Blender | Egg Crack Tutorial

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welcome to another blender tutorial and today i'm going to be touching on how to make an egg fracture simulation so you can see here as an example i have this egg and it just fractures and falls now obviously this is not how it actually happens in real life but it's just a fun little thing to do and i'm not going to do a tutorial on how i did the chick here but i will quickly cover the basics of it in this tutorial but the prime primary thing here is just figuring out and teaching you guys how to how to do this um fun little egg fracture simulation thing so if this is something you want to learn in blender keep watching my tutorial and as always i try and put the blend files on patreon and also you can check out some of my stuff on skillshare if you use the link in the description below you can get one month for free and that gives you access to all sorts of cool stuff and you can decide whether you want to do it or not so definitely worth checking that out in the description below if you want as well but let's get into this tutorial and it's a ton of fun okay so references are going to be important so what you're going to do is just go to the internet and i would recommend using something like pexels or pixabay you can just type an egg and you can look for different images on here so what you're going to want to find is something that doesn't have too many shadows or too many reflections i've just gonna get gotten one randomly off the internet somewhere so what i've done i've just put that image onto my desktop so you can see here it's just a picture of an egg so nothing too nothing too extraordinary so once you've gotten an image downloaded or a photo of some sort uh just open up blender we're going to be using a blender 3.0 for this particular tutorial and uh let's just go into the front of graphic view and what we're going to do is we're going to take the egg and just drag the image into the viewport here okay the only reason we're doing that is just for a reference image so with that over there we're just going to go g to move it and s to scale it so let's just get about the same width roughly as the cube here um yours might be a little bit different but something like that and then we just need to select the default cube and just hit delete right you can hit x and then go delete recently i've just been hitting delete because like why do two steps so anyway so we're going to go shift a and we're going to open up our add under add menu here we're going to go to our mesh primitives and obviously a uv sphere is the most logical option so we're going to click on that so we can see what we're doing let's just hit z and go into our wireframe mode here and with this sphere active we're just going to tab into edit mode and proportional editing is going to be super handy here so just enable proportional editing and over here with the fall off let's just go to a curve that kind of better represents an egg so i'm going to go to the inverse square here and i'm going to click drag and just select some of the top verbs maybe just the very top over there i'm going to go g z and we're going to move up and obviously roll your middle mouse button to increase or decrease the falloff of the proportional editor so something like that you can see here we have a very basic egg shape okay so that's about it that's like how you model an egg so we can go back into object mode and back into solid and i'm just going to right click as well and just go shade smooth so there's the egg if it doesn't look quite right it's probably because this image is still in here so just select the reference and let's go g y and move it back into our scene so just so it's not like right through the middle of our mesh so this is the egg and i'm feeling just looking at it now that maybe it's not looking quite right at the bottom here our egg is a little bit more curved so i'm just going to tab in and i'm just going to quickly select a row of verts and i'm going to go alt s and just scale it in on the normals while i'm still using the proportional editing so um yeah i'm not going to spend too much time on it because i'm doing a tutorial on it but you guys can really i mean if you want to take 20 minutes on just getting the perfect egg by all means do it and i will say that not all eggs are exactly the same shape so this one here looks a little bit more rounded out you get eggs that are sometimes a little bit longer but just you know you kind of get what i'm coming at so something like that should be fine and before we actually do any sort of fracture modification of this we need to actually give it a subdivision surface modifier and in this case we're actually going to want to apply the subdivision service modifier because um one we can't like do a fracture simulation and keep that modifier on there it just won't work so we're going to come down and with a subdiv level of one we're just going to apply it okay so we tab into it now you can see we have a lot more geometry cool and because we're doing a projection in this particular case um reusing the image we're just going to also apply the material now so let's just give it a material and let's go new um why can't i select that just give it a second okay so select the name here and just get that active let's go e g g for egg you know i'm just naming it as you do and let's just go to our base color and let's just make it an image texture right and because we've already dragged this image in here i'm going to use that particular one as a texture so i'm just going to come to the drop down and i'm just going to select egg right so now we have that applied so if we hit z and we're going to material preview we can see we have that well it's not looking right obviously because our uvs aren't where they need to be so we're just going to quickly go into our uv editing workspace and in our front orthographic view just hit a over here make sure all the geometry is active and you can see this mess here is not what we want so we're just going to