Custom Challenge, Bomb Brigade - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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all right you guys bomba grade who's bridgette why does she have my bombs oh god okay so the hearts explode upon contact and then bob's brain of course is bob's brain the intestines is just a buffer i think but uh if you notice the the brain actually acts as another buffer if i don't fire it the second i fire it it gets removed as a buffer so maybe it's best to not fire bob's brain and use it to distance myself even further but i don't know i think bob's brain is pretty strong looks like the intestine buffer actually does uh uh poisons enemies look at this i'm such a professional map this one's going to be tough we got item rooms though uh-huh nothing that's health up i guess health-ups are good a tough one [ __ ] james tough schmuff yo penny i'm saved i get tinted rocks going to be worth it since health is real health is alive health is alive with the sound of music i'm this way i won't explode i swear it's gonna explode okay seriously though really come on guys i can't handle from both directions here would you blow up thank you ah what an idiot problem here is gonna be when those uh those dust bunny guys start spawning in flies i'm not really aware how i'm gonna handle that situation yo i was gonna have to go in there before i startle them and bob's brain em throw the needles go throw the needle again the needle super throw the needle guys why did you make noise you scared him everyone shut up god damn it [Music] damn it got him i didn't kill him he killed himself stop putting yourself stop hitting yourself if i could drag the hearts over this guy no i would take damage for sure with the flames still might take damage in the flames oh my god it's not even the mom's heart it's to the dark room again are you kidding me are you flipping my flaps you playing don't starve today yes not sure what goes here 49 months you're a nut bag you're a whole bag of nut extra fancy though all right runs over it's been fun thanks for watching nothing i could have done about that [Music] i don't think i can even get oh god it's the spiders too i don't think i can get these up there okay get them up there yeah okay yeah i suppose he that was not me boneheart sounds nice the tears up is lost on me i'm just so good at this game i just surprised myself every time you find chester last week i wasn't able to watch no gesture is still a mystery also simvita and i think we're gonna start at least that we're gonna consider going into the caves where we might find star sky and hutch could be pretty hype right let me be hyped guys guys hello ah oh what do i do in half these rooms it's just like wait for bob's brain i guess oh come on oh cheesers cheese and crackers and this way on this way a little bit further go yo you suck at this game you're nothing compared to me lord pat 13 what's up cheese and white people i don't know i mean i can't even i can't say anything i'm i'm white i love cheese so what can i say well that's gonna be fun it's quite it was dodgeable uh what do we really want here ah top secret room what a weird thing there i wanted to get close enough to touch my intestines but the second that my heart spawns in i i'm i blow up i am no more oh that was just professional that was some professional [ __ ] right there guys maybe like a little brim could make it so that the game's over guys no stop can't confirm em white love cheese slap what's up i'm white and i love cheese as well no you don't it's only a midwestern thing part of my identity stop you're supposed to like meat and dry rubs that's where you jerk off without any no i love dry rubbing it down in tennessee they use sauces for that and big texan hats i am in the midwest though it's texas in the midwest get on the power grid and we'll consider it you're a chicago guy right no i never even been to chicago i mean yes i live in chicago buying it please don't stalk me anywhere other than my hometown chicago midwest is midwest and texas is in the midwest so it's midwest right that is you know that is true it's it when i think of midwest i think of like the the northern part i think of like wisconsin minnesota obviously dakotas michigan the other ones that just like kind of fade in and out of like oh yeah that's a state i guess you ever been stalked it's possible they were just so good at it i didn't know i wasn't sure what what to do there i think i kind of handled that correctly actually flaviott's lamel people stock chino instead that's gonna be not helpful at all thanks for making me do this puzzle i wonder how many people were stumped that i got to this point like well i'm [ __ ] they just leave same people that like failed the put the circle in the circle hole [Music] bob's rotten head do i want bob's rotten head wouldn't be bad i guess another thing that i could aim incubus how about an incubus bob's heading out with rubber cement though did i was that close enough to bomb that [Music] no can't be there looking for the secret room i don't even know where i would be i'm a girls24 what's up man two years passed fast and weird muppet three months love watching content on youtube