ANGRY TECHNICIAN! Customer Gets FIRED! Car kicked out! #mechanic

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[Applause] hello everybody good day to you welcome back glad you guys are here I know I'm glad to be here uh however uh today is not a super happy positive day uh I've got a I gotta fire a customer has the uh the title as the title says um a lot of you guys are going to be disappointed some of you folks wanted to uh to see this SOB right here brought back to life and I am refusing to touch it at this point I'm gonna loading this thing it's leaving I'm not working on this car I'm not going to touch it it's going outside the other side of my fence with a three-day notice to uh get the thing out of here or I'm gonna have it impounded this dude is fired and I'm I'm usually not one for the drama stuff but I'm going to tell you the story after we stopped things the engine yeah I have not uh started this truck in about a month or so so let's see if she fires up beginning engine starting sequence now he lives that's that Cat 3126 oh yeah fire up the AC see if this thing still works I recharged like a month ago just gonna lift it here on AC that's the one I don't know how to work the controls okay I'm gonna let this thing warm up a little bit yeah check the Saab and see if it's good to unload so here's the deal and uh you know like I said earlier I'm not one for drama but uh this is why I'm firing this customer there will be no drama here I met this guy he uh he came by to deliver some parts one day and he mentioned he had the sub and it was hanging out uh at another shop down the road which had like three times as many cars in their lot as what we have in mind and uh he said you know he didn't have a lot of money to fix it and I said sure I can help you out and he said that the other shop just didn't have the time to fix it and they were declining service on it so they wanted to go ahead and get it out of there and he was under some kind of a time frame to remove this car from there a lot and that was the point which he asked me if I would if I would help him out I said sure no problem but the caveat's gonna be is I don't get to touch this car probably until the end of summer I explained to him that I'm super duper busy don't really have any extra time for some long-term projects and he was cool with that not a big deal well what had happened was was yesterday the guy came by and he said hey I know you're not working on the Saab right now that's no big deal but he's got an issue city has two other cars at two other shops and both his cars are getting kicked out and he wanted me to go over there yesterday just showed up and said hey can you run over and pick up these cars put them in your parking lot and I said no sir cannot do look around I have zero space for extra cars and I had also explained to him because he'd mentioned these cars to me before I had also explained to him that I can't take in any more of your cars until I get done with this car and I can't work on this car for a couple months so unfortunately I can't help you out you're gonna have to find somewhere else he said okay you know well what do I do and I said I don't know what you do I just can't park the cars here so he asked my buddy next door if he could park it over there and I told him that's not going to work either because there's no space over there so I said and my dude next door said why don't you try across the way and see if they can help you out over there well about 20 minutes later one of the other guys from down the road he walks over here and he's wondering what's going on because the guy that I told no to the dude that owns the Saab he went over there and proceeded to just absolutely bash and bad-mouth me for about 20 minutes straight now the problem is is you were my friend and you're all agreeable and you're you know you're cool to my face but then behind my back you go run the mouth thing and that is not how we do business that's not how we conduct ourselves and that is not how we build successful relationships so because I have learned that the person with the SOB likes to not tell the truth and then likes to lie when they don't get their way their car is going outside and that is the end of it I am firing this customer dude is fired not working on it end of story party over decisions made so I'm gonna go ahead pull this thing out we're gonna dump this SOB off outside of the fence and then um maybe I'll bring in that Monte Carlo that I have out there and work on that instead so stay tuned because this is going to be a really cool video end of story time side note my AC is still cold yes foreign ERS down all right let's get this thing out of here forgot where my gears are I think that's first yep right on out of here I'm not staring at you guys I'm looking at the mirror over there so sorry for the weird looks on the facial expressions [Music] all right okay we're parked time to engage the PTO safety chains removed don't need that one more on the other side rolling on back goodbye soft end of sob story the Leaning going here lean back [Music] there we go right there there's a chain in the back let's unchain it from our chain a lot come here some Unchained now I need to run it back some okay hang on we gotta get this thing in neutral real quick let's get the paint supplies off the floor don't need that and where's my key for the Saab down here power it on neutral and I'll crank the wheel off to the right a little bit because it's kind of at a dangly angle it's hot in here okay let's roll her back a little bit more [Music] now I can get to that chain no good feed goes unpunished you know you try to do somebody a favor [Music] that's a big negatory not doing it goodbye SOB get off my truck it's a big sob story [Music] straight in the wheel it's a shame too I kind of wanted to bring the saw back to life [Music] Patrick failure bad decisions bad decisions give me the old car repair for you very good yeah that's probably that's back far now all right unchaining our sub where's uh when I connect the hooks hooks hooks where's my hooks way back there yeah what we'll get that one first since I can't really reach that other one yeah we'll just pull the bed out for me come here