Customer States: Stalls After Fueling...HELP!! Dodge Charger 5.7 #mechanic

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hello everybody good day to you welcome back we are riding around on an extensive test drive in a 2006 Dodge Charger 5.7 liter V8 it's got a 122 346 miles on the odometer customer States a vehicle randomly stalls uh sometimes they've had a lot of work done to it they put a fuel tank in it fuel pump seals I think some fuel line hoses it's had an evap purge solenoid put in there so people have been putting in uh gasoline system and uh evap purge system components in this car for I think for like months now and the stalling issue uh seems to be returning um at random I understand it's been to a few other service facilities nobody could create or recreate the stalling which is exactly what I'm out here trying to do this is like my third or fourth test drive on this car I've driven it in traffic I've driven it on the highway I'm kind of driving the thing everywhere I can think of to kind of drive it to hopefully get it to stall but it's it doesn't seem to want to be doing it it almost stalls if I actuate the evap purge solo but uh everything appears so far to be functioning as it should be so I can't really figure out what the deal is it's just not doing it for me it's dead end after dead end so I'm Gonna Keep riding around hopefully I can get this thing to do something and give us a path of a repair here maybe it'll even give us a trouble code I mean at this point right now I've got no check engine light and there were no codes stored in the ECM so I'm I'm hoping with enough drive cycles maybe it'll uh it'll kick me off a code and then we can kind of go through the diag tree go from there to see what the deal is with this installing situation but as of right now I I really don't know I just don't know here let's do some wide open throttle Dodge Charger stuff see if we can't get this thing to start acting up on us full speed all right so I'm like halfway to Sarasota we're right next to the airport and this thing still isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing so I'm gonna go ahead and flip this thing around we're gonna go back the other direction and uh and we'll also see if it doesn't uh doesn't give us anything to go off of actuator it's in there well that's not the problem that's a HVAC thing okay that's gonna drive me nuts cut it out actuator I know we're gonna pull over and shut her down no seriously you need to stop we're gonna pull over and shut this thing down and then we'll do a restart uh the logic behind that is to start over another drive cycle some trouble codes require more than one drive cycle in order to set so we want to go ahead and initiate that second drive cycle ASAP I think I found the spot over here to our left you turn action ring there we go there we go inside of this little parking lot looking thing right here we'll hang out over here all right parking's the auto let's pull up the scan tool data and see if there's anything uh going on here first let's shut her down open the door so it thinks we got out close the door so it knows we're out open the door so it thinks we got in close the door restarting Z engine there we go that was interesting there was a car parked right there and they left as soon as I pulled up they left with a quickness I wonder what they're doing oh well so here let's go in the codes menu and see if it's setting in trouble codes while we were out that's a negative it didn't have any when I started uh looking into this car and it still has none I don't know back to data we go so we've uh We've made it down to uh fuel trims that are short terms here and here long terms here and here and this stuff's it's right on the money we're hovering very close to zero let's give it a little bit of throttle here we're up to about about 1500 RPM these fuel trims are looking good short terms of switching around this is what we want to see and again long terms are hanging out near zero I I just don't know so I'm kind of looking at my o2s here we've got Bank One Sensor One volts and we're switching between almost zero and 0.8 volts we've got I think two sensor one these are all the pre-cat sensors and we're also switching between zero and like point eight point seven volts so the o2s are all doing what they're supposed to be doing um let's go out and drive it again or drive it some more I'm gonna head back to the shop I've got really nothing kind of to go off of them I'm hoping this thing gives me some kind of trouble code or something like that I can't tell in the scan tool when the last time the OBD2 system had been cleared and codes were erased so I I don't know if it's been you know two days or two months since the last time somebody worked on this thing but what I do know is it's been stalling for like six seven months now randomly just very intermittent and I'd like it to at least do it or give me a trouble code or something to go off of because I can't I can't do anything until I've got a little bit of a baseline to work with very unfortunate it's kind of frustrating for me because I spend time on stuff and I can't really get