats out there they belong to my daddy and then they heard something flying above them and it was airplanes and then the risk boy said to the poor boy do you see those airplanes they belong to my daddy but the poor boy wasn't intimidated he was not bowed down or was he overwhelmed he just looked at the rich boy and said oh by the way I forgot to tell you do you remember the ground your daddy's cattle and horses one well they belonged to my daddy do you remember the body of water your daddy's boats were sailing on well they belonged to my daddy and do you remember the skies and daddy's friends were flying in well they belong to my daddy when you know who your father is that helps you to eliminate issues of inferiority but in that prayer there's another basic issue that all of us have to wrestle with and that is the issue of confusion which way do I go when there's a need for directional which way your life should be going then guess what God has a plan and it's right here in this prayer in the law spread Jesus said pray this thy kingdom come thy will be done God's plans for the world is that his king would come his reign would come justice would come and peace would come that God's plan for your personal life is this will be done in your life now how do I determine God's will for my life yeah number of ways God's Word God's Spirit speaking to your heart people telling you well sometimes you could determine God's will for your life by determining what you do best when I was a boy I hate it to do rough work I do look like the type don't know I never wanted to get my hands dirty but my father was a contractor in Brooklyn so every time we came and had a break from school my daddy would take us to work and he would pay us my brother and I my younger brother and I well he would take me to work one day I heard my mother and my father talking in the kitchen David and I was hearing them and my mother said to him how did Julius do today and my father said he's lazy said that boy don't like to work the only reason why I was lazy that was not my calling but my brother who loved to work with his hands he worked for the Union for thirty plus years and retired he's younger than I am retired he was an ironworker but he loved to use his hands that was his calling but my calling was to turn the pages of the Bible I still don't use these hands for anything else but turning pages I wanted to be a preacher and I couldn't escape it and something that is in your life you just can't seem to shake it's God's way of saying that's my will for your life my wife don't like when I say this but it wouldn't be the first time I dated my wife a long time for 10 years and I went all over the world and I kept coming right back to her I met all kinds of people all over the world kept coming right back to her couldn't shake her that was God's will for my life and he was trying to tell me all along but I had big eyes I'm constantly preaching I preach most years 52 Sabbath's for the year I'm always in and out of town preaching but no one has ever invited me to sing no one has invited me to sing out of town or for that matter in town as a matter fact nobody here has ever invited me to do the solo please and anytime people keep coming back at you and they're saying you're good with kids why don't you do this why don't you do that you're good at this it's God's will and when you know God's plan when you know what you're supposed to do you don't spend a lot of time tinkering with stuff you're not supposed to be messing with and anybody that's got a plan is a powerful person not only does God have a plan but also in this prayer he has answers to our worries and that is he provides and that is an issue that is addressed in the Lord's Prayer so powerfully listen to me folk we all worry because we all need provisions in this world where people are afraid of losing the little they have God is reminding us that he will provide I'm not only going to help you with your inferiority and let's you know I'm your father and I'm not only gonna have a plan for your life you're gonna pray for my will to be done but I'm gonna give you some provisions all you've got to do is pray give us this day our daily bread I think I have some witnesses in here I'm not by myself and God has answered that prayer even when you were unemployed say Amen somebody God provided you still ate and the car still ran nobody got sick because you had no insurance and he gave you this day your daily bread not this month your daily bread not this year but this day this day this day this day one day at a time sweet Jesus just enough to get you through Saturday you will get enough to get you through Monday and when Monday comes God is gonna give you enough for that day I may have cancer but I'm okay today I may have trouble on the job but I'm okay today I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus I've got another day's journey and I'm glad about it because I'm okay today I'm not gonna worry about my boss or my bill or my half I'm gonna take it one day at a time stop buying trouble on credit step worrying about getting to the George Washington Bridge before you get there when you get to that bridge you worry about it's a Mensa matter most of us we have furrowed brows and we have aching hearts because we are anticipating some things do you know it is estimated that 90% of the things you worry about will never come to pass I had a man once I told him I needed to see my says listen I need