Customs Officials Fight off Nasty Smugglers! | UK Border Patrol

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in our ports and in our airports the UK Border Agency is fighting a constant battle against smugglers coming up in Bristol polish cigarette smugglers called being careless end up wireless only fight poverty in Birmingham a Chinese man carrying 20,000 pounds seems to be lying about his wages that's what we have done and in Gatwick one couples Jamaican holiday ends on high it's very very hot look at this [Music] and Bristol Airport holidaymakers have just returned home from Paris CV in Lanzarote the Canary Islands are outside of the EU for tax purposes and there are tight restrictions on duty-free Goods coming into the country officers are using x-ray machines to find any bags that have exceeded these limits three suitcases appear to be full of cigarettes so officers wait in the baggage hall to see if the owners will declare the goods resent they are Oct flight which is Moni you so there's an allowance 200 cigarettes 250 grams of tobacco product and you see if anything transpires officers believe that the cigarettes they found a likely to be sold illegally they suspect a people carrying them may not be the only ones involved are you checking up so instead of pulling them over they'll be followed two women appear with the suspect cases and as anticipated they walk straight through nothing to declare Channel yeah officers follow close behind a once outside that we're gonna join as the passengers load their bags into a waiting car officers run to intercept them a quick look in the first case full of cigarettes pocket solid keys and as the other two cases are open they too are stuffed to the brim with cigarettes at the moment these cigarettes all right confiscate it okay at the moment this vehicle is also seized we keep the vehicle to understand that Hawaii because the cigarettes were in the vehicle I need white power okay well you have to sorta update the retinol mat it stays right I'm only dangerous people rental me I need my car what we're saying is you've used this vehicle to transport the goods we saw them in the vehicle yeah it may sound harsh but the car will remain seized until they've got to the bottom of the suspected smuggling a Gatwick airports flights arrive on a date basis from the Caribbean officers use sniffer dogs to find traces of drugs being imported illegally countries with strong links to the drugs trade if the dog makes a positive indication a young male the man produces a smoke flare despite an officer suspected they're nice and just open up about the drugs they've encountered the pursuit cases swap rate racing [Applause] despite proclaiming their innocence the results with drug swab test are alarmingly high it's very very hot nature nature look at this bit more I think that's the one that the folks showed interest in as well start to get a little answers us we've been using them yeah just do another one in new year like insane back yeah yeah I've shown a very high reduce the drugs at the moment you know I'm not saying you have okay but have you been smoking anything well it's probably best to clear out this moment though thanks to we're not back [Music] the bag is swapped again in a different place to see if the readings are consistently high [Music] this time there's a small trace reading for cocaine and heroin have you been to the beta 2 basic sales have you gone through every single lighter as in really scrutinized it yeah particularly for a rather Internet officers decide to take their search to the next level because easy stop use drugs on its body back at Bristol officers and busy empty three suitcases filled entirely with cigarettes smuggled into the UK from Lanzarote the passengers have been informed on the cigarettes and the vehicle being used to carry the cigarettes are being seized the driver who claims he's just collecting his friends and those knocking of the suspected cigarette smuggling ring is taken into a private room for questioning so who are these four for you you smoke all of it your friend smug yep but officers don't believe that this many cigarettes of a personal consumption ugly Zoe 1430 40,000 the passengers are questioned separately to try and establish more information about the suspected smuggling ring yes did you buy it you bought it okay did you go did you did you go just to buy cigarettes for one day two days one night yes one gentleman in with a red jacket he seems to be the money man in this organization Oh where does she buy you you don't know who she's buying them for all of the passengers stories seem to contradict each other you know those facts in our cases because when we went out to nuclear safety let's follow them he separated outside of the European Union passengers are allowed to bring back a strict allowance just a 200 cigarettes cigarettes I've done okay seas think yeah if you are over your allowance you're not allowed any of them this tells you how you can appeal but it's up to you whether you you're not reading it no that's up to you man's reluctance to read the appeal procedure reinforces officer suspicions that the cigarettes were intended to be sold both men leave their supposing friends behind don't have to find an alternative way home since that car remains seized from this particular time the action is just