hutz just made my first stream so thought it was only fair to give five subs oh my god i totally missed that weird muppet pig gifting five subs to go home g grim mo par man uh sentinel t t lemon seven gone kurai cage with the tier one sub pga with 100 bits midwest is miss west awesome stuff awesome to the max oh come on what are you why what the absolute balls speaking of balls this guy doesn't have any balls it took a lot of ball to bomb himself i guess [Music] are meaningless to me so both of these things while good are not good that makes sense i got a sub let's go sisty lemon [Music] i'm going to the cities though they are pretty nice in the major cities [Music] my nebraska experience is planes and that is it i've only seen farms and fields well you only go through nebraska on your way to someplace else as well as the other anything around minnesota is uh they're called pass-through states and they are nothing but farms texas has a couple hills right minnesota's the fat the flattest the fattest well maybe because of the cheese but i was gonna say flattest place on the planet pretty fly is actually really good anybody can give me a health up and they perks i suppose wisconsin is the cheese bruh oh the fly over fly over pass through rich enough to go on a plane i can show off will you ever play holiday on stream sometime for fun since it would be sound like a cool activity who knows regeneration been a huge fan for three years i hope you are having an amazing day thank you true blue is nothing but farm [Music] oh i'm not sure how to get hit by that [Music] all those like tiny little spiders we should not be playing this with fiend folio this is a retribution challenge look at the absolute devastation just a couple tiny spiders could could ruin this challenge completely stop this boy get them five subs as well laser nate uh sec itunes ma mosley kamal and scale sept gelsept thank you these are awesome oh my goodness that was tight tight squeeze speaking of tight squeezes insane weiner just gifted a sub to hot ronald's hot ronald sounds like something dirty that you do with an insane wiener hot dog this is christian stream sickos when you're hot ronald's with extra pickles want relish in that hot ronald hey look at that health i don't know why i took that thing instead of waiting for a battery i guess i don't know i don't know is it me or is his facial hair hotter than before it's longer you can see the z height can't put up my ears what a shot batteries are going to make the world go around here when it comes to this a little closer just needed to get him in any way that i could and i got him not before he spawned but you know before these guys shoot their [ __ ] because have little stinger shoots tinger shusters let the shustings begin that is good timing on that eternal heart hello this is a good one i might just wait for bob's brain if i cut them long enough it doesn't move very much honor bets from insane wiener have you ever had river rat cheese it's so good uh let's give me uh ban this first yeah police found them river rat cheese sounds like the cheese like the rat died with some plague in a river you got the duct tape how would that affect the hearts not sure it would affect the hearts at all well [ __ ] you buddy shoves me into a corner and then throws that guy at me okay no no no good fair yeah leash would end this run he realized i can drop the leash right shouldn't have to say that i can drop the leash kingpin he follows me so he's going to be in trouble is he doing like a predictive run thing i split him in half that's less than good news almost seems like he's trying to cut me off doesn't it he's not exactly going to where i am he's going to where he thinks i'm going what is this ai got him an app again never mind one more bite come on come on come on kingpin or like take stupid head and go for a battery drop or a battery period in the shop river cheese sounds like something you'd find at a dairy store in a swamp in louisiana man the candle would be real spicy as would car battery wouldn't that just give me a health up every time guaranteed [Music] maybe we'll full clear this and just see what happens see what kind of nonsense we can get ourselves into find some secret rooms or some [ __ ] golden nerds prime sub what's up take your time bob's brain ah and go for the tiny spiders man candle over car batter car better ah mom right it's just like i just appreciate the fairness of everything that happens in this game i just like really like how that was definitely you know a lot of appreciation going on right now i was [ __ ] i was super [ __ ] i couldn't even get out of there bob's brain anytime anytime you wanna join the party this is this is fun this is [ __ ] what do you want me to do all right let's get that guy first oh you know what the door opened like jesus just go yeah that's my money that did not hit me though i did not hit here gotta get that candle now that you have the money wow thank you pk i didn't realize that thank you i'm stupid so good thing you're here i am stupid sometimes we all are admit it you did a stupid like yesterday weird muppet with two more subs to shy bilas and woo ooloff awesome thank you for that huh do you