❸ Rooftop hive: First inspection in 7 years!

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[Music] so usually the inner cover keeps us from being stuck just got to be careful we're not too rough so what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to take the whole upper box because I have a feeling just not many bees in here because I'm worried that we're going to crush the bottom boxes trying to do okay new plan no Top's got to come off so it most likely I'm gonna try to pry this way this direction if you can yeah just pull up this way we're going to try to go right just trying to push down all right yes okay wow that is not what I expected but that's great it's the healthy eyes so this is propolis the glue here that's all propolis um yeah that's really good that they're up here and there's even fresh wax up here so there is a flow on and they're capitalizing on so this is why it was really stuck usually they glue the edges down that's propolis too they've glued the whole top down see there's some dead bees in there too and dead bees happen so every they can lay up to a thousand eggs every day this time of year so that is impressive I cannot believe they had that um so usually what I do is I get to the bottom box and then I start my inspection that way you're not when you smoke them they go down then there's too many in there there's no way we're going to be able to do that you saw how hard it was just to get the lid off each of these frames is going to be glued in so we have to go through each frame unglue them hopefully transfer them to one of your new boxes whichever one you think's in the best condition uh assuming that they're not stuck together or not broken and all that stuff but too far so good and see the little web there it's either a spider or it could be a wax moth looks like there's a some kind of a stink beetle or something yeah a lot of times you can just scrape this stuff either if it's really cold it comes off or if it's really warm it's very malleable let's see if we can because the inner cover seems to be in a decent situation it doesn't have a notch here solid you know there's a bit of a gap here though if you need that I think I can get it but I may need to use all the corners wow so this Hive has not been opened in potentially 17 years and they're thriving this well this is not 17. seven seven years 2006 2016. 16. God I got it got it I was thinking two thousand six okay so seven years but still that's quite a bit of time yeah if you want to you can grab that time tool there and you can help me pry a little bit just work your way along the edge so this Edge you don't want to pry on that one too much because it's less wood you really want to try to work on the corner and then work your way along the side so if you keep working on that side I'll work over to this side you can keep listening on the lid too if if you feel it starting to go just let me know we'll give it a lift I have a feeling of Center is probably stuck oh we're getting a little action here and as as we pop it it may irritate them a little bit so then we'll just take a second and smoke them all right so this is promising yeah this is okay I'm gonna give them a little smoke typically you don't want to walk in front of the hive when you're doing an inspection um and you'll notice you'll actually create a traffic jam because all of the foragers will be coming in and they won't recognize the entrance because you're in the way and then they'll have to they'll just wait for a little bit before they get in it's okay it's this middle piece [Music] the frames are staying down I'm just gonna move slow I feel it breaking there we go oh my gosh I just saw honey pour out of the top of this yep all right so if you want to you can take your hive tool and dip it in there and taste it through the Veil because we're not going to be able to give that back to them so I'm nervous about that so yeah I mean you just do a little scoop and then taste it that is incredible it's got a really strong honey aftertaste now anytime I drink through there I'm gonna get that flavor foreign these girls are very calm that's that's great uh you have some good genetics here usually I put this near the front of the hive so and so is this all rats yes sir the outside edge is propolis yes absolutely absolutely we're gonna save every bit that we can but what we're going to do first again we're going to try to get this stuff into new equipment and then all of this we're going to take off and try to salvage as much as we can that inner cover seems fine we'll be able to salvage that no problem the hard stuff is this glue it's gonna be really hard to get out so all right typically typically what I do is I will push a frame to the side and hopefully this opens up we don't break anything I don't think we've done this there it's going to do that does not want to hope this one's opening that's good news if we can get these to open enough wow that's a lot on there okay you can actually cut some of that if you want so this is uh the hive tool here this let me show you this one this one you'd want to use it this way more like a pry bar so and you typically don't want to apply on the edge of the Box because you're going to go on your joints you want to pry against each other frames either push it that way that way and all we're doing to do is open a small Gap if we can open a small Gap this tool lifts straight up and we just hope that it's not stuck on the bottom so much that we break the frame so right now everything is kosher as soon as we start opening these so this this actually slips down and can pull it straight up so it's always the hard the first frame is always the hardest to get out I got this one wiggling but okay I feel like that one's moving but I'm going to go ahead and just be careful not to push down too hard because that box is underneath are not structurally sound so you can go ahead and start working on just trying to get some of this propless off just slide the tool across there trying to cut yourself and then all of the propolis is Like Glue you can use this for tinctures and stuff I have never done it I have saved some but you don't want to put it somewhere where it can get on your shoes because it'll be there forever so that's what this Pan's for and if we can just try to keep um the prop list to one side and then we'll try to we can pick it out later but the problems on one side and then we'll put the uh that right in front of their thing over there I can probably talk this on one side and then the wax towards the other side just in case we want to try to save that wax and melt it down we do want to save everything that they make so just like you bought that wax if there's any extra wax in here you melt it down you can put it on your frame so this is cool we're going at it Yep they're just cleaning after work so these girls don't care right now they're like oh crap I gotta I gotta Harvest as much as I can so the good thing is they're in a flow wow dude you've got capped honey in this thing like mad so hopefully we can get these transferred over and we may probably need to go ahead and put that second Super on let them clean this up and let them start building out that next one for you you can use your body too just try to grab the other side of the hive so we're not tweaking too much wow that's impressive let's meet some girl and any any bees that you want to move you don't have your tool you just touch them and then they move so let's poke on the butt yeah that's cool yeah once they feel any pressure they move now if you pinch your fingers in between there then then they'll sting you but come on buddy you can blow on them too there we go sometimes they don't like the CO2 and it'll agitate them but that gets them out of the way uh so it depends on what kind of mood they're in they're always different on different days so things that I'm telling you work some days and sometimes they're just like no I don't want you in here at all they keep hooking their heads up and I'm trying to cut this part off and I don't want to you know pack my heads up too oh we can smoke them down laughs yeah sometimes when they come out like that that's what we do smoke them down so these little cavities here probably had small high beetles or something in them and they just make a little jail and then they starve to death and die that's awesome yeah so that's how they manage things this super actually looks like it may be in decent shape as far as being able to reuse it is okay to have two colors on a on a hive oh yeah it doesn't matter so most of mine are the same color and what I did is I used painters tape to create different patterns on the front that way I because I didn't want to buy multiple