limited to senior and but if they're taught repeatedly it might be a bit more serious next time the female passengers also leave the airport and the massive haul of 37,000 cigarettes will be sent for incineration back at Gatwick officers investigating a male passenger you see cases given up I'm reading for cocaine we're about to take him for a rubdown search basically as you see this yes at least one six my Union so you say everything's being done a foul ball but I said the East Chinese science of droughts but doesn't tell you it's a very very sensitive swap doc has also shown an indication in you well okay so what wants to do now is to bring you in for a search oh I wish we have to eat okay the man is led to a private room where he admits he's been stopped before what stops in the lane um air as well Jesus Louis its stopping for ten minutes suppose it despite a thorough search was not found to be an area in any drugs so officers try another check on the shoes meanwhile the man's partner continues talking to officers confesses that her boyfriend has been known to use drugs in the past but no further traces of drugs are found from the shoes and officers are happy it's not a smuggler right that's okay yeah okay okay deal I say so have you just for my benefit what you do is it was rub down there was nothing on him of customs interest I think that would indicate any further and drugs on his body or anything like that he said he recently had a medical risk and said he doesn't use drugs at all so from our point of view were quite happy friends have proceeded the traces in the man's bag are put down to contamination and a couple are free to leave coming up one couples behavior leaves unanswered questions perhaps you're very nervous there was a change in the booking of the tickets he was unemployed a happy for the holiday like that coming up one man in Birmingham with lots of cash a suspected of lying about this I'm Luigi get 200 200 that's only a hundred on a gambling Airport UK Border Agency officers are observing passengers we've just arrived from Kingston and Jamaica it's nice and slowly past the dog place specs down off the shoulders as drug detection dogs assess the travellers at the immigration desk is asked to remove her sunglasses for passport verification her partner in the red shirt at the desk next to her is allowed to proceed eventually she too is allowed through but officer Chris as reasons to doubt they're legitimate travelers finally change that they have returned to come back by week to us in they look quite nervous Dan immigration actually very sort of stranger that they sort of try going the wrong exit the couple separates as they exit the baggage reclaim area typical behavior of passengers with something to hide two of you together how long about therefore holiday go back to work tomorrow now is it or what okay what was she doing a holiday in the Caribbean is an expensive art life for a couple aren't working suspicion grows that they could be hiding the real reason for that trip all right you bet your own backs nobody's giving you the ring back a toy boy I first have goody bags anyway but it seems the man doesn't want his case to be searched Oh Roy I put the key if the keys aren't found by the time the other suitcase has been searched the padlock will be forcibly removed the small trace of cocaine is detected from the first suitcase so officer Pete decides to remove the padlock from the other one [Music] surprisingly it's almost empty I still do explain this bag occasion oops no this is so lawyers they're actually so nervous the bag is checked for any hidden concealment things are they'd have the look for the padlock was a bit unusual fact where I've come from as well as just gives us grounds to go to the next level of the surgery with no concrete evidence found on the couple's so far for now their story remains a mystery at Birmingham airports a number of flights are about to depart destinations around the world officers are monitoring passengers and departure lounges and checking for large quantities of cash passengers leaving the country must declare any quantity of cash over 10,000 euros and officers are interested in questioning passengers carrying anything under 1,000 euros large quantities of cash leaving the country is often linked to organized crime so sniffer dogs are deployed to make initial detection zhan passengers they want to chain up for one passenger traveling to China has been pulled over for questioning after confessing to carrying and feed 4000 pounds there's just a pledge of truck it's not our business - sorry it's not our business trip it's just pleasure yeah why do you think is the thousand for the week I'm sorry - Yama but your key how much money have you put into suitcases on the other plane a few hundred with more cash in this checked in suitcase the officer asks to have this removed from the flight so it can also be checked I need the bags off first guy so how much should you under one yeah you must know who those 2005 also I ran the business for some people so you don't have business for somebody so you have an additional income that way yeah I will ask you now specifically I bring your rental income yeah you said you had rental income as well I can't say exactly because that got out of hand so if you're pervading they change the figures you would know