to see you on Sabbath when I come to church said okay pastor I said meet me in my office said okay pastor finally the Sabbath came and I was in the office and going to the office and he's standing out there he's as nervous as can be so he got into the office it passed I'm here I said okay let me just change my shirt I'm coming up he's sitting down there he's trembling so when I came out and I told him what it is I wanted to talk to him about he said what's the matter with you he surpassed I told my wife all the week I couldn't sleep because you called me and said you wanted to see me I didn't know what it was about I said what were you worrying about what you thought it was he's a pastor I can't tell you I said now you got me worrying about you you were worried about me now I'm worried about you but he was worrying about stuff that would never come to pass and most of the things you worry about him some of you you worry about you worried about the fact that you don't have anything to worry about Lord Lord I give me something you guys need to worry when I was getting married I told my wife I said see I love to be happy I don't like anybody worried around me they mess me up if there's something in your life let me give you a principle that could blow you out of this world if there's something in your life you don't like and you have the power to change it change it but if there's something in your life you don't like and you can't do anything about it don't even think about it it's not the first time you heard me tell you this we worry and we worry but God says him to spread don't worry I'll provide daily bread and live in the now stop living tomorrow stop anticipating what's gonna go wrong cuz when tomorrow comes I'll give you enough to take you through tomorrow and when Monday comes I will provide daily bread for you and then Tuesday comps I'll give you daily bread and when Wednesday comes you'll have daily bread and when says day comes you'll have Thursday bread oven Friday comes you'll have Friday Brennaman Sabbath times i'ma give you Sabbath bread don't worry be happy but notice something else we have another need that the Lord prayer answers and that is we are guilty and for our guilt the prayer provides pod I preach for the ministerial Convention at oakwood December one of the things I told him I says God is here to help all of us when we mess up and I'm looking at a bunch of preachers from around the world and I know do you think they're perfect another thing they've never done anything wrong another thing they don't need forgiveness and I said but you know what God provides pardon for every time we are guilty through his shed blood and we have all sinned and come short of his glory can I just tell you this is only the grace of God that woke me up this morning and put me in this pulpit to preach the it's God's grace not because I deserve it not because I'm perfect but I'm washed in the blood my eyes are fixed on Jesus on the pass we're looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith so for every one of us that's why you should never be afraid to tell your children I'm sorry I've done wrong I shouldn't have treated you the way I did I shouldn't have done what I did but some of us as parents we actors are we perfect you're not perfect your children know they're gonna grow up and be big soon and they'll look back and all the foolishness you did I just said to my son last week son I'm sorry daddy was too hard on you you didn't deserve that I was wrong I said would you forgive me I'm so sorry and after he gave me a hug I felt better coz I did wrong we need forgiveness Jesus says let me help you with your guilt all you have to do is say Father forgive us our debts and guess what God forgives and how does God do it God forgives immediately he forgives instantly and God forgives completely now there are some of us because we are very unforgiving we have a hard time accepting God's forgiveness some of us will keep you in mind till the day we die and every time we talk to you you're reminding us of what that person did to you get over it it's over and done it's poisoning your soul is poisoning your jaw it's rubbing you a piece because your mind is not unhealthy joyful and joyous things take your mind over that garbage and a woman I was counseling her yeah pass every time we get together same old stuff I told the one that said don't come back and see me anymore and say you're wasting my time and yours because you're not serious you want to have somebody sit and listen to all the bad things that happen to you and what those people did to you and you want to hold me hostage I said I don't like it I'm trying to help you and all you want to do is find a garbage container to dump all your garbage I'm not a garbage container don't come back and see me anymore until you get serious so go see somebody else I'm not the one cuz I'm an enabler to your foolishness I'm not helping you I'm not healing you I'm not blessing you I'm just helping you to regurgitate everytime you see me all the garbage that's in your life y'all don't like me do you I don't give a hoot I don't care some of you the best way to help you is to be tough with you give you some tough love it's the only way to help you cuz you've been so messed up all your life you think that's the way to live Jesus says I'm gonna forgive ya and when I forgive you you're forgiven completely and you shouldn't be confessing the same things over and over again