anywhere with it and I don't know what to do because I have nothing to do because it's doing what it's supposed to be doing recommend nothing yeah I don't know maybe it just needs a good old Italian tune-up not really certain I see you he sees me because I'm yellow all right well he's back there beginning Italian tune-up now More Steam look it's another another one of these things okay I returned to the shop after many miles of test driving and we still have no stalling we still have no codes no rough running and kind of no direction so uh well let's get a little late I'm gonna go ahead and park this thing it's it's going home time we're gonna park it I'll pick it up again in the morning Okie dokes it's the next day we're headed back into the hemi-powered V8 charger uh I have kind of an update I wasn't able to recreate the conditions the stalling and uh we called the guy and he says that it can almost you can almost guarantee it's gonna happen after refilling the fuel tank so perhaps we have an EVAP system issue or some kind of a feeling issue so what I'm going to do what we're gonna do we're gonna go for a little road trip one more time head over to the gas station and put some fuel in this thing and uh then see if it wants to stall after having received a full tank of gasoline so let's try that back out on the road we go and uh we'll see if this thing's gonna stall or not gonna stall we're not going far there's a circular K gas station just around the block over here go over there you see that guy right there my big blue toolbox that I have in the shop I bought from that guy like 10 12 years ago it's funny just how small the world really is sometimes isn't it very strange there's the fuel station see what I meant circular K it's actually Circle K but I like that's more fun more funner anyway let's swing into here get some fuel side is my fuel on uh left side okay left side strong side hey did you guys know about that the fuel gauges and vehicles should have a little arrow on them and that little arrow tells you what side the fuel filler cap is located on fun fact it's useful if you have a rental car all right parking's the auto powering down let's fill this thing up to the brim and uh and see what happens perhaps it's had an overfill event and the uh what you call it the evap canister is full of fuel that's that's a possibility here yeah we'll give that a push there we go okay [Music] checking out the cap the O-ring looks okay all right begin fueling now full it is dang 35 bucks for 10.423 gallons of fuel it's a lot of dough there we go need receipt print all right let's see what this thing does when we restart the engine maybe it'll stall maybe it won't not yet another that's a negative no stalling just yet let's go for a ride and see what it does I also understand that if I were to drive this on the highway and then pull off like onto an exit ramp it would be inclined to stall at that point as well so if this fails we may have to go and pick up some speed on a larger Road take some ramps and see what happens but for now we'll try it on surface streets driving driving without stalling and I uh we're coming up on US 301 that's kind of a long stretch towards Sarasota so we're gonna head south and pick up a little bit of speed and uh yeah we'll take uh we'll take one of the Surface Street exits and see if this thing stalls after we uh oh it's doing something I just felt it kind of kind of shutter a little bit you're gonna do it huh here we go it's doing it a little bit of shuttering okay lights green safe okay here's a good turn off no traffic here we're just going to turn and kind of pull over on this road and see what happens I don't think I've ever been down this road I don't know this road let's just stop right here a few moments later no nothing yet okay uh back out to the big road let's flip around drive through the grass it's Florida we can do that Dukes Hazard Style see if it does it here nada nothing happened here oh thank you Carr for moving over it's very courteous of you more speed so you guys remember earlier how I was talking about do not pull out in front of trucks because that'll make you dead well there's another truck right behind us over there and uh I want to add on to that one do not get in front of a truck and then hit the brakes to turn so don't pass the guy just to slow down and turn like think about what you're doing in life and try to not get in front of the truck because you accelerating back to normal speed is one thing those guys accelerating back to normal speed is a completely different thing and it's really not cool to pass the truck just to hit the brakes and then make a right like it's it's completely unacceptable and you really should not do that that also counts if you're making a left so point being stay away from the front of the trucks that's not a safe place for anyone to be they don't want you there you don't need to be there just don't be there okay just just think about what you're doing and if you have to turn coming up pretty soon just move over and get behind the truck and wait an extra like six nanoseconds the entire world will be a better place if you