400,000 Miles of BURNT Fluid & Loose Wheel! Oil Soaked! 2006 Silverado 2500 3500 6.0 4l80 #mechanic

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so Troy looks out in the parking lot and he's like what's with you Chevy guys parking all sideways and crazy like this taking up 17 parking spaces and I said well it's because we can therefore we do so that being said good day to you guys hello and welcome back glad you guys are here this is a 2006 sideways Park Chevrolet Silverado it's a 2500. gas powered uh sounds like a six liter it has approximately holy smokes look at that 410 731 miles on the odometer that is insanity good job Chevy Silverado anyway uh this thing is here because my guy would like to have the transmission fluid exchanged um at 400k I'm actually a little nervous so let me take this thing out on the road real quick make sure it shifts make sure the trans feels good and if the fluid is in acceptable condition I'll go ahead and service it but if not I may have to decline Trans Service Repairs on this uh particular vehicle I don't think I will I think it's got a 4l80 trans in it but I just want to make sure I don't destroy this thing uh while trying to make it live a little bit longer so stay tuned because this is gonna be a very good video 12 point turn through the parking lot because some other Silverado guy decided to just park in the middle of the road all sideways and stuff not nobody can get in and out air new we're just gonna go ahead and do a quick trip over the bridge looks like there's a train there so we're gonna start with going right hopefully it's gone by the time I come back around the other side we shall see anyway it has first gear shift I think that's second a little shifts this is good [Music] up and over the bridge More Steam yeah she's shifting next gear all right there's four that's OD okay it has all of its gears this is good looks like I'm gonna be waiting at the train because it's still parked hmm [Music] you know what I think we'll just flip around do what you eat right here and uh go over the train again probably best commencing U-turn now sideways [Music] third gear good now we can see right here it does have a service engine soon indicator that is indicated uh we're gonna go ahead and pull up those trouble codes on the scan tool before touching this transmission because if there's like a p700 code or anything involving the transmission I won't be able to do the service these super high mileage trans services can be kind of risky and I I don't want to I don't want to break the vehicle so if there's anything wrong with the trans or if the fluid is just destroyed smoked in it we're not gonna really want to do any kind of work to it I think it's always kind of best just air slightly on the safer side when it comes to these super high mileage Vehicles if this was at like 200k it wouldn't bother me so much but nearly half a million miles that's that's up there a little bit definitely got your money's worth out of it that's for sure but I heard the train watch it'll be gone by the time we get back so I don't know what's going on today but traffic has been doing some insane things I was uh on my way to work this morning and I was on a three-lane it was a six Lane Road you know Surface Street so we got three lanes One Direction three lanes the other direction and I was in front of a Walmart and there was a turning lane to the right and you know cars were making their right hand turn into the Walmart parking lot and these two Volvos of all vehicles showed up one yellow Volvo and one white Volvo they pulled up to the right in the right side turning lane they cut in between they proceeded through the intersection cut in between the cars that were coming from the other side making a left into that same parking lot they just kind of drove through like they were in the middle of a car chase cut off a bunch of people blew right through the red light and then kept on going and then the weird part was is I saw both of them down the street at the next red light so I have no idea what I witnessed and why I witnessed it but I straight saw two cars just do some Grand Theft Auto style maneuvering uh only to return to normal gameplay mode and just sit there at the next red light so something there's something in the air something in the water I don't know maybe it was like a Volvo race or something that was taking place this morning but either way that kind of threw me back a little bit because I've never seen Volvos run red lights in such a fashion before anyway story time's over let's go ahead and get this thing into the shop up onto the rack we're gonna inspect uh the underneath carriage and we're gonna check these trouble codes right here for any kind of transmission related issues I bet all we're going to find is like a P0455 emission system leak bet but we'll see we don't know until we know and I also don't know if these mirrors are gonna clear the rack right here it's it's pretty close isn't it you're gonna make it yeah buddy we're gonna make it look at that that's nice we got it all right all the way forward center of gravity at the driver we're good to go parking the auto let's go fetch the scan tool get