Fire Blade Build - Hutts Streams Blade Assault

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welcome back to blade assault we're gonna do another run at least one more run i swear there's there's new characters that we need to be able to uh unlock i'm waiting for an opportunity i don't see them here to like unlock them i don't know how to unlock them jets he seems like another character for those of you just joining us this is blade of salt this is sponsored by neowiz so thank you for that newest um there's a link to go to the steam page that you guys can get in chat right now for the mods also um on youtube there'll be a link down below in the description jenny is pixel waifu let's see here this guy uh we have traits that we can unlock increased bass attack by five percent skill attack by five percent weapon attack speed melee damage taken max hp max hp by 20 projectile damage taken by four percent increase max hp by 10 okay i don't know what the support and skill thing is and why it's locked this training is under development it says okay let's do weapon attack speed can i use this money for something else though i want to drain it all there this guy take the money but this guy upgraded my stuff am i wrong oh i can upgrade the weapons here let's do the chainsaw this time let me use upgrade cores okay when a normal attack crits recharge for energy when an enemy is successfully hit with the skill increase crit of all weapons by three percent or increase normal attack speed by three let's do this one and upgrades twice the rats stole the cheese maybe this is the only place to spend money so let's just spend it attack speed go hard on attack speed just unlock everybody melee damage that sounds like a pretty good thing to upgrade probably arranged uh damage taken as well head pet is not doing it yeah i don't know what the deal with that is didn't tell you guys [Music] i'll figure it out later looks like there's another weapon right here that we don't have unlocked yet thermal upgrade yeah it's a rogue light this is also not working it's not telling my damage per second up there in the meter i don't have to turn it on first or what oh well [Music] if your drone isn't listening to you bring it to me and i'll take a look at it or stop looking at beat you're making the kid shake [Music] i don't know who that is and what she does the whole level down here i don't know what any of this does what's the charge in the laser saw you kind of like rev it up and it does something i don't see anything special so there's a little secret pathway down here but i can't activate it i don't know what i'm doing here i spent all my points my precious points on what shop discount question mark i don't know what does it say this doesn't say anything either about um what the charge up does on the weapon [Music] let's go we should have faster attack speed by a lot or if i rub this up see that maybe does more damage oh my god like i got these shockies around me i got this uh ability when i press y my skill i do that like somersault flippy thing that's pretty badass i like that also it's worthwhile to use my hand gun because that's the only range thing i've got look at that pretty good fire core mainly looks cooler way cooler so far i really like the gun though i've never made it that far either ignite your weapon becomes ignited and enemies receive stacks of ignite that burn them and deal damage over time dash upgrade creates a path of flames from the start to the end of your dash enemies uh damaged by the flames receiving ignite stacks and are inflicted with burn or heating increased damage dealt to enemies all fire run all right now we've got a fireblade you can see it looks like fire now take the heroic increase main weapon skill attack crit rate by three when an electric core appears increase the chance of epic or higher appearing by 10 percent or increase sub attack by 25 um we could take the the guru cell and then go electric and get a bunch of epic but we just did electric so maybe that's lame let's take the uh sub weapon attack by 25 and try to get the flame thrower hand let's do it min maxing roguelike feels bad like a min max the sims there ain't no stopping me [Music] oh that y move though main weapon upgrade increased flame weapon normal attack increase flame weapon skill attack or reduce the damage interval of burn normal normal normal what do you guys think this might i don't even think we have a flame on our spinny spin do we 2 000 bits from fallen realm we do a little trolling thank you so much for the two dozen bits you can troll as much as you want if you're spending 2000 bits doing it uh i don't know if i called out mr cthulhu gamer hey huh i've loved your content for years now and i'm the belief that you should have more subscribers you make really good content can't wait for your next video thank you for the hundred bits mc cthulhu gamer mr cthulhu that was ten minutes ago i'm sorry i missed that if your weapon is fire the skill is fire faster d.o.t more dps or i could just get 15 more damage three we'll try it we'll go heavy burn we can burn with more than just our main weapon too like i said if we get the flame thrower hand increase fire core damage by seven percent uh max hp and then dealing damage to an enemy has a chance to cause bleeding let's go over the fire damage i feel like normally in games if you just pick one thing and you go hard on it it gets better than if you spread things out that's always been my experience i don't really want frost cores now if the streamer is fire the skill is fire seven months for skippy i hope all is doing well finally caught one of your streams thanks skip appreciate that hp early 80s you're right hades is all about the synergies yeah yeah castle crashers though did you put it all into agility all into the bow my god it's the most powerful thing ever nobody expected it either they're like i want to go magic attack no dude you go into the bow you will not crash as many castles as when you are max bowing it up call me david bowie