Design Your Twitch Logo in Canva for FREE | Canva for Streamers

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i'm an idiot i've been looking around forever now for a program that we can use to create free graphics only to realize there is one that i use every day at work that would be perfect for us let's talk about that yo what's up guys my name is dr hills um i am a streamer and a youtuber i'm over on twitch if you want to come hang out with me sometime i stream late at night uh sunday tuesday wednesday and thursday love to see you over there we talk a little bit more about what we're gonna be working on today speaking of which i've realized there's a tool that i use nearly every day that would work perfect for what we're doing on twitch and that tool is canva now you may have heard of cameron you may even have knocked out a few social media graphics in canva but i don't think we realized the exact power of it at least i did we're about to fire up a series where we're going to design an entire stream package using only canva everything from our logo to our banners to our overlay to our panels and even our alerts did you know that canva will let you do animation so let's jump in we're going to design the logo which will be the first part of this series if you're watching it now be sure to look up here in the corner for the next video or look around the playlist or if they're not out yet be sure to sub to the channel so you'll see uh when they come out let's get into it okay so here's the thing this is actually next day dr hills because i recorded this whole video as well as another video yesterday and realized as i was editing it that i forgot to add my microphone to this scene pro streamer moves so let's go ahead and knock out the logo we were talking about um i've already done it once so i'll probably speed through it but i'll try to show you guys exactly how to do your own um so yeah if you're in canva this is what you're gonna see when you first log in i've made sure i created a new account and it is a free account my other account is paid so i get a few extra tools i recommend you looking into it you can get it 30 days for free um i don't have a code or anything to help with that but it is useful um so first thing we're going to do here is we're just going to click on logo there we go so now it's going to pull up logos but the main thing is over here on our left hand side um we have a lot of templates now i already see your guys's eyes going right here to this gaming category stop it stop it now let me explain these logos in my in my opinion as a graphic designer i've been doing design work and branding for 10 years and for the most part these logos are terrible for brand like i get it they're very trendy but nothing says small streamer to me like seeing one of these fiverr logos which what i call them is fiverr logos they're templates uh some guys some people on fiverr like i've worked with an artist board that actually hand drew it out and did it all completely custom most of them are templates just like this that someone just sold you for ten dollars ignore these these have very little brand ability we want to look for something a little more pro think when you're looking at logo creation think of big brands think of dr lupo think of nike think of apple google like look at those logos um they're not not these right even ninjas who is technically a character logo is very minimal and simplistic logo um so we're gonna keep looking um and look through all these categories just see what you find see what fits your brand um and that's another thing i talked about yesterday that i didn't talk about here is you needed to establish your brand so what i would do is i would find um a text editor that you like something that you can type in and answer at least these three simple questions your name what your main games are going to be and what makes you different now to expound on that i would also ask i would also ask who is my target audience and go ahead and write in here not everyone because i assure you no matter how hard you try you will never be able to reach everyone you need to have a defined audience also my cats are going nuts right now um so just ignore that so right now for the brand we're gonna be working on i've already kind of created the brand in my head um it's just a fake brand but if you're interested in any of the files that we make during this process during this series um you can go to the link in my in the description to my discord and i'll have them all there for free but this brand is youthful yeti um now youthful yeti he mainly plays minecraft and a little bit of fortnite okay uh what makes him different we uh we already talked about uh yesterday you guys didn't hear that because uh there was no audio um but what makes them different is youthful yeti is actually um studying music production i don't know if any of this will affect the logo or or even the branding but it's good to have it out there what makes you different i mean so you can incorporate that if it sparks your curiosity i mean his target audience will say is um high schoolers in the us now this is important because now you know your target audience you know one thing that you might not have known beforehand and that is your stream time it doesn't make sense to stream at 2 am on a tuesday if your target audience is high schools in the u.s they should be asleep because they have school the next day so if uh if your target audience is high schoolers in the united states then you probably need to be streaming after school and probably after extracurricular activities so i think most kids that have uh band practice or football practice or basketball or anything like that they'll probably get out about five o'clock and say you start up your stream at 7 p.m so you stream monday through wednesday um 7 p.m to 10 pm there we go that's right when they'll probably go to bed and probably you have to go to bed as well if you're youthful yeti and you stream minecraft fortnite um you're trying to reach high schoolers in the u.s there we go so this is our basic outline this is our basic brand um i may do a whole video on branding yourself as a streamer but for right now this is a decent start okay so we're designing for youthful yeti so keep that in mind keep your brand in mind and your target audience when you're designing this and so um immediately i see some pretty good logos actually like i think this is really nice the box doesn't really make sense for our brand for youthful yeti in particular um but i think that is a nice logo um funny i just actually just designed a client logo that incorporated this uh style that was kind of funny all right um anyway all these are good not quite what we're going for i already know what i'm going for