connected and see uh see what's going on here oh no I'm stuck now there is one other issue that I heard about on this truck and that is that the rear rear brakes were recently done on it and uh keep in mind this is uh similar to my Silverado where the rear axle has a full floating axle and it's got an axle seal just the same way the same way the rear hub assembly was on my Silverado made a video about that a few weeks ago but either way it's got two bearings in the rear hubs instead of just the one single bearing and the actual drive axle within the axle tube is free floating meaning it doesn't bear any weight that being said uh there was a rear brake job recently done on it and it appears that one of the rear seals is leaking and I'm going to take a look at that and see if I can't remedy that also there's a slight possibility that the nut that holds the bearing and hub onto the axle tube itself is not run down all the way and that the actual seal has not fully seated and I know this because I've done similar things before myself so I'm going to take a look at that and see if we can't make this thing stop uh stop leaking back there and I was way wrong we do not have an EVAP system leak we got a p0101 mass airflow circuit sensor out of range a p171 fuel system lean 174 lean bank two both knock sensors are not happy those are under the intake manifold and there's the 446 vent control problem with the EVAP so yeah this thing's got some other stuff going on uh let's just hop into the TCM real quick and make sure that there's no p700 hanging out or any kind of a transmission shifting trouble codes if there is not we can go ahead and recheck or we can check the fluid level and condition and if all that looks uh copacetic we can proceed with the services and I don't see there's no TCM to get into so we're good to go here regarding the trouble codes I think yes yeah there's nothing in trans here okay let us go ahead and popping is the hood pull the dipstick and take a look trans fluid condition and then we'll go from there oh can't fit mirrors too big let's see here there we go hello six liter let's go ahead and get some light on the subject here overhead Drop lights are the best powering on okay transmission where are you way back there trans dipstick tube very good oh that's pretty dark yeah that's pretty dark it's not black but that's nasty what do you guys think should I service it or should I not service it might be tough call isn't it I'm gonna service it let's do it see what happens it's either gonna work or it's not so let's get the funnel in here I'm gonna throw my uh my BG cleaner in the tube there we're gonna let this thing run while we set the rack I'll set the machine up we'll connect it we'll uh we'll get the fluid pumping through the sight glass on the machine ah we've had a restock in the Vault of viscosity here we go dude that's my cleaner and my conditioner anyway as I was saying uh while we're doing all that other work this cleaner is going to be doing its work so we're actually doing more than one thing at one time for efficiency and then we'll get that machine connected and see how this is gonna go installing quick clean solution now we'll just pour it in really gravity do the work for us oh no you don't get back up there there okay we've got the engine temporarily shut down because I need to uh break into the system here and attach the transmission machine lines to one of the transmission lines that are on the vehicle sure we're gonna pop this little uh retainer clip off of it and the e-clip that holds the lines of the fitting is encased in the fitting we're just going to get behind it with a little pocket screwdriver sorry if I'm blocking your field of view here I gotta gotta get this clip out unconnect that that's the e-clip we must not lose that now we can remove that trans line from the cooler inside of the radiator and use this point here to attach that's nasty to attach the fittings for the transmission machine alrighty I have the adapters connected to the trans cooler and the transmission line going down to the unit let's connect the machine lines up to set adapters we'll go ahead and start the engine again and allow that cleaner to continue to recirculate and then uh we'll go ahead and begin the service procedure restarting the inside service with trans in neutral see we have no leaks here this is good excellent see what kind of flow we get [Music] oh that's nasty look at that there's our old fluid that's going to turn the same nasty Brown as as it circulates a little bit should be coming up on pressure here anytime soon okay so it appears that the longer this cleaner is running through this transmission the nastier this fluid's starting to become like you guys see that that's that's about as black as motor oil that's that's pretty nasty our line pressure is good we're gonna let this uh run through a little bit longer in the meantime let's go ahead and lift this thing up some I want to check on that wheel seal leak issue that uh that the guy mentioned I think it's the right rear that's leaking uh oh yeah yeah it's the right rear of the Sleek in oh my goodness that's that's leaking everywhere it's not okay all right