Enhance your Twitch and YouTube Chat: Streamer.bot 0.2.2 and ChatGPT

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hey guys Jason with House of Jacobs and today we're going to finally do the streamer bbot 2.2 update with our AI chatbot integration I know I've been promising this a long time it's been a long time coming I've been doing a lot of traveling but today we're just going to hop right into it I'm going to start off with assuming that you've already got your Twitch connected and that you've already got your Twitch bot connected and I will show you where that's at now in here to ensure that you do and we're just going to copy the code in and do all the fancy new stuff that it takes to make this thing work with streamer bot [Music] 2.2 all right so first off we're going to look at where the platforms are and you're going to want to go to Twitch and go to accounts right here this is my account and this is my house bot account and you want to make sure those are both logged in if you're going to have your Bot be something else it's best to make an account and just have it do its own thing all right this is my test server so I have absolutely no actions cued no commands no nothing so this is all going to be from scratch just so you guys can see all right we're going to make this a little bit bigger what you're going to want to do is go to import and pull this up you're going to follow the link that I post below for where to grab this thing from in paste bin it's going to be this right here it's going to be posted below trust me I promise you're going to want to copy this right here okay and you're going to want to go back and you're going to want to import that string into here okay import says the commands that are being imported will be set that's fine and we will go ahead and set them all when we get them all right that just gives you a straight chat GPT Command right that's all it is right now that's the command there's no triggers as of yet we will get to all that in a minute okay the first thing we're going to do oops is we're going to go through a couple changes that I've noticed when we get this right first we're just going to set it up and then we're going to do a couple Integrations that uh the community and I have discovered as we've gone through this okay first you're going to want to go to chat GPT and you're going to want to log in okay that's going to bring you to this here you're going to want to actually go to API cuz we need an API key to run this thing okay you're going to set up an account uh with this so you would go [Music] to settings billing and you would put in your payment methods and all that fancy stuff as you can see I have a pending invoice of six whopping cents from using this thing for months and months and months um once you have that you're going to go to this API key thing right here you're going to hit create new secret key um you're going to call it we'll call it test key okay um when we do that we hit create key that will give us a key copy this put it in somewhere else because one like it says you won't be able to view this thing again ever you'll have to make a new key which isn't hard you can always just make a new key and put it in but you have to go through the whole process so just go ahead and cop we're going to copy this I'm going to call that done we've got our test key right there it's enabled and we're going to go back to our bot okay we're back at our bot we're going to go to this set argument we're going to go with the GP the GPT API key this is where we're putting our API key okay um right here where it says that it goes that's where you're going to paste it make sure there's no Extra Spaces on either side of this that has been a common com mistake and make sure you have put in the entire thing okay once you do that you hit okay that is our test key all right this is your behavior this is where you're going to set the behavior of your Bot all right what you're going to want to do is uh you are telling it to do whatever it is you want to do so you are a helpful AI assistant to Twitch streamer House of Jacobs this is what I want I this is one of the things that we' found out that you kind of need to do uh limit your responses to 400 characters or less the reason I do that um is we found that it will actually try to just keep talking for ever it's worse than I am okay so what you want to do is try to limit it it doesn't always work but it is super helpful you can also limit it later on with like where it comes to the max tokens you're allowed to use but I feel like this is a lot easier and I've had a lot better success with this than trying to adjust the tokens okay so when you come over come back to here you can tell it that uh it's funny whatever you want it to be uh you are a robotic dog what the heck right uh let me spell that right though okay bam so it's a robotic it thinks it's a robotic dog and it also thinks that it's an AI assistant right now okay what you're going to do is go into this temperature it's defaulted to 0.9 if you're having issues with your Bot we've had a lot of people just say to change it to one and it works I've changed my own personal one to the value of one and I just leave it at that okay um this you're going to want to set if you're able to use chat gp4 by all means do so it's a much better um version of chat GPT it's much more interactive and such I don't have that capability I'm not paying a monthly fee for it for for access to chat gp4 nor have I reached the $1 limit of spending for the pay as you go which is a requirement for that you find that in the uh over in the the how to get to