i'm just trying to show you guys a little bit how to keep looking um these are all really nice because as you can see if i click on one these are animated logos which that would look sick as your logo on stream with the this animated fire i'll show you how to get some animation stuff like that later on but this is a good option um we have this one got the little pop going on that's pretty dope that's pretty cool i like that now personally if you look at my branding i like this style a lot um i like purples too so yeah anyway don't be afraid to explore and just keep looking now i did think about using this one for the youthful yeti brand because i feel like this kind of looks like a yeti it could definitely work um i did end up going a different direction though i mean so i'm just to grab something i'll show you how to customize this logo so um say we're starting off with this you can right click on it and just click ungroup now you have individual control so the very first thing i want to do is i want to change the name i'm not redline events i'm youthful yeti okay now obviously the tiger doesn't fit so we're gonna get rid of that too uh we'll center our text back up all right now i'm gonna change the font now there are plenty of free fonts notice anything with a star that's not free you have to pay for that but there are tons and tons but you see how that doesn't fit the useful yeti brand i would argue that doesn't either um that certainly does not you can see how things have a certain feel so this is the br this is a fun i almost went with and i'm not typically a huge fan of fonts that have a lot going on but i thought for this particular brand um it would look nice um this was another one that i kind of liked but the fun i did end up going with is this one right here adamu regular and then i went up here to this one right here and i adjusted my letter spacing out just just the air like that okay now with the youthful yeti brand what we did is we went with a black font and then i decided to go over to elements and see if i couldn't find a foot to kind of give that yeti feel so i just typed in foot um and you see there's plenty here to choose from um that one is a little too like hyper realistic for what i'm going for um so i end up going with just this one and moving it over here inside giving it just a little bit of rotation and and then i already kind of decided i wanted the brand colors to be red and black i think that looks really nice together i'm throwing it right behind there um and yeah that is pretty much it that is the youthful yeti logo now you can play with sizing and stuff a little bit more make it a little more perfect um but here's the thing if you're on the free version you don't have the option to export as a transparent png okay that's it's unfortunate but you can't export uh as a transparent logo on uh the free version which we definitely need our youthful yeti to be a transparent logo so i'm gonna show you guys a trick real quick okay so let's go ahead and download this one click over download click download uh png is suggested we'll take it you see transparent background is ruled out we're not allowed to get that but we can download it and then i'm going to show you guys one of my favorite tricks okay we now have our i'll go and open it up so here's our useful yeti logo you see the problem there is a black box or a white box around it that's not gonna make it look very good when we put it into our stream here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go to another website i'll have it linked in the description as well but it's remove dot bg now all we're gonna do is we're gonna take that logo that we just created we're gonna drag it over here into it's gonna analyze it and then it's gonna remove the background and just like that we have our transparent youthful yeti logo now what i would do from this point is i would go back into uh back into canva here go to your uploads and go ahead and drag that logo now this is the one i created yesterday um and uh that's what oh yeah i forgot i actually left a line the text yesterday um like this but again this is personally this is a style preference this is up to you i actually looking at it i think that the centered text looks pretty good too so anyway you play with that how you want it to look but that's how you design your streaming logo in canva and then how you get it on a transparent background you bring it over here into your uploads and it is set it'll be there every time you work on a design it'll be there and you can just click it and drag it in just like that okay guys that is it now i know i recorded an ending yesterday i don't know how good it is so we'll go ahead and record it again um i am going to be releasing videos in this series um every probably every week maybe a little bit more frequently i'm going to try to get the series out very quickly um because i believe that we can just we can design an entire stream package so again that is everything from your logo to your panels your banners your alerts your transitions i believe we can do it all in canva so if any of the other videos are out i'll make sure i have a link up here or i'll have them down in the description as well i'm also sub to the channel just so you can follow along on the other videos i'm creating i'm trying to help um help others learn to create their brand on twitch i mean how to to grow on twitch uh when we're rolling on a minimum budget like not all of us can afford adobe 50 bucks a month um and i believe there are enough free tools out there that we can create a really really dope twitch brand um for pretty much nothing and so if that sounds like what you're looking for be sure to subscribe come and hang out with me on twitch i also talk a lot about design i do design live on twitch as well to play a few games um so if you're interested in that come hang out with me i stream on sunday tuesday wednesday thursday 11 p.m central time to about 2 a.m love see you guys over there and i'll see you next time yes excuse me then he immediately reported it oh my goodness i can't believe i was just played like that
Channel: DrHeals
Views: 47,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch design, twitch, twitch designs, twitch design tutorial, free streamer design, canva, canva tutorial, how to use canva, tutorial canva, canva for twitch, free twitch design, twitch overlay, overlay, streamer, canva for streamers, how to grow on twitch, how to make twitch panels, free design, free design software, free graphic design, free graphic design software, free twitch, free twitch panels, free twitch overlay, free logo, free logo maker, free logo creator
Id: xPrl1qlapLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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