Cutting our hood again! Attempting to make better gaps on our hood.

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all righty folks I don't know what we're doing this round think it's drying up a little bit outside here I might go try to find another Hood cuz I want to fix my hood on my truck oh it's been melting pretty good in here got the old garage and somewhere I have some AC condens there's here's an old one there for some reason I thought I had a different one this one's like super old school look at this it just hose clamped everything on might try to find some fittings um so I can kind of Scab this thing together into my truck at some point just wanted to see it I might just grab it so I have it in the shop with me I don't think we have anything else anywhere I always thought I had another one in here almost time almost time we're going to pull this thing out getting close oh there we go I knew I had another one well that's the same size as this one anyways I will see you guys in the shop and we'll figure out what the heck we're doing [Music] well I noticed this Hood the other day in this muddy muddy area and I wonder if it's worth trying to fix well I wouldn't say fix use ouch think smarts I am pretty sure this thing might be complete hot garbage but I think I'm just going to cut this thing right up well here's where I am at I have this Hood I'm reallyy I'm happy overall with the hood but am also not happy like we got weird gabage issues and I don't know for sure I can fix this totally but I think we can make it a little better uh cuz it has the transition across so I have this Hood I really don't feel bad about cutting it up so I think what I'm just going to try to do now before I cut anything on that hood is I'm just going to slice and dice this thing we kind of go High um you can see because of the GMC how much different but I thinking we can reuse up into this front nose piece and uh try to make just try to make this better I don't know so what I'm going to do first like I said is I'm just going to cut the bottoms off we're going to fit them onto here and then figure a way to fix some of this hopefully make it fit better it'd be nice if I can get this part of the h to come back a little more mostly so this nose doesn't uh come over the front like that like I kind of didn't mind it now I kind of think I want it a little more back so I think if we put in these new sections cuz here you can see this thing kind of overhangs there's just some there's some weirdness and I just feel I can do better like this side here is fairly tight like it's okay like the gap's not terrible on this side and then it kind of it just goes so as we get to the front here so and then I just wondering if I push everything back I'll get this Gap fixed up back here then we can just trim it away till the center fits better and then maybe we can just reweld the bottom portion it's kind of loosely my idea so we're going to see how that goes uh I don't know seems like a waste of time but I think the end result will be better Let's uh let's start cutting this thing up and uh see if we can make a prettier [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hood [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well I'm not sure I don't know if I'm winning this uh it's because of the way I did the fenders like I raised them and then I changed this profile it just seems like I made a lot of work for myself things got screwed up I put the fender on like I do like the Gap now but it does get tight in the front so it's like I've just cut so much stuff up I'm kind of struggling with this here this side's not it looks better but it gets screwy in the front and I don't know for sure that it's actually like the fender had some or the hood had some damage on it so if I fix this Gap I get a little well it's it's an okay Gap all the way through it just tightens up a little in the front here but I'm wondering if all that work is even worth it uh like to to reweld these two together I don't know I know that uh well if you don't watch him that Carter Auto restyling I don't know I'll do a link here he uh I like the way he did his hood cuz he kind of had two hoods he cut it like this he pancaked his one over it was a a much better way than I went about it other than this is a MC so the Hood's like way different all about it but anyways I got to see if it's worth the effort or do I like is is the fit not too bad in the back and we just recut these off oh man I don't know I'm just trying to make it nicer that's all I'm shooting for what I felt I should have done was zap the I thought I did but I should have Zapped the edge to the truck and then did everything with my hood then it would have been better and maybe maybe it just doesn't work the way I want and I just going to cut those apart weld them back to the truck slide my hood back to where I think it should be and uh basically add some new steel into here cuz this has been welded so many times now this side's not so bad but I feel the fit is pretty much not good so I don't know let's just put the hood back on we'll see how bad the gaps are and if we think we can actually fix this or work with [Laughter] this these may still be of use that feels good yeah that's just [Laughter] terrible this side too is just yuck it's like it didn't even fit good to start with and I just turned it into hot garbage all right all right all right all right what do we do well I was trying to hang back and just accept that this was my Gap but it's just it's terrible I know I can do better so he doesn't have to be perfect but you know this side's better it's almost too tight in the back here well depends how the hood sits but like it's better but it's still still not great and there's all this so I don't know I'm kind of thinking I'm going to go with this but I'm going to do it a little different cuz I think the back of the Hood's just going to be what it is and we might just slice into H does that make sense no I'm not happy with this Gap but this Gap I've actually added it's