Custom Porsche "VEX" on ebay

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everybody so today it's Sunday July 21st and I'm gonna be released in the car on eBay yes some people likes to play big ballers but when it comes down to it it seems like they don't have - for money just gonna give you a little info to walk around just not so much of a video for a show but more of a video for you guys can kind of see the car is up today and show you a little bit of the gaps gaps are pretty good not too bad they've been jobs decent is very nice I mean I'm gonna give another polish before obviously somebody buys the car before it goes out the car didn't finish choose the dogs fit him finish is pretty good pretty nice finish and this videos are specifically for anybody who sent out an eBay right now checking out the listing may be interested to kind of know learn more details about the car you can see on the grill area the Phaeton finishes it's nice it's nothing special then again it wasn't designed to be intended to be driven with you know I mean it was designed to be driven a choke or let me show you the shortcut car this is the front just got a few thing there's a phone under here this Cobra can be lift off and under there is more the actual battery that's now so the trunk session deeper and part of this trunk is occupied by didn't very new location and then the other part of this you have space about ten inches deep it's a little bit of more room there it just in case employment it and so that will be Detroit go to the rear trunk source or electric there's a real excuse me sorry it's a little dirty but you can kind of see so it's pretty good space over there this is all original basta it wasn't a lot of time and it comes to the trunk so you can always if it's something they just really confirm to you you can only slip research on the Porsche Boxter at the trunk age then we open up this cover now discover it's a little bit on the heavy side this is the cover with the top sits which actually have it in there right now and it's a little bit on the heavy side so I mean you won't have to go to the gym to open it up and that's when the top is right now just a common with it nice one note so it is a little bit of heavy it doesn't have struts to hold it open you actually really have to put a stick like you're doing like you're doing a rush or heard of a car the reason why I don't put a struts is because I mean it will work but I have to use such a strong struts that I feel it's gotta be putting way too much pressure onto the hinges and everything else and even though it will work maybe in a year from now I can start to it you know getting the parts off at 11 so I decided to just put a stick it's a compartment that you and you really don't use it for storage I play storage in the front in the back that's mainly for the table whenever you decide to remove the top up and that's the place where we can start to take so it's pretty much it for the outside let me get him inside and start the car up so here's the inside of the car jumpsuit yes I've seen it on pictures and videos and stuff and it's all mainly Porsche Boxter interior I mean those recondition to make sure that the shape of the screen is in good shape is in a nice shape and there is the glove box and the cupholders which is this is a box there obviously it's now something like I've made like that the only thing I did to the cheer was enhance that was some of this wide just and so it wouldn't be so boring you know brings it out a little bit it goes better with the look of the car and then we put the key in the ignition this thing has the key on the left like old Porsches do they called Le Mans style right out everything little car works sure the signal works everything I don't know why people ask me if these things work but they do our works well runs well the AC does work is why it's not in perfect condition like it will be a for inspect in your car but it is a really good condition it's nothing tear broken or anything and yes it does the visors and just wanted to give you a little more in depth I guess with this particular car sorry accidentally turn off the camera so I'm saying that why don't you get a little more up close to look at the car and you know more details about it and stuff a lot of people ask me also trying to some other questions to you guys have about the car and stuff and yeah I wanted to say that other things that people ask me also this how's the disability let me put this foot down all set in sign kind of move the camera around a little bit you guys can kind of see how the disability is once you sitting in the car so as you can see let me close the door as you can see the visibility is pretty well here's where the prophase - sorry for the crap I had to take out of the garage and put in the back of the house because of you know no room the garage to the video and that's about as far as you go the visibility with the mirrors and the other mirrors pretty good when it comes to the back you can kind of see between one of the window is and where's the back window is you have pretty good possibility and straight out back well plane - so the visibility on the car is really good when the top is not on it does feel a lot more open and you know not so enclosed yes it is up 44 inches tall cars so when you actually have the top on you know if you're not used to a car like this until you get used to it you feel like the roof is thrown in your head which are wealthy but you know you should have in your room the seeds remain electric and everything inside is still functions perfectly the airbags are working that also another question people ask me so this is the room well hmm I'm almost 6 feet tall I fell in the car that still had 3 4 inches above my head behind the seat I don't know if you guys are familiar with Porsches usually the or has this seat it's against this wall but in this case you have gaming tech stars you have about a foot of space between this part of the portion of where does he usually sits against a natural seat way over here to way over there so you do have a plenty of room there to put a gym bag and also behind yeah obviously you can point and and yeah so you know if you don't want people to know this is a portion you want to make them you know I think this is some crazy you have them in exotic cars up to you you can remove that if you like I don't mind it I don't hide the fact of what the card is that's interior hopefully you got you guys get a pretty good idea of the conditions just I cheer for somebody's day anyway sorry camera alright guys well that's it oh yes something else they're always people ask me it's what kind of engine does the car have this is a Porsche Boxster so everything is pops transmission engine suspension brakes everything a custom cars not a kick car that you've used to frame from one car the engine from another it's a special for now there you put a body on it and turn into a vehicle and that's what I consider it kick car this being all bastard I consider a custom car so yes and to answer that question it has a little bastard yes there are some companies offering swaps for the engine of the boss and all that totally up to you if that's what you like to do it's a bust anyways and also one of the questions that I also get a lot is why do I want to sell it and the reason is because I have a couple other projects a couple other cars I'm working on and I already did what I needed to do with this one you know the promotion of the video so to finish up some of the other progress that I have so anyway hope this helps you guys understand the condition of the car and some of the things about it if you guys have anything else in particularly may like to know please don't hesitate contact me and thanks thanks for the interest
Channel: Vexing
Views: 68,885
Rating: 4.7771883 out of 5
Keywords: for sale, custom porsche, boxster 987, kit car, exotic car, concept car, gagliardi vex
Id: X5UfmuirYHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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