Horizontal Langstroth Beehive / Long hive

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hello my name is Joe I want to show you my horizontal Lane stock they are held and show you some of the features that I built into it and go over some of the pros and cons with you and if you decide you want to build one of these if you're interested watch my future videos and I will show you how it works in it right now I don't have any bees in it I have it set up as a swarm trap right now and I have some lemongrass in there and I have it narrowed down there's a follower board I have it narrowed down to five frame and I have a frame feeder in there I'll show you some of the things that I uh I got into this hi I have a couple porches here I I'm not sure if I'm going to use this one or not it's just that it's such a long ways for the bees to travel I thought I put another entrance but it can be ventilation or I could just open it have an entrance there for it but uh it's there and it that way if I want to use it I can write here is my entrance reducer and it's just found a couple some screws it's a piece of cedar log and you just take it off and just flip it over there you could have your medium I could take it right off I could have it full welcome when I cut this I drilled a couple holes pick my sign and angle and I have this ramped out same with the part the torturous ramp to keep water away this roof overhangs just enough of the rain it doesn't fall right on the porch and we get a lot of snow here and I have a top entrance because there's so much snow and the dead bees and everything you know you have this closed down and it's clogged right up and I don't know if they can make it without a top entrance so I like to have one in there I'll see out the ventilation is good too and speaking of ventilation I'll show you here what I have on the sides I have a that right here but this right here is a biack skate and if any of them happen to get caught here in the top part there you know it's it's got these boards here and they're gonna be under the board's but for sure some are going to get up here you're not going to be able to shoo them all out so they'll be able to get out the escape there okay some of the pros of this type of hive is the storage all the stuff I just store right here I don't have to have all these supers all over now Akana is is that this thing is not portable it's very heavy it's made out of 2 by 11s on the side and the roof and all this wood and the frames it's a very heavy height so it's not portable it's more for the home person wants to set it up in your yard and leave the hive right there so but I'm storage that is a really nice thing I don't have to have these boxes all over the place and that another nice feature of this over let's say a top bar I could use a queen excluder in there some people like them some don't I'm probably going to give it a try it does have a follower board similar to a top bar however another feature is if you want to use a honey extractor there you go you just have traditional frames easy to get easy to extract the honey if that's the method that you like to use these are deep sell so it holds 32 frames so it's it's similar to having a 1/8 frame type you know it's out to honey supers and for brood chambers or to brood chambers however they're deep so you know you cannot you're gonna have a lot more honey on these they get real heavy when you have a indeed and that's kind of why I like to use the plastic they can take that weight of that all that honey out of d now another thing you want to think about if you're to build one of these is your it's your B space now B space is 5/16 - 3/8 of an inch I have exactly five sixteenths of an inch along the top here 5/16 along the side and the bottom however I have 3/4 of an inch there to travel a long ways through here and some of the traditional legs are off they they also have 3/4 on the bottom but I think it's pretty important in this one but the amount of travel that they have to do to the highs also building here some ventilation I have some solid boards and I have some ventilation boards so if I have too much ventilation or particularly cold out I could just replace this with the solid board and get this camera over here for feeding for right right now as I stated I have this set up as a swarm trap so I just have a feeder in there in case I get some in here frame feeder and that's how I plan on feeding them in the side behive see that's another nice feature of this over a top power it's um it's hard to feed them with a top power this thing here all the standard equipment works just fine you know your honey extractor if you feed or your frames so everything's easy to get NAT it's just uh you pretty much have to custom build one of these I there may be some out there on the internet I'm not sure I've done a lot of research before I built this and I tried to take a lot of ideas from other people's designs and incorporate them into this hive here and I just wanted to show you this maybe you're going to want to build one I'm going to give updates along here when I get bees in here if I can't capture a swarm by a June up I'll do a split with one of my other hives and I'll get some bees in here and I'll go through that with you once the bees are in it's going to be so much less upsetting to the bees when you need to get into part of the box and you just have to take the board off here and you're only exposing a few frames at a time it's I have to get into the bottom brood chamber I don't have to remove that top box and get them all upset I could just pull in here this will be the brood chamber in here over here OB de honey supers just remove the board there we go I could get right to the frames pull them out and if I want a minute manipulate the chambers in any way I could just slide the frames over put the other frames where I want them and it's going to be a lot less disrupting to the bees so I've seen a few things on the internet with some of these use people that have them like them there was a guy up in Wisconsin and I guess they winter pretty well so I will let you know I'll let you know how it all works out so watch for other videos and I'll answer any questions there that you post thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: cryptocrazy1
Views: 109,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beehive (Building)
Id: XlkBGeAwvhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2015
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