OBS Studio: Automate Content with Streamer.bot, Discord, Aitum Vertical

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if I look tired it's because I am in today's video I want to talk about the concept of creating things that last we have been creating multiple Channel Point rewards for example in my past videos using streamer bot OBS Studio twitch and all that stuff and knowing that as live streamers the best way to grow is to create content on other platforms or even if we're not doing it to grow and we just want to have some outside content to post I think it could be a good idea to kind of automate that content while you're live streaming cuz it's cool you have a channel Point reward does something cool then you have a reaction to it why not have it so that it automatically saves the image that it produces or even better the video and maybe it sends it directly to a Discord Server doesn't have to be public could be your own personal Channel but the goal here is to have something to preserve outside of your viewers maybe clipping and your vods so I guess disclaimer this video is basically for people who know how to use OBS studio uh know how to use streamer bot basically Advanced users and we're going to get into it right after this message from our spons sponsor owned gives you pretty much everything you need especially as a live streamer they'll have alerts they'll have overlays camera overlays everything you really really need in order to have a really really professionally made setup for both your live stream and also your YouTube one of the biggest things that they do that I don't see a lot of people doing is basically allowing you to create your own emotes and you don't create them one by one you basically create one character that kind of looks like you and it generates the rest automatically gives you like 50 different emotes that you can choose from and if you already have emotes and you don't know how to animate them they have an emote animator that is if you don't want to get their pre-animated emotes basically so everything you absolutely need you can find over at own. g/g level that's my special little link from them ./ G level so we're here in OBS studio and this is basically my setup when I'm live streaming on Twitch I'm going to have a bunch of scenes those are usually related to the redeemables that I'll have with streamer bot I also have streamer bot open here you can see all of my AC S one of the channnel redemptions that I have set up with streamer bot using hot keys and not Channel points is for this scene the a echo or the disappearing effect and basically I have a hotkey that is supposed to take a picture if I show you here in streamer bot for example you'll see that I have a delay and I have take a screenshot and it is triggered by a hot key that says Control Alt shift W so let me double click on that screenshot and you can see I can select the scene I can select the source and I can also select the path let me open it up so you can see what happens when I press the button so right here we're going to have blank background.png and basically this specific function I don't know if it's meant to be that way but that's how I use it it basically overwrites the blank background.png so when it takes a screenshot it creates a file but since the file here in the in the file path has the same name that it's going to overwrite it and it's good for me it's actually it serves its purpose for example if I want to take a screenshot of my background ground I can just set a timer here in the delay and I think I have 5 Seconds here make sure that I don't have streamer bot highlighted and then I can press control shift alt W and then run I didn't run I just toed and you can see I'm not wearing pants I'm never wearing pens so now the idea is that I do this before every stream just for that specific effect of course I always forget but basically if you go here to my um this is my just chatting scene basically it's the full for full screen and someone go goes and redeems The Disappearing effect if I can find it right there disappear hopefully you'll be able to hear that Captain Hook said clip oh that scared me I forgot I I was testing something else anyway someone of your allies in their location what happening why did a random Twitter video started playing someone redeems it it says may Gil disappear and basically it does that right there's a little sound I can pose and it fades out into whatever is behind me whatever picture I took why why were my eyes like that and I think yeah that's that's really cool what I would like is for effects in that style is to take a screenshot for example maybe that's not the best example we're going to talk about video later but basically if you have things pop up like that then you can create like postcards for example I don't know like postcards people can type message my latest video basically I to I taught you how to um have someone type a prompt and have it displayed on screen so those are things that you can do uh things like the album cover Redemption that could probably be a good one too right I could save this image instead of it just being a moment on stream it could be an image that is saved that is sent directly to a Discord let me give you another example again cuz I feel like I need to one of my favorites is the yo what and I'm going to change it so that people can type the message and basically create a meme out of nothing so I have 3 two one and I can pose and it's going to and this is something that I could screenshot and again create like a an image I can post it on Twitter I can probably post it anywhere else but uh we're going to see how to post it on Discord for now so I'm going to use this Discord right here in this Channel and what you can do in your Discord again it doesn't have to be a public Discord I think it would be cool if it's a public one and you have your followers there but it doesn't have to anyways we're going to right click on a channel and uh nutty has a video on that you should definitely go go check if for some reason you're not following nuty I I I don't know what to tell you at this point but go follow him because I literally watched his video to figure out how to do this click edit Channel go to integration Integrations and then you can create something called a web hook if you don't have any click like you can click new web hook and it's going to create one you can give it a name and it's basically going to be like who is going to post this kind of like cuz it's like a bot and then you pick the Channel all right from there you can click copy web URL keep in mind you can also customize the the image but it doesn't matter now we're going to go in streamer bot and we're going