JUNK Ford Ecosport 1.0L 3-Cylinder Ecoboost Teardown. LAWSUIT ENGINE!

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for years essentially since the Inception of teardowns on this channel you all have been asking I mean yelling at me in all caps would you please tear down a three-cylinder engine on this channel and not just any three cylinder as if there's a ton of choices out there but specifically a one liter EcoBoost from a Ford ecosport it's a late model vehicle there's plenty of these things out there how hard could this be defined so I started looking I looked high I looked low I called every yard I know and yet I still had no three cylinder to show but thankfully a yard that follows this Channel and knows me on Facebook contacted me when one came in and sold it to me for core price plus shipping thanks Colin I appreciate it this is a pretty tough one to find and not because it's a truly reliable engine but because these engines are in such high demand that I don't have the chance to get my hands on one before it's sold and shipped off somewhere and there are places that want 500 of these at a time I'm a guy that wants one I can't buy 500 that would fill up my entire LS rack the one liter EcoBoost was offered in the 18 through 21 Ford ecosport front wheel drive although I bet in other markets you can get this engine in several different cars now this makes 123 horsepower which for a direct injected turbocharged 1000 cc engine it's not really that great but you have to remember the goal of this engine wasn't horsepower or performance it's an EcoBoost in an ecosport Eco is the prominent feature here so I'm sure these are exceptionally good on fuel in fact I really want to look up the fuel economy of these engines I'm sure they're great 2021 Ford ecosport one liter fuel economy the all-new ecosport delivers a fuel economy rating of an EPA estimated 23 City and 29 Highway that that's got to be a typo because that's not very eco-like the only other thing that I could think Eco could stand for is economy so maybe maybe they're just cheap cars I bet that's what it is because gas mileage is about on par with a 2011 Charger with a 3 6. so it's not fuel efficient before we do anything I want to borrow this engine over to see if it turns over that wasn't a good sound also not a good sound [Music] hear anything too loose in there but there's some medley noises on the inside not normal next let's pull the plugs come here plug wow they are tight or at least that one is foreign well the plugs don't look great I think this thing probably had some moisture sitting in it at least for a little while but nothing's bent or smashed or mechanically regapped nothing to see that's terrible or indicative of a bad engine yet the next thing I'd like to do is remove the turbocharger now this is I think the smallest turbo I've ever had on the channel or in real life this is tiny but it's also on a small engine and it was also partially removed it looks like all the bolts that hold it to the cylinder head are gone or the nuts the oil return not connected looks like just uh what a vacuum line here and a vacuum line here we'll get to that in a second let's remove the oil feed [Applause] guy how this is a very tough vacuum line okay what if we just nope it's clamped there okay just uh just give this a little help here there we go and it's off yep it's happening oh that's fun all right we like to test all of our parts even in ways that may potentially ruin them it's just too much fun that's awesome all joking aside these are really inexpensive new it's got a little bit of play actually a little more play than I'd like to see it has a lot here let me uh let me just get a light on this so you can see it all right so you can see that it's got quite a bit of play this is a bad turbocharger there's no way I could sell this it looks like the wheels have been the at least the impeller has been making contact with the compressor housing you can actually see it move when I spool it up with my air compressor that's still so much fun the next thing I want to do is look in the intake ports a little bit of debris in there some moisture a little bit of carbon in there some cobwebs in that one I don't see anything terrible just some dirt it's virtually impossible to see in every cylinder here you can just see a couple of valves and I don't see anything wrong before we get ahead of ourselves let's drain the oil whoa that's tight is it empty uh there's not too much in there barely anything to speak of I don't see any forbidden glitter so that's a good sign next I'm going to remove the high pressure fuel pump oh we still got some fuel in there and there's the fuel pump now it looks like in order to remove the valve cover I need to remove the fuel rail how does this come up I'm sure there's a special tool but we have blue I really don't want to break anything but I also don't need to apparently that's he's just come right out well at least one side of it does well there's the rail it looks like the injectors are still down in the head and they'll stay there because it looks like I can get the valve cover off around them now I need to get this injector harness out of the way see if I can get these clips released yeah these come out pretty easy shouldn't have said anything this one's this one's a fighter now I'm going to unbolt the valve cover and after looking at this it looks like a couple of these have studs that are pretty long and I don't have a deep enough socket so I'll probably have to use a wrench on those it's not gonna be a big deal it looks like I just have this one right here and this one right here and Matt we'll get it this one's more difficult because it's bent didn't even need blue it's got the dipstick in it oh um um yes yeah so this engine has something called a wet timing belt which means the belt is part of the crank case it is soaked in oil all of the time which is what all other manufacturers of timing belts and timing belt engines strive to avoid they've done it here purposefully now I don't know if this belt is reinforced with some material that makes it stronger I will tell you this the belt is not in good shape not even a little I don't really see this as a long lasting Endeavor but maybe maybe it is maybe it is the rest of the crankcase looks pretty good I don't see anything terribly wrong can't really see much of the valve train it's cam on bucket so there's no rockers or followers so I don't know how well