chat gp4 stuff all right so just take all this out and we're going to leave it as chat GPT 3.5 turbo which is fine it does an amazing job I'm just saying if you have cap if you have access to to gp4 go ahead it's literally pennies more per use when when you use it and like I said I've been using this thing for months and my usage is all of 6 cents I put in $5 so I'm still waiting to get access to to gp4 okay um this is where you you put the max tokens you want this is a lot of code don't worry about this okay we're not messing with this I'm going to go line by line okay uh we're also this is the words that it has right so it'll it it'll take in the words that whoever's talking to it does and then it will turn it into this variable here and if if you're having any problems it will say I have no data it's not it's not that that the bot's broken just something is wrong one of the variables or something is wrong so that that's just the default value if it doesn't have an answer back that's what it's going to tell you okay so don't flip out if it does it that just means you need to go back and check all your settings okay this will output so here's your Twitch message uh it will take we're taking in the user way back here it takes it in in the execute code and then it spits out this final chat GPT message right so that's the message that the bot actually has this is all in the in the execute code if you really want to get into it the code's right here by all means have fun at it we will be back in here to change something later but not right this second okay and if you want to do text to speech this is where you would set it up you can also just crate just straight delete this if you don't ever plan to use it or leave it there I've left mine there and my text to speech never goes off because I don't have it turned on all right you're going to come over to where it says Comm commands cuz now we need to give it the command this is just the action that runs now you need a command right so we're going to go to commands it automatically has a command we're going to change this up slightly because we want this to feel more like someone's actually talking to the AI bot and not just prompting it to come up so what we're going to do is we're going to go in here we're going to uh change this to at the now for me I'm putting in my actual bot's name by all means put in your Bot name right here and make it this command okay and then uh we will also put that same thing in here all right it'll be we want it to be at the starting location we want it to ignore other Bots um I guess if you use YouTube messages you can actually use this on YouTube I haven't set it up for that and I'm not going to try and do another video put it in YouTube try it yourselves okay um but we're going to we we want a cool down maybe of of 30 seconds that way if you have a very active chat we don't want them to be able to like spam the crud out of this thing because I will tell you once the bot starts answering stuff and it's this long it starts to get kind of overwhelming for the chat it just it'll take over so give it a 30 second cool down it lets it kind of rest I guess if we want to be nice to it used to be that you would go in here and uh put in the action that you wanted it to perform that is not the case anymore you need to go to the actions tab right and you need to go to triggers and we need to set up the command here to trigger this specific command commands and we're going to put command triggered and we're going to pick this bot because that's the one we want okay then we're going to hit okay if you have not created a command you can actually create commands from here too you don't have to go to the other page you can just go here uh go back to commands command triggered and create a command from here it gives you the same exact setup I'm just used to using two different tabs it it works in my brain that way so that's the way I showed you by all means do it this way too all right so um now that we have that command what we're going to do is we're going to go to Twitch and I will show you how you interact with the bot all right before we go I had to start troubleshooting the the bot because I was having issues make sure to enable both of these commands enable it here and then make sure and come over and enable it here if you don't do that and you're not getting any type of response then that's probably what your problem is check that both of the commands are enabled that enables the command so you can use it all right as I was testing out the bot I've noticed that it's not working exactly the way I want so I'm going to tweak the behavior slightly before we go back to actually show you the command working we're going to call this we're going to say it's a a uh you are an AI assistant that is a robotic dog because it had two different things that it was being told it was kind of confusing it so let's see if this works a lot better all right we're going to put this back to 0.9 0.9 oops okay instead of one and we'll see if both of those things work out well and I'll go back to the twitch and we'll get it from there sometimes you got to troubleshoot it and fool with it a bit to make it work proper L just like any other command so that's what I was doing which is why you see all of this but we're going to get it this time so here we go okay at the house spot is our [Music] Command I'm here to help you do anything you need how can I assist you today all right so it it's working we can ask it several other questions whatever you you guys would think that you'd want to ask it I have a 30-second DeLay So I talked a little