to find uh where to add the screenshot and also the Discord link we talked about the album cover so I'm going to click on album cover and we're going to see the sub actions that we have so usually I have my sub actions to show whatever is going on and then at the end to hide them right so you can see music visible album cover visible full screen visible and then it says hidden this is basically the effect is done and I'm starting to shut things down so I'm basically going to make sure that my take screenshot from OBS is going to be there and then send to Discord before I hide it basically so I'm going to right click go to OBS and click on take screenshot it's going to ask me which scene which source in my case it's going to be the full here and then we're going to have album cover as the source and then the file path so this is where it's going to put the file in this case since it needs to overwrite a file I usually create a PNG file and just put it there and then the first time I test it it's going to override it we have some PNG files here I'm going to click on this I'm going to crl + C control V okay so now I have copy capture and I can name this whatever I want I'm going to call it cover and make sure it's selected and this is going to be my path basically so boom boom boom click okay now again it put it at the bottom we want to put it before we start hiding stuff drag and drop just like that now for the Discord web hook remember that we created our web hook we want to click copy web hook URL so that's the thing that's going to communicate with Discord basically between Discord and stream bot it's just going to send information to the link and then it's going to be posted in the channel that you want so I'm going to go to Integrations Discord basic web hook under web hook URL we're going to paste our URL under web hook name we want to type um whatever name we want but I'm just going to call it Captain Hook since it matches the web hook I have username if you actually wanted to send it from a different username than what is here it's going to overwrite it uh if you put nothing it's just going to be that user username right there so don't put anything really Avatar URL same thing we're going to click on image and we're going to click on that little browse thing and we just need to pick cover now when it comes to content it actually wants us to type something if I press space bar here it's going to be able to be uh clickable we're just going to leave it like that but basically if you want to put variables for example you can probably put the name of the person who redeemed the channel Point reward for example you could probably uh ask them for a prompt and that would be basically the caption for that image in Discord but we're just going to click okay with that space and um and you know what we're just going to keep it at the bottom here so that after the effect completely ended it will send the image we know that the image is created in the middle but at least it gets a little bit of time to overwrite the file and then you can send it later on and it's really that simple at least for the to send an image take a screenshot send the image it is that simple I might even pull this up here so you can see that the cover is going to be I don't even know how to show you all of that at once but basically in OBS let's let's try let's try I'm going to put Discord is going to be there okay I think that way you'll be able to see everything all at once so OBS right here we have the file Co cover that's going to change and we have Discord and the channel where it's going to be posted so now if I do album cover redeem it okay let close oh there you go and then come on come on you got this oh yeah there's delay and then it's supposed to go to Discord sometimes it takes a while before it actually goes through Discord sometimes it takes a long time to be fair it should have gone through right now oh there it is oh my God finally finally for some reason my internet is being is being kind of weird but there it is and that's how simple it is to basically have this uh keep in mind that every time someone uses it it's going to overwrite it so on your hard drive you're not going to have multiple images but thanks to Discord you're going to going to be able to basically archive every time someone redeemed it um and of course with the variables and things like that you can print you can print you can print well technically it's like you're printing stuff basically you can put the usernames and and things that they did now when it comes to video it's a little more complicated than that because when you go to a streamer bot it basically tells you image right here right Avatar URL image so I was like H how am I going to get it to send a video and I didn't I didn't look for long I'm not going to lie if you have a better way of doing it uh please tell me in the comment section below but basically I just went ahead since since it says all files here I believe you can send all files like I I clicked on a file and it sent it but it didn't send like a huge file it was like a 20 meg or something like that a clip for example from September I believe it was this clip partic in particular actually this one is 2 megabytes right a 9-second clip which if I select here and I click open so instead now now uh it's it's not going to be interactive with the actual Channel Point Redemption but it's the trigger so we're going to trigger it I don't know how long it's going to take it to send it but it's it's going to I I tested this it should [Music] work okay I have blah blah blah the screenshot part probably totally worked yes it did but now it's supposed to send that video boom there it is and just like that we successfully through streamer bot sent a video there is a there's a rhyme to my there is a rhyme to my reason there's a re reason to my rhyme there's a rhyme that's a file that was already taken and that was already on my computer this doesn't prove this doesn't solve our problem because we would need to basically take that video through streamer bot so I did a little bit of research and I was like hey since we're using that strategy with the the image where we overwrite an image over and over again and we just tell streamer bot just send this send that one file just send this this this this this that's cool how do I do this with video so in my OBS settings I I looked far and wide OBS doesn't allow you to overwrite the same file right it doesn't do it with the normal recording which is one thing but it also doesn't do it with the replay buffer replay buffer just doesn't give you a ton of uh options again I didn't do a ton of research on it if you know a way of doing it please let me know but I did find