if you confessed it that God forgave you and move on you got some new sins bring it up God takes your sins and puts them in a bottle and throws them and to see a forgetfulness and then puts up a sign that says no fishing folk who want to dig into your life and get what you used to be in the past and I remember when he was this and I remember when he was that I was preaching in London England at the big church day I forgot the name of it and this young lady I had dated while I was in New York here she came to me she says so you appreciate now I said yes I am well God can do anything with anybody I said yes he can yeah I was at the Brixton church that's a Brixton Church in London England I believe he can Amen somebody now he also has something else for us in the Lord's Prayer do you know what it is peace mm-hmm can I tell you what the number one disrupter of peace is strained relationships most of you are miserable today and unhappy because of a strained relationship most of you you don't have peace because of what people do to you and you think of what people have done to you and it messes up your peace but jesus said when you pray this prayer here is power don't only pray Lord forgive us but lord give me the strength to forgive others who have done me wrong in other words you can't live your life trying to get back at everybody who talked about you everybody who said something about you everybody who did something some of them you need to treat them with benign neglect in other words you must never let people see you sweats when to see you sweat they will keep you sweating if you pray no matter what is happening to pass God will give you the strength to get beyond it you don't have to get stuck in some bad experience have you ever seen a sign that says don't park here there's a sign right outside this church that says reserved parking don't park here and I blocked some of y'all right in there cuz you didn't read it ain't got nothing do it a sermon but I just wanted to mention that there I parked my car right up to you and some of you are very creative you called the Deacons and they come to me and say pastor can I have your key to move you guys didn't know then the Deacon goes and he gets it out for you to decide this is the point here is the point there are places you'll see don't park here and what's a god that we could put up a sign in our minds that says if you had a bad experience or if somebody hurts you don't park there because many of us have sparked my emotions had some bad experience but God says I'm gonna let you get over it I'm gonna help you get through it so you will have peace about whatever has happened to you in the past so you see him in church and you were just enjoying the sermon and he comes in late all of a sudden you miss them or you see miss thing walking down the aisle and you just remember everything she did to you and you got messed up a whole lot of us come to church and we having a good time in charge and we allow somebody to mess up our worship but you know you've got peace when it doesn't bother you anymore same end somebody because God has prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies and some things you've got to get over and the reason he says forgive is because the best gift you can give yourself is to release someone from the bondage that holds you hostage you didn't get it so i'ma say it again cuz somebody's life is gonna be changed right now something's you gotta get over and the reason God says forgive them is because the best gift you can give yourself yes really someone from the bondage that holds you hostage freely you ever say freely you need to give and then lead us not into temptation that's the request for God to enable us to deal with sin at every root from our Lord's first story we learn that God answers prayers from the second we learned that his answers are good ones the highest good was God gives his disciples who petitioned him in prayer is summed up in the gift of the Holy Spirit the final gift when you read the Lord's Prayer is that God will give you his Holy Spirit and who is the holy spirit the Holy Spirit is God and abling power to help you to live above every tragedy every hurtful thing in the past help you to live above every deformity spiritual deformity in your life to help you to correct what's wrong in your life it's God's Way of helping you move beyond where you are to where God wants you to be it's the Holy Spirit God's agency to empower you and anyway said these words I know why it says when we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit all other gifts come in it's train so what should you be praying for every day that God's Holy Spirit takes hold of your life because every other gift will come into your life when you have the Holy Spirit I'm bringing this so close give me two minutes and we're done when we do not pray that's God's when we do not pray that God's name be revered and that his kingdom come we reveal in ourselves a love for this world when we do not pray for God to provide our daily bread we reveal either self sufficient attitude which doesn't depend on God when we do not pray for God's forgiveness of our sins and the grace to forgive the sins of others we reveal that we have not yet been changed so we fall prey to every temptation in October of 1865 mrs. Ellen G Wright wrote these words she says prayer is the answer to every problem in life it puts us in tune with divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly so often we do not pray in service situations because from our standpoint the outlook is hopeless but nothing is impossible with God she says nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied no human relationship is too strained for God to bring about reconciliation and understanding she says no habit so deep-rooted that it cannot be overcome no one is so weak that he cannot be strong no one is so ill that he cannot be healed no mind is so dull that it cannot be made brilliant whatever we need if we trust God he will supply if anything is causing worry or anxiety let us stop rehearsing the difficulty and trust God for healing love and strength Statuary feet everybody I just talked about prayer it would be a tragedy if I ended the service without giving one someone an opportunity to present himself to this altar for prayer if you need God to do something that seems impossible in your life today get out of your seat and come to the altar if you need God for healing come if you need God today to help you to forgive somebody that you've been holding hostage in your heart come if you need God to provide for you and things are not looking good come if you want God to forgive you of something in the past come this prayer today covers our entire lives physically spiritually socially and in every way if you want God to bless your journey on this earth and you want the Lord spread to be your guy come come from everywhere come to the all to sing that song for us sing come come from the balcony because we're gonna pray today come sing it everybody [Music] while and others now are calling [Music] [Music] do not pass me by [Music] singing everybody Savior Savior [Music] Oh bless her Savior yeah my humble cry [Music] mylan others now are calling [Music] let's sing the other stanza next stanza let me add that sort of mercy everybody's singing [Music] find a sweet relief [Music] kneeling there and deep contrition [Music] help my unbelief Savior save everybody or blessed Savior [Music] [Music] do not pass me by singing everyone Savior Savior sing it again say yes save you everybody sing the chorus Oh bless our Savior yeah my humble cry [Music] while on others now our calling [Music] do not pass me guys sing it again Savior Savior somebody cry out Savior Savior I'll save you everybody Oh blessed Savior [Music] [Music] [Music] father we stand in need of you today you taught us from a simple passage that every one of our needs will be met by you through prayer you reminded us that we sometimes underestimate your magnificent might and power but today we recognize that you're all powerful you and what is impossible with men it's possible with you the disciples prayer we rehearse today reminds us God to trust you more trust you for the plans you have for us and our lives trust you for our provisions trust you for forgiveness of sins and trust you to usher us into the kingdom of God and to trust you to make us better by releasing someone from the prison house of unforgiveness Oh God somebody probably came to this altar today all the way to the back of the church they have come but they come for different reasons I don't know what they are but you do somebody is coming because you spoke to them while the preacher was preaching you touch somebody's heart today and you are asking them to release somebody in their lives a brother or a sister or cousin or co-worker somebody who has done them wrong and that person continues to interrupt their spiritual flow and their growth today God we want to leave everybody who was hurt us at this altar we want to leave everybody and the pain that they brought to our lives right here right now we want to put it in the past help us not to worry about tomorrow but to live one day at a time help us to be joyful today this moment help us God to trust you to provide for every need god I pray for someone's heart someone who came to this altar today somebody especially needs a healing touch would you touch them from the crown of their heads to the soles of your feet somebody needs to be healed spiritually would you touch us in our spirit and make us whole somebody needs a touch in your family would you touch them God somebody needs your children to be touched with holy hands would you touch them all God somebody needs to be brought back home would you bring them home somebody needs provisions and provide for them through employment hear the cries of your children does they wash this thoroughly of every sin make us holy thine prepare us to be candidates for the kingdom of God this day washes of every sin and bring us back today at 2:30 when we can study your word and seek you in prayer learn more view and gain victories this day pray for victory for somebody I pray for power I pray for might I pray for strength I pray for this gift of your Holy Spirit that brings every other gift in its strength be given to your children this day in the mighty name of Jesus we pray with joy abundant and Thanksgiving that the People of God say Amen let me hear you say Amen let me hey same [Music] [Music]
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 7,064
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, The Prayer life of a highly effective christian, the, prayer, life, of, highly, effective, christian
Id: mRotpfw4AJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 48sec (4368 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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