ULTIMA RS Delivery and Unboxing

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what's up everyone as you can see i finally arrived after 10 months i ordered this car november 29th 2019 it was actually black friday there was no black friday special for sure but um that's when i put my first deposit in and there was supposed to be a 26 week lead time at that time but coveted hit and i guess some of the suppliers got backed up at the factory a little bit but regardless you just sit and wait so it's 10 months in two days finally arrived set sail on september 2nd and it was dropped off in panama and then another ship grabbed it from there and then brought it to the my home port which is only 45 minutes away from where i live so it did make a stop in colombia on the way but unfortunately they didn't load up any of the famous colombian exports so i wasn't able to recoup much of my investment but i'm fine with it customs took one day i used a guy from a company called u.s consolidated customs brokers his name is brian i could leave his contact information i would highly recommend using him it was a really quick process and their fees are much lower than everyone else i've looked at what they do is they just they import this as car parts because there's uh i mean that's basically what it is it's just you can't run a drive as it sits there's a million pieces in all these boxes if it did come with an engine then there's additional steps you need to take additional forms epa regulations and all that kind of stuff so i have my engine sitting here so there's no big deal with that um but that's just something to look out for if you do actually buy an engine and have it shipped over with the car or any car so after it got into the port like i said customs took one day i don't even think they opened the container or inspected it then i had to arrange shipment and that was a little dicey down here i'm in i'm in south florida and you can't just rent a truck like you used to be able to and go to the port and drive into the port and pick it up because you need special like a twick id and other special things so i originally tried to get a tow truck driver to just go there and pick it up but i had to call a special company and i guess it's not that special it's just it's just what they specialize in so they picked up the container and i put that on the screen now that's what the container looks like it's just a regular shipping container and then we had a tow truck driver up with a flatbed back up to that truck and i actually was the guy going in there and we used a floor jack to jack up the side of the crate and feed in some tow straps and then the flatbed truck driver winched it out onto the flatbed and then he was able to drive into my neighborhood and then he just tilted it back and then used all the hydraulics to just slowly inch it off the truck which you can see after that you set it down and then you unbox it there's no shipping manifest there's no there's nothing on the box so you don't really know how to attack it other than just start unscrewing it so the best thing that i would say to anyone who orders one of these things is to unscrew the top first and then slide that over because i made the mistake of unscrewing the side and dropping the side and there's all kinds of support beams that go on top so now they're drooping down and they were right next to touching the body so you can see in my time lapse where we go one by one and take off those boards and then we end up taking off the top after that it's just a chassis sitting there there's all kinds of boxes that are numbered and labeled with what's inside then after that the frame is just sitting there with the chassis and you call your buddies and you ask them to all help you because there's no way a single person could get that done without special machinery so i had a chassis dolly already built we wheeled it out there and i used an engine hoist that was hooked with a tow strap to the chassis and i put the engine hoist in there in one of the wheel wells and the rear wheel wells and then just hoisted up and i controlled the back of it and then my friends got on the front of it and it was pretty easy we just walked it out onto the dolly set it down and then i wheeled it in here and this is how it sits this is what it looks like when you get it so with that said i'll probably just i'll take you around and i'll show you what what comes along with when you get your car shipped or an ultima shipped and then i'll show you a couple things that i'm doing to make mine unique so check it out so first what i'll do is i'll give you a little bit of a walk around you can see i got the carbon fiber splitter the the upgraded headlights these are uh driving lights and a sequential turn signal then we've got high beams low beams there are little fans here that i guess cool it um hopefully it keeps condensation out and all that these are the optional carbon fiber wheel vents i just mock these up i couldn't wait to see how they look took them out of the box here's the carbon fiber mirrors you can actually option these mirrors or mirrors that mount to right here and i made this last minute change and i was very thankful that the factory accommodated that carbon fiber side scoops i mean just they're they're awesome these things i just mocked this up as well but you can check them out the carbon work is just awesome extremely lightweight very easy to put on just kind of clip it right there and then there's a little mounting bracket that mounts back here but i haven't tightened that up so just to look at and then i'm going to take all this apart again rear wheel vent carbon fiber uh you can take this off and see there's a sort of a wheel well all fiberglass here is the optional rear wing it weighs eight pounds nine ounces the thing's huge it's 1780 millimeters wide i think the dodge viper acr extreme has a slightly wider wing but i know the stock wing on the regular acr is 1776 so it's technically wider than a stock acr wing it's a dual element and i just have it sitting