paint colors but I buy it by the gallon and I roll it on so I do not have your skills that's for sure but no it doesn't matter too much and actually sometimes the pattern is nice because they recognize the pattern not just a singular color yeah I I heard that too but I'd already bought the paint so no I think I think it looks good I think it'd be a nice aesthetic aesthetic to kind of keep it the same color sometimes people paint their Hive bodies with different colors than the honey supers it's just paint you're protecting the wood you're protecting your investment that is just so cool okay I think it's gonna take a picture of that yeah yeah take your time now is the experience I am surprised that they are so calm right now but we're not in The Brood chamber yet sir you're so cool and some wet wax is kind of brittle so it's been there a while yeah so you see the white cappings up here that's all filled with honey but that's cool yeah try girls so we have a more alarm we have a student here who is an entomologist nice and she she doesn't study bees but she does finally have really cool she comes up here and she's one of the first people you know that I uh brought up here that actually went in front of the hive and started taking pictures yeah she was just completely unafraid of him yeah you got people understand them they're they're totally fine now yeah I think if I can get good enough with this to where I can train somebody she would love to great good deal yeah and I I don't mind training people I just sometimes uh in the mentor positions people were just like uh we want you to manage six hives just tell us how to do it no actually you do it so I I just always leaving the option there but since you guys yeah you guys have you guys are in part of this department I'd rather set you guys up for Success again I'd rather you guys be up here managing these hives than kind of letting them fall disrepair but they seem to take care of themselves but that's great how many bees you have in here um it may even be a potential that we could make a split um on our next inspection so then we could make this into two hives so you wouldn't have to pay for them you would just split them how much were you charging again uh I was going to give them to you for but it's it's up to you I have them if you need them and if not then no I mean so I was super excited before but now that the budget's out the time is really the more important factor yes yeah that is that is the thing and I have some nukes now that I'm gonna have to push into 10 frame boxes so I could potentially sell you something that's that's more than five frames so um actually no we're putting this all in new boxes aren't we yeah yeah okay so this is just a lever mechanism now the thing that you got to worry about here is those side rails that you put on yeah um to make sure they don't come off because if they slide off then all you have is the top bar and a whole bunch of comb so that's why sometimes that you put nails and Staples through that side face yep just as a backup but hopefully the the comb is good enough these are man lakes and they're already stapled so and the first one is usually the hardest one to get out and everything usually goes pretty quick after that for each box oh wow yes so you will be harvesting honey this year it looks like that's incredible but you can Harvest that right now that's 100 capped and there's your so that's a drone right there the bigger guys they usually have a round of butt because they're they're phallus yeah they're yeah if we see it I definitely want to figure out how the queen looks yeah absolutely all right so we need to move this over um let's go ahead and put the medium on the bottom board for now just so that we can kind of if they go somewhere it's going to be their new home uh this the medium one the one that you just threw the queen excluder on yeah yeah sorry sorry that's a honey super also called a medium it's not a deep so these are medium frames and the good thing is there's not a ton on the bottom so typically what you would do on future inspections we would clean these bottoms off since we're just doing the the transfer it's not that big a deal right now and then these shoulders oops sorry girls usually want to try to clean those off we won't focus on that today there you go ladies there you go okay and then again you can pry with the leverage on this end yep there you go and then just twist this part of the tool towards me there you go yeah use that Leverage if you can slide it out oh it's starting to pop here so do you have a piece that can fit in that little uh is it the box that's popping out it's um this little wood piece the uh this piece right here the part of the frame sorry girl oh sorry it's going to happen see how it's separated right there so maybe maybe I'm trying to try to get that and shove it right against the box like right there yours is a sharper tool and just give it a good push down oh it's coming it's coming yeah sometimes cropless hesitate do you want to take this one out definitely I just grab it yep yeah that's why I usually grab the shoulders right there and then pinch as hard as you can when I'm done I I stick my middle fingers underneath it may be stuck to the bottom just to be stuck to the bottom so let's try to get this one closer wow that is really stuck actually I can probably get it from this Edge do you want to do it yes you can just set that down here and then we can swap back and forth works good deal and pinch that one then you can do the seam over here or this one may come right out once you get that one usually it breaks this side for you so and you can actually lift with that tool too and remember these are those are right here too so we can always set them there yeah that's 100 cap so that honey is dripping off the bottom you can taste that too if you wanted to that one will need to stay on the outside because they've drawn it a little wider and we'll just try to keep everything in the same orientation that they had and then we'll worry about cleaning stuff up on this next inspection unless we find a real mess but this is a reason two you want to try to use plastic Foundation because they typically yeah sometimes those gloves I'll set it down for you oh no I'm wearing one it's okay again they only a thousand a day that means a thousand die usually a date natural causes so if we kill a few we're still bettering their odds of survival so just a little murderer yeah no you're good you'll get over that okay and then we'll just do it enough to crack it and then you can lift with this thing it's all you need and I can do the cracking part on the next ones so this is medium is fine so each of those uh frames is probably about um eight pounds of honey five to eight pounds of honey and if they're capped they're ready to harvest so that's cool you got ten you got you potentially have between 50 and 80 pounds of honey right now but since we're doing all this would just be a bad time to you know uh try to try to get money for them um uh I harvest Memorial Day so so this inspection all we're doing is transferring if you wanted to harvest it would you could do it next on our next inspections um well look at all the honey in between there so the little gaps between the frames make it easy to inspect but they like to cover it up and make it into a bridge so it's one continuous hive so no I wouldn't Harvest today I mean you could always pull a frame out if you wanted to do one frame um I think if we if you want to harvest that decision needs to be made after we get everything out of this box because we don't know what we're running into in the bottom they may have all moved up but seeing that this is all capped honey I mean that that's pretty much ready to harvest so you'll start seeing a lot of these other bees just kind of flying around a little bit we got to be careful that we don't get into a situation where we have robber bees from other hives coming up here um there's not much we can do about it besides just cover that top and that's what we'll do with that inner cover if we need to rubber bees are just you know bees from other hives that are trying to get that honey okay go ahead yeah and I think this medium could easily be reused um careful there yeah there you go yeah I think they'd be able to be reused if you want to paint you could paint it um this one's already painted you may want to just if we can reuse this one and then you can repaint that other one and then once that one's repainted then we can swap them out again this process that you're doing right now swapping equipment you can do that anytime that you want to so don't feel bad if something's not perfectly painted you can just do it on your next inspection