have a full charge in your thing you should use it no no no no no um the that trinket while being good once again does not do anything for me these two are amazing i still want it though it doesn't affect candle right hand was its own damage calvin four months here's your four you get it or never mind here this is for you oh i get yeah i hope it didn't take you long to think that i mean that was really creative cause i can't help it when you put your hands on me i don't know you get the book away from me i'm imagining what she can't help is like spraying somebody in the face with mace i don't know if you guys can hear the lyrics of the song it's the song lyrics top secret maybe play portal 2 with sin viktor pog you know i've never actually beaten portal 2. did they think they're really really really really funny in this mod where they just start putting like the top secret room in the weirdest spot and there's always somebody in the comments in the in the chat that's like that's fun fact didn't you know that sometimes the top secret room doesn't exist yeah shut up okay take your mouth and shut it i don't need your negativity right now song is broken song overlay is ripped uh are you have you been banned cdm no no one told you how you were banned i can go to the thing right now see here edit twitch triggers exclamation point song case sensitive and mod only okay so that's there what does it do edit commands spotify widget lb fade yep that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right the labeled spotify widget this is correct does the poll work i would ass so assume the pole doesn't work there could be a connection issue between the two maybe this links those were good there oh works that that it makes no sense all right i'll get it out of here uh i have that really stumps me and i have no idea all right challenge is over by the way all we needed was good old candle sometimes if they touch the fire they can go through the fire we're good oh we cool fun fact sometimes top secret room is up your ass is it [Music] can't confirm i didn't check [Music] oh you son of a son of a salty spittoon those little teardrops they just fall through the ceiling on top of your head cadwin 200 bits any plans for future vr content maybe possibly nothing's like at the helm right now freedom up at 100 bits thank you for that wow the bubbles hurt me there [Music] 12 months that's a full year this guy just said no to the fire well shop could be a law barry fire v fire we gotta fight fire with fire uh i'm like yeah we'll go for phd good pills could be good hear something about bombs what's the song hots bible thump too late i'm gonna guess needed you band name needed you from the track needed you from the hit movie who needed you that's what they're gonna do don't starve we'll identify where we think the top sacrum is blow up the wheel fortune with it balls of steel that was worth our pill that's going to be good [Music] synchro nice remix on this it's funky a little funk to it i'm gonna go to the item first i think could be their top secret them it could be their top cigarette top secret one could go f itself you guys see the tweets from ed today he was talking about uh he was asking people and it seemed like it was legitimate he was asking people if you could improve the binding of isaac what would you do and in fact i'm just gonna maybe pull it up because i think it's an interesting discussion that we could have here on stream since we are playing that game let's see here you guys see that you guys can see that if you can fix isaac what's one thing you'd change and why so you can go ahead on edmonds um twitter and and see this sanvitas commented i've commented i've comment on synvictus comment um some of you guys have commented iphone pills give you pills on use a lot of people though i think that they don't fully understand game design and it shows when they're on here because they're like i want more overpowered stuff make a zazel have three giant lasers and it's like there are tough characters i think specifically for the reason of flexing how tough or how good you are at the game right or flexing the whole rng there's too many bad items yeah but you can't have good items without bad items if every item was good the game would be lame you know what i mean but that's here senveta said make fighting hush and delirium worth it um that was a an interesting one it's got the most upvotes on it um make hush and delirium worth it they're optional bosses i really see the hush and delirium as a flex once again like playing blue baby washington delirium they're completely optional so it's like wow my run is powerful enough to go there it's not that they have to give you anything to make you powerful on hush and delirium i don't see it that way i think the delirium fight is busted for sure i mean it's it's just whacked out they could just not have a teleport on top of your head um or have way more of a telegraph but flex end for points yeah so i don't think that it should necessarily give you anything my idea was um instead of the two item rooms in a shop they give you four items or four rooms rather and you get to pick angel devil shop or item room and that way you get