bit um what type of activities do you like and even though I spelled that wrong it should still work as a robotic dog I enjoy playing fetch going for walks learning new tricks and providing emotional support to the house of Jacobs during their twitch streams so as you can see you just have to fiddle with the behaviors and stuff to get it the way you want fiddle with the temperature the the the higher the number the more creative it is don't go over one that seems to break the thing uh and if you're having issues with the 0.9 and and stuff like that just put the number one in there and that should work that's almost always worked for everybody else that's had issues so uh and if it gets hung up like it just keeps saying I have no data or saying the same thing just shut it off shut off the bot and reset it because the data has gotten stuck somehow and it's not understanding you it's it's not a foolproof bot but it works 99.9% of the time all right so we've also found a couple other issues with the command where it thinks that it's talking to somebody else so I'm going to show you what to do to make sure that it always talks to the person that it that uh asked it the question it's a couple extra lines of command in here it shouldn't be too hard I'm going to walk you right through the whole process okay before you get to execute command we're going to put in a uh argument arguments set argument we're going to set that argument to text capital I for your input input we're going to use some variables here just type them out the exact way you see them they have to be right with the uppercase in lowercase okay said raw input so basically we're forcing this thing to recognize that a specific person said this and not House of Jacob okay because we've had it in the past we've had it in the past where um it will answer back and then and answer back like it's answering back me or the twitch the whoever the twitch streamer is okay so now that we put that in there that goes again we want that to be above the execute code so if it happens to drop down make sure it's above execute code then you're going to go into the code don't get scared for any of you people that aren't into doing a bunch of this stuff I'm going to show you exactly what to type all right right here in arguments where it says raw input we're going to actually want to change this to the variable we just made text input okay and then that is it that's the only changes we're doing in this code and what that does is again we were have people were having issues with creating or when when you're talking to the bot it will answer back to the house of Jacobs as in me as in the streamer it'll answer back to the streamer instead of the person so now we're forcing it to say this person said this and they will they should it should respond much better now and I've tested it it's done a good job the person that that helped me out with that command uh also tested it and he says it's worked great so that's you cannot do that and then if you see that happening come back here watch the video get that little information but trust me you're going to want to do that it's going to help out your chat a lot so now we want the bot to interact more like it's part of the chat what we're going to do is we're going to force it to interact with the chat but we want it to be random so what we're going to do is put in a random number command and I'll show you how to do that as well and we're going to have it actually monitor the chat as it's going and then it's going to intercede in one of the messages at a certain percentage 3% 50% 100% if you really want it to um and I found a couple tricks with that as well that I'll tell you on this too all right what you're going to want to do is we're going to add this and we're going to call it random chat all right and uh you just leave all this here we're making a brand new command people all right and in this random chat you're going to um we're going to do some subactions here and I'm actually just going to go ahead and straight set it up the way you want it where it's going to ignore all of your other bots so if you have other Bots that are in there and you want to ignore follow the same step find the bot's username and you'll do the same thing like I'm about to do right here okay so we're going to put uh we're going to put some if else things in here all right so uh we're going to go to Twitch or no to logic we need logic so core logic if else we're going to put if user variable that's the variable equals and we're going to put and the user is the capital letter version of the of the thing and you have to have the actual capital letters and stuff or it won't do this all right so we're telling it to ignore all of its own messages all right we're going to tell it to do no action run that immediately okay then break as in stop don't do this command anymore okay um and then if it is if it is not the bot it'll it'll proceed okay if this will all make sense trust me just do it the way I'm showing you okay core logic if Els and we want another one um if you have some other bot in there I have stream Captain bot this is where you would put it so and again you would do the same exact thing oops cancel um for every single bot that you have in the chat okay if you don't use stream Captain you don't have to put this command in but if you want it to ignore stream elements uh because you have that or nightbot that's where you'll put it go get the actual username of the bot and put it in there with the capital letters all right we're going to then create a random number so we're going to go to core then we're going to go