when you say anytime you want to during your inspection so like if our next inspection you wouldn't entirely change the entirely different equipment go for it usually I take out a frame at a time so I don't disrupt them a lot but I don't think you're gonna have any issues here every time you get in them people say that sets them back a little bit because you know you're taking some of their comb down but these girls probably need to be set back look at how strong they are it's incredible I do see some uh drone larvae in there so these are the larvae of the Drone this just kind of happens so they draw they draw it out between there because of the typically this is made for uh worker size Foundation but when they get the purple eye stage they're just about to develop their wing buds and they're probably about a week from hatching does this one savable no he's gone so these are like they're insects of course you know that the when they're inside of that they're in a pupa case so it's like a little cocoon as soon as you break that open the humidity and temperatures all gone but again you're not losing much by losing some of the boys it's the females that you typically don't want to lose but they're usually within the frames not in different spots all right girls they're starting to get a little cold draft so they're here and buzzing a little bit I'm noticing that looks like we're not having enough room for all three of those so I need to start pushing these in in this place uh if you want to you can um at some point we may want to try to scrape off some of that comb on the top of the frames as well but we don't have to do that at this moment but totally up to you I just want to make sure I don't Crush any unnecessary yeah so you want to try to move them all at once if you don't want to crush them on necessarily okay so where are you going to crush them is this interface right here but if you just try to slide everything you can hold this out of the boxer yep then you have one opportunity so that's what when I put them back I try my best to set the next one right next to it and then then I push them over at the end and I'll share some of those nuances with you when we do as an inspection that's not really a rehab yeah yeah whatever you want to call this yeah this is all kept honey so we'll put this at the very top they'll protect it and then we'll put an empty one below it they'll start building the comb out and then hopefully get you even more honey this is great this is incredible and they drew that one out so wide that the next one was they couldn't even draw the frame out it's actually so thin there they couldn't put nectar in there because that one was so wide sometimes if you have new equipment you can do manipulations so that you don't have stuff like that but we just need to keep that frame next to that frame we should be fine whenever you harvest the honey it'll it'll slice the face off too and then they'll rebuild it straight the next time yeah man that is super looking good same thing here they drew that one out so fast that it it's a lot of propolis be careful on the prying or cutting I got that one perfect should be good and again we'll Salvage this box for sure it must have been underneath the the top enough let's try that that may be still really tight but just be careful when you go down and these girls are just going to roll off and that's fine just be careful when we do that we wouldn't want to do that with the queen so when you're worried about there hang on one second you can actually use the frame for leverage and push it that way and it pushes the rest of the frames so cool um you don't want to rack the frames too much but when you get in a situation like this it's sink you need to pull up on that side a little bit there all right girls so the next inspection you probably want to get this propless off so we don't have it get in and that's that like we were talking about the millimeters that add up yep that's exactly what happened right there and then you just so you can pry on the edge you don't want to do it much unless you've got a newer box off the wall you just kind of want that Gap to be about the same wow not much of a gap huh so now the concern is robbing so I'm going to set this on top just to close it up so no other bees are tempting to get in here and then they can at least protect that if they need to all right so don't worry about that yet we can do that when it's off let's work on prying this one off without trying to crush this box again try to get your tool in as far as you can and then you could cry all right I'm prying up on this side there we go and then if you want to you can just shake them in front of that Hive shake them uh just shake the there's a little few bees in there or you can just set it down they'll probably fly back there you go just set that off to the side and we'll uh we can clean that and potentially revamp that one let's go ahead and work on this one next do you want that were you hanging on to that or are you taking a picture of that uh that's it she definitely enjoyed that I'm going to put this inner cover there just as a little temporary stand and we're going to move the next box over this way usually you kind of just keep stacking but I don't know what is stable and what is secure and what we're getting into so so typically you'll set it off like that and then you'll just set this off just at an angle to make sure all four corners are touching and then there's smaller openings for them to potentially protect so let me give them a little smoke we've got them pretty opened up here all right again the hardest one is the first one is this one this one seems structurally not too bad oh well this side is okay if it wasn't for the the problems and um everything that's inside there that one probably just poke a hole through that let's attempt to pry against the frames then here yeah this is this is dry rolling I'm trying to figure out which one are you going I'm just trying to find one that I can break Acro break apart this one's moving this one's moving if you can help me either put the tool in there and just sort of press straight down or use the other end and do the ratcheting or The Leverage yeah always you yeah if you can use that side it'll give you a lot more leverage I got enough movement over here I may be able to do it I'm going to start taking the propolis off the edges yeah that's what all this is so don't worry about it too much don't worry about it too much they'll fix it by the time the day is done so he can take any of the propolis I'm not sure if you have much on that so yeah you do yeah just take it off the top edge of that frame there we go I was like some kids having fun all right let's get that one going this kind of just a feel thing you can tell if something's breaking or if it's not slow steady Leverage I'll just say could you use a I think I got this side loose enough for that yeah let's do that there you go there's another drone right there he's not quite to the purple eye stage his wings are no so when you check in here there's something called a varroa Mite if you see a little red Mite on this thing means the hive could have Gorilla mic system does not but they also run really quick it's incredible and you may see some of those thrown out of the hive after we do this inspection that right there is probably a queen cell that hatched it's the bottom of something so we really want to get this stuff off the top um I'm gonna start working on this if you have any what coming up not yet I'm gonna go a lot of be friends now yeah I don't know yeah I got your job I got my job just stay out of the week girls enjoy yeah so if we don't clean this off and we put another box on top of it it could smash bees in here so it's best to try to keep these clean and makes the inspections go a lot smoother too and you're just putting it in here I'm just drop it in there and if we need to we can leave it out here so they can rob it out we just don't want it to be anywhere near this hive thank you call that honey you just take that whole piece right there eat it that's my girls let's do this a little quicker is that one coming up or is it still struggling I got this side but I can't get that side what about the one next to it can you loosen the one next to it at all at least we've got that one all right girls yeah the frame on that one's coming loose I don't want to put too much blood pressure on that okay um you want this yeah let me see if I can probably this way first we got some distance over here got distance on that one got distance on that one yeah this one should be able to be fired up on the end now two or three just number number two two or three yeah both of those should come up now I