one way to actually overwrite OBS recordings and that was both normal recordings and also replay buffer the problem is is it wasn't a setting it wasn't like a a box that you can tick right here option to override the recording it's basically you have to go and edit a file like a system file inside of your OBS folder so it would change how OBS operates and you would put overwrite recordings one but that means that it would overwrite your normal recordings and also your replay buffers so you wouldn't be able to just use the normal record button if you wanted to record a normal video because it would automatically override the previous file whether it was another recording or a replay buffer so I was like H okay cool there's a way at least there's a way if you want to do that you can do that but you basically change your whole OBS to do just that if all you do is live stream you never actually record with OBS you can probably do it right so now all you would have to do is tell uh streamer bot to save the replay buffer and then um in the settings very important you would limit you would limit the maximum memory of the replay buffer so that it's not I haven't tested like every single file size but basically you would limit it so that it's like a small file size right 10 seconds maybe 5 second video and things like that so people can trigger the effect and then record a video of you reacting to the effect maybe a little bit after right and you can set all that up with just one channel Point reward and then you can create videos right videos that can maybe go on your Tik Tok or something like like that I I believe nuty had made something that automatically posts on Tik Tok or something you can you can do all that but I didn't stop there I hated the idea cuz I use OBS I'm I'm using OBS to record right now in fact um I use OBS to record so I did not want to mess up my OBS just to have this system so I was like there must be another way maybe a Plugin or something I haven't found a plugin yet yet if you know please but atom vertical is this plug-in right there that allows you to um record vertical stuff at the same time using OBS okay and you can record and you can also have a backtrack basically their own replay buffer and you can also stream when I went to the settings here I was like H maybe there's some way that I can finesse the settings in order to overwrite my recordings and it turns out that yes there is a way this is the file name formatting with all the variables so it's basically a year months days hours blah blah blah minutes seconds and I was like What if I just put days and I record two clips the same day it would force that file to have the same name and would probably override it turns out yes that that works the problem is that we don't get that option for the replay buffer for the backtrack we don't have that option okay so we just have backtrack we have recording path and all that in the recording path we can't type anything manually or I haven't found way yet but under recording if you put file formatting and you just put days it will overwrite as long as you take two clips the the same day so again now you just have to tell the streamer bot web hook pick that file at the end of whatever they redeemed right so let me show you this is the recording path I'm going to go to it as you can see this one says 30 because we're the 30 30th 30th 30th so if I go here and I start recording on adom on adom vertical and I go hey this is a test uh that I'm recording live right now and uh it should overwrite that thing boom it did it right there and I go hey this is a test uh that I'm recording live right now now and it should so once again we have limits right but we don't have a limit for recording so very important that we keep the recording to to a minimum 5 Seconds usually 10 seconds maybe that'll do and now all we have to do in in um stream bot is tell the Discord basic web hook which file to pick right there 30 click Open click okay but in our case if we want people to like if we would want the whole effect to be recorded we would also need for streamer bot to trigger the recording and then stop the recording very important so how can we do this since atom vertical is a plugin and it's not necessarily part of OBS I believe they are technically a competitor to streamer bot atom that is not ATM vertical which is different it's made by atom anyways ATM vertical uses shortcuts keyboard shortcuts so you can put a hot key right there and I'm going to set mine to be Control Alt shift s and we're going to put the exact same for stop recording so Control Alt shift s click okay and now streamer bot we just need to add key presses and we find that in core system keyboard press control alt shift s right there click okay and we're going to set it in the beginning in the begining of our Channel Point Redemption but we're going to duplicate it to also press it at the end of it I'm going to right click duplicate sub action is going to be at the bottom so it's enveloping all of that one last time I'm going to make sure that the Captain Hook is basically picking the right file it is so 30. MP4 I don't remember exactly how much time this takes but it can't be more than like 10 seconds right we should be fine when it comes to the file size limit let's do this so now we give people cuz like we are using adom vertical we're going to have a vertical clip and you need to set it up you know to reflect whatever scene you're on but we're giving the chat the ability to create vertical cool content short form content ready to go and we're sending it directly to Discord for them to see you can download them directly from Discord that's the concept anyways I'm going to trigger it here anyways let me trigger it and then we're going to see it in uh the Discord so let me do that first okay so we have album cover and basically this is the button to record an adom vertical so let's see if it triggers it [Music] [Applause] properly I feel like that didn't work I have a feeling that that didn't work all right let me put that here I have the ability to test it okay it works when I test it you know what I'm going to trigger it from my channel directly on a browser I get it I'm asking Discord to send the file before the file is created I forgot about that that is me that is on me 100% so that last key press supposed to be before this Discord obviously I'm so that that's probably so painful for you watching let me put a delay just to make sure let's put a solid second in there okay cool so second keyboard press is to stop the recording then wait 1 second then send the the Discord thing let's check one last time should be the right one oh look at me oh no oh my channel Redemption so cool oh my God so cool