Cutaway Compilation Season 9 - Family Guy (Part 5)

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all right Peter do you have a story that you'd like to share oh yeah I got one there's one time me and Joe and Quagmire made a bet to see who could drink the most beer and still drive and you know that waterslide in South Attleboro so will you stay with me well it's tempting Paris is such a perfect City that is not entirely true we have a lot of mime on my environments you're gonna hook up with a boy I know I can't believe it oh I feel it's prettiest Scarlett Johansson Laura Linney whoops [Music] so what are we holding good buddy oh I got a flock of birds that were too tired to fly back north boy this is the way to do it huh Jerri sure is I think this makes us lazy yeah we're still in the v-shape oh no that movie's long gone like the original ending that grease [Music] we've been up here for four days why did you drive the car into the eros you didn't know how to get it back down no sandy it seemed like a good idea at the time obviously I didn't think your head it's so cold long enough oh I'm just saying it's a big decision life is full of big decisions like deciding whether or not you're gonna have time to masturbate Peter I'm gonna run and pick up Stewie I'll be back in five or 10 minutes well which is it you know if you ever want to get anywhere with this girl you got to ditch that negative attitude you're as bad as Negatron do as I command and we will defeat the Autobots once and for all nope not gonna work oh come on what did we talk about Autobots always win you think Optimus Prime's gonna be dead but then he's not dead I'm taking this from a robot that turns into a canoe when there's a battle on a gently moving River you'll want me ah there's the cute little guy now hang on oh my god what happened to you oh we gotta get you to the hospital you're hideous who did this to you oh geez where are my keys Peter what about Babs forget about yourself for a second Carter look what has happened to Jonathan Lipnicki oh yeah no you're right you should probably take care of that I'll I'll be I'll be here the top-ranked boxer in all of Rhode Island deirdre action Jackson [Music] [Applause] I think every Italian in Quahog is here yeah go white girl hey yo you're getting your grinder on my grinder there it is Meg what do you say we take it for a spin Chris get off fair you shouldn't be sitting on that come on that's fake all right you ready I don't want to do this down [Music] [Applause] that went exactly as I wanted it to go then worry Brian I've got it all under control you're a big canine star they should be treating you like spuds Mackenzie man what he's doing now now ladies approach him slowly he can't really see anymore I've injected him with the viagra now I'm gonna roll him on his back but you're pretty much gonna have to do a hundred percent of the work oh by the way I should tell you I've got AIDS what yeah they're right over there waiting for me ready to go when you are sir poor guys they both have AIDS okay yeah ice cream sounds great the only thing is mrs. Griffin can I speak with you and Brian alone please kids why don't you wait in the car okay mom let's go find the big black sassy nurse there's always one you can cry about it oh you can decide to live it's your choice it's probably a girl's great Peter nice goin this dinner was a disaster Clash of the Titans our was worse so you're from Greece I've always wanted to go there what's it like I can't understand a word he's saying yeah I told you Lois only Harry Hamlin can if you're gonna invite the owl you got to invite Harry Hamlin I will not have Harry Hamlin in this house we're too late I'm sorry Carol but if it helps you're not the first person to get a bum deal mr. Edison we're going to use your invention to power the world and mr. Tesla we're going to use yours in the background of Frankenstein movies I wanted that one [Music]
Channel: Best Toon Clips
Views: 1,570,853
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Keywords: Cutaway Compilation Season 9 - Family Guy (Part 5), Family Guy Season 9 Cutaways, cutaway compilation season 9 best toon clips, cutaway compilation season 9 family guy part 5, family guy cutaways part 5, cutaways season 9 part 5, family guy cutaways, family guy season 9, family guy compilation, funny family guy, best family guy, family guy clips, family guy compilation clips, best toon clips, besttoonclips, best family guy cutaways, funny family guy cutaways
Id: LaRtIr0avVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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