6.0 Power Stroke Makes me Question my Life Choices - Major Oil Leak

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guess what I'm working on that's right it's my third broken 18 year old diesel truck in three weeks you can't make this stuff up this is another 2005 Ford F-350 it's got the six liter Power Stroke it's got an oil leak I think it's the front main seal but I'm not sure we should be able to see because it's leaking a lot [Music] I don't like lifting these big trucks looks like I was wrong well depends on how you want to look at it so the front main seal I think is leaking at least a little bit but typically they only leak when the engine's running shouldn't shouldn't be dripping on the floor when it's just sitting here so I thought it was coming from the front main seal and then you know air was just blowing it back along the oil pan and it was dripping off but I think it's coming from somewhere up higher foreign looks like maybe it's the valve cover gaskets you can see it's been studded and deleted and turned up to 11. just like all these six liters yeah so I think we need valve cover gaskets what I'm worried about is those bolts being stripped out you know typical older diesel truck it's had more work done than Joan Rivers and those valve covers have probably been off there a dozen times ran into that with a 2003 I guess we'll set it down and see if the bolts are stripped first I'll tell you the real problem I need to learn to say no especially to diesels they just they take all the fun out of it I mean look at that thing it's jammed underneath of the cowl you can't even see the engine all you can see is the pipes and wires and plus he's got all these aftermarket doodads there's a coolant filter and an extra oil filter and spaghetti hose is everywhere we got this stupid cow Pusher on the front the rhubar it's got to be from Texas or Oklahoma or something we don't use these up here I pulled the under fender liner it's not too bad to get them out it's borderline impossible to get them back in but that's a problem for future Wes the good news is I put a wrench on the bolts I don't think the threads are stripped at least not yet and I'm pretty sure the leak is from the valve cover gaskets at least one of the leaks I don't know that it's possible that the the glow plug harness is also leaking that's this plastic looking Gizmo right here that's another terrible design so they go into the lower valve cover there's an O-ring that seals them in our area that's impossible to get them back out they get corroded above the O-ring and you pretty much always break them anyway we're going to do the valve cover gaskets it's a it's doable it's not a fun job three and a half hours by the book we gotta pull the charge air cooler tube the air filter tubes the coolant bottle the ficum the glow plug control module probably some of these different hoses and bits and bobs if you've done it before you should be able to beat that time if you haven't done it before good luck you're probably not going to get it in three and a half hours everybody always asks about this cordless ratchet it's the Hercules from Harbor Freight I don't know what to say about it it's not fast it's not particularly powerful it sounds like a Soviet moped but it works it's been working fine for I think about a year and a half battery life is pretty good I liked it enough that I bought the Hercules like nut driver to go with it it's also about half the price of a Milwaukee really wonder what these guys think a coolant filter is going to do on an engine that doesn't have wet liners [Music] I guess it can't really hurt anything [Music] foreign hose there's an o-ring on there that likes to kind of disintegrate looks like this one's already gone somebody's put some epoxy or something on it silicone looks like pretty typical six liter Power Stroke stuff I think most people would agree the right side is the harder side so we're going to start with that pull off this [Music] yep who needs the other nut what's going on here okay there's the module now we gotta pull off the bracket looks like the pigtail for the ICP sensor has been replaced at some point there's been a lot of hands on this old girl it's good news for us though since a lot of the bolts are missing okay that was the easy ones okay there's a nut that holds the transmission dipstick that we should be able to get on maybe if I reach down here with this little stubby wrench got all the bolts out except for the two that are down beside the heater box you can get them from the top it's not a lot of fun but you can do it but since we have the fender liner out should be pretty easy to get those from the bottom oh God foreign are we having fun yet the left side's pretty easy comparatively just this in our way the fuel injection control module you got to be a little bit careful oh that's nice it's supposed to be rubber bushings in there they're long gone anyway what I was saying is you got to be careful not to break the little locking tabs on the connectors on the bottom side of the fickham but she ain't no spring chicken they're probably already broken so the trick with these connectors is there's a locking tab on both sides yeah so there's a locking tab there and a locking tab there so you gotta squeeze it the rest is pretty straightforward had to pull these two brackets for the ficum don't mess with this thing here that's the the Breather the the part of the PCV the gasket set usually comes with new seals for that thing but if anything broke don't try to fix it I'm no expert but that might be a problem that'll do it it's not working like I think it should that's a whole lot better believe it or not this is a good thing I mean valve cover gaskets can leak for any number of reasons but it's kind of nice to see uh you know a Smoking Gun that we can we can point to as the cause of the problem so what happened is these studs have a you know they have a shoulder and a grommet so you're supposed to stick this thing through the shoulder goes all the way down to the top of the head and then you tighten it against the shoulder it squeezes The Grommet you get constant tension on your gasket but what happened is it didn't get it centered and the shoulder caught the edge of the valve cover and deformed it and then it was holding it up away from the gasket I got some new gaskets here the blue from you know who yes I know Motorcraft would be better but these are what I could get today they are the same the heads are actually what do they call that Siamese or whatever so like the left side head and the right side head are the same they just put them on opposite directions [Applause] okay I got new grommets on all the studs and bolts the trick is to remember where you put a stud and where you put a bolt I usually get it wrong the first time end up having to redo a couple of them if I was smarter I would make myself a little map but who's got time for that torque spec is 80 inch pounds it's like nine newton meters it is not very tight yeah I ran these down with the the cordless ratchet and I over tightened