less items but you get to pick maybe i really need a guppy or maybe i really want to see what i can get out of the angel room or i've got a d6 and i think you know getting a shop i could get that one item that i need so that was my uh response to that i said what if instead of four chests in the dark room there was one last deal with the devil um and then i also talked about how making the worst items have some sort of unique use kind of like getting uh three books giving you bookworm i had commented to ed a long time ago saying that books and babies were just not worth having and it's a bummer because i see them and i'll just never take them ever little ghosts jump in there and then they shoot at you and they get mad and they fly at ya [Music] better co-op please online co-op is something that people have always asked for and i i i it's just ed knows ed knows you guys want co-op remove keeper from the game once again i think that the point of keeper was that it was supposed to be difficult you know what i mean that's not really a solution that's the whole like you don't really understand the game design thing there's a difference between wow this is difficult and wow this is bad delirium i would say is bad but difficult characters that's just difficult i do like it though as well i i think that some of the reason that you guys watched me or have watched me before is literally the fact that um this game is difficult and that and like into the gungeon so of course i don't want them to remove the difficulty levels or make these like super impossible characters possible because [ __ ] that's how i get my money that's how you watch me make angel rooms not worthless i do think angel rooms are uh an absolute bust i know it's not gonna help me this guy will help me so yay i kind of want to just take quad shot just for the hell of it huh it's hard for i'm sweating like imagining not buying it i'm playing the game since vanilla isaac and only since watching you that i've been any good at it this weird muppet it's my job to like take these ridiculous things or things you guys didn't even know about and and make it known make it seem possible fire omega four months what's up roll out three what's up lovely content hut keeps it up keep it up thank you say what else is on here people talking about how um shoal and dark room are not worth going that was my solution to say give it one last devil deal um what else is on here i don't know why it won't just rank it with like the top rated comments on the top remove the small rooms i mean so little space that to dodge their nuisance that one got a lot of upvotes um alexa said loot pools the majority of items in the game are in one pool and it kills a lot of the variety getting qriket's head every run out of gold chest when i haven't seen flat stone in two years is ridiculous i would yeah i would say maybe even getting rid of chess the golden chess pool period make it random full random that would be exciting judgement i kind of opened a demon judgment what's this power pill yeah i can do two of them together it is not that this memo how do i handle this situation i can't i can't pay him so i guess i blow him up i'm not gonna get the money [Music] part of you huts you do an amazing job with all the content you put out oh thank you the reason i was late today guys is i was recording and editing something that i think you guys are really gonna appreciate hmm what if i did this if i power pill into this room oh god oh [ __ ] i mean that's not how i wanted that to go oh well since we have all good pills i say we bomb this machine power pill and speed up speed speed's good make chaos actually chaos that that is um vin did say that he fixed chaos so that is a check mark on that one any more weird synergies and transformation for useless items like bob's rain and the babies i i fully agree with that my solution for um the babies being [ __ ] though conjoined like i don't like conjoined is to take away the damage down why would i be punished right it kind of took away the whole point go for this little [ __ ] so let's get away no okay angel interesting and look at that health look at that health i kind of don't want to take full red hearts because i want to be able to get an angel in a devil room like i said a little brim could make the whole challenge walk in the park so let's let's not take any more passive items affecting how active items work like giving the candles homing if you have homing synergies is something that they've worked on so that's a definite thing chaos has been um redone having more paths to beat the game that is going to be i'm assuming since it was a huge part of anti-birth so all those big big big hitters are going to be included very excited for that snoip you did that to yourself chaos rework yes how has chaos been reworked i won i i don't know he just said he fixed it basically it was like hey can we have chaos be completely random and not like have the whole bomb pool ruin chaos and in the [ __ ] with the cast and he said yep fixed it so while we don't have a like official statement of what got fixed we do have an official statement saying it did get fixed and vin knows what he's doing vin's unbelievably