The Sawmill You’ve Never Heard Of

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hey everybody adam here with hometown acres welcome back so today is the big day if you've been following our channel over the last couple videos you know that we took down a widow maker cherry tree and we kept the butt log for a saw log normally on this channel everything that i pull out of the forest here goes for firewood but something came over me and i saw this log and i thought i'm going to keep that for a saw log and i actually have a family friend who has a saw mill he runs a sawmill business he's retired but he runs a sawmill business and he has a pretty interesting sawmill if you've done any research on sawmills you know there's a couple of really big name brands wood miser woodland mills norwood and he has a sawmill that i don't think too many people have heard of before so we're going to give him a chance to explain a little bit about his business and about his sawmill stick around do all right so we made it up here this is bob with hammer custom lumber right howdy folks and uh how long you been doing this bob well i'll have the mill three years in june so you've been doing custom millings for three years now and uh you're retired right yes and you're you said you're 62 i'll be sick 62 in march just to give people an idea of like what what your production is here how many board feet would you say you do in like a week a month or well it's it's selective i mean sometimes we have uh customer spec lumber they bring us a log we cut it for them okay to their spec four quarter eight quarter you know you name it and the width and uh what they want out of it but are these other people's logs that they've dropped off for you to mill are they yours these are mine so you'll mill these and then sell them right now do you do more dimensional lumber or do you do more of like a live edge slab more live edge slabs custom you know like counter tops or a bar top or you know a bar yeah you name it headboard footboard yeah you know big slab with so tell us a little bit more about your sawmill here because i in the intro to this video i told everybody that you know you have a sawmill that most people haven't heard of you know most people are familiar with wood miser woodland mills norwood what were some other brands that you looked at before you decided on this one well i looked down at cooks you know google it some bills and i you know looked at all of them yeah but when i was when i chose this mill it gave me the most bang for the buck if you go out and price them you know this size this will accept the 40 inch diameter log this cherry is only about 18 inch diameter and you can put up to 40 inch diameter log on this and you can cut thicknesses you know 12 inch thick if you wanted to for making beams or posts or whatever the case may be i mean it looks like it's up to commercial standards i mean it's got pretty thick uh steel on it it's got a commercial honda would you say a 26 horsepower honda engine on it yes so it has good components and things and i actually did some research on the the company i looked up the website and i think their slogan is you know more mil for less money or something along those lines basically are a value player in the sawmill industry you can cut 16 and a half foot long as it sits and then i bought an extension that you bolt onto this end and it increases it by six foot so you get a 22 and a half foot long and that's and that's with the trailer package too that's right i got the trailer package all right so let's take a uh look at the sawmill here so i don't i don't know if we mentioned it's uh easy boardwalk 40 is the name of the mill here we'll get this log sawed up here so do do all right so we just finished up milling that entire cherry log and when i first got here i did not realize that this was a family business so bob has his two sons that help him with this bob go ahead and introduce your kids yeah this is my oldest son bob hello and this is my youngest son michael so how long have you guys been involved in in the milling part of this i've only been helping out for a couple of months i have to do my best to do more of a helping hindrance yeah and and you said that you couldn't do this without them now right all right well i do have my partner but we're both getting kind of old yeah and uh it sure is nice having some strong backs you know what i mean and i think you said you were going to have them do all of the custom millings yeah if we have a customer who wants to bring logs over or take the mill to their place you know we charge 75 an hour for milling it here and dollars an hour for milling it at another place because you have tear down setups and so on and so forth um and michael and bobby and my nephew rick are gonna you know work on that so it'll be under ham or custom lumber but michael and bobby will basically be handling that aspect of it so after milling up this uh cherry we were originally talking you know rough estimates with you know a lot of assumptions baked in 571 dollars for this cherry log milled up what do you think now with all these live edge slabs we got how many how many four quarters eleven four quarter and one eight quarter and one eight quarter yeah that's all um you know minimum 12 inch uh wide up to 18 17 18 wide by nine and a half foot long so you leave that trim piece so you can get it down to nine foot or eight and a half foot or whatever but um you can't you can't buy these at lowe's or home depot um the widest you're gonna get is like 12 inch which is actually like 11.5 inch you can't buy this kind of stuff and because it's harder to come by that's why it garners a more premium price yeah and if you've sold each one of these for 50 bucks you got 11 pieces that are one inch thick that's you know 550 dollars there just for the 11. then you count this two inch and add that on if that's 200 bucks that's 700 right there adam yeah and i said 570 you know pick your poison they could go for 25 bucks a piece and it's still worth your while yeah it's still worth more than firewood that's for sure i don't think i mean again i'm i'm brand new to this i haven't tried selling any yet i don't know the lumber market but i would imagine 50 bucks for one of these wouldn't be too hard to to catch oh no that's i mean i've had people buy lumber like this for much more than that yeah but yeah that's a nice that was a nice log i mean you know you were going to cut it up for firewood before right your previous life yeah in my previous yeah until you know you saw this so you can take a log that you thought yeah that makes a nice fire but i can make 100 bucks or 100 or so off of it to something like this and i mean if you're into woodworking you can cut your own you know sticker it put it in your house put it on stickers have a fan blowing on it or dehumidifier running during the day right at night time shut it off let it normalize then wash rinse repeat do the same thing over and over again and it'll dry off in your house couple months yeah if you leave it outside stickered you know they say a year for every inch so one inch thick piece would dry in a a year down to like 12 moisture content okay you put in your house you've got you know controlled heat humidity and you're blowing a fan on it and it's sitting up off the ground and it's nice and flat and we have boards that have dried out in a month or less so anyway i want to say thanks again to bob bob go ahead tell us again about uh the name of the company all right the name of the company is hammer custom lumber i have a facebook page it's hammer lumber just hammer lumber not hammer custom lumber don't know why we did that but we did and the name is spelled h-a-m-m-a-r not e-r and i'll put a link down below so you guys can go check that out if you're in the eerie area that's where he's located if you've got any trees that you want to save from firewood and bring them and get them milled up it's a great place he's got a really nice sawmill but uh yeah i think this is this is definitely a new hobby that i want to get into i i see a sawmill in my future i've always cut firewood with my dad and it's nice to see you guys out here father and son business and um i think that's something i'd like to get my dad involved in with as well and my partner earn you too right yeah yeah you got a partner too but anyway i think that wraps this one up if you enjoyed this video give us a thumbs up click that subscribe button and check out some other videos thanks for watching thanks adam
Channel: Hometown Acres
Views: 595,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saw, Mill, Lumber, Wood, Rough cut, Cherry, Oak, Maple, EZ Boardwalk, Woodmizer, Woodland mills, Norwood, Outdoors with the Morgan’s, Out of the woods, Boards, Business, Tree
Id: mVg8eIYL_is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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