huh oh it's pinched I know what I'll do let's pull the bed out that'll work put forward on now [Music] drop off complete climb back in this bad boy clutch PTO disengaged it turns off the winch and the hydraulics yeah we're good to go here all right let's swing back around and go fetch that Monte Carlo over there orc on that one next instead bad decisions [Music] it's hooked up we're winched in we're at a weird angle right here so what I'm going to do is uh is I'm going to pull it forward until we're right up on this rub rail then I'll go turn the steering wheel and we can pull it up straight I could use the wheel lift but I have a trailer hitch ball on it and the hitch ball will run into the undercarriage so we're just not gonna We're Not Gonna use the wheel lift it's gonna drag her up on the bed hold up there we go it's gonna work sure let's go ahead and cut the wheel this thing seems to have been in storage for quite some time too it does not crank the keys stuck in it I'm sure the batteries are dead but uh yeah we'll we'll back her into the shop figure that out I can't get the truck any straighter because there's a pole in the way [Music] winching on up meanwhile all the tow truck guys out there they're like you're doing it wrong oh Ron Pratt would be upset with me you guys would not be happy with my tow truck skills because I have none because I'm not a tow truck guy maybe I'll develop them in the future as a means of necessity pull tight squeeze it's going to make it though we're gonna make it that's all that matters is we get that back corner in I get the back corner in we're good all the way up let's go check it one more time yep back wheels on we're good hooray [Music] now we'll get the car straight on the bed yeah a little bit of turning action here straighten that up and then we can back it in get it in the shop they also got the frame for that Hyundai in the mail today so we can proceed with that thing later on also [Music] loud noises all right I think we're good here let's get this thing up in the air get the weight on the truck there we go forward [Music] [Music] and down [Music] and we have successfully captured the Monte Carlo dude okay parking brake engaged oh there that way it can't roll away roll forward and hit the ball cat or something that would be bad all right let's get this thing out of here back to the shop where's my PTO switch there it is no idle PTO disengage good to go AC still is cold and that is good all right [Music] [Music] all right we're back into the shop Let's uh let's unload this thing here oh that's a goofy little angle we got going on isn't it but if I cut the wheel all the way to the left bring her down and then we can roll it back and it'll be right right where we need to be right here that'll probably work that's not a good sign it's leaking everywhere what is this [Music] broken [Music] okay it's as far as it's gonna go [Music] all right good to go that's been swimmingly hi Idol disengaged now that was Grand perfect PTO shut down all right let me go park this thing and let's go uh check out our uh our red Monty back there all right we're backed in back in our parking space let's go ahead and power this thing down mobile parking space that's what we got here firing down oh I forgot to engage the air brakes there we go whoa whoa I don't know what's going on but my camera's freaking out that's not cool hang on hang on hang on let me fix this I need to fix this stay right there don't go anywhere okay I think I got it we're fixed now let's go ahead and acclimate ourselves with this particular Super Sport Monte Carlo don't know what year it is I know nothing about it except here it is it doesn't run doesn't move doesn't start it doesn't do anything and I think it's been laid up for a long time sitting around so let us pop it in zoohoid see yeah no key action there's nothing going on there uh what year is this Monty no door sticker what day is it what year we'll check under the hood I'm sure it will tell us the question is is this V8 powered or is this uh V6 powered I think this is a V8 survey says sure is 5.3 liter V8 in our year 2007 model year Monte Carlo Super Sport 5-3 that's actually pretty cool oh let's not then go there zip tie to use block there's a horrendous leak of some sort serpentine belt is covered in uh some kind of oil substance pull our engine cover off and see what Treasures lie beneath we've got some uh some erodings that used to be here get rid of them yeah that's the big engine that's the Monstrous engine a V8 and a front-wheel drive application what do you think about that there we go hey look seashells or snails or sea snails we'll just put that like [Music] let's put that right there okay first things first let's see if it has oil in it and yeah there's oil on the dipping stick let's go grab the battery charger throw some electrons into this and see if the engine is going to start who knows the shadow nose come here jump starter roll this guy on out thank you well we can see it definitely needs some tires pretty sure the wow these are so bad that they're dry rotted on the Treads look at that wow okay red to Red that's the plus black to Black that's the minus or negative let's see here let's just go ahead and send it full shoot here 50 amps I'm not gonna hit engine start just yet well it came alive I've heard some things making noise blend doors in the dash let's go key it on and see if we have a uh any activity inside yeah blend door actuators are going off key oh man yeah this thing's is bad let's see what we've got for mileage here service battery charging system zero percent oil life and service brakes and 103 332 miles on the odometer it's not really a lot of miles stockings the engine is it gonna work not a chance nope we need more electrons 220 amps there we go I'll just surface of the Sun [Music] okay the alarms went off Chimes are going starting's the engine nope it's like a little party in here okay I'll tell you what I'm just gonna let this thing charge for a few minutes and then uh we'll come back and see if the thing's gonna start let's just back this off a little bit yeah trouble is that battery's so junk it probably won't uh it won't take any kind of a charge here I know I will add a