not terrible I think we just got to open this up a little more there that might be okay this I just want to get rid of some of this ugliness that I put in there just make it prettier figure how to bring that nose back this one's just terrible look at that it's trying to say that that's good it's [Laughter] not H I wonder what do we got to do does it need to go back here definitely needs something but I think it's cuz I have no I have no padding into here so it's got to pull this Hood tight Pull It in oh this seems like a waste of time but all right I [Music] I yeah the hood just doesn't fit to the front I feel like I'm starting this all over again I shouldn't have to this piece fits nice two there you know what I'm just going to cut it I don't care this one side needs to be redone this side's kind of hot garbage but it's uh it only needs H yeah you know what I'm just going to cut it apart screw it I'm not going to enjoy this but let's do it we can't make it any worse and hopefully when we're done it's just Mutual [Laughter] [Music] better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that looks a lot better and I still struggle with these saws I'll tell you what I did with the zip cut took me minutes and I think I have a half hour I'm trying I mean at some point I amum I got the wrong blade I got an 18 tooth I've ordered some different saw blades I don't know what they go up to is it a 20 28 tooth or something so I mean that's part of the problem but I'm actually with the zip cut I'm actually doing better than I was with the the saw as far as my Gap goes in there I'm trying to get it really snug cuz I'd like to just take the laser and actually weld it but I don't know we'll see how it goes here um so this side feels good we're going to have to redo the front here yet but uh like I'm now I'm got the scab out of this thing and try to redo this section this one I like this section the nose here is kind of okay it's uh basically we tacked the hood but we didn't zap down everything so my next step here is I actually do like the Gap going here it's not terrible it just around this area it screws up so I think I'm going to cut it Loose here I'll cut this out and I'll use this one this Edge I'm hoping it's tall enough to fix up all that grossness that I've done in here and uh we kind of do a happy medium to get everything to fit nice like the other side so I don't feel I got to touch anything back here cuz I'm pretty happy the way that's sitting even up to here we got a little wobble but I'll start back here we're going to cut this loose we'll just cut this free up into this vicinity cuz I don't know what I'm doing here yet but we should be able to Ram this in there and try to uh make the two into something [Music] [Music] [Music] well that is some intense amount of grinding and everything I did I kind of brought the nose in a little bit you can see what I got here I don't know what we did qu inch uh might go in a little more but I kind of like where it's at we got here our gap's a little bit tight here but I'm not sure what's going to happen when I start cutting these things if this Hood's going to just spring loose or not so I'm kind of uh we're just playing with this one cuz this gap's a little bigger on the other side so I'm wondering once we get this sorted everything gets out it gets a nice Gap I'm happy with that not very big but uh this one's a little bit tighter so I'm not sure I can still bust these and bring it up I kind of want to just get the nose done here and get this nose piece done and then we can kind of cut the weld loose and see where we get with this thing like what's going to happen what's going to bounce [Music] where [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] well I'm going to set this thing up we're going to give it a shot and see I know I'm not going to be able to weld everything in here cuz we got some gaps but let's just try it and see what happens here no whoops whoops definitely not working good on this [Music] [Music] setup have to accept what's happening here and just power through [Music] I don't know if I'm winning at all here I know I'm not going to be able to do any of these I'll try down here I got a little spot I can get here I don't know if I'm saving time or making more to [Music] work that was a good her not so good not so good good not it's half weld can't say I know if this is saving me time definitely not [Music] there well there was awesome come on that's pretty good I know here I'm not going to get it can't get a good Boogie [Music] here definitely have to pick your battles negative did it save me a bunch of time I really don't know I feel it saved me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Music] going try turning the wire speed up for some of these spots yeah if there's a hole I think I'm pretty hooped all right let's try this side see if this works better [Music] [Music] that's a little bad [Music] spot little hard to see this glasses a little on the dark side going over uh the spot it's not so [Music] [Music] great will blow [Music] out [Music] nothing's working out over here tell you that [Music] much do were a little wrong just to see if I can do some fill [Music] here the benefits are not there [Music] now I think I think we got all we could get out of it well I couldn't do the whole thing in W but I'm going to have to go through cuz you can see we blown through everywhere I tried to fill it but it just wasn't happening it was starting to get a little warm on those spots overall though I'm really happy that only took I don't know I had to switch it over from the cleaning to the ler to the welding part but the fact some of my my joints weren't that good so I kind kind of knew that but overall uh that only took a couple minutes to do all of this versus spot spot spot as far as warpage just like can you see can I can you get you that little bit of Gap like I mean it is a curved panel but when we do have it you can see the little minute gaps in places like it's not uh I'll hammer it out a little bit but I