VALARRA - The Undercover Corvette
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Channel: Street Signal
Views: 24,693
Rating: 4.7813506 out of 5
Keywords: car meets, car shows, cars for teens, car enthusiast, jdm, jdm nation, honda, acura, car builds, awesomecars, cars, ideal media, vehicle viral, cheap cars, cheapest cars, trending cars, new cars, scotty kilmar, doug, luxury cars, cars that look expensive, car scene, 2021, car mods, bmw, euro cars, donut media, cheap cars for students, mazda miata, Corvette, Valarra, valarra corvette, valarravette, the valarra kit, c6 corvette
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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