we're rolling around circumnavigate navigate to our leaking right rear wheel pull these lug nuts off pull the wheel off and see what's going on back there check this out shine a little bit of light on the subject we've got gear oil all over the wheel well back here it's on the leaf spring it's everywhere we're we have a major leak very Major League oh no yeah look at that inside of the wheel that's covered in it okay we need to figure out what the what the situation is here isn't that okay yeah let's just throw some paper towels down on it that'll absorb all of our leakages all right so here's what I'm going to check first I'm going to make sure that this bearing pack inside of this Hub is seated all the way so what I'm going to do is I'm going to unbolt this floating axle we're going to pull this axle out of the tube and we're going to check that end nut to make sure it's all the way tight and fully seated let's pull these guys out these are all 19 mil [Music] the trans machine is uh still circulating cleaner which is good [Music] we'll go ahead and switch it over in a moment and uh begin that process but first I want to make sure [Music] that we can seal this up right here okay the axle's out now if you remember from the last video where I worked on one of these we've got the big threaded portion of the axle right here there's a retainer clip the big nut then there's that pin that keeps the nut from spinning around we need to go in there with some uh electronic screwdriver and start disassembling this stuff so the first thing we need to do is get this little retainer guy out of here it's just a little clip see that and set that aside and then we need this little piece of square steel in there that little pin it's got rides inside that little Groove there's some more light in it yeah it rides in that little group right there and since that pin uh captures the ring the retaining nut that means the nut can't turn and loosen or tighten there's a chance that it's not as tight as it should be and that the rear seal in the back just has it fully seated and now it uh it's just flopping around and it's leaking back there so we're going to try to tighten this up some and then oh yeah yeah look at that nope yeah see that we're we're too loose look at that okay I'm gonna try to tighten that up a little bit and we'll re-secure it and see if it if if it stops the leak or not if not uh we're gonna take this apart and then throw a new uh new seal back there in the back of that Hub but we'll see okay so what I'm gonna do is go in here with a screwdriver we're going to tighten down this locking nut pretty much as tight as I can get it there are sockets have any I don't really do enough of these to justify the ginormous set of sockets when this method works just fine okay let's give it some wiggle action here clearance is a little bit better that's also kind of tight let's go a little tighter and then we can back it off I want to make sure that that bearing and that seal are seated all the way still going in still going okay so I think we're pretty close I'm gonna give this some taps with the uh the dead blow mallet just to try to finish off and make sure it's seated away again rubber not metal yep see they went in a little bit farther see that we'll just keep doing this until I think it's fully seated [Applause] oh there we go okay that feels pretty good one more time yep we're good here so let's go ahead and back it off [Applause] I think spec calls for one to five thousands of uh in play in The Hub [Applause] pretty sure that's at least one foul right there yep turns pretty good it's free it's not binding let's go ahead and put our little pin back in that's going to uh keep that uh lock ring for moving around as we drive that could actually become loose so without that little piece of a little square stock piece of metal in there then the wheels will unbred themselves and fall off and that would not be okay that's looking good so far now we need to clean off all the soil all right time to initiate maximum shiny everything is oiled so including the brake pads we don't want this [Music] is behind the rotor inside of the rotor all around the rotor [Music] [Music] [Music] behind the pads in the Pistons Everything clean it all [Music] now I'm running low another [Music] there we go here we can clean off the Springs too far at it all of it [Music] clean the frame off the wheel well that's good all right let's let that dry for a little while we can head over here to the trans machine and begin the process to see our fluids just as nasty as ever pressures are still good beginning process now so at this point the vehicle is pumping old trans fluid into the machine into two-stage splatter tank tank already has new fluid in it and as it's pumping in the old fluid it's pumping new fluids straight into the transmission so we're gonna get the most complete fluid exchange as possible hooray okay we're about ready to put the axle shaft back in but I need to get away or clean off all this uh sealant that's in here on the ceiling surface or the axle oh it doesn't leak on the outside it was leaking on the inside if I don't clean this off it'll leak on the outside and that