Cutaway Compilation Season 10 - Family Guy (Part 8)

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we now return to Britain's most popular game show do go ahead then you first wouldn't dream of it's too kind really I insist wouldn't be proper of me I appreciate your courtesy likewise well we're all out of time join us same time tomorrow if it's not entirely inconvenient for you if so of course we do understand and we do apologize in advance this is all been an imposition I'm so dreadfully sorry sorry sorry I'm sorry sorry everyone oh it just sounds like busy work I'm selling those candy bars hey hey hey you want to buy some candy bars so we can get some new uniforms for our baseball team where'd you get those candy bars happy birthday you're the coolest well then what are all the cars doing out there oh they must be from mort's party okay the first rule of Jewish Fight Club is if somebody says out you stop oh okay let's see during his 22-year reign this French monarch known as the spider King had an ongoing feud with Charles the bold Duke of Burgundy Peter who was King Louie to 12th oh I'm sorry Peter we were looking for King Louie the 11th ah damn it I knew that ah well me and he put a big black king Louis the 11th Tim select she is adults are stupid the world would be so much better if it were run by babies tonight on NBC shapes and then colors followed by an all-new dad's keys [Music] if he even lays a finger on my family I'll do to him what I did to the Riddler [Music] [Music] it could be some sort of lookout who spots girls fresh off the plane yes he'll probably write climb such scum that they target young girls the way army commercials target minorities hey other black guys it ain't so bad or you just think you're so superior don't you like that first creature to walk on dry land hey where'd you go I went for a jog what's the jog it's a great way to stay in shape is what it is is it like a swim no no it's it's nothing like a swim oh you cut your forehead what do we do hey kids if you have an open wound get some dirt or kitty litter and rub it in there to stop the bleeding then get some sleep and wait for the body to heal itself now we know and like I always say remember you know enough looking back on it now I don't think our lives are so bad yeah I sure do miss Lois and the kids I'll tell you one thing when I get home I'm gonna sleep like a log hey I'm gonna plug in the nightlight if you don't mind actually no I'm gonna go ahead and ask you to not do that they can do things to you that regular chicks don't even think of besides you know me I'm into a lot of different stuff why'd you hear something no it's all good all right hey Peter what are you gonna tell Lois when she asks where you were tonight don't worry I got it all covered it's time to ease off huh are you talking about Lois dad's getting drunk on Thanksgiving is a holiday tradition I work hard to put a cornucopia on this table and you're out showing your lower ankle to every Tom Tom and other Tom in our village don't talk to mother in like fashion that's it no Bell says coward off come on tell Peter Dettol oh no now I gotta take care of the babies Wow my picture in the paper I didn't even get that when I brought that kitten and gorilla to get it ah did I tell you Lois oh that's beautiful Peter she's taking care of that kitten like it's her own yep I knew eventually she'd stop tearing them in half she's every cop in town is here no what do you think's taking care of the city no what the hell come on no drive is wait I will be all right Hotel an Amish country can't be any worse than staying in a youth hostel hi I'd like a room preferably one where I have to sleep with my bag taped to my body we have when where some Italian backpackers have laid out every item of clothing they own on all of the beds Oh perfect will my bunk mates be constantly talking about me in a foreign language yes they will sir oh great also I'm gonna have some mail delivered here and I want it to sit in that box for four years oh and what street is the bathroom on I don't know who's crazier these people are those seventh-day adventists I'm a Methodist we believe that the Lord is our Savior and we remember him by going to church and praising him every Sunday I'm a seventh-day adventists we believe all the same things that you believe but we go to church on Saturdays hey that was some good teamwork Brian we were like Lewis and Clark and the guy who likes to tip over canoes ah these Rapids are treacherous we should reach calmer waters by nightfall Oh damnit why is he still with us I know until now walking to the other end of the United States seemed like such a good job hey do you think maybe you'd want to hang out sometime what do you mean like a movie or something yeah or maybe I had a bad experience last time I went to the movies we're good friends aren't we Milo we're best friends Otis no no I reject the premise of this I'm a I gotta spend the rest of the day watching stupid kid shows I'd rather watch paint dry yes hey don't be so surprised I've been pounding the pavement for you buddy I even gave out all my business cards call me call me call me call me call me call me call me ah show business oh we did it your plan worked chill I told you those guards would turn away yeah oh that was amazing I was easier than taking candy from a premature baby I'm mad I'm just gonna take this [Music]
Channel: Best Toon Clips
Views: 2,519,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cutaway Compilation Season 10 - Family Guy (Part 8), Family Guy Season 10 Cutaways, cutaway compilation season 10 best toon clips, cutaway compilation season 10 family guy part 8, family guy cutaways part 8, cutaways season 10 part 8, family guy cutaways, family guy season 10, family guy compilation, funny family guy, best family guy, family guy clips, family guy compilation clips, best toon clips, besttoonclips, best family guy cutaways, funny family guy cutaways
Id: smT18gpSLFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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