you can see this but that belt has tons of cracks along the outside of it that is um not in good shape now the oil filter does have something written on it that says 52021 and I don't know if that has anything to do with the mileage on this engine I don't know the miles of this engine but being so new I can't see how this could have a ton of Miles especially with how clean the inside of this engine looks next I'm going to remove the cam driven vacuum pump will you just there we go much better now we'll get the crank pulley off oh okay that's not good let's just turning the engine over I need to stop it somehow I don't really want to do anything crazy hmm yes now I'm going to take a minute and strip down the front of this timing cover oh that's a half Drive that was should I should have expected that it's fine that one's just pretty pretty tight let's crack these loose here wow that's really tight [Applause] did I miss anything oh oh I see this all bolts to this and that all bolts to that remove this coolant pipe here in the back of the water pump that did no good maybe I can take this clamp out something's got to give okay that helped me in any way oh that bolt right there staring me in the face [Applause] turns out everything comes apart a lot easier when all the bolts are out what just fell out of here something is loose in here so I just pulled what is that okay oh oh okay so that's that's not good so this is not the proper placement for this um and this is what I found hanging out in here and I guess that's supposed to go there and then there's a there's a belt here that has no teeth on it nobody brushed this belt's teeth that's supposed to be yep that's supposed to be timed in some way and that is that oil pump and the timing nope oil pump and balance shaft well that's not good a wet belt failure no it can't be so now I'm going to peel the timing belt off of this thing oh that's a really not great shape that's bad wait a minute it's not keyed why would you possibly do that the crankshaft isn't key but yet there's still a belt how difficult would it be to key this so I just I can't wrap my head around why this wouldn't be keyed other than cost and that's a pretty poor reason to save a buck yeah none of this is keyed well I can't say I'm shocked that a belt failed soaked in oil now I think it's time to cram the cams out of this thing crack these things loose oh that's not good that is not good at all the journals in the head don't look terrible but there is some damage when you get back to the area that drives the fuel pump that is pretty bad there the other cam journals look pretty decent and the cams look all right there's a little bit of debris there we go cleaned it but the final Journal here much like in the cylinder head that's pretty boogered up it's a technical term that doesn't look that great either they're not awful it's just that last one looks like further away from the front of the engine the worse they get and you can see that's pretty torn up in that fuel pump housing so here's a better look at the condition of this timing belt and it's rough this thing's getting ready to come apart big Cracks by the teeth it's not good here is the belt that drives the oil pump and balance shaft and as you can see there's no teeth they're gone deleted and there's the crankshaft that has no keyway I I'll never get over it next I'm going to prep the cylinder head for removal we'll get this out of the way and this is the oil feed for the turbo [Applause] all right well it's just going to hang out there it looks like that's it we can get straight to the head bolts now we can finally crack these head bolts loose [Music] well I can't easily get those out so I'm just going to pull it off with the head bolts hanging out in there oh that doesn't really weigh much so anything that's going to hang me up here nope well so little it's really amazing this power is a car an entire car not just part of it we must remain diligent in our scientific experiments wallet that turns the engine over I am I have never been able to do that before Oh no I ruined it now that's pretty impressive I mean it's fun all right I'm done so the cylinder walls don't look too terrible although there is one spot right there that doesn't look that great I'll have to look pretty closely at this because I've heard that these have some issues with cracking I've heard that I haven't seen that with my own eye the cylinder head itself doesn't look too bad I don't see any signs of vent valves I don't see any metal in here I won't really know what this looks like until I run it through the parts washer which is exactly what I'm going to do now now I've got the head and the parts washer time to set it and not forget it now we're going to turn this engine upside down hopefully not make a huge mess but it's it's only a one liter so how much can it possibly hold I know I shouldn't say things like that oh there's oil I think the toil oh I hear stuff in the oil pan it's gonna be fine and there's something that you could kind of call oil that's perfect now it's time to pull the oil pan what lies behind this then I get all the bolts out that might need to come off probably not but we're going to pull it off anyway no that didn't need to come off that was just a thing to keep you from having easy access to this prying area okay oh oh see well this is pretty ugly in here there's lots of forbidden glitter it's metally anti-seize looking paste which is what I'm going to assume is some form of bearing material and then what have we got down here oh gosh cleaning this out is like pulling teeth oh wait we were literally pulling teeth off of the oil pump and balance shaft belt out of the oil pan where else would it go if it's in the pan rest assured this oil pickup is chock full of stuff that's not oil well that looks like it's part of a tensioner by the way the part that fell when I pulled the pan was this spring which I'm glad I didn't have to contend with that that looks like it's strong so let's see how much material we can pull out of here probably a lot yeah this is like thick this is this is like almost an inch thick I'm just gonna go set this on the table and we'll start tearing this apart and we'll get that pickup emptied out looks like this cover comes off pretty easily there we go ew so these two meshed together with a nice gear but this belt I mean it's like it has that many teeth left does that hit something is it stopped so this doesn't