would not be okay so let's get rid of all that sealant right there wipe that away then we can apply new sealant and then get this axle shaft reinstalled bolted in and then we'll refill the dip and this should be good to go should be I mean it could have damaged the seal in the back of the Hub in which case it'll have to be replaced but at least now we know it's it's seated fully there we go we're just going to come in with a little tube of room temperature Vulcanizing sealant it's our TV put a little bead around the surface here there are gaskets for this application but I don't have any and our TV works just fine all we're doing is keeping gear oil in Let's Go full Overkill and do some of the outside of the bolt holes as well it's kind of not necessary but I just can't I just can't deny it can't do it there we go sealant is applied shaft coming in sert then Center oh bottomed out gotta change our angle here pick up on it rotate it some it'll go in the rest of the way now what I want to do is get a couple bolts started before the flange meets and crushes the silicone as you can see there's some play here and we don't want that to plop around and smear the sealant it past the areas of bolt holes let's get all these guys in four will be sufficient to begin with don't smash your finger in that little little Groove mix twice four clicks and it is now seated you can get the rest of these guys in I believe this will be a success but we're gonna have to test drive it to confirm [Music] check the status of the transmission next status date status yeah all right that's good okay off to the transmission machine let's recheck this guy we're still flowing our used fluid is starting to get clean we do not have a pressure differential yet so the machine is still processing that's good so it gives us time to go ahead and clean up this mess over here toss the wheel back on and then we'll scooch down below and pump a little bit of fluid into this thing goodbye drain pan we don't need that before that or that or that get this thing out of here wheel coming in oh big all wheel too up on the foot up on two feet there we go slide that on that we can screw in the nuts okay lug nuts coming in these are 7 8 or 22 millimeter these guys on oh no there's sealant on me gross foreign [Music] okay torque goes later let's go check the machine again I think it should be complete and the survey says 20 psi and 10 psi we have a pressure differential let's go ahead and shut off the valve this thing's good to go let's shut the truck down disconnect our machine then we can check fluid level on the trans and out back at the differential shutting down so what do we do do we go up to check the dip first do we do go down to do the trans fluid first um up or down up or down I think we should go down downwards all the way down there we go okay let us disconnect the machine we can plug in our uh hot our cooler lines put that over there that's our conditioner save that for later pull the adapters and whatnot off of this thing that's a little warm maybe I should have waited did the rear but you guys know I have no patience so nah let's get rid of that one pull out my paper clip retainer come here I use this in lieu of the e-clit that way I don't have to manipulate the e-clip more than once saves time and effort which is good now I just need to take this trans line plug that back into the cooler which is integrated into the radiator that's in and then reach in here and get this e-clip reinstalled losing it there we go that's on and of course the little plastic retainer good to go okay now you can go ahead throw our conditioner into the trans dump that stuff in goodbye conditioner oh don't do that stay stay up here okay now while that's draining down in there let's run the truck up in the air okay we'll check that rear diff fluid level and then go from there moving back up smack subscribe buttons that's what we do here [Music] okay me thinks that is good let's see if this thing has a where the fill plug is okay it's not on the diff that means that the fill plug is um under some dirt where are you Phil oh there it is right there on the side okay we need a 3 8 racket dude all right coming in to the diff fill plug let's get this thing unthreaded removed this also sets the uh the fill level so when I fill this up I'm just going to fill it till it drains out once it drains out that's how you know it's full stick that in there give this thing a couple pumps it's kind of empty hope I got it now come on oh new and fresh out seriously like I feel like there's some in there it's not okay let's just see let's just see what's left in there and survey says not enough for the pump to pick up okay need a new drum aha in a new drum we have a nice shiny oil okay let's do the transfer yo that go to waste waste dump that in there too [Music] okay you get on top the bucket get on there that is just so not easy to do I think putting a lid on something wouldn't be that hard but it is oh well regardless let's get this thing refilled I can screw with this bucket later you're getting pumping now sure goes up doing up up and away I'm curious to how low this differential really is like 10 15 pumps still going