capable i mean look at anti-birth the hell do i get in there am i soft locked kind of soft no they can blow it up themselves they have to there we go they shoot the bombs [Music] me once again it's like dude just go my god slowly let him walk right in slowly easing down onto a cucumber slash my bombs then nose just make more risk of rain content maybe some more room variety and more that's definitely gonna happen okay quad shot spider baby is thing where it follows and shoots isaac tears but with quad effect they mentioned anything about making modding tools better providing more things to the hands of the modders no is that something that people need i want to say that was like one of the biggest parts of afterbirth plus like don't you guys already have the tools now oh my god huts you should make a vinyl what fire omega four months yo transformation for having three demon baby variations i wanna go uh max items were cool um that makes pills twice as effective quack medicine they're also twice the size bruh center thank you so much for the 10 get that subs awesome awesome awesome welcome back to spying spyingsta uh breton colon v magbor not griffins johnny pants necrocat ha ha goose lamao douglas and tasta tourello it's the suppository [Music] running around here i'm like how is nothing exploding weird muppet gives it a sub to chris congratulations chris so sassy but i'm serious chris way to go chris does chris sound like tim's older brother or what your skill we didn't get the item room again let me go find that please center with 10 more subs itty bitty kitty committee gamer freak ultra meows potty soccer freak peanut bunny i don't know what i'm doing squid tree hyena rose and pan wiktoric [Music] how you feeling today huts pretty good i woke up like way too early oh my god you see that you said ah oh and then i ran right into the other spider i woke up way too early and uh decided to edit but i was like you know what i'm gonna play a quick game here to wake up because i just was like not feeling it i was exhausted but for whatever reason now when i wake up in the morning it doesn't matter how early it is i cannot go back to sleep like no matter what it just does not work that way super annoying organization get it organs some of you guys are like i was today years old when i realized that there was the word organs [Music] i can't i can't send this [Music] okay we dominated what the flip is that planet badge welcome to space camp mom emperor's the dr 35 months what's up plus damage put me to 469. hell yeah range oh yeah good uh-huh oh yeah [Music] damage upgrade is pointless to me center 10 more get that subs what are you doing um walking corpse phillipowitz heart [Music] sloth queen sir turkey evelyn is funny and cadwin nice very sweet center is wilden how does it feel to be in space camp huts this is my dream pump the music for space camp i'm in space camp yeah come get some spiders you won't you won't i swear you know when i worked his noob specifically planned all around you this is actually a huge truman show episode you're the star how messed up would that be though if this actually was a truman show for me and the director's watching right now and he like looks over uneasily like the people he's working with and he's like he knows you know something's up [Music] should be funny we're all paid actors i you i woke up yesterday scream hi welcome to english first day look out look out look out ah get rocked is that 10 more from center what are you doing oh i miss uh empress of the dr35 i think i read that one center with 10 more subs to bend the bio fur mutualist mutilas uh new to alice lord lord anthony magellan quid novi rested track panzerziano uh was on am [ __ ] i made some weird muppet thank you thank you thank you i'm gonna put a hat on [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you sin let's do it [Music] welcome to space camp ah i got edited [Music] double pubes brain power question marks is archanos don't tempt the brain power gods i knew that was foolish i knew that was [ __ ] foolish why does the world hate me this is how i know there is no god this is absolute undeniable proof [Music] you think that would do something by my orange white balance must be messed up because of the narwhal but hey look at the narwhal is blue but the blue screen isn't taking the narrow wall out so it must be like what do you want you want no narwhal invisible narwhal or do you want orange huts you want to pat the narwhal hat careful as a spike did you know that the normal spike is a tooth i will end you move that body we like to party oh i didn't even see those guys following me was i supposed to know about them why do i have to move my body for you guys to party why can't you just are you partying here where my body is move that body we like to party ain't the bomb booker gets rid of the blindfolds i bet you it doesn't it'll turn me into lost where i'll be even more screwed but i'll try it i'm just getting hit and i don't even know how or why or when does that matter [Music] maybe they're saying move that body we like to potty is it like i'm like get in the way to the bathroom you know like move that body i've got to take a [ __ ] that would be