would hope oh girls sorry there we go deliver it up I guess but it's working again this is worst case scenario sometimes if you don't expect like I didn't inspect from October until about March because of the weathering stuff um you'll run into stuff sort of like this not nearly like this though that's why it's important is do your inspections clean off this extra cool all right what box are going to uh the one behind you once you're right yep and then we'll just again we'll try to keep them in a similar order so once we get that one out just leave a little Gap so we can get the next one actually before you take that let me go ahead and scrape the top of that sorry girls come on girls okay go for it again I prefer to be a little calmer with these girls but I don't want them robbing situation to happen either this is good though we're already in the second box yep got a little Bridge comb there that's okay it happens [Music] oh my hands are just covered in Honey now [Music] you're doing good man sure enjoying this a lot yeah it's very calming especially when you hear the buzz and they're just you realize they don't care about you they're just like I'm just doing my business here some days they care about you but I'm glad today's not one of those days yeah probably got honey honey raining down on them too so oh wow that's tight if you yeah if you want to work on this Frame I'll work on trying to get that outside frame loose oh you're good [Music] it's already getting the root cheaper they'll get a little more antsy but sorry once we get to The Brood chamber uh where the babies are and stuff they could get a little more antsy but it should be okay yeah yeah you're eating honey now aren't you all right so I just smelled uh like a lemon Taffy type smell yeah I'm not sure if you smell that or not but uh that is the um alarm pheromone so their attitude will change a little bit now all right got it yeah if I can get this one come on don't break the Box well I guess the box is already toast isn't it yeah is it the front or is it the bottom it's the bottom you can always chop it everything from here over here is gone so potentially these two sides you could chop this down and make it into a medium but it depends how deep the rod is okay all right yeah you can probably get both of those out now probably I say yeah that sounds like something rotten somewhere I guess one of these has the whole side open doesn't it all right hang on let me what's on the outside you see see okay it's all nectar okay you're good you're good I'm just seeing if we're getting to the uh brewed eggs we just got to be careful when we get to that point because we need to keep an eye out for the queen and make sure we don't harm her thank you scrape it out scrape it out yep see that's your stinger just slide it out oh I'm not doing very good here just use your hive tool and slide it out you want to slide it you know what yeah I got honey all over everything yeah I just pinch it out and just take the pull this way okay you're good now we want to put a Little Smoke on that do you want to take a break you can take a break too yeah it just feels like something really hot on you here I'll let me smoke it so that because that'll have alarm pheromone on it actually all right long sleeve shirt next time yeah or if you can find the suit it's it's nice yeah like I said once you smell that smell then they're going to be more defensive so a lot of these bees may have been worker bees that were just doing stuff now we're getting down to potentially guard bees and stuff wow these are I can barely even pick anything up it's so slippery you okay yeah I know it just burns yeah it's like a hot needle right yeah I'm good you want to do the next one or yeah let me adjust this real quick that's what I was doing before I gotcha your attitude changed towards the beach no I'm just teasing no I understand I understand it's no I just don't I'm okay getting stung again I just don't want to get stung again right now yeah I hear you yep if you can get it my fingers are just too slippery to pick it up now make sure it's capped honey Isn't capped honey on that side too yeah yeah you're good so as you get to the center typically is when you're starting to get to um The Brood chamber and since we're seeing cap drones here probably a good indication all right yeah I know a few of them hit me all at once I'm just getting it yeah I'm getting anxious so it's done these will be defensive and they may hit you they get you again yeah all right let's take a break I need to swap gloves too I can't feel anything where'd you get hit back arms oh I just put that on the roof mine's got a guard on the bottom now so I don't know if you see anything yep see it they're Barbed so you get it yeah got it I'm gonna swap gloves because I can't that's got a guard on it but I don't want to take it okay Jack's downstairs may not be bad yeah yeah I'm gonna go ahead and just keep on moving okay sorry girls don't mean to upset you just got to keep moving see if I can use frame grip here [Music] foreign so we had an old Queen cell up here old one here and tear those down let's get cat Brew but it's all backfilled and there's honey a lot of Honey nectar kept brewed it's been backfilled it's a couple open spots but I don't know do not see a queen and these Queen cells are so old hoping for eggs but they're so backfilled I don't see anything foreign all right girls I apologize it was round three isn't it do you have the other Hive tool okay sorry oh you're good I couldn't get that one out I was like I cannot get it out I try to use my other tool and all that stuff push it back that way people Leverage there you go I will mention uh whatever clothes you typically wear you may want to launder them separately and last and allow your washer and dryer to air out sometimes if there's Stingers in it you can get a really mild let's go slow here because we got cat brood let me grab that one okay good I got it got cat brood all right girl I feel you I feel you don't need to sting me though you don't have 32. yeah she's trying fingers not in there so this is cat brood this lighter color the cap Tony all that's nectar the bottom edge of this shows me that there was tons of Queen cells throughout the years but there are usually you'll have several per each swarm what we're aiming to see is Young larvae um and eggs we're still in the upper brood box capped honey cat brood and nectar yeah that would have been one that was split from the other box so a lot of times you'll clean the bottoms of the frames too but if we can get to clean the tops of the frames we can do the bottoms next time but that way it'll limit smashing and stuff they play around you a lot just let me know you can smoke yourself too um just keeps them away tries to come on down so we got a lot of bearding on the front too yeah it's just as they're coming back they're like hey hang on there's not as much room in my hive anymore on that one yet there you go perfect now I do have a frame holder it's a different style you had at one as well um sometimes it's really wide it can Crush stuff so yeah but I I think if these were less Caps or it was covered maybe that'd be a good idea yep it's getting lighter so what am I looking for this is all nectar um brood brood over here um what's what's going on with this side point to it that's honey it's just a little shallower because there's probably one that's built out yeah this side's built out a little wider than it nectar and honey I don't see a queen or anything on here and you typically won't you'll try to she'll mostly be around brood our open cells and they're backfilling everything so your potential honey Harvest is getting put into your brood chamber which means they could potentially swarm which they've probably swarmed up a ton of times in the past already that pry on that there it goes [Music] that side already come apart uh not really there we go sorry can you do babe I don't think bad foreign as you get further into it you won't have to use as much smoke but this is this is a pretty unique situation do you want to take this one too yeah all right ready when you are got it all nectar um yeah oops sorry girl so there was cat brood here you can see it was there and then they backfilled all of it this in here is bee bread so it's pollen a mixer pollen and nectar so pollen's usually dry if it looks wet like that it's bee bread which means they mix it together to make food for The Brood and when they mix it it ferments and then it lasts for a very long time that's cool nectar and honey a little bit of pollen so again you got the bread sorry girls and typically you have this see right here a little ring of it usually you have that and then there's brood in