pour one out let's not forget that we can charge this sucker up [Music] and do something you're dead though castle crashes would be a fun replay when castle crashers 2 though max hp main weapon skill attack crit rate main weapon basic attack and skill attack by 20 when you're at full hp that probably is not going to happen very often damage done to immobilized enemies is that a lego anti-personnel mine it's a lego let's go for crit yeah maybe i should have i just thought try something new we did such heavy crit build last time i don't want to just do the same thing but it probably would have been the best three doesn't work not until i stun them with something that i'm totally gonna get energy weapons energy in weapons is charged every five seconds charged weapons deal 240 damage when a skill that costs mp is used there's a 50 chance to ignore the mp cost geez cheese was actually really good last time it's really expensive for cheese though that really that's really expensive for cheese we could get cheese for a hundred out of a normal chest got the stupid legendary one okay oh god raining chunks we be broke now though it's raining chunks hallelujah at the rain and chance look at that accuracy look at me flipping up to that guy way up there bro we be playing we be playing right now i can't be stopped [Music] cheeseburger frost cores it could be totally cool to have some sort of frost thing especially now that we want to be able to freeze them in place but burgers plus cheese they never saw it coming geez it reduced skill cooldowns though um yeah sorry cheese he got backseated again what in the back seat i mean i didn't backseas i didn't backseat you on how to cheese came out wrong are we in the second zone will this be will this bot be the rat guy i think this is going to be the um the toad dude again what could me be doing nobody's safe perfect dodges too kapita thank you so much for breaking the silence with the 22 month er how you doing i'm feeling really good feeling extra saucy today i'm having fun too probably just compared to what happened earlier tonight though anything looks fun compared to that he got for me reduced damage burn interval increased damage dealt to enemies by a certain amount for each ignition core you have if we go hard on ignition course that'd be cool creates a fire a path of flames from the start to the end of your dash i'm going to say ignition amplification or flame path what do you guys think what happened earlier we just lost three runs in a row four runs in a row absolutely crushing like soul-crushing defeats dash two two two two two three two three three three three you guys are very split between two and three you guys see more too though i do see more too i would have gone three but i'm gonna take you guys advice and go with number two there increase the aoe of damage and damage of the skill um when attacking with normal attacks gains a 10 chance to spawn a spinning blade i used that one before it was very good one skill level one skill is replaced on this at level one there's no like colon there's no separator there skill is replaced with chain rake attack deals 60 damage when chain rake is thrown and deals an additional 80 damage when returning i kind of like the mobility one that one sounds like i stand still and go for like i shoot something out and then and fling it back i really like the mobility of the the i use that to get out of danger a lot three three three three three three three i mean i i could take chain rake i think both of these would be awesome though number one number two would be great what if it's like a boomerang two and a half maybe it's the coolest thing ever and i don't know do you guys want three i'm feeling one zealot try three fine okay can i still move though i can kind of still move you guys feel good about that uh one additional gem upon defeating enemies ice core damage or sub weapon energy consumption we still don't have our flame thrower let me go with extra gems the spinny attack was so cool though it's at least underwhelming visually and the audio it looks like we're going ice core yeah it seems like good damage but you know so was the spinny i'll pretend that the spinny wasn't good damage and mobility which is crazy important for a game like this especially when your dash is used up and you can't dash boom spin out oh shoots the boss i should have grabbed the stuff before we left he shot me [Music] nobody tell team sunny how easy it is to hit him from up above that'll be our secret i wish i could go back and get the stuff that i missed why is the music for this boss smooth jazz in the beginning the guy uh he's like don't you think jazz music makes sense because there's no rules in jazz music i think the team sunny really likes jazz music it's also korean i think that uh i'm not saying anything specific there but for whatever reason that makes sense to me smooth criminal so caleb's back what's up joe caleb increased flame weapon normal attack uh 20 dash upgrade again fire blast creates a second explosion after one second that deals more damage fire blast chain explosion i don't know what that means so igniting uh flame path flame weapon normal attack of which by the way we don't have that apparently we don't have flame in our normal attack i thought we did it says level one we had it wouldn't it be level two dash again for the third time what's chain explosion after 10 burn stacks there's an explosion okay there we go yeah it says up top when an enemy is inflicted with 10 stacks of ignite they explode we'll do the flame path we'll try it if not going to get a stunning dash flame path would be good what do you got chain rank increase the damage of chain rank by 20 chain combo a four hit attack that deals 300 of normal attack as damage is added okay so how do i like oh if i'm just pressing x x x x it'll actually like combo it furious wave increase the aoe in damage of the skill that honestly could be really good too with what we have the chain rake the penetration eight months slow i'm one month away