go over here u and then we're going to go project from view and over here just select the geometry and scale it up and move it and you know i've done this a few times so you guys should get it by now so just roughly placing it over there and over here if you go z and you go material preview you can see we have that egg texture on there now obviously the limitations it's got a lot of stretching from the sides but since we're intending just to do a front on simulation we can get away with this so that's all fine so we're going to go back to our layout and in the front view i'm going to grab the egg i'm going to go g z and just move it so it's sitting on our floor roughly and i'm going to select the reference and i'm just going to hit m and i'm going to go new collection i'm just going to call it ref and then go ok and now we can just hide that so you know we don't need a clutter unnecessarily i'm just going to get rid of the camera and the light as well i'm just going to delete those so here we just have our egg it's got a material as you can see and it's got our um subdivision surface modifier applied so now we need to we could actually just give the whole thing a fracture um simulation i mean a fracture we can use the fracture modifier thing to make the fracture and then simulate the whole thing but what i like to do is kind of divide it into a cracked half and just do it to the top part i think that just looks a little bit cool so it leaves a little bit of the egg left which i think looks really cool so to do that what we're going to do is just add in a plane to perform a boolean operation so if we go shift a we can go over to our plane add it in g z move it about where you want it to be cut and then scale it up a bit then tab into edit mode and with that geometry all active just disable okay leave proportional editing enabled for now so let's just right click and subdivide that geometry i'm going to go with something like eight yeah eight should be okay and then i'm going to just select any random vert on this plane under proportional editing select the fall off here to random and if we go g z and we move that up and we roll our middle mouse button to control the falloff let's just give that a little bit of jaggedy geometry like that so the more you do that the more intense the results going to be so just gives it a bit of a jagged edge and let's use that as a boolean operation so we're going to now select the egg go to the modifiers and let's give that a boolean select your eyedropper and let's select our boolean cutter object which is obviously this over here and yeah at the moment you can see what's happening here so let's just move it down a little bit to where we want it then select the egg but let's just come over here and change the solver too fast so now we can see it's just cutting it in half but one thing we also want to do is just quickly select the actual cutter object and let's just give that a solidify modifier just a slight one so it'll actually make that two separate objects okay so we've done that now and before we actually apply that boolean just to be safe we can also duplicate this and we might want to use it later as well so we're just going to select the egg shift d to duplicate it and with that new sphere selection still active we're going to hit m new collection and let's just call it whole egg okay so whole egg and let's go okay and then we can untick that we don't need to see that anymore so now we have it in place let's just select our egg and obviously make sure you're happy with where it's going to have that fracture or that cut going for here and then you're going to select the egg you're going to come to your boolean go to the dropdown and apply it select the color object and then hit m and then just move it to that reference layer so i'm just going to move it there just to at least get rid of it so now you can see we have that so let's just select the egg tab into edit mode and disable proportional editing let's just select any vertex on the lower half control l or command l and just go h to hide it then if we hit control seven we can get to our bottom um our bottom of graphic view whatever you want to call it and let's just click here and drag and just select these verts here and we're going to go control plus till they grow to the outside of the perimeter so just like that we want all the inside stuff selected it's not necessarily going to do 100 jobs just go to your face select option and then hit c roll your middle mouse button and let's just use this tool here to select the rest of the faces from the top here just those ones there okay so you can see over here we don't want those ones active just all the ones in here we're gonna hit x delete those faces and then we're gonna go alt h and let's just select the so we've gotten rid of those ones let's just select the top half control l and h h to hide it go to your top view by hitting seven and let's hit c to bring up that selection tool let's just select all the inside faces from the top view so make sure everything in there is active okay that's all looking good i'm gonna hit x and delete those faces then you can go alt h to unhide so now we just have these two parts here and let's just go over here to add modifier and let's give it a solidify modifier and let's just bring the thickness amount in so in this case we're gonna have to bring it up into the positives because of the way the normals are directed so let's just go let's just have a look so up to you how much you want to do but i'm going to not make it too thick so maybe something a point zero two four um let's have a look at that okay that's not looking too thick i think yeah okay that looks about what an egg would look like so just something like that 0.016 in this case i'm going to go alt h to unhide it tab out and what we're going to do as well let's just get our materials we're going to add another material go new and let's just call it inside and now if you go over to our modifiers and you go under the solidify option here for materials let's just take that material offset