them so be careful you don't want to strip the threads guess what one of the bolts is stripped I don't need to tell you which one you already know of course it's the one at the back the one you can't reach the one you can't even see man I thought I was being so clever I knew this could happen it happened the last time I had the valve covers off one of these engines that's why I pulled the right side fender liner and I physically checked the three hardest to reach bolts to make sure they weren't stripped before I even started this job but I didn't check the left side man it sucks well there's only one thing we can do we got to put a helicoil in it yeah I know you guys will tell me about various snake oil recipes with epoxy and whatnot maybe that works with large diameter Fasteners that have very low loads that are easily accessible that are clean it will not work here I've tried it the stripped bolt is way at the back behind the Breather right up against the firewall if possible do not remove the valve cover to install the Helicoil every time you take those valve cover bolts out you're taking a risk of pulling the threads out with them this thing's a ticking Time Bomb the less we can touch it the better you will need an M6 Helicoil kit a stubby quarter inch drill bit a light a mirror a set of ignition wrenches a sacrificial M6 bolt a bandage and an adult beverage grind Flats on the quarter inch drill bit [Music] turn the drill bit into the stripped hole with the tiny wrench [Music] Do not drop the tiny wrench [Music] don't go crazy you only have to drill deep enough to get the tap started turn the Helicoil tap with the tiny Wrench It should chew through the soft aluminum pretty easily [Music] tap as deep as you can [Music] don't drop the tiny wrench file the bolt to the shape of the installer tool [Music] not use the installer tool it's too long install the Helicoil as deep as you can it needs to be below the surface of the aluminum break off the tab at the bottom of the Helicoil this may require some ingenuity yes finally install the valve cover bolt we did treat injuries [Music] celebrate evaluate Life Choices [Music] the Montage makes it seem easy but it took about three hours to install that helic oil it's done let's never speak of it again no issues whatsoever on the right side so I'm gonna put the ficum in there's nothing wrong with it but I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be rubber bushings and they are they are M.I.A maybe I'm wrong about that because it's got the rubber bushings down here maybe it doesn't need them up here I don't know it's been too long since I worked on one of these anyway we're almost done that's pretty close I know it's a real thin profile it's got to be better than our TV yeah that's it this is not the original elbow originally it would have bolted to this bracket and been pretty solid but this is part of that aftermarket air box that he's got I saved the best for last I don't know what kind of eight dimensional CAD program they use to design this fender liner but they're impossible to install it's like one of those MC Escher paintings where it looks like it should work but then if you think about it it just doesn't did they put the fender liner in before they dropped the body on at the factory I have no idea if I hadn't pulled it out myself I would swear there's no way it'll go back in that might be it I still have to get it behind the lip oh God who designed this thing foreign that's in okay that's in oh that's it I take it back even if you have done this job before good luck doing it in three and a half hours maybe when they were new but not in their current state there's no way especially if the threads are stripped I mean you could double or triple that time I don't have a hard time imagining a valve cover gasket job being a two thousand dollar deal which is crazy but what else are you gonna do it's it's almost impossible to fix anyway I checked the oil it's kind of over full so hopefully just added a bunch of oil because it was leaking and it's not making oil as as Hank Hamilton would say if you work on trucks get one of these top side creepers they're fantastic they'll save your back they'll save your knees they'll save the customers plastic trim there's two things I don't like about this one these Corners here are super sharp I need to just grind to you know kind of a round on there it'd be nice if it was just a just a smidge wider between the rails and then the steps they're too far apart it needs like twice as many steps because for some reason every time I set it up the step is just in the wrong spot so I end up with my my knees locked out and it's kind of uncomfortable so I may make some modifications to this one but overall they're fantastic yeah we're done let's kick this pig every single time [Music] [Music] so the new thing is I have these evil flies and every time I try to talk to the camera they just fly right in my face or sometimes I try to fly into my mouth it's not very handy anyway I don't think it's leaking so I guess that means we're done don't know what to say it's not not a very fun job especially not when the when the bolts are all stripped out I mentioned the last time we worked on a 6-0 that I thought they were just gonna kinda Fade Away into Oblivion and I got a lot of comments from people saying that wherever they live you can't throw a rock without hitting a six liter and they see them all the time they work on them all the time so you guys tell me is it just me or are you seeing these valve cover bolts being stripped out all the time that's the last two that I've had the valve covers off have had stripped out bolts and I don't know if it's a design flaw or what I really think it's just the these engines have had so much work done you know they might have had the valve covers off a dozen times and you know aluminum has a fatigue life and yeah they've obviously exceeded that so there's no easy way to fix it I wonder if someone you know maybe like Astro or somebody could come up with some kind of a repair kit I was almost thinking like if you just made a new you know valve cover bolt or valve cover stud that had like larger self-tapping threads that you could just run into that stripped out hole then you wouldn't have to get in there with a tap and a drill and all that crap the problem is you'd always have to put that same you know repair bolt back into the same hole and most people aren't going to know or pay attention to that so I don't know there's not really a good solution maybe if you have a good solution type it out down in the comments I'd like to like to hear it thanks for watching oh sorry we're late on the video I took one day off and we're still trying to catch up just been a mad house here it seems to be spinning [Music] foreign
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 220,205
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Id: wMyUiNim1_U
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Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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