here but they've backfilled everything they didn't have enough so space um typically they leave this open and she'll keep laying in it and then she'll lay in the middle and then work her way out and as it hatches she'll go back and lay it again you can pull that off if you want and so on and so on what they did is instead of her going back they went back and filled all of The Brood chamber so she can't lay in there anymore which is going to make her want to swarm so a bit of a concern but if we put a super on there we hope that they build it out and move all this up that's the hopes uh oops I got one I heard her I hate that crunch down and then sometimes see how they're in there right in the middle there if you press on them just like I said with your fingers you press on them they get out of the way so that's why I bump it a couple times there one I probably wouldn't blow on them well they're irritated at this point sometimes it irritates them a little bit sometimes if you're holding just a frame it's okay uh smoking is probably what we needed to get them down at the at this point since they're agitated of course we have half their hive torn apart too so I'd be pissed off as well a fair point but I mean we've gone through 10 we're about to be through eight and then we just got the bottom ones to go with all the crank girls you don't think it's better from here man this is it man there we go get it yeah okay so the cat brood that's the centerpiece so again they're back filling it hard so Michelle is white on here people call that icing but that just means there's a nectar flow and they're wanting to build out comb if they don't have a place to put it though you can always step back if you need to I'm trying to get out of my own head because like my issue right now is not that I'm actually scared or anything it's just like I got stung twice now every little thing just oh yeah yeah when they're on my fingers it freaks me out yeah that's what it was I did yeah yes yeah you can always by the way one of the bees made it down with me oh no for sure oops no you didn't sting me I'm like somebody's gonna see it uh can you pull that in the bottom middle can you pull that little chunker off of there yeah it's an old Queen cell just get that out of the way so we don't smash anything give it a Twist cool so that's cat brood and nectar again looks good but it's backfilled so uh just need to be aware of that again today the main goal is to transfer them to new equipment any of our management decisions that can we can revisit another time well maybe there we go grab that side popped that side coming yeah oh yeah it's rotted through you can see where they actually propylized what was rotten on the inside of the box impressive so I can't get that one up you can use leverage on this other frame on this side if you need to as soon as we get everything back together they'll all go in the sleeves alone they'll all go in and just leave us alone but right now it's just like a major renovation going on I just imagine a pairing they're like what are you doing this uh that is royal jelly it's right here interesting I don't know what smooshed but actually it's probably that uh Queen cell that you twisted off oh okay that's it now that means that if there's royal jelly in it though that means that they may have already being prepared to swarm kept honey nectar bee bread I probably should have checked in it before you tore it off but there's probably plenty more connector pollen B bread kept honey all right girls too okay I think that's probably enough to get this one in this one was pretty smashed against the wall so we should have plenty of room okay all right when we we're done with this we're going to move that box over and we're gonna get them back over to that location I got your wing I think you got a couple other Stingers too yeah okay let's call it even it's all right there's like let's call it even no that's part of the best part okay prying on that or can you lift on that one oh wow yeah so that's why I like that J Tool because it pops the bottom I can't even lift oh there it is yeah got it now outside's typically honey this is all resources yeah if she's here uh we saw that Queen cell and it had a larvae in it it wasn't capped means she's probably still here but it may mean that she doesn't want to be here so we got to be mindful of that but if we find Queen cells uh uh we can potentially do a split can you use the tool and just kind of push on the frames or pull it back towards you or whatever you can do there we go the best we're gonna get over here it's gonna be oh it's propless it's okay ooh I'm giving them honey okay all right I'm just gonna pry it girls it's the problems on the shoulders the frames I call these the shoulders where they're touching together there's so much propolis that's our Gap is bound to nothing it's something that can be cleaned up on the next inspection and it can only take so much all right girl so let's just give it to them just a second we're going to go ahead and I'm gonna get them on their bottom board and the prop was on there it's already is it prop so it wouldn't be problems on this yet would they think so oh man that's okay it'll be inside their High when we're done all right we need to move this over there um foreign you're gonna be pressing against each other I'm that strong it used to be much stronger okay now you got that get the front there if you lift the front off get the bag so the trick here is the uh so this one will still eventually have to be on the upper part so I'm going to lift it again but I just want to try to get him back get some sort of order so they can be gone Dodge yeah that's probably about you 67 pounds right there you go close you can tap them come on girls there's enough stuff between the frames too feels like it's not going to set down I got one yeah sorry girls there's the hole you want to take any pictures before we jump into the next thing kind of scared but I shouldn't get much more than that just we hope we find the queen it's part of it I made a friend nice yep yeah a lot of times I don't like care yeah it's the ones that bump you in the face that are like hey 2016. yeah see the hole in the box there hear that how the noise changes there it affects their pheromones so they they found their wings to try to get the smell out so can you explain to me the the thing you said about washing your laundry separate oh sorry yeah so if you're getting the stings in there and you start wearing it all the time around you you could be getting micro doses of it and then you could become allergic because it'll surround you all the time um some people rarely wash their stuff some people wash it at laundromats but I just try to do it like if we're doing laundry on the weekend mine will be the last load and then we don't do anything throughout the week so we just kind of let everything dry out and air out all right this box should come off real easy I would bet as long as we don't just collapse the bottom one oh here it is looks like I'm not getting the whole box you pry that front corner there or actually yeah we'll just tear it off it's toast anyways all right it looks kind of dark hope that's not coming this way wow this one's gonna be the worst you know try to get the wood away so it doesn't get into anything that we're doing all right so we're moving the frames over yeah we need another deep box which is that one behind you so we'll go ahead and pull those frames out this is a very healthy Hive though I'm excited I always knew it was a great Hive it's you know definitely reoccurred over and over again it had no issues whatsoever yeah yeah they had drawn cone so whatever the previous one had they drew more or whatever the previous had they drew more so it's a great scenario yeah go ahead and uh we'll work the propolis of course the propos off the end of the frames and then thank you smokers going nuclear if that's smoke blowing in your face let me know it'll choke you up real good real fast if it is I probably spent too much time around campfires mostly used I see some original nuke frame frames in here everything we've seen so far had a crown staple in it um it's got nails yeah the one on the very outside almost looks like it could be two all right girls I know I know I know I know the worst part for you too actually I know we can move it at this point yeah either see if we could move the other one to this location they'd calm down and go into the new hive but we really need them to be in the bottom box so we just need to keep on doing so like I would say we can move this over and then put it over there but we need that box not that box to be on the bottom so let's just go ahead and transfer them we'll do the