to one so if we hit z now and we're going to um sorry material preview we can see that we have if we go into edit mode we might see it better just hide the top geometry you can see here we have that white material on the inside so you can play around with the rim here as well to add that material there so now we just have this white shell material on the inside but we have the egg and the outside so that's really important before we go any further so let's now go to that modifier and let's just apply that solidify and now that's all set in stone okay so now it's the part where we can fracture the top part so in edit mode we're going to make sure we have the top part active right we select the whole thing and we're going to go p and we're going to go separate selection and then tab out and then just select the top shell you can see it's now its own object and we're going to go and hit f3 with that active and we're going to type in cell and we're going to click on cell fracture and then we're going to go ok and you can see it's doing a fracture here now if you didn't get that cell fracture option i'll quickly show you what you can do you've got to go to edit preferences go to add-ons and just type in cell and make sure object cell fracture is ticked over here so you can actually get that so once you've run that fracture simulation or whatever you want to call it once it's happened you can see we have all of these shards here that's generated so by default they're all active so what you're going to do if all of them active you're going to hit m and you're going to go new collection you're going to call um just call it um frac because those are fractures okay and then we're gonna go okay and then we'll just for now hide that fracture and we still got our original one that it it kept just in case you want to redo it so we're gonna take that one i'm gonna go m and just move that one to the ref we don't need to see it so we've still got our main collection here which has the bottom half the egg at the top so let's just double click on that and call it main and that has the original sphere half in it and then we got the frac so let's just click on the frac layer and drag it to the top the very top and let's just enable that so now we've got our little fractures here we're also just going to select everything holding and shift select the bottom part okay so the bottom part is the main active thing and we're going to go to modifiers give this an edge split modifier then we're going to go ctrl l and we're going to just link the modifier so copy modifiers and now all of them have that edge split modifier so you can see it's cleaned up that shading a little bit on the edges just sharpening it up so now we have the egg okay and if we go over here to to these collections here we can see we still have a whole egg here if we need to use that later which we'll get into so for now we can get into the part where we actually run the simulation so just make sure to save as you go so i'm just saving another version of this and let's do that so let's select any random part of the egg here so we're just going to select let's just select that chart there and let's go to our physics let's just give it a rigid body and for now let's just leave everything as it is but with that one still active we're going to hit a to select everything and we're going to go control l or actually i think we're going to have to go f3 so hit f3 instead and then we're going to go copy and we're going to go copy from active so now all of the other active ones are going to copy the the physics properties of this main active one here and we just want to select the bottom shell that wasn't supposed to have it so just select the bottom and just get rid of the rigid body there so now if we go to frame one and we hit the spacebar it's all going to fall but obviously it has nothing to interact with so let's just select the bottom part of the shell give it a rigid body but this one we're going to set to passive and we're gonna put the shape to mesh so now it's frame one let's hit the spacebar and look what happens well pretty cool isn't it okay and let's just also go shift a add in a plane and grab that plane and put it on the main make sure it's in the main collection s to scale it ctrl a to apply the scale rigid body make it passive as well and just change it to mesh let's have a look at that okay and if we hit z we can go to material preview we can see that's all looking really good there we have it now we have a fracture but how do you make it look like an egg just at first like how do you make it just look like a like an egg without any cracks in it i'm going to show you how to do that so we're going to come here to our whole layer so click on it and let's just unhide the frac and the main so get rid of those two so the whole egg here um we want to get rid of the boolean first of all so just get rid of that boolean that's the whole egg here and what we're going to do is we're going to tab into edit mode and we're going to go alt s and we're going to scale it out up a little bit along the normal just a tiny little bit so barely scale it up so now if we bring back the frac and the main you can't really see them but they're they're actually under there right so what we're going to do is with this main egg still active the the whole egg we're going to come here to frame 20 and frame 20 we're going to go i and we're going to insert a scale rotation location rotation and scale keyframe on frame 20 and then we're just going to move up one frame to 21 and then what we're going to do is we're going to go s to scale it really small and then g to move it down a bit and we're going to go i and insert a location rotation scale and so it should just happen in a split second like that so let's go to frame one and let's hit the spacebar and see what happens okay it doesn't really make sense at the moment because the the simulation starts too early but if we go over to our scene properties here and we go to the rigid body world we can actually come here to the cache and make the simulation