a reason to incessantly scream at somebody makes sense to me cactus buddy probably not honestly uh how about some pk it's all right guys let's just turn the saturation way too much lull i didn't touch the camera thinner 2 800 bits have some bits thank you for being such a great source of entertainment thank you so much center that was amazing very very very very generous of you to do that watch if i take this off back to normal it's the narwhal powers okay it messes with the camera yeah see look oh you see it's fixing itself the narwhal's like i ain't gonna be [ __ ] invisible i'm the star of this show beach flick me to the moon oh my god are you kidding me we just turned into lilith even if it didn't remove the blindfold it still doesn't matter because this is just as good wow wow get down it's actually the achievement is very very far back which is kind of a problem i could try clicking again but like i said if it kept the blindfold we still have not proven jack [ __ ] about the clicker move that body i gotta take a poop what do you want me to do with that oh move that body what if it's like a body like see like someone died right and they try to flush them down the toilet and someone's like dude move that body we like to potty but it's multiple people going potty so it's like weird it's like what are you doing you're not really potty you're gonna do drugs here's a positive part about this my heart's spawned back my incubus and my demon baby start moving forward so my hearts are even further back oh this is that's trouble [Applause] [Music] still this is our best shot though who flushes the body down the toilet good questions noob 420 going back to work see you later thanks for the bits give you more if you do enter the gungeon duct tape challenge against this tube um yes buy me that's for sale can i get off brand huts i'm too expensive not even sure what happened there nice bob's brains snowy hard to aim with this the good thing that we have the candle [Applause] [Music] keep your eyes peeled for a tinted rock they're slightly more pink [Music] slightly more rare you can flush the body on the toilet if it's cut into pieces nine one one [Music] are you turning the lilith i willed into existence the power of my mind oh hello oh come on you [ __ ] i just love when enemies come after you on like from off the screen it's a really good feeling weld into lilith more like willith it needs a challenge you should end it about 50 minutes ago that's tim we gotta last long enough well how what did what blew up someone want to cue me into what exploded there i gotta go long enough so that uh i go until 5 p.m right when sin victor gets on or he's actually on now he's he just doesn't want to spend his whole night with me i mean i don't blame them i'm horrible [Music] oh my god look at that that was perfect you talking about willow yo crushing crushing right now whoa how did i get hit there what say you speed ups we ever play rescue rain two again no idea i would say that i'd get maybe a fourth of the people that would be interested in literally anything else is uh going down i'll come back to the perthro i just wanted this power pill for a boss fight kill the devil is probably not going to happen the bank on it not happening [Music] right bye [Music] this is the krusty krab no this is mayonnaise [Music] music's too loud everybody can i just like get one of these bombs to blow up my goodness [Music] what do i gotta do [Music] damage speed block the first damage taken in a room i know only mental but better the way that he says carabas hurts me inside ah oh you know what remember when we were having that argument about demon damon and someone said i'm an english major i know that it's damon and i totally laid this smackdown i whoever you were with the english major the way that it works is you keep what you kill your major is now my major i'm gonna need you to send that to me as soon as possible in the mail okay so that's just it's a rule it's a lot it's a rule of life i'm sorry but i am now the english major true it's actually domin okay do you have a major because whatever it is it's mine now too all the land that's not how it went down are you the english major seven i have a major major huge dick ah there i said it so you didn't have to made your headache about that an undergrad who said damon was right so they were pursuing an english major got it you know it's all making sense you know this song is like catchy like the original i don't know what this one but the the original song is very catchy right at the same time it's it's also very cringe at the same exact time i'm so alone i'm so alone those are songs that like you listen to as a kid and you're like i am alone and like this is unique to me because of how alone i am and then you grow up to be an adult and you're like everyone is [ __ ] alone and the entire world is a nightmare when does it stop you're like i used to listen to [ __ ] like this as a kid and i thought it was unique to me i'm so alone it's that whole thing when parents say it's a it's a phase it's not a phase mom and you're an adult you're like it was a phase pots are you okay i'm feeling pretty good how about you linger bean stop attacking