want to rotate oh what was that oh there's a another chewed up piece of metal I'm gonna guess that's part of the belt tensioner this thing was just full of some random stuff I've never seen before so now we gotta figure out how to get the I guess this whole assembly comes off that's what we'll do we'll pull all these 10 millimeters out pull this off as one piece but first get these loose [Music] oh gosh what'd I do that's kind of cool let's go the other way all right we'll deal with that later hopefully this just pops right up oh I missed the bolt it helps to get all the bolts out it's been my experience [Applause] much easier now we must take this apart okay now we can get the remnants of our belt let's turn this inside out I said just turn this inside out why are you fighting me okay well it doesn't want to go inside out but it has one two three four five six seven eight complete teeth and the rest of them are gone actually they're right here they're not gone we know where they're at they're here and in the pan so now we're gonna pull the oil pump out of this unit here I'm gonna see what the inside of this looks like oh there's a bolt on the bottom oh that is the coolest thing oh it's a vein style pump and veins are falling everywhere so that last bolt when you take that bolt out it hits this sprocket and it drives the whole pump out which that's pretty cool I like that Bean style pump I don't see a bunch of debris in here I guess the screen probably held most of it back looks like a variable pressure it's got that Big Spring in there that we absolutely in no way should try to mess with seems like a very bad idea oh oh that was it that was it what well the neat thing about getting that piece out is now I have direct access to the back of the screen so I can blow all the junk out of it I think oh man oh it's going everywhere that was a terrible idea [Music] but hey it's good again so as you can tell there was quite a lot of junk that came out of there and I bet they're still more in the corners there it's hard to get oil past a bunch of rubber belt it's pretty unfortunate now it's time to remove the rod cap bolts okay well that one comes off I can't get that bearing off kind of tough to get these bearing shells out of here there we go oh no I'm actually going to get the rods and pistons out after the crank so next we're going to get this plate remain seal plate out all right and now I should be able to pluck this crank out all right okay these should hopefully come out pretty easily hey more part how many parts are to that tensioner first let's start off with the rod bearings they're not good nope not good at all clear signs of being starved of oil the rods and pistons look okay I don't think there's any valve piston contact I don't see any major damage a little bit of skirt wear not terrible full floaters pretty interesting piston design also more timing belt teeth coming out of it the main bearings though they all look good except for the thrust bearing that looks pretty terrible that is filled with metal debris that's awful absolutely awful and the crankshaft mirrors that same kind of condition it all doesn't look too bad except for that journal there that's the thrust Journal I suppose this could be worth salvaging but it's been my experience that new Ford cranks are pretty cheap so I don't know that it's worth it so bear with me here because this was only in the washer for like 15 or 20 minutes I don't see any major damage I don't see any cracks although I don't really know where to look I don't know if these are prone to cracking or not but I don't really see any signs that this engine was overheated but it did a pretty good job at cleaning this up but the other side looks the best and kicked out most of the buckets it looks brand new except for the fact that that journal is really torn up I realized halfway through this tear down that you could also get the one liter EcoBoost in the Ford Focus not quite sure the year range but it's probably similar to that of the ecosport now this engine literally killed itself and I would bet that this is a somewhat common failure mode for this type of engine I don't think this was a neglect I don't think this is an abuse situation I think this one actually boils down to design you can't possibly tell me that this person didn't change their oil enough and that's why the timing belt came apart or the oil pump balance shaft belt but regardless they're both coming apart they the timing belt looked terrible and there were only eight teeth left on the other belt that's that's terrible and the lack of keyed crank on a belt that's immersed in oil there's lots of things that not a big fan of this engine this is the first one I've torn down so I don't have a lot of data points from it but if you have had a good experience with your one liter EcoBoost please let me know in the comments tell me how much you love it or if you hate it you can also tell me that too if you'd like to buy any parts out of this engine or anything else I've torn down or out of this gigantic bro Dozer of a King Ranch 6 liter Power Stroke you can go to importapart.com or you can email us at importapartsales gmail.com if you go on our website you can fill out our part request form which sends us an email of exactly what it is you're looking for I'm really glad I was able to get one of these with a more common failure mode not some crazy thing that's been in an accident this was a normal type of failure well what I would suspect is a normal type of failure with this engine so I really hope you enjoyed this teardown as always I love all the comments all the feedback even the criticism I love it all and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: I Do Cars
Views: 1,659,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford, Ecoboost, 1.0, 3 cylinder, engine, motor, I Do Cars, Teardown, Ecosport, Focus, Fiesta, mechanic, repair, belt, wet timing belt, timing, timing belt, failure, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Turbo, Tune, delete, F150, SHO, Mini, Eco Boost, Reviews, reliability, problems, rebuild, build, injector, fuel economy, gasket, head, head gasket, cylinder, coolant, oil, how to, remove, replace, issues, engineering, explained, small engine, small, turbocharger, inspection, block, oil pan, intake, exhaust, sound, clip, downpipe, dyno
Id: 0yx1-50iqnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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