start at 21 after that's all disappeared so now if we go to frame one and we hit the space bar we should see that okay and at the moment it's just slamming it to the ground so what we need to do and i found this helps us just save it so save everything and then just close it and then just open it up again and then let's see if that helps okay so go to frame one hit the spacebar and there you can see look at that the whole thing looks seamless so look at it looks like a whole egg in fact let's hit z and go into material preview and this on frame one let's hit the spacebar look at that it just feels like a normal fracture now as long as you don't see that egg over there it doesn't really matter and if you put something in the egg it'll kind of cover that up so that's pretty cool so let's actually take this whole egg layer and just put it underneath the main layer there as well so we should have the frac the main the whole egg and then our ref and our junk files at the end here which we can just hide we don't need to see those but that's pretty much how i make an egg fracture simulation so adding in a check um i might just quickly touch on the very basics of that so i just went shift a and i added in a uv sphere and i pretty much just you know in edit mode just scaled it i did the whole fact the whole um proportional editing thing here right so i just selected some top faces i moved it up and it was very stylized so i didn't i didn't spend too much time in the details and you know i just added in some basic eyes i'll quickly pop those in give it a mirror modifier and you know moving forward i mean i'm just really really covering this in a very quick and basic way and i gave them smooth shading and in edit mode you know you can just make some really really basic eye cavities like that give it a subdivision surface modifier and you can also just mirror it if you want to as well which is what i did so i'll give it a mirror make sure it's above the subdiv this is not like what i said the tutorial is really about so i'm just keeping it really basic here you can delete some of the bottom faces as well so there's already like a very basic version of the the chick that i made and then you can just go over to your particle systems click on plus give it a hair under the source just use modifier stack so it takes that into account and then you can just bring the hair length down and then you can go over to your children over here and just make it interpolated and then you can also just come here under the the roughness and give it a little bit of roughness and uniformitary make it on you uniform whatever you want to call that and then you can also just go up to your viewport display increase the steps and obviously under render you can just make that b spline as well then give the check a material i went for something like a yellowish kind of color and then if you hit z you go rendered you should see this obviously i'm going to just quickly change it to cycles and enable the gpu and let's just quickly add in a simple area light i'm just going to go and increase the strength and let's just increase the size a bit as well okay maybe duplicate it so you can see that's kind of how i did it and obviously you know you gotta spend a lot more time with the hair settings you can go under to i think it is the the hair shape and you can make the diameter of the root point one to make the hair a lot finer and um you can also select the eyes and just give them a material i made them black and i made the roughness really low to make them nice and reflective and you can already see that's like looking really cute and if you wanted the little parts to interact with it you could just select the check and you can go to your physics and just give that a rigid body as well and make it passive and obviously just set it over here to mesh instead of condex hole and then if you go over to you know frame one hit the spacebar run the simulation and there you see it so yeah that's that's i mean that in essence is a very very quick overview of how i made the check i obviously spent a lot more time with it i created different groups for the particles and i made a little beak but that kind of gives you the general idea of how i approach this but the main thing in this tutorial is really just how to kind of get that egg cracking thing and if you want to render this out you need to go over to your render your scene properties and just make sure to under here under the cache i'm just going to make it 150 and let's just leave the start at 21 and let's just bake that and that'll bake this into your blend file then when you save it then you can render it out as an animation so i'm going to touch on how to render it as an animation because i've just done it so many times on my tutorials how to render out a video but this is like i said this is just really showing you guys how to how to do this and this is not happening dynamically so you could do this where you have like a proximity modifier and you could use some dummy objects to kind of make it start cracking at the top and then working its way down to a certain point and you can do a lot more advanced things with like vertex groups and stuff but this is just a very simple quick and dirty little project and it's like i said it's more stylized and it's pretty fun so i hope you guys enjoyed this i hope it's inspired you to to try something like this see what you can do with it with some other animations and yeah i'll make some of the blend files put it onto my patreon and if you guys want to check out some of my courses on skillshare you can check it in description below if you use my link you can get the first month for free and you can decide whether you want to go on or not so that's something definitely worth checking out and yeah i'll see you guys for another blender tutorial real soon
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 6,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9
Id: gBvThdEVihM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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