right here you can see that there's cutouts in the chassis and this metal piece you can see my finger coming underneath this is actually the chassis it bolts directly to it so this wing puts direct down force right to the chassis instead of the body you can see i got the upgraded tail lights here these things do like a little bit of a dance when when it starts and when they're given power i haven't seen it yet but i've seen it on uh altima's videos and then in here i don't know if you can see it but it says ultima rs and it looks like that's some sort of like acrylic in there that they did that with it looks awesome this i had to mock up just to see because i pulled these out of the box and they just they're a work of art these are i don't know who makes these for ultima i'd have to jog my memory for it but i mean just the welds and everything are awesome on these things the only concern of mine is that the primaries look a little small for an engine of this output i would like to do like two inch primaries i measured the outer diameter and it's like 1.8 inches so inner diameter might be a little small and a little restrictive but here is the stock gm manifold and it can't be any more restrictive than that so these things are just like eye candy to a car guy though it's it's awesome and i think i'm going to have these ceramic coated and not in a traditional color i'd like to do something kind of cool with it nothing crazy they're not going to be like orange or anything but i definitely like to get these ceramic coated for heat under the bonnet as they call it i guess we call it a hood in the united states but this doesn't look like much of a hood here's the lt5 that i put together i'm going to do some custom valve covers and maybe a few other little things like remote plug wires and stuff to make it look pretty cool and make it look unique so some of the things that i'm going to be doing on this car that are going to be a little bit different from everyone else's ultima not everyone's but everyone's stock ultima is i'm going to be changing the pedal assembly so you can see right down there these pedals here's the clutch pedal those three little i don't know those pieces of metal that are welded to the chassis that's where each pedal goes and then there's a hole for the master cylinders the two brake master cylinders and the clutch master cylinder the throttle's drive by wire so that just attaches to this right here before i do any paneling on this i'm cutting all of that out and i'm installing this as my pedal assembly this is a tilton 800 series it's all forged aluminum it's extremely light and extremely strong and you can see just you know the difference between the stock one it's a huge upgrade there's nothing wrong with these the complaint that most owners give i guess is just that there is a there's very hard pressure required to generate a lot of braking force like obviously these cars stop incredibly well but it just takes a lot of effort to do so it's not like driving a modern car that everyone's used to where you just you know hover your foot on the brake like if you've ever driven the new gt350 mustang or any even a mustang gt or bmw they all have great braking and i guess it's just something that people aren't used to i've never driven an altima so i can't really say what i think about it but i know that mine's gonna have this tilt and pedal assembly and this is the brake bias adjuster the two brake master cylinders go right here and the clutch master cylinder goes right here again this can be adapted to throttle by wire this is the throttle pedal obviously and here are the master cylinders that it comes with stock i wish i would have known that i wasn't gonna use these to begin with but these are the stock master cylinders and then these are the tilton ones so you can just kind of see the differences between them it's it's a big difference just as far as like feel and weight and and quality these are obviously cast aluminum and then these look like they're they look like they're milled they look like they're billet so big difference in in just quality this is like total race car type stuff another thing i'm gonna do is this is the dei reflecta gold that'll be on the other side of this panel in the for the firewall to keep the heat out a big issue in these cars is heat transfer the engine is right behind this so you need to worry about heat mitigation and and insulation between there and here you're sitting basically right here so keeping the cockpit nice and cool is is huge and especially i'm in south florida i did option this car with ac so it'll be nice and cold in here and here is the aim mxs strata dash it's going to be all digital dash i'm going to have no gauges on the on the dash it's all going to be electronic and then i got the carbon fiber dash bezel for for the aim kit all these are going back in their boxes i'm just showing you guys this so next steps are also one more thing so i don't know if you can see but right down there is a brake booster and that is going to make this car have power brakes so this car is going to have all the braking power there's going to be no manual no manual brakes on this car so as you can see the next steps are to remove all these panels you can see there's like little rivets here and there that hold certain panels on and then those need to be drilled out so that i can remove all of these there there's one right there and then once those are all taken off then it's just a bare chassis and then i can get to paneling and then you build it so i'm obviously doing this in a one car garage so it's going to be a little interesting to see but i think i'll have plenty of room once i once i take all these body panels off and i have this chassis dolly i can slide it around no problem but thank you guys for watching and stay tuned i'll get this thing going thanks [Music] you
Channel: Ultimate Ultima RS
Views: 423,417
Rating: 4.8992486 out of 5
Id: 1Rt3kl91JAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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