chain sounds cool number two yeah let's try it see what happens i can't attack in here though i can't show it off increase attack speed by five percent we are going heavy with that flame core i'm gonna go with that for sure ignition core ignition amplification increased damage dealt to enemies by a certain amount for each ignition core two to three percent i'm not sure why that's epic though why is that epic when it wasn't epic before was it if you're gonna go in on the chain right go hard on it level two flame path level two a combustion interval or uh ignition this one scaling is massive yeah but it's two to three it doesn't seem like it's massive unless the non-epic one would have been like two to two point two or something like that you know what i am going to go get this i buy it again go to eight percent that's not bad i could buy it again for what 11. [ __ ] it's too late spent all my money one percent per core right i said two to three anybody up here yeah there is or robots in the background okay we got hit there risky to get near those guys gonna watch out for those green vials that those guys are throwing keep walking into them ah jesus speaking of walking into stuff stupid battle toad dudes i should just let them spin and not even get near it he says get getting hit from the spin again flame core i guess i need health where's my flame thrower every time you receive burn damage the amount of damage increases every time i receive burn damage does that make any sense a different flame dash or flame path level three where is cheese when you need its glory you should have gotten cheese i don't know what this means increase burn damage it sounds good but the wording is confusing is that maybe every time i i give burn damage if you get burned your burn damage increases right that doesn't make sense to me for science it could be a translation thing there's no health coming up shoot cover 10 hp when you obtain a chip heading when hitting an enemy there's a 1.5 chance to steal gems when a stage battle begins increase movement speed and weapon attack by 15 for 30 seconds i don't know what stage battle means i'm gonna go with the hp one i need the money or the health i don't even know how to get chips if it's a random drop chance or or what uh 1.5 chance to steal gems when used you go into a rage for seven seconds increasing movement speed attack speed 20 hp when i get a chip i gotta go with the awakening and pool thing or lb last time we had the one that increased our crit chance this one sounds pretty good for a melee build but health would have been good 20 per chip can we farm burn damage without dying is i don't even know what that means though why am i getting burn damage it's unlocked yeah i use my lb he's going nuts he going crazy he'd be schmoving pretty good that's pretty good sci-fi dead cells all right let's go what have got guided missile creates a guided missile when using a skill the guided missile homes in on a target after one second it disappears if it does not find a target within three seconds chain explosion creates a second explosion or dash upgrade level 2 flame dash anything chat when you deal fire damage it definitely increases your damage missile this blue thing you can trade um the gems for roses roses for gems the money for gems and the chips for i gems think i necessarily need to do that sub weapon attack we still don't have our flamethrower that i want i still got this normal like recovers 15 hp lb active i really like the one that i just got dash gains an attack property and deals three damage i just gotta have the health but holy crap are we sh moving when we use the uh the potion king three months what's up i i have to go health i have to go health it's only got five uses um true robot no sub open energy consumption jeez [Music] uh sora kerry three months six more months till butt baby hell yeah run saved he didn't even hit me though i was so far away from his swing why are you lying though cheese me get out of there out of the frying pan into the oven jeez how was that one percent chance for cheese i feel like we killed maybe like 40 enemies during that entire thing we got three cheese is your y skill not that viable anymore i'm using it all the time you're just not i'm not spinning flame thrower i want the flan door we're gonna get the flamethrower i can't complain that hard about flamethrower and then not did the plane thor now i got this oop sorry this main weapon normal attack crit rate at full health doesn't matter and then the hot sauce crit rate let me go with this crit rate the passive one another one same thing pretty much so destructive 700 money should be enough for us to buy something pretty spicy from honk but honestly we probably need to buy food first 200 yikes i got to do it now i won't be able to buy something nice from honk charging weapons we would have been able to afford hp blow 20 receive damage received damage is reduced reduce damage taken by 0.5 of max hp probably reduce damage taken i need that we can also talk to the guy to re-roll i think that's how that works i shot the thing in the wrong direction planter no there was two cheeses there i believe using the flamethrower kind of made me sit still for way too long there oh god when enemies explode shouldn't that not hurt me am i wrong there go with the health for sure increase max hp and recover somehow instantly i'm just gonna go instantly recover i need all of it increase main weapon attack by 15 yeah to 20 now two additional gems from defeating enemies let's go honestly more gems just buying more upgrades of that it doubles the amount that we get demon welcome chad how's it going how you doing you guys wish that you had some of this cheese it's gone i'm doing on my gf today it was nice that was nice getting some meat from these guys that was really close and see what's going on but somebody exploded ladies oh i don't know why i walked right into that guy's face inadvisable [Applause] instantly recover i guess more health okay health health health health