same thing we did last time make sure we've got all Corners touching these are cracked over here so you should be able to pry up on these two we can get those loose these girls aren't going to get any aren't going to get much calmer so let's try to get through it I had a concern about that okay let's try this side there are frame repairing nails that we can get I don't have any on me I haven't had the issue yet but I just had a feeling this is going to be needed foreign 's coming up slowly okay come on nice and easy uh let's get them in the box and we'll do that last time I did it my fingers and hands just got covered in Honey and then I couldn't do anything so we'll do that before we set the boxes stepped on your nectar okay sorry I'm sorry nectar not cat nectar nectar and honey so as soon as the nectar is dried down then they cap it then they call it honey it's just a moisture content issue and sometimes they don't even cap it I broke a break so pretty yeah again if you have a suit with the bees buzzing around you probably gives you a little more confidence than what you're doing because a lot of these curls don't care it's the ones that are grabbing onto you and trying to put their butt in you or sting you they care the rest of them are just like what is going on what is this giant guy doing here yeah I'm feeling good now that I got that nectar cat brood and honey and then got a ring over here of bee bread but again there's no Queen in here there's no sign of a queen there's a few open cells and there's no eggs in there I hope that we find something in the center that's a little more obvious so be bread nectar and honey great you want to try to get this last one here before we go any further that's probably not a bad idea don't have much to pry on though box breaks out that's the thing yes white in the middle I'm sorry uh let me just get this one I think I'm gonna need a little bit more room but we can probably get that one with a frame grip yeah let's try to give it a good old-fashioned if you want to it's right over there it's right here nectar bee bread cat brood honey control do I get open cells they're most of them are girls so you gotta talk to them like a lady ladies do you have a flashlight on your phone uh if your hands are not completely covered and nasty if they're nasty don't worry about it oh nice good job just Center in yep you need to look at it yeah set it in all the way to the side it looks like it's open zip I'm actually starting to see open cells though so what I want to see is eggs in there though but it's so dark it's hard to tell I think that uh I don't think there's one in there though nectar bee bread that may be why they're back filling because they don't have a queen oh you're good take your time I adjusted this one uh yeah so that one girls I just hate it when I touch my skin it freaks me out a little bit the uh yeah so there's a little piece of metal that goes over those Corners when they break like that so long as we can keep that piece there you can order those online they're like 50 cents a dollar a piece but you have to buy a 10 pack and then you just you just nail it on there or we can take that one out of rotation and put one of these foundation in there so either way it's just their vibrations okay see now I see the inside's painting on that one now I regret about hanging inside of the inside you can only swap it it's a good amount of cat brood nectar pollen honey so do they have a stinging pose yeah yeah they kind of Tuck underneath um I'll show you the next time one's trying to do it on my thing yeah they kind of like tuck their butts underneath and I'm seeing them also do it to the metal so I'm not sure if they're actually they may be trying but if they if they don't sense that it's actual skin they won't do it that's why these gloves are kind of a weird Miracle because you can use your fingers but uh ah almost got me because it doesn't feel like skin to them so they don't sting it do they use pheromones for that too like they sense our smells and they're like uh they usually sense the co they sense the CO2 I think it's just a texture thing for them honestly but when they sting their alarm pheromone is inside of that too so that's like a tracking system yeah so the rest of them know where the Predator is man I was excited about this thing now I'm a little nervous no Queen in here is it possibly mister uh this would be laid up so this is actually open you have that uh camera yeah your fingers are all messed up aren't they let me let me walk over to the greenhouse change gloves and then I can grab my phone okay foreign [Music] bring it I'm just trying to shine it down on those cells is it on right now yep sorry a surprise it gives sexy making it harder to see I can't quite no you're good it's just it's so dim out here usually the sun does what it needs to do um I feel like I see eggs now do you have uh can you take a picture and zoom in I can do my best I think I think there's eggs in here right in this space do you see like little white things in there in the bottom of those cells there's like a tiny tiny grain of rice maybe trying to tip over I can't tell if it's a glare or if it's that what you're describing but yeah yeah that's that's what it's hard to tell if it's glare or not because they do polish the cups so some people have high power flashlights they use not a bad idea yeah sorry this thing's always so good it's it's years old Oh no you're good it's just uh yeah I'm not getting anything I can assume that but like it's going on um maybe we'll see so if that's the case and she's attached and laying yeah there's another Hive right over there right yeah that little that thing's a tiny tiny Hive though so look at all that beautiful pollen that's a beautiful picture if your fingers aren't sticky yet um that bee bread so a lot of times you see it all yellow but when you see multiple colors it's different varieties so you have more diversity in pollen and proteins and that it's just like a balanced diet so people can make a lot of honey off of cotton and stuff but if they're not getting a lot of other proteins then sorry these gloves you get shredders you're good is it an iPhone yeah okay let's see sometimes you can use the volume button on iPhone to make it take a picture I'm sure that's the same for Androids or not unfortunately um do with some technology but not that savvy gosh I just need to shake my hand off real quick thank you what are we going to do okay um I'll probably Saturday and I just I really wanted to see eggs I was hoping that I'd see them clearly on one of these other frames or find the queen I mean maybe rude if I can just shake them off and be like you can you can it'll make them even happier than they are now oh yeah yeah yeah um if anything it's on that frame so I'm just gonna leave this one set up for now thanks foreign still see anything they've got to have eggs we're gonna have an issue so it is entirely possible yes if they swarm themselves to death which means they took every queen that hatched and left then there's no Queen then we won't be getting anything out of the hive we got to get a queen in here or at least some eggs so they can make some this one right there in the middle it's just tipping over so there's not a lot but there's one that means oh sorry uh that right there okay that's one right there too on end so then they'll tip over they'll fill it with Royal jelly and then they'll be like little maggots until they're this size oh gosh dang it uh not what not yet and then they'll get close to that and then let's see those have purple eyes so they've on capped those usually they'll get really close to that and then they'll cap them over then they'll do the thing let me grab another glove if you want to we can start setting those back in this green box uh it goes it's the next one after this one today so you can set that one down in so going this way one two three one three correct yes sir let me grab a glove so we're good we're good it's okay it happens I know I'm sure eventually I'll get over it it you may not you're a compassionate person but yeah we always do our best not to just uh you try so hard and then one just slides underneath where you don't want them to be and it's like oh you ever watch Star Wars yeah of course I just imagine this like this if you dropped your knees you get as dramatic as Obi-Wan when he was talking to uh Annika at the end it's just like no try to make sure I don't take each one of these as personally yeah yeah once I realized they lay a thousand a day but this one doesn't have a lot but if we saw somebody laying then there's chance there's a queen in there now if you see multiple eggs in one cell that could potentially be a laying worker which