a thank you guys for redeeming it oh okay it stopped it automatically that's cool come on send it to Discord baby come on baby it might take a while it's probably going to take a long time but that's just because my internet is Scrappy I want to see the file 29 megabytes okay so depending on the quality that you have on your stream the the quality of the recording I believe you can set that up in on adom you can also do that so basically uh the idea here is that the being able to overwrite the video file you can already do that with atom adom vertical that is like right now you can also do it with OBS but it I don't want you touching like your setup files okay I don't want just like I don't want to touch mine but just know that hey the knowledge is out there if you really want to do it okay not going to lie it's been a while now it still hasn't sent the video so I'm guessing maybe it's the size 29 Me Maybe it has to be below 20 the other one was like 2 megabytes uh so it has to be very very small so what I'm going to do is basically uh move it up move up the um the key press so before we start hiding stuff basically a little bit up so that it creates a shorter clip hopefully we get something good I can also go to my settings here and um I know that ADM has like recording resolution for example I have 30 30,000 kilobits per second we're going to lower that 10,000 that will probably save us some space let's click okay let's just check Discord one more time okay it's still not sending it and we can try that one more time doing my little pause it's recording I test okay cool and five and stop cool it stopped recording should be a little bit bit more delay in the meantime let's make sure that our file has been overwritten it has cool cool cool now we just we're just counting on you we're just counting on that Discord basic web hook to actually send it to Discord what's the size of the file 7 megabytes that should be enough that should be enough but to be fair I am demonstrating you that hey you can set up all that stuff but it's not as reliable I will show you a semi- reliable version of this wouldn't work the same way but at least it's more reliable and it worked it worked oh my I'm so proud of myself it actually worked there it is it is right here turns out my internet is the big problem right now um cuz everything else is taking a while to load cuz like I'm on the voice mod server for example look at that look how bad my internet I'm on I'm on 5G too it shouldn't be like that but anyways it works it works if you have good internet you have a good computer and you trust all of this you can make it happen there's there's there's no such thing as impossible all right the other method that I talked to you about very different doesn't have to be probably can't be triggered I mean you can probably trigger twitch to take a clip or something like that but anyways since we're in the subject of uh automation you should probably be using join combo.com uh because you can set up a template right you can create your CL basically it's a website that helps you convert your Twitch clips into you know Tik Tok or long form like short form videos sorry uh YouTube shorts Instagram reals or whatever the cool thing is that if you have premium you can have it so that it automatically creates those clips while you're still live so you set up a template you tell it hey my camera is usually here my gameplay is usually here and while you're streaming and your chat is taking Clips or maybe you have a shortcut a shortcut on your stream deck where you press it and it takes a clip you know that at the end of the stream you will already have your Tik Tok ready basically and you could you can put videos you can put images you can put uh like your logo you can put text you can have automatic subtitles and all of that stuff and if it created it wrong because of course you you never know uh you can still go in and edit it basically it's going to add it to your library so a pretty good stream where you have good viewers clipping stuff you're going to finish your stream and have a bunch of Tik Tok ready Clips basically I don't I don't know how else I can explain that to you you should def I have a video on combo they actually sponsored a video of mine a while ago but it's still the best thing that I recommend when it comes to that kind of form stuff the only big disadvantage compared to all of the crap that we've been doing is that this is based on your Twitch stream so it's going to be the quality of your Twitch Stream So if you have a low bit rate moment or something like that that's going to go in there it's going to compress the the quality you're not going to have the pristine quality of recording directly from OBS so there's pros and cons to everything I guess the cons of doing what I showed you here is how complex it can be but also I wouldn't consider this reliable the more the more things you have going on the more likely you're going to have technical difficulties and the less likely you're going to have a smooth experience so yeah I was basically brainstorming and then I came up with the idea and I looked it up huge shout out to nutty cuz he has so many so many good videos on stream bot everything you want to know go follow nuty right now so you can learn streamer bot cuz I'm learning from him so I know this wasn't like a step-by-step tutorial on what to do or whatever but like in nutty's video for example someone print prints like a a receipt or they show a receipt and then they send it to Discord so that the the the community can see like a receipt of oh this person subbed and there's even the profile picture of the person yes you can get people's profile picture through streamer bot when they redeem something or when they sub or everything is possible okay that's what I want to communicate in this video everything is possible if you felt lost watching this video it's probably because you missed some like fundamental videos on it so watch my other videos on streamer bot watch nut's videos on streamer bot watch everything video on stre about that you can actually everyone from everyone from Every content creator and I will see you later go out there make me proud get level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 5,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs studio, streamer bot, streamer bot ideas, streamer bot obs, obs, obs tutorial, obs studio tutorial, send images to discord, obs to discord, tutorial, twitch, twitch obs setup, streamer bot discord, how to grow on twitch, how to grow your twitch channel, obs studio settings, how to use obs studio
Id: CbTApUI9xM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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