health trades for stuff no are you planning on doing any modded isaac runs or maybe a different save file there's a really cool new character that has his own unlocks including a soul stone and birthright so slender lady that sounds really interesting i haven't really gone deep into the uh the mods i'll have to check it out though honestly increase max hp let's get that rolling what mod is that boy i might do mods i mean i already did a every item is blood puppy i don't know i don't think i'm gonna go super heavy on like maning mods on stream i think youtube videos yes though the rotten i think all right the blood puppy one was i guess not modded it was uh me using the console which maybe i'm just splitting hairs at that point i don't know should be dead cheese me more cheese please frost corey switched to a freezing ice shard dash frost shield you gain a shield this ice shield absorbs damage and enemies that attack you are inflicted with freeze or reduce damage taken let's go with the frost shield got a passive shield jeez hp below 30. let's go cheese hp below 30 sounds like a good idea until you realize that i spent like 0.5 seconds below 30. i just died instantly last time three gems per kill ever heard of banned ninja sex party i do know of dan yes what game what is this game blade assaults sponsored stream by the way but from newest is the new action roguelite this guy killed me last time and we're doing melee now i think it's going to be probably even harder to fight him with melee we'll see though he grabs his face is when he charges probably the most dangerous attack what took me down last time oh that was a quick little jump oh oh oh oh the toxic okay wow okay okay okay not cool i kill these skulls that he shoots out he didn't even do it that time i thought that was attached to his uh toxic thing whoo sin 14 months blade assault more like blade asphalt got him sounds like a game i might play though do you think this is the end anything left of course i have a gift left for you oh no hide a shield what would you have done if it i wasn't here those guys are obviously self-destructive now i was expecting that it wasn't at all dangerous i shouldn't have helped i don't even get any thanks okay you helped too i know thanks oh well were they someone you could talk like that to who is that the elevator that armstrong was talking about that goes up to ground level don't try to change subjects okay let's check it was a tad bit awkward edgelord is edgy where are we at finally made it to the surface all right up and upgrades maybe more chain combo increase the attack of the last hit of normal attacks by 15. spin blade when attacking with normal attacks gains a 10 chance to shoot spin blades more chain rake spin blades generation spin blade generation rate i don't know what generation rate means [Music] yeah that's good enough all three when a stage battle begins what does that mean stage battle what's a stage battle is this a stage are you a stage am i a stage epic flamethrower it's purple so i gotta i gotta go for it i have so much stuff i should probably get the frost cord too for extra shield maybe just each room could say each room though let's go down two levels boom baby final battle you proc per room ruin city there's bugs there's cheese everyone knows how to make cheese i mean it's hilarious disgusting mutant bugs but they have cheese somebody's making it so now a normal attacks we have a chance to shoot these spinning blades out i don't even know what's happening half the time there's just things flying around i need more cheese cheese nuts increase damage dealt pretty simple increase flame weapons skill attack reduce damage interval of burn i'm not going to damage dealt uh gemstones or roses never seen that before as a room thing max hp reduced damage taken health thing let's go reduce damage taken champion's belt [Music] rig bone tier 1 sub welcome my friend thank you for that when an ice core appears increased chance of epic champion spell for hp or increased attack speed attack speed better break all the stuff spam the attack button and hope everything works out strategy at this point i'm going to say roses for those cool upgrades what's that let's go grab it okay that's okay swarm machine dan ham two months love your streams man thank you get out of there much damage coming in and we're taking damage left and right here left and right chat left and right ah send out these little things that are exploding all over the place that's the wrong direction to shoot that dumb dumb 44 health increase weapon normal attack increase the level of all owned electric cores i don't like have any i don't think increase fire car damage some roses here okay did you give me options of health could you pk's back dash damage maybe demon or is it deomon 100 donated thank you so much putting on a hat he's got a hat big hondo thank you so much sorry if i butchered your name 30 looking good now more roses or more of these things maybe more of these things now let's go charizard hat ruined city oh that's a good one i didn't know it was a thing oh god i didn't even know that guy was up there sending those things eight health baby yeah yeah thing was flying through the air got me good super rip well that's a wrap for blade of salt you guys i hope you had a good time watching once again sponsored by neowiz there's a link in the description for youtube people in the chat for you guys on twitch and uh yeah it's it's uh it's available right now if you guys want to buy it i think it's 15 off currently so go check it out and thank you once again for the sponsorship cool stuff see in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 13,405
Rating: 4.9557524 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, blade assault, roguelite, roguelike, action, adventure, dungeon, boss, level, difficult, new, release
Id: hgxAk6okqMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 37sec (3217 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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