It's Not That Hard, How To Find Logs For Your Sawmill,

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[Music] oh [Applause] [Music] now in today's video i'm going to take you guys with me to the back woods of tennessee to a little place called grassy creek i'm going to answer one of the questions i get all the time on these videos and that is where do you get your lots from now for the purpose of this video we're going to refer to this gentleman right here as farmer not because he's worried about his name being out there but mainly because i can't remember it so what we're seeing here in the video friends we got farmer with his measuring tape we're measuring out these logs getting a good scale on them we're using the doyle scale here in northeast tennessee that's the most popular scale for timber around here and he's measuring these off and i think most of them are eight footers we had a few 10 and 12 footers as well and the species of logs right here is southern yellow pine also called loblolly pine and also the abbreviation you might see sometimes is syp for southern yellow pine now farmer is not a lager but he is a landowner i think he has about 40 some acres here in northeast tennessee and with that comes the responsibility of managing your trees because ninety percent of his land is timber now right here we're looking at some pulp wood that's some sycamore looks like some ash mixed in also got several pieces there on this flatbed most of this right here would go to the pulpwood factory about 40 minutes down the road and some of it for firewood now these are some of the yellow pine that i bought off farmer that day these aren't the biggest pines in the world but they're not too bad they're mostly eight footers the average diameter was about 15 inches limited knots limited defects and nice straight saw logs and we'll make some really good two by fours and two by eights back to the sawmill which is the reason i bought them i need more dimensional lumber for the timber frame [Music] some people will tell you that the best way to grow a business is word of mouth and that's no different when it comes to a sawmill owner after looking for logs farmer felt me through a mutual friend and that's what it takes sometimes getting the word out there that you have a sawmill that needs fat so if you guys are getting the door slammed in your face and no one is calling you back hang in there do that to your local auto parts store diner or tractor supply and let those people know via casual conversation what you're looking for and that you have a sawmill that needs some logs and sooner than later you will be doing what i do here almost weekly at my sawmill you'll be turning people down because you have so many laws you can't get to them all and that my friends is a good problem to have especially if you're sawyer [Music] now work with largers foresters law buyers tree service companies just about everyone in all aspects of forestry and the ones i like working with the most are people like farmer you never know when they're going to call you or show up with logs and more importantly you never know what they're cutting and that for me is the most exciting part it's like christmas every time they pull up with a load of laws and the friendships you develop is even better but be a better friend than me try to remember their name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so you
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 42,988
Rating: 4.9875727 out of 5
Keywords: logs, sawmill, logging, logging videos, Woodmizer, wood-mizer sawmill, Tennessee, farm, tym tractor, portable sawmill, logging trees, forestry, out of the woods, wood, woodworking, timber, timber harvest, cutting trees, cutting logs for lumber, sawmill videos, self reliance, lumber prices, covid, vlog, farm vlog, homestead, sawing lumber, logs into lumber, pine, southern yellow pine, forest, alone, off grid, my self reliance, log cabin, off-grid, firewood, stihl, diesel, tractor videos
Id: 3yUMwRH8FiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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