means they've been without one for a long time but sorry girls I know there's not much space to get back to good I thought this was broken wood but it's just problems does that look amazing voice got brood over here too it's good so if it's cat brood that means she laid that egg and it hatches out in 21 days so a queen was in this Hive Within three weeks but then we saw eggs they were starting to tip over when they start to tip over they're about three days old and they turn into a larvae so How likely is it that if I were to set up a blank height next to these all right this is a good spot um it's awesome anything's possible my bees are swarming right now they may be coming over here you never know the thing is when you pull one of these out and put like a foundation in here let them build new comb put that old comb in there that's what they go to it's the smell of the old hive so when you're starting your hive you need to start with like a new home or you can just wax them like you did we call that good enough uh waxing is good but they still have to draw that comb out it's just waxing encourages them to draw it out if you had just that plastic they would either left or they would have not drawn it out or they would have drawn it out in the way that you don't want them to it would have been perpendicular it would have just been sticking things together um but that is actually really waxed really well but it's because they like do it in round spots yeah so they'll go this direction they'll just go where they want to and then it's just like you can't get the frames apart so you're essentially seeing a foundation you're telling them build it from all the locations instead of just one spotter yes we wanted to build straight out like this instead of out at an angle and nectar and B bread so you notice the girls are not as angry right now yeah I would bet that we were close to the queen when they got really defensive okay sometimes they know more than we do so see how these girls are really calm down in this box they're not freaking out they're not flying out our faces they got familiar smells in there and one of those smells may be the queen this feels so weird yeah perfect oh yeah that's all backfills oh it's pretty oh this one's gonna tricky yeah good luck you got the hard one my bad be good yeah once you get there you can try to rotate your frame towards you about 45 degrees it should give you a little space push the other frames over yeah this actually rotten box on here watch your fingers for a second see that there was a boy in there I just see it yeah that's right yeah that's right well I don't know if that's the boxer that's the it may have been from the box because the box is soft you want to scrape this part then see what happens it seems pretty solid yeah you're right it could just be the top layer yeah yeah it's propolis watch I'm gonna come up so I don't hit your finger yeah come on girls there okay I react like violently when I get stunk you were like oh they got me I was like ah what do you do why me I've uh I've been prepared by so many things you know working my cars I guess before Oh my goodness we'll find more on our next episode yeah we have to get some more uh bee suits so that I guess she said it was a whoever the other person was yes thumbs up not crazy just give him a good shake they'll pop off yeah it's yeah I just thought it was funny hey man all right uh but yeah I didn't expect to have a huge reaction all right so for now we're gonna try to get them back to that spot um we got to get that bottom board yeah I don't know I don't know why I put it back on that bottom board what was I thinking look at that beautiful Moss under there it's crazy yeah God just pop that off there you go yeah anything you need to do let's go ahead and do it I mean we don't even need the four by fours if you don't want them we could always go back to the blocks but I mean they're good so I'd like to eat them yeah seems like it'll make it easier to work on these girls are figuring it out here I need that finger hold right there That's Heavy that's heavier than I can lift in one go all right let's say if you want to get one second it's so heavy though but we got to get the bottom board out that's the thing you can just tip that straight up if you well it'll slide off yeah if you can get it good good I can push out of this that's not going to be the bottom one so you can set that on its end or or you can sit you can set it back where it was it looks like there's a gap there so we can pick it up another one dang it girls we have to do that today there's your stinging clothes oh she just ripped it out hang on let me sure I get this out got it yeah they're gonna be pissed that probably didn't do they're gonna be pissed at me look at you bonding with them going after me bonding with you all right let's see how it is all right do you want to get that one or you want me to get that one I got it so they were entering this way though so I'm not sure if that could fit that way it won't can we like it potentially yeah I'm good over here try to keep the the inside doesn't have to be as wide just the front needs to be able to hold it because the weight will catch on that corner there we go and then this will want to go that way this is the front yep not that they know any difference but two and girls set what they're just upset now that's good though that's all right we'll get revenge oh Thirty thousands okay let's go ahead and scrape this comb real quick and toss it in the thing okay there's another drone look at that I told you to find another one oh cool it looks like it got cut anyway as much as you can get to start from that side and then the girls hell of a day I'm sure I'm not sorry two of you stung me you know what's interesting is they are going to be confused because we did actually change the orientation of the Box you know because the entrance was that way but the cones are going the other direction they'll figure it out they're smart they they I mean they went they let us stop me uh attention yeah I think I'm gonna be better off without RL once we get into mites and stuff like that does heavy on the owners that chance of getting mics potentially small high beetles but not mites I've heard stories that it reduces the chances of small high meals but because they have to pupate in the soil but that doesn't mean they just can't fly up here anyways yeah they may not know that it's up here but at the same time there's small high beetles and trees the trees are pretty tall too so I might check all right girls just just get off the frames for just a minute for us oh yeah they're finding it though we're starting the fan so why is it so much darker uh pupil cases so remember I had it as they pupate they have a little cocoon more cocoons the thicker this gets that's why you want to rotate comb out too because the openings get smaller and smaller and smaller yeah Kevin I mean not Kevin because you're a girl so what do you do with all that I don't know what do you do with all that question I usually throw it in a solar wax melter I mean if you want to do that go for it I have no way to deal with it right yeah what we could do I would assume that we'll probably inspect in a week or so um and it I can leave that up here until then let them Rob out anything that's in it and then we can take it at that point let's go ahead and get that box on here I do all right here's the fun one that's just as fun as that one if you do that one you can do this one yeah get your loins get off the edges girl couple too glad I switched shoes though yeah I saved one okay a little bit more over this there it is oh who painted it is that this one I guess um that would be ideal but I think we probably should put um get a medium and put medium frames in it the foundation so temporarily we can set the lid on or the inner cover on this one the old or the new inner cover we'll go down and get the mediums or do you want to do that bring them up here I need 10 medium frames and another wait you already have a medium box somewhere didn't you did you bring one up that was the one we need the other one the other one the other one part in there so perfect we just need the medium frames and the medium Foundation or the other thing this yeah just set that on top to keep them calm for right now um hopefully they'll go inside I'm gonna shake these in front let them walk in um that is what that is once you get another one we'll put an empty box here so they can start building more cones yep uh and uh we need the medium frames too so you have to go down we'll need the medium frames too 10 of them yes sir all right so they're all headed in which is good we're gonna get another super run here sometimes they