guys can practice that type of procedure and you know who you are and that will end My Traffic Safety monologue of the day are we stalling nah we're not stalling frustrating all right all right I'm at another red light uh still not seeing anything with the stalling like I know it shuttered that one time but it has not uh it has not happened since I I don't know yet still no stalling stopped again no stalling I'm headed back towards the shop we're gonna we're gonna swing back into the lot and notice this thing in um I think what I want to do is pull the vapor purge solenoid under the hood disconnect the line that goes back to the tank and let's uh let's look in there to see if there's any Trace elements of fuel you know maybe there'll be a little bit of liquid saturation somewhere inside of the line or maybe inside of one of the tubes in the uh in the purge solenoid there's a there's a possibility here that the EVAP system is pulling fuel from the tank and it's entering the intake manifold when it shouldn't be Okie dokes we have returned to the shop space here let's pop an easy hood and take a look at those Vapor lines see if there's any fuel in there it's really all I've got so far to work with here powering down and of course popping easy Hood wherever that hood thing is where are you hood latch there it is found it hood popped achieved okay down in the back of the engine compartment here Hood's open this is our evap purge solenoid you can see it's nice and shiny somebody has replaced this thing uh Once Upon a Time what I would like to do here is pull off these little lines this is the one to the tank this is the one to the intake manifold vacuum Source let's check these and see if there's any fuel uh I smell fuel but I I would like to see some fuel here if it's drawing fuel from the tank through this valve and into the intake it'll run silly Rich for x amount of time and uh that will cause uh cause the stalling condition yeah I can smell some fuel in there but I'm not seeing any fuel in there I was hoping to see some it's not uh not okay all right we need to I need to put this thing on a rack let's check the underneath Carriage take a look at the fuel tank and uh the vent canister into we'll see if that's uh where our issue May lie put that back all right the rack is set moving on over to the black subscribe button 5.7 liter Dodge Charger Hemi V8 moving on up go and check the underneath Carriage see What Lies Beneath while this is going up I have done a little bit of back end research on this vehicle and I have found that there were this is actually kind of a common symptom with this there have been some bulletins uh suggesting that a fuel tank replacement is required because the vents on the tank I guess stay closed and what happens is the the EVAP system will just suck up fuel from the tank and it ends up in the purge solenoid however I don't know if that applies to this I don't know if it's a recall or just a service bulletin I do understand that this car has recently been at a local dealership and that tells me that had there been a recall it would have been performed at that time however the symptom Still Remains so I'm assuming that that particular service bulletin or recall does not apply to this vehicle because if it had the dealership would have done it all right coming down below here what do we have we have we've already got a new fuel tank in this you see how that's kind of shiny it's not brand new it's been here for a minute but yeah look at those uh those vent lines up there see those those are nice and shiny I see witness marks on the bolts for the straps for the fuel tank so this Tank's already been out once upon a time somebody has already replaced this as per those uh bulletins it appears that that has not fixed the issue then okay so I guess we can rule out that it needs a fuel tank let's find the uh the vapor canister that's what we're going to be looking for next where's the vapor canister let's see okay we've got some lines here that one runs up and goes into the fender well I wonder if that's just the vent Let's uh let's let this down some pull the wheel off and maybe pull this inner fender liner out and see if we can't locate the vent canister or the actual vent to see if that thing's not clogged or restricted we've obviously got some kind of a there's got to be some kind of restriction here I I think it's pulling in fuel but I really don't know I can't even get the thing to stall on me it's like a a wild Chrysler goose chase coming loud noise pull this wheel off looks like the rain has kicked back up again I believe we're experiencing some kind of a tropical depression warm Gulf of Mexico water temperatures as well as increased weather activity on the African continent gonna be a good hurricane season this year all right anyway Let's uh how do we get this out of here we've got some clips it's all plastic Clips let's get this thing apart real quick what do we have down here let's take a gander I think somebody is also been here before yeah there's a zip tie at that vent I don't know if this has been replaced or not yeah it has that says Dorman on it somebody's changed that