battery to the circuit that's what we'll do we'll add more electrons actually these are going to be Reserve electrons we'll add some Reserve to it let's see let's click you on right down there another and the negatory let's put it right here connection made 12.7 volts let's see what happens if I turn this off your voltage fall nope okay back to full send stockings the engine so you're gonna run nope not even close here I move the uh the cable in so the jump box is on the battery and then I put the uh the jump starter on that little uh ground wire right there maybe that will give me some some power flow here to start the sting hey it cranked a little bit oh let's just move that over here all right now I'm hearing a lot of power steering noise in there okay oh it's running let's check our Dash let's Dash say no lights washer fluid hood open all right yeah I believe I well I know we have a problem with power steering that's probably all that stuff that was dripping out on the tow truck let's get rid of the battery charger for now powered down just connected this is alive now I can maybe try to move it and get it on the rack a little bit better we'll lift it up in the air until it looks down below wow I've got kind of hopes for this car I might be able to bring this thing back from the dead Maybe see if it moves and survey says it does move power steering noise is horrendous though all right I'm backing up this thing must have been laid up for like a year it looks like it and it acts like it and the gas smells like it that's for sure I'm just gonna let it run oh you know what I better check uh engine coolant real quick [Music] it's just because it's dump and power steering doesn't mean it's not clearance in there oh I smell like dirt that's negative there's nothing in there this is appropriate let's throw some decks cool in it [Music] that's funny to me because this is actually what the what this car came with hello [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] Take a Look Down Below make sure we're not leaking and I don't see coolant pouring out everywhere this is good okay all righty got the coolant refilled the rack is set let's get this thing up in the air take a look at the undercarriage we're gonna get a holistic view on kind of what we've got to work with here come up with the major problems and then work our way down our list to the the minor problems and we'll see what uh what needs to be done to get this thing back on the road can you answer there's a lot yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we're leaking [Music] yeah that's where our coolant went it's leaking everywhere let's see what the deal is here uh I can't see I don't know I might have to pull this panel off right here yeah yeah yeah well I guess we can start with that leak that looks like uh oil or power steering it's probably power steering coming from the steering gear yep you can see the grip like you see a drip right up there so it's going to need a steering rack that's that leak all right right here so you need a steering rack that's a leaker and we need to figure out what the deal is with the Cool Whip steering pump whatever that is that's the link in that line right there that's getting worse there pull off this little panel right here panel bolts more all right so I've got the elite kind of well dialed into kind of just general area right here it's pouring off of that hose and that hose goes up uh to the front of the engine I think there's like a thermostat housing or some kind of a some kind of a coolant passage thing over there um I need my Cutters but I can't see exactly where it's coming from but I know it's coming off the front side of that engine yeah let's pop this little green uh zip tie out of here let's get rid of that and stay and maybe a water pump yeah all right I can't see there's a mist of cooling everywhere let's let this thing down and shut it off and then uh we'll go back and recheck perhaps we can see it from the top side all right that's down about far enough let's go ahead and power this thing down before it blows up here engine shut down complete [Music] wow I can't see throwing the fan up well all that steam out of there I'm not breathing that crap there we go [Music] yeah see this entire aluminum assembly right here I think that houses the water pump yeah it's got a blown up water pump that's what that is see the the pulley right here that's the water pump pulley okay so we need to uh we need to put a water pump in it probably a power steering pump it's gonna need a belt gonna need a battery uh you're gonna need a steering gear it's gonna need a power steering hoses probably definitely an oil change probably new fuel it needs a lot of stuff all right I'm gonna go ahead and get started on the paperwork on this thing I'll write it up I'll estimate kind of what I see so far set of tires yeah it's it's gonna need some TLC that's for sure but uh well let's uh let's proceed with the normular protocol let my guy know what's going on with it and uh we'll go from there uh well that being said no that's gonna happen in this video today it's getting a little late in the day we kick some people out fired a customer checked out a car that really really needs us to help it and it took a load of junk to the dump today too it's been a productive day so I'm gonna go ahead and close this video out as always like thank you guys for watching this video hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please feel free to let me know about that by tapping that like button down below if you'd like to see me uh go ahead and uh and get all the work done on this thing and bring this thing back to life don't forget to consider tapping that subscribe button down below that way you do not miss out on notifications when I post a new video and that will end my moment of Shameless self-promotion so again and as always thank you for watching and most importantly don't forget to have yourselves a great day see you guys later end of stop story
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 1,021,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8bkT0gR7G_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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