still pumping up there we go we've got our overflow going there come here nozzle we'll hang this up for now that way all the oil can drain back through the tube and now I can get the fill plug reinstalled a little bit goes on the floor put that guy back in and we should be all set here click all right Silverado coming down off Locks all the way down here we go [Music] Okie dokes let's clear the rack restart the engine we'll check transfood level then we'll take this thing back over the bridge one more time make sure it still shifts then we're going to come back and reinspect this axle seal for that leak and uh and then we'll go from there three beginning engine starting sequence now there we go all right coming around let's pull the funnel check our dipping sticks and see what our food level looks like all right dipstick coming in all the way down here we go and the survey says it's a little low we're not on the dipstick just yet back to the funnel let's add some more there we go we'll let that settle and recheck in a moment the trans fluid level time to stabilize after the extra Court refill check it one more time here in survey says well we're a little high actually I put a little too much in there let me uh we have to stick a vacuum to that hole and we'll suction some of it out it has a little too much [Music] no worries we can bring it down first it was too high then it was too low at first it was too low then it's too high speed that guy Down in the Hole there we'll start to see fluid coming through a little more a little more there it is okay we'll let that go for a second and then recheck oh here's the machine it's a vacuum tank with a Venturi valve on it you don't stop air to it it blows through passes out of the diffuser and creates a negative pressure on the inside of the tank I think that's good let's check her again pull this back out that's hot slightly warm uh okay we're clean dipping it in all the way to the bottom there there we go ah much more better right here in the middle that's good that's what we want okey-doke [Music] all right guys we're good to go here let's go and uh revisit that gripping leak that we had back here in the corner which uh I do not see the drips this is good let's shut down the vacuum machine close up the hood and we'll go out for one more test drive all right Hood coming down the rack is cleared let's back her out and hit the road all right climbing back in AC is nice and cold this is good I like the cold AC backing out the auto oh it's the safety checking the mirrors clearancing the mirrors we're good to go here backing her up I see you actually I'm aware I know I I know it's a joke it's a joke guys well it's got reversed that's good as long as it's got the other four gears we're in good shape here and we have full wood yay all right rolling out we got first gear second gear good accelerating third gear right there good nice can't check forth yet we have to turn but we will all right here we go up over the bridge More Steam we're not going to touch forth on the way out but we'll catch it on the way back down no worries there's our third gear shift hello shop parking lot all right we're good there's our fourth gear shift we're now in overdrive okay it has all the gears fluid levels cleaned it's full at its Max Mark we've got some conditioner in there we got rid of all the varnish and the nasty we need to go back to the shop recheck the right rear axle seal leak make sure that that thing is no longer dumping out differential oil and then this truck should be good to go all right guys we're back at the shop let's hop on out check that right rear for fluid leakages and then we will go from there I suppose unlock oh no that's locked hang on it's fast awkward again circumnavigating the Chevrolet take a look down here that's not fluid from this that's from the swamp cooler over there coming back back down below I don't see anything dripping the wheel which has been washed off is not covered in fluid brake calipers not covered in fluid I think this is good to go considering what we saw versus what we have now there's no longer a pool of oil puddling out from under this so that's been successfully repaired I'll have to have him recheck this after a couple hundred miles of driving just to make sure and maybe go in there with some more cleaner to get rid of some of that real some of the other residuals where it's so that being said I have nothing more to offer you on this particular truck today so therefore I'm going to go ahead and close this video out right now I will do such things as always by thanking each and every one of you for watching this video as always I hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please feel free to let me know about that by tapping that like button down below drop me a comment or two while you're down there and most importantly do not forget to have yourselves a great day see you guys later in the video in a Chevrolet in a transmission okay
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 225,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VtOTiPlclCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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