Cut for Time: Coal Miners Face-Off - SNL
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Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 1,811,899
Rating: 4.8144307 out of 5
Keywords: snl, saturday night live, snl season 45, snl 45, rupaul, bowen yang, beck bennett, mikey day, alex moffat, chris redd, coal, coal miners, miners, work, fight, work fight, divas, coal mine, s45, s45e13, episode 13, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, host, music, guest, laugh, impersonation, actor, musician, RuPaul, drag race, drag queen, Justin Bieber, Yummy, Love Yourself, Sorry, Baby
Id: wHlYPidP5Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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They could've switched one of those other skits out for this one...This one was Drama hunny lol Pure Camp
Simply him rolling in sitting like that is the funniest thing ever
RuPaul did a better job than many other celeb hosts I’ve seen. You could tell he was having fun. This sketch was hilarious, especially knowing how much Ru loves Dominique from Dynasty! So campy and delightful.
Come thru with the Dynasty homage!!
"Hey, that's my cape!" caught me off guard.
This was a lot funnier than some of the skits they left in (Old New York I'm looking at you girl)
That mine cart entrance was the best part. Like most of the episode, the sketches had good ideas and lots of potential but just didn’t hit the mark for me.
Ugh not viewable in Canada someone help