how much you were earning everybody every man every man two hundred thousand to two thousand five cycle every W week you get two hundred hey that's only a hundred on much the man seems to be confused about is full announces you steer your money - no shotgun call she take something really bite your kid just watch our money let the officer suspects that deliberately or otherwise he may not be paying his taxes [Music] back at Gatwick officers are continuing to investigate a couple we've been acting nervously since arriving back in the UK from Jamaica how did you finance the trip this remains doubtful given neither of the couple currently work this year okay and the questioning starts to make the man defensive the it's an expensive trip so some of the booze is not working okay unfortunately I understand that but it's not just here the couple arouse suspicion I'm afraid I will have totally half the rub down searches on both of you anyway okay now we're going to go to the search of person everyone find anything in there we find additional factors from the search we'll think again about what we're going to do both passengers are taken to separate rooms and searched individually to see if they're carrying any drugs on their bodies I'm just trying to see if there's a basis in the shoes establish if passengers are carrying drugs internally traces are often excreted through the sweat glands and feet the woman's shoes come back clear with no hard evidence found on her she's released to await the outcome of her partner let's go Pat you down bicycling I stop it feeds me a finger just about done surprisingly nothing is found on the male passenger neither despite their erratic behavior and very unusual story the couple are free to go very very nervous so marched up and down the front and center there was a change with the booking of the tickets he was unemployed I had before the holiday like that with no job although their conduct still remains suspicious officer Pete has no option but to accept their version of events [Music] but as he said it was a holiday just said about being unemployed and that was it in Birmingham officers are investigating a suspected tax evader who's trying to take more than three thousand pounds in cash out to China but you still you're something if they said because you've got 1,000 permanent cash customers and best to get the source of the cash there as long as your money comes from our gentleness or someone will be a Tom - you just just let me finish see the officers when you're back they do some kicks the snow with the tax office to see how much you've declared over the last few years so unless you kiss those deals for bringing our police know how much you think you brought in there is that all you're gone yeah okay the man's checked in suitcase has been retrieved officers will exhaust every avenue to check his story you Pike let's find yourself saw this thing in the bag does it belong to you more checks are conducted to confirm how much income tax the man is paid it's restaurant business when he went to church Ellen talked with just minutes before the man's flight is due to depart officers will have to make a very quick decision about whether to let the man leave the country with his cash he told me you were a director of a limited company yeah I need you see young 2500 roughly a month's pay the military six-pack once again the officer works out the passengers outgoings they don't seem to tally with what has declared to the tax office we've got you declared your total income of sixteen thousand and three hundred and thirty-four sixteen yeah have you seen you only on sixteen thousand pound a year they told me you get paid at least eight hundred-pound our money from the other restaurant okay so that's what if you lay up to 20 to a grand late are we it seems there's a big discrepancy with the man's finances if Easter catches flight has no time to argue [Music] standby the man gets a lucky escape well you do just know service I'm willing to let you try walked in here because athletes in Italy I don't have to do the additional checks I need to do so we'll let you fight to do if I'm without a fair one to the tax office because I believe you're not the clearing then come put your stuff back in the case and fly today softly okay and that's not funny today okay thank you the man is fortunate to be allowed to leave the country with his cash but he's likely to be in trouble with the tax office when he returns the group of suspected cigarette smugglers in Bristol were required to pay the unpaid duty on their 37,000 cigarettes to get their car back as yes it remains unclaimed [Music]
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 3,725,892
Rating: 4.6252017 out of 5
Keywords: Customs, Smugglers, Nasty, Extreme, Danger, UK, United Kingdom, Cash, Weapons, Illegals, Immigrants, Illegal Immigrants, London, Gatwick, Heathrow, Border, Border Force, Customs Agents, Airports, customs uk, uk customs, Border Patrol, cigarette smugglers, cigarettes, drug smugglers, smuggling, illegal immigrants, united kingdom, nothing to declare, airport patrol, locked up abroad, documentary, border security, trafficking, uk border force, arrest, contraband, caught smuggling, customs agents
Id: qaa4kKnPbwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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