my edgy angsty ways i the only problem i have with it is the fact that the edgy angsty people still feel like they are the only ones it's like a complete like i'm not saying every angsty uh person is like this but it's i feel like from my experience it's like the crux of the whole thing is that they feel like the world's against them specifically when in fact the world just blows it just blows so you know you're not special because none of us are special we are so alone there we go fixed it but i'm still pretty lucky because i got a good job and a decent amount of money where i can pay up my uh loans for a house and still afford things that i enjoy like hobbies like computer stuff and you know working on my house and like [ __ ] like that and i got some pretty solid friends now that i figured out how to enjoy my own company so then now i have people that are enjoying me too fixed it well you're not alone then okay there's a loneliness in unity that moment you relate to a message you're a raindrop not a snowflake we're all just miserable people i think it's really the okay so when is that cover being recorded and released did you record it you may release it then no no no no no no no pretty lyrics there you know it's like lyrical genius rhyming na na na with nah i st i didn't see it coming i hope they make a vsauce episode on it so i can understand it better hey vsauce michael here have you ever 99999 back in the 18th century hey there he is mom it's the guy got the recording uh should we perform here man why not yeah that's terrible [Music] yeah what will no reason to take that at all but the two black hearts though but if you really think about it okay oh yeah we could easily die here chances of not surviving this pretty decent na na na na good edition chat it even rhymed oh no no no yeah i bet you didn't see that tinted rock epic goose is heading out too many night on us honestly be able to stand he's not been able to non a nod so hard not you corty's also out not everyone can handle the not on us so alone everyone's leaving my stream face plant buddy hey to the boss though that's exciting what's his name satin oh my god you dominated oh good shot my car my cara pass my carapace is procking i'm not even noticing it but it's definitely saving my life i'm not uh maximizing my use here of oh good shot little brim this is gonna be really dicey actually much more than it should be okay i just decided to blow up there i think that maybe it was bob's brain hard to keep track of everything got him there's a fire in my hall no no no no no no okay huts we're alone with you [Music] weird muppet gifting five subs epic bubble absolute jar pulp ryder devil's mind and musee wonderful [Music] still addicts perks pill for boss fights sounds smart to me [Music] oh my god i didn't see those guys mom's eye yeah we have bouncy shots so so nothing happens so it literally is pointless the butt knife though butt knife kids thoughts there's something on your head seminar 250 so here are some bits instead of me of my non-existent m a in english my point was just that invicta having somebody in chat saying he was right isn't saying much good night [Music] on on behalf of chatter on behalf of sin viktor but yeah i know i have my own chat and i i know [Music] you guys should meet my chat sometime they're actually huge douches we could laugh about how dumb they are together on behalf of you having a better chat wink oh if only you had read or heard what i said before you typed it narwhals narwhals living in the ocean pretty big and pretty wide beat that polar bear in the fight the hell did i just read no no no no no oh my god stop what if we got a magic mush what if we got magic mike powerful stuff what about all those damage upgrades that we uh didn't get i think it was honestly just the the what was the pentagram that we passed up so not nothing too major there yeah those would have been uh speed of damage up a little bit nice thank you best now friendfolio random retribution familiar each room oh some of those are really good beads or if he doesn't like the song why are you still saying it because i'm so alone hot doesn't know the narwhal song unsub ha ha do i look like i'm four damn kids perfect lemon party room i was waiting on that one wait a second i just used a key on nothing wait a minute songs from like 12 2009 [Music] what am i for i turned 27 in two days you're killing me man what did i leave behind i thought i left behind oh yeah no no the perks that is the one that i wanted double the health on the boss room check me out you guys i'm about to smush this challenge i thought we were dead were pills always that big ladies all right lamb chops it's you and me who needs double health when you never get hit it might have been my cara pass carapace guru peace damon oh got me son of a i'm a failure i got hit once redo it let's go back in pretty good though so the jedi of the sea hmm
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 32,498
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: V59v_KGIJ3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 56sec (4376 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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