Cutaway Compilation Season 12 - Family Guy (Part 2)

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peter come on get dressed we're late for church i don't want to go to church i always feel like that priest has it in for me body of christ body of christ butt of christ ah lois trade me no do you like crab there's a knockout crab place right around the corner what the hell are you doing i'm using my knowledge of the local food scene to get this woman to go to bed with me well now we know i can taste what he eats geez i don't know what's going on with him but i guess love does funny things to people look at forrest gump hi forrest i know you just got back from vietnam and you love me but i'm gonna go run a train with this group of black panthers i just met okay jenny hi forrest i know you came all this way to new york to visit me but i'm gonna go do blow and have sex with a bunch of stock brokers okay janae hi forrest now that i have the most contagious and incurable disease known to mankind i'll finally have pity sex with you okay jenny and i'll mow the grass and raise the aids baby and women can do anything nowadays i guess you're right but it's not like it's the 1950s so i see you graduated number one in your class from princeton that's right and i'm certified as an accountant and also have a law degree that's all very impressive we'll keep you in mind let's see pointy boobs medium-pointy boobs not-so-pointy boobs that's a shame this is just one of those things he won't let up with like when he was guest hosting inside the actor's studio jeff daniels what is your favorite care bear i i i don't know any of the care bears right but if you had to pick one who would be your favorite well like i said i'm not really familiar you can just say the color i know all the care bears i i don't know the blue one there's like 11 blue ones jeff are you here to dick around or you want to do inside the actor's studio do you know what i did last week i time traveled ahead to christmas so i wouldn't have to wait all year for the new toys to come out wow good timing little fella this just came out today uh yeah i kind of knew that already would you like to donate an extra dollar to the quahog food bank oh sure and would you like to come home and clean my toilet while we're both doing stuff for each other all right fellas open mic at the library your first gig go get em hey do i have time to get a drink at the water fountain where the water does not crest above the dispenser sure i can taste the previous person's cough oh my god you hear that quagmire we're on our way we got to celebrate like girls in their 20s oh my god we are so random the nerve of your dad taking the fun out of christmas like some kind of gluten-free santa hey hey what's in these um i'm okay if it's like coconut flour but anything with actual grains i can't do i'm not sure well who is sure well maybe i can stir up some quail or pheasant with my patented bird calls birds quail pheasant come on out i'm a bird of the opposite sex who's interested in mating oh did you hear that we're gonna get laid billy billy come on don't be stupid peter what are you doing i'm watching this awesome show brian see they took all these colors and they're making them all live together in a beach house now the red one is sleeping with the green one and the blue one thinks he's gonna have a career in music and the yellow one is just a total [ __ ] peter that's just a channel that's gone off the air and we'll be right back with more color bar beach house after these messages oh uh this is my favorite part of the game when two drunk guys each holding a baby get into a fistfight you're stupid no you're stupid oh now their wives are getting into it they're gonna put their cigarettes in their mouths and bump boobs you got no class you [ __ ] no you got no class and now here comes security to kick out the wrong person come on miyagi take that karate outside we did it oh man this is my biggest accomplishment since my 1920s solo flight across the atlantic [Music] don't look in there don't look in there it's all craps all right we got to put toilets in these things if we're going to be in them for more than two hours ah chip i am gonna show you all kinds of cool stuff my hot wheels my lawn darts even my new musket peter what the hell are you doing lois i thought i heard a noise downstairs go stall him for 20 minutes and pray that it's not too damp in here all right this is my home and a man's home is his castle hulk wench state your business peter will you please put down the draw bridge i got a car full of groceries hmm anything else i also went to the video store and got garfield a tale of two kitties guess what i hope this isn't about your podcast again why did you finally listen to it yeah it's just 15 minutes of you listing all the hats you could think of sherlock holmes hat football man hat angry working-class irish idiot hat underwear cause you're a cat in the laundry basket hat vietnamese the sun is my enemy hat halloween mask that i flip up to eat my candy hat college guy wearing a pizza box hat blue hat i think that's all the hats trust me you should take my advice i mean i'm the guy who told michael chiklis to wear tight shirts i'll tell you anything you want just get your boobs out of my face you know the difference between you and me dirt bag no matter how muscular i get i will never be muscular now the catholics believe that as long as you accept jesus before you die anyone can get into heaven really anyone [Music] i accept jesus as my lord and savior yes finally i'm above the law like my 14th century ancestor king of denmark griffin more wine more women more table ah i'm having a heart attack is anyone at the table a doctor i am come here hurry run but the very far away doctor couldn't make it in time and that's why here in denmark we have very small tables we're supposed to stick together like goatee guys at a barbecue do you mind if i stand next to you while we eat standing no problem hey let's go grab some good beer even though we brought the bad beer and these two barbecue scumbags formed a lifelong friendship until their deaths at the ripe old age of 52 in separate atv accidents you guys don't know nothing about staying up late i used to pull all-nighters when i worked for that lesbian carpet cleaning company lesbians have regular carpets too you pervs when you're done with that can you help me plug the hole in this dike i'm kind of a jack of all trades hey help me fix this gash somebody's been having scissor fights on this thing god i can't get any peace and quiet in this house well now you know how i felt at mardi gras [Music] hey keep it down trying to get some sleep up here show us your boobs my boobs i i don't think i oh my jewelry i wonder what i'll get for showing this the rules of this city are very unclear trust me mom i know what i'm doing that's what your father said before he took that walking tour of providence this is where a homeless man ate the finger of another homeless man this is where some teenagers beat a gay guy to death this building used to be irish now it's cambodian and this is where fake tour guides throw rocks and steel tourists wallets oh yeah i read about this part on yelp oh i did it i'm back oh damn it i left my chapstick in the past chapstick with smooth lips i will finally be able to be a mayor who kisses babies with confidence hey cracked lips you'll see you'll all see wow finally something in my life that makes me feel special i mean except for when i had those cow waters so as you can see the fiscal projections for the fourth quarter make this thing a slam dunk any questions not about my cow waters all right then looks like we got ourselves a deal this is cars for celebration i don't care i'm not driving peter the map is a joke you're being played for a fool like george mcfly hey lorraine whatever happened to that guy marty from high school don't know never saw him after the prom really sure you didn't run into a moe say about 16 years ago george what are you talking about i'm talking about the fact that our son who you insisted we name after that guy marty looks exactly like him you think i'm an idiot that i wouldn't notice that our son is a dead ringer for the guy who fixed us up mom dad i accidentally set fire to the living room rug i am not going easy on him [Music] you
Channel: Best Toon Clips
Views: 2,771,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cutaway Compilation Season 12 - Family Guy (Part 2), Family Guy Season 12 Cutaways, cutaway compilation season 12 best toon clips, cutaway compilation season 12 family guy part 2, family guy cutaways part 2, cutaways season 12 part 2, family guy cutaways, family guy season 12, family guy compilation, funny family guy, best family guy, family guy clips, family guy compilation clips, best toon clips, besttoonclips, best family guy cutaways, funny family guy cutaways, tntl, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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