feel I could just fill it that was the main thing I really wanted with that was to be able to do this really quick I know the limits so I kind of I try to push it a little past but I thinking I'm just going to have to pull out the M but instead of taking like you know an hour or 2 hours well probably more like 2 hours or so to do this whole thing I'm down to like hopefully I can get it done in a half hour now the uh whatever's going on you can see there's considering that is like almost a continuous weld there like hardly any warpage that's what I was hoping that thing would be you can see how little that heat soak is compared to if I was MIG welding that would if I did that with the Mig this would be like that big right I think TIG welding you'd probably get the same but I wouldn't be able to TIG weld this fast so anyways this one was just hot garbage so I'm going to have to spot spot spot all the way through there view spots here eventually I'll take the hood off I'm going to slice this we'll match that up I have a whole bunch of stuff I got to do up in the front here I did say before I did cut this back so we'll fix this all up I'm just curious once I finish welding this how bad things are going to Spring away and do weird stuff hopefully not but we'll see cuz I have my gaps everything set pretty good this thing's just not happy but it's cuz I don't have anything up in this Gap and I got to cut this Gap I managed to actually shove the whole hood back a little bit which I'm happy about makes this side fit nice we've added some steel but now we actually have to grind it all way to get up into the peak which is good I'm just happy with that we can try to get a more uniform uniform shape here we'll just do the old Sharpie Mark here and try to match that up all the way through after the fact all right so that means I have a whole bunch more welding to do but hopefully it doesn't take very [Music] long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] J say man pretty good guess we'll get it off see what our bracing is doing I have to weld up the inside of here yet cuz this wants to flip-flop open actually I kind of want to bring this in a little more first I like this part but this part still sticks out a bit it's a little bulgy here well it's ugly but we'll fix it over there well we got our our little bits from our cut and butt experience there a little a little more to grab from that side still got to dig a little out of this [Applause] side well that's a little more presentable anyways anyways we're going to clean this up I am going to weld these get these back into place weld those up yeah we got a whole lot of welding and banging to do [Music] yet [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] well the hoods on I can't say I'm super happy overall but it is better so I got to look at that this actually has a much better profile on the front so I'm happy with that the gaps I'm happy with there's just the overall fit is pretty much hot [Music] garbage I uh uh I don't know I'm basically picking like just a losing battle here and it just is what it is so you know what I am just going to walk away say it's good before I spend like forever farting around with it I've been trying to struggling with things like things aren't sitting down and where they're supposed to be so I don't know you know what I'm not going to worry about it it's uh it is what it is I guess in the end I'm a little disappointed but I kind of didn't have high expectations when I started and it is a hood and these things are always miserable at least in my experience they're very miserable to try to set up and a fell can probably put more time into this Hood than half of this build that I've already already done already I think that's what could happen but cuz I think I spent more time trying to get this Hood to fit back on here than I did actually doing all this welding and grinding and stuff like that like I think I have a couple hours just in like I didn't even film it I basically just have it into here essentially I basically got the hinges back in nothing fit it was terrible everything about it was terrible I have welds everywhere I've been ah I pretty much just had to wash my hands of it to keep my sanity and just say it is what it is it kind of sucks but you know what there's going to be there's lots of other things like that that irk me about this truck and I just got to wash my hands of it and it is what it is anyways folks I think uh unfortunately I think this is where I'm at I don't know where I plan to get with this but this is about as far as I got uh I don't know what I'm doing I think I hate this Hood so much I just want to get the body work done on it and get an in primer and uh that way I can call it done so I think next round maybe I'm going to try to get this Underside like the UND side of the hood undercoated and then we got to finish welding up all these braces get that out of the way get the latch I don't know if I'll put the latch back in right away CU I do have to get the AC the condenser in there and stuff but I'd like to do that I'd like to get the outside of the hood and primer and then I don't know where I want to go next I think we kind of have to after that I think we got to start figuring out the top I'd like to at least get that thing roughed out that's a that's a big one that that one I don't really know what I'm doing I have a really loose idea but I don't know but anyways folks I want to thank you all for watching and we will catch you on the next one [Music] later [Music] [Music] yeah
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 43,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: door gaps, body filler, sheet metal, how to, body panel gaps, hood gap fix, hood gap alignment, hood gap adjustment, adjusting panel gaps, 49 gmc, roadster pickup, convertable pickup, convertible pickup, convertible pickup truck, chevrolet convertible pickup
Id: uxuReKJPk1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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