thing before hmm I don't know guys flashlight down everything on this car regarding a t-vap system has been replaced fuel Tank's been replaced it's all been replaced even this uh oh wait wait wait wait I wonder if the canister is original that does not look like it's been replaced hmm yeah we've got a new vent valve here that says Dorman on it someone's relocated the uh the vent filter here's the line going to the tank Let's uh let's open this line up and see if it's got like pressure in it or whatever you come off okay and there is fuel in there we have fuel yeah fuel right here see that interesting how did we get fuel all the way up here this is above the tank let's take it apart here let's go ahead and I'm going to pull this uh this whole canister out of here and we're going to take a look at it let's do that next connector looks good 10 millimeter coming in come on down Vapor system all right so we've got our canister I think that might be OE I don't see Dorman marks on it or anything kind of tough to say here I can't tell if there's witness marks on these Fasteners or not this uh this very well could be the original unit and if there was a failure once with the issue with the tank it would have pulled fuel into this canister which could have could have damaged it um tell you what I'm thinking maybe I should maybe I should put some smoke into this and pressurize it and see if it actually has flow it wouldn't be a bad idea yeah let's go ahead I'm going to take this bracket off and remove this uh this filter and remove the solenoid here that way I can get some good access to these fittings we can Plumb uh plump some smoke into it and see what kind of flow we get out of this unit right here all right let's uh let's see how this thing is going to go here I need to pull this valve off because it's a there's a bolt behind it that I cannot reach or a nut pull this guy out disconnected one more on this side come off there we go now disconnect this line right here anything inside any gasoline no I don't think so okay all right rolling in the smoke machine right over here it's got a 12 volt battery for its power supply we need to connect shop air to it once we turn it on effectively it's just a giant vaporizer there is a uh like it's almost like a baby oil solution in there the thing will heat up and the air will press through the tube via the air pressure from the shop air hose and it'll send a very rich white smoke at a regulated pressure and we can connect that smoke to the ports on this uh this canister here to see if it's got a restriction or any even a leak something like that so let's smoke test this thing um then we'll go from there all right shop air coming in the battery's already connected the button red light Powers this on we have a flow meter and a regulator over here on the right we can see the uh the ball valve is all the way at the top see it right there so we now have some flow it's making smoke this is good let's go ahead and connect this guy stay smoke machine don't fall there let's plug this thing in see what it does firing up the uh the flow see if we have flow out of this canister there it is canister is flowing plug it off okay if we if you notice the meter flow did drop off see that right there Focus yep flow dropped off take my finger off of it okay I'll pull my finger off here goes our flow okay so we have flow through the canister smoke is coming out it does not appear to have any leaks so that tells me this canister is okay while the smoke machines out let's go ahead and connect it to the vehicle and I guess we can smoke the fuel tank and see if that's got any kind of leaks or problems of that nature maybe it does not connect this over here we go all right moving back up let's just check the top of the tank the hoses and fittings and whatnot just make sure there's no leaks while we've got the machine out all right flow is falling back to zero so the system's all sealed off let's uh let's see here what do we do next let's find the line that runs up front to the purge valve we'll disconnect that line and see if that line has any kind of flow and I think it's way up here I think it's that one maybe a better idea we're just gonna let this down and I'll pull it off up at the front we'll just see if we have flow all the way up front at the purge valve yeah okay back under the hood back to the purge valve again I'm gonna figure out what's wrong with this car I've had this thing for like three weeks driving me nuts it's driving me nuts disconnected come on come out okay no smoke let's check for flow that should be a direct line and yeah yeah we have flow here A whole bunch of it see that right there let's go back and see if the smoke makes its way forward we have smoke Flowage let's plug that guy back in uh just for fun let's disconnect the other side and just make sure that that thing does not leak I don't think it does the valve is closed right now because we're shut off and it's it's not leaking there's no smoke here okay so the EVAP system appears to be okay that thing's been replaced that's the purge valve that's the one that turns on that allows the entire Vapor uh accumulation from