won't want to build these though because they won't want to move up that's why people uh don't use the excluder so it could be a possibility of them not using the queen excluder and then on the next inspection if they're drawing this out then you could put it in or you could depends on how big of a honey honey is a priority to you as well I mean if they build this home first they may end up putting brood in it before they put honey in it but when that brood hatches out they'll probably backfill it just like they did over there and then they'll fill it with honey it's your decision it's your choice [Music] okay perfect until I understand better what I'm actually doing yeah no it's good it's good to push her down there so if you can push her down there too you hope that the other bees take all the nectar and put it up top and then you can Harvest it so how does it effectively uh she is wider than the rest so it's just mechanical yep and she does not go out of the hive so when you do put them on you do want to put an upper entrance on there like uh usually there's a notch in the lid you can use that you can prop the lids up there's stuff like that you can do um and that allows the drones to get out because the drones also can't get through it so and this year I'm trying something that a lot of the commercial guys do around here anyways Old Timers I guess I don't know if they're all commercial but they Slide the Box just enough so the bees can get off on the front since there's no rabbit in the back on the bottom there's no opening on the bottom it's just on the front so if you don't have a notch you can do that or we can prop the lid and I can show you different ways to do that this is our fresh wax I would think they would come up here pretty quick it wasn't that expensive to do this this time consuming it is usually easier just to buy it with a really nice wax on it it's just usually about a dollar more yeah but uh oh no right it was like I'm like all right we're gonna go with the most cost effective way to do it yeah there you go um no that's good I don't know I'm glad you jumped in because honestly it's probably never gotten done well that's what I'm here for I had no idea what I was doing I decided I was going to join the Beekeepers Association and hope for the best but nice nice oh wait uh Queen excluder uh it's behind you that white thing with all the frames neatly stacked on top of it no you're good oh and you were talking about swarms and stuff like that the best swarm box would be this old one even though it's trash other bees are going to smell it and they're going to want to come to it so you could set that up with a few of these frames and foundations that we have and then when they go in there hopefully they'll do what they need to do you just set this on top these are pretty light so usually you can just tap it and they'll get out of the way um okay um all right ready yep so hopefully they'll build that out between now and next week man this is gonna be a fun to move because it's gonna be so dang heavy all right and then we got this one on top and then we're good to go yeah I know I'm uh your beekeeper man I'm excited this is actually a whole lot of fun got it uh well just so that they don't clap in your face oh sorry yeah not as heavy because it's a medium but so I run eight frames which are just a little narrower equipment um that's probably why I'm so weak but 10 frame is the more common size but it is freaking heavy obviously yep great all right you take this off and Shake It Off shake it into it or I can do it all right go ahead I'll watch so a lot of bees on it just want to get them into the box and here is your new cover look how many bees are on there boat load set that on there and you can just gently set it on there if it's not going down you just lift it up again there's a b in there do that a few times and they eventually are all out except for that one's not so smart one come on girl there we are yep [Music] a lot of bees and a lot of them are on the front so now they can get in and out I wouldn't reduce this with the amount of bees that are in here I wouldn't put a reducer on it that's what I was thinking they're strong they're real strong absolutely put the lid on yes yeah so when I mean prop it so they can get out here so if you prop it and put the front edge on here that will prop it so that they can still come around the edges and go in and out and also dehydrate the honey I actually move it all the way so it's flush with that there you go usually it drops over that but so they can go yeah they can go in and out here and also ventilate but we either need to put a big rock on it or we can get that strap there are some these papers right here are probably heavy enough these things all right let's do it let's keep one of those get it boom there you go but I can also use that as a spot to put sugar and stuff and stuff we used to have a seashell for that oh nice it'd be like a little spook uh you probably don't need much sugar around here honestly yeah it's pretty yeah you can you can if you leave two deep boxes they don't need it which is incredible because they can do it themselves look at that that rock was propolis on there I shook it and it stayed on there that's awesome all right I'm plugging the smoker to put it out I don't think there's anything else we need that for it will be a bear moving this Hive um because I mean we were doing a box at a time so the next inspection we're just gonna have to do it a box at a time I don't think physically there's little frame holders or high lifts that you can get but I mean if I got some of those uh moving straps do you want to come out like the ones where you pull over your shoulders and it's two people and you do crisscross underneath and it like helps you get leverage on them you could potentially do that potentially so I would say this is probably 80. 160. it's probably 210 pounds we could probably do that okay it's a lot it's a lot of weight so if one of us trips it's going to be fun but we got to lift it move off to the side and then go and hopefully the the roof is not too soft and certain spots or we could do a box at a time kind of like what we did here um I just don't know how they're going to orient to that but so yeah I would take this box and that box we can go and um I got some Foundation we got these deeps just throw some foundation in there and I bet you there's probably a good chance you'll get a sworn to move into that all right um so this one box is just a box here like this one yep yep usually they're about 40 liters but with the smell of that you'll probably be catch them in no time and then while that is out here I would be working on the next boxes and then when a swarm moves in we'll just do the transfer again and go through that whole process but but you never know with swarm swarms could be a little tiny tiny things or they could be massive um I was gonna you wanna set it up here where do you want the Swarm trap here's fine we just go ahead and set it there the bottom was still stuck to that I shook those out as much as I could and just moved them away do we want to keep the bottom smell um is that still open a little bit yeah everything there too so that would be a decent swarm box you know interestingly if that was a squirrel that got in there it only chewed in there it didn't go in there because your foundations weren't chewed open oh no I found it dead oh God Ah that's why I suspect it like it looks as I've had a lot of experience with swirls eating things like that I you know treasure yeah um so I'm used to seeing what things and one day spread eagle in the water and then I walked over and I saw that hole I'm like I wonder what happened yeah okay yeah I saw this thing up here too I was like what is this the beginning of a hive stand is it on the 4x4s work yeah yeah but no this is yeah even if you get like a four by Eights you got a four by eight by twelve you just cut it in half and have enough for sure let's get everything away from this that we need to get away from this now um I think we're good to let these girls do what they need to do they look fine they are bearding but uh everything's new to them [Music]
Channel: Brian C
Views: 46,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first inspection, roof top hive, roof hive, hive on roof, abandoned hive, rotten hive, honey, university of memphis, memphis, bees, honeybees, honey bees, beekeeping, inspection, survivor hive, survivor bees, 10 frame hive, 10 frame, broken frame, broken frame ear, frame saver
Id: _N-33gCukLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 40sec (5980 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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