to logic and we're going to get random number we're going to set it but between 1 and 100 okay so this gives it a 100% chance from 0 to 100 all right so then this actually tells you when you type this in a number between two values you'll set this added argument to this to this argument so we're going to use that argument here in a second so remember that this has to be capitalized it shows it right there okay we're going to add core then we're going to go to if go back to logic if else we're going to say um if random capital N number is less than we'll say uh what so that we can get a response we'll say uh 75 so it should answer out of 3/4 of the time it should answer okay then we're going to want it to do the chat command so that is going to mean that it's going to read the chat and uh do that and then and then do that okay if it's not if we that random number is not 75 or lower it's not going to do the command all right so we hit okay now now you're going to have to actually tell it to monitor the twitch chat so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to come to here go to Twitch we're going to go to chat and we're just going to say chat message so anytime a chat message comes up it's going to run this sub command and this sub command checks to make sure it's not a bot and if it's not a bot it will talk to the user just as if the user were were you know it was jumping into the conversation so now let's go over to Twitch and test that out without actually using the house bot command and just typing in there to see what it says okay so now I'm just going to type stuff I like hot dogs we'll see if it answers oh it did right away oh I'll get you sir you get some delicious hot dogs any specific topping or condiments you prefer um then you then someone might actually talk to it but either way so we're going to wait that one does this one doesn't have a cool down so um we're going to say please stop spamming the chat we'll see if answers this time it does apologies for spamming um and then we'll say you are a great streamer I want to get one of the times where it actually doesn't answer so as you can see it's fine as you can see it's going to continue to interact with the chat because we put it at like 75% all right just just for testing purposes so now what you want to do is actually set it to what you want so if you wanted to to interact I don't know 5% of the time you're G to go back into this thing here and you're going to set this to five so it will interact something between 5 to 6% of the time should be five but I think it counts zero as well so that might be 6% but it's fine now it'll be 5% of the time so now when we go and type in the chat which I'll show you right now I'll move my my head out of the way now when we type in the chat I am typing in the chat notice he didn't answer why isn't anyone here and again he doesn't answer because he's only set to answer 5% of the time all right as you can see it worked out pretty good uh everything seemed to work properly I had to fiddle with it a little bit because I set stuff up wrong or didn't enable it but those are things that I did so that I can tell you I I mean I didn't do them on purpose but but I did them and messed up and those are the things you're going to run into too so if you just follow the instructions as I've laid them out you shouldn't have any issues please guys if you have any questions I don't mind go ahead and ask in the comments a lot of people have been working on this um with commenting and stuff and these are some of the some of the real highlevel things that we came up with I have another video where I talk about using it to make Dad joke commands or whatever so uh you can bring those commands in here bring that concept into this even though this is a higher level of streamer bot and it should still work because I've showed you how to set up the bot and you'll just have to do the commands very similar but that's it for us today guys thank you so much I'm so sorry this took so long to get out I'm going to edit this and get it out as soon as possible because I know a lot of you have been waiting for it but uh that's it for us today guys if you like this content if you want to help help us out hit follow hit the notifications if you ever have a question and I'm live by all means I will answer it there as well so that's a definite reason to hit the notifications leave a comment I don't care if it's good job or something it helps the algorithm guys help me help you and then hit the like button dude it's a lot to ask but uh I went through finding all this stuff and setting it up and uh going pouring through a ton of comments to get this thing set up the right way so uh hopefully you can help us out as well but uh I'm out of here guys I got to get to editing this video and get it out before someone loses their mind asking me for an updated video again so thank you guys very much and we'll see you next time on the house of Jacobs
Channel: House of Jacobs
Views: 1,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamer.bot, streamer.bot setup, streamer.bot commands, streamer bot, streamer bot setup, chat gpt, chatgpt, chat bot, twitch chat, twitch bot, AI bot, stream upgrades, Conversational AI, AI-powered chat, Streamer tools, Voice chatbot, Artificial intelligence, Streamer tips, streamer bot tutorial, streamer.bot tutorial, Streamer setup, Streamer tools and utilities, Twitch chat interaction, Streamer community, Twitch streaming, Content creators, streaming tips, streaming
Id: 8b3VzTSUolU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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