the tank to get reburned through the engine so when that thing decides it wants to purge the tank it opens up that valve starts pulling vapor from the gas tank into the intake Burns that up that way it cannot Escape into the atmosphere and ruin the ozone layer that thing's not the problem the lines are not the problem the vent canister is not the problem it appears that the filter is not the problem and it also appears that this vent valve right here is not the problem so what is the problem why are we pulling fuel why did I find fuel at this fitting right here I want to know why that was saturated with gasoline all right so I've been digging and doing some research there's a component to this fuel tank it's called the multi-function fuel control valve or something like that it's basically an automatic spring-loaded vent valve and I understand that the plastic deteriorates and the thing expands or something and then the valving portion inside of it gets stuck according to the interwebs they say you have to replace the fuel tank however this thing has already had a fuel tank replaced so I'm I'm a little reluctant to believe that that's the issue however all the evidence is still telling me that that happens to be the problem this would also include a report in an investigation from the NTSB uh several years ago around this exact symptom all right so real quick a little bit more evidence you see this connector right here I have just disconnected that and looking right there you see that that's more liquid fuel so now we know why it's stalling it's pulling liquid fuel into the intake manifold so whatever has been done to remedy this in the past did not work and that like I said they put a fuel tank in it so we know it's drawing in fuel fix when it shouldn't be with that's confirmed now we found fuel here still some there we found fuel here saw fuel up front at the purge valve but uh it shouldn't be pulling that fuel in that's that's the main issue here I'm not not okay with this because the solution to the issue has already been implemented and that solution is replace the fuel tank now I've noted uh the part number over here the zero four seven two six zero three nine alpha alpha when you Google it it comes back to a charger with a three six but if you cross reference a number into the Mopar part list it says it's also applicable to the five seven we're in the back of the tank at the differential if we look up we can see here that it seems to have some uh new lines in there now right around this location is where that little uh that valve is supposed to be can you guys see that in the mirror right there that valve which is part of the tank is the reason that the situation began which is why folks were replacing the fuel tanks to begin with that also looks like it's a looks like it's new so we either have a a faulty replacement tank or something very very new and interesting is going on here um so we got to go with what we know we know that the engine is drawing in fuel through the EVAP system when it should not be we know that the canister is not clogged we know that the vents work we know that the filter is not restricted we know that the gas cap is good yet we're still getting fuel up here higher up above the tank I uh I gotta think that based on everything we have here we have a faulty tank like it's got to be that little check valve thing up the top here that is uh that's faulty and causing this issue it's got to be the same thing I really don't know what else it could be um what do you guys think do you uh anybody head in charger that experiences such things any uh any Nissan or Nissan any any Dodge technicians out there that uh that work on these things like uh what's the deal what's going on with this car why does it do what it does after the solution has already been implemented that's not cool it's not tight all the way okay yeah I'm gonna have to phone in the friends on this one Guys somebody out there in the interwebs let me know what I should do I'm I'm leaning towards getting another fuel tank and uh popping another tank in this unit I really don't want to do that because this is a good part or a new part but all the evidence here is telling me I need to replace this fuel tank again these things are not cheap so uh I need some assistance somebody knows something out there that sees this video let me know I need some help what should we do I'd really hate to pull the trigger and put another tank in here to have the exact same thing happen again but I'm kind of at a loss at this point so uh that being said I'm gonna go ahead and close this video out right now I don't want to make any like rash decisions and start disassembling this car and making it immobile so you guys flying boxes good job Troy so you guys know what to do hit the comment section down below go through the interweb see what you can come up with Chrysler techs assemble we need you and we need you now
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 243,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GvLU3-rsBvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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