Kid-E-Cats | NEW Episodes Compilation | Best cartoons for Kids 2024

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kitty cats we cute but I'm cuter me well the kitten's little cousin one day mommy told the kitty cats that they had guests coming over kittens guess what's happening today my sister your aunt cinnamon is coming to visit and she'll be bringing her little son Bagel along with her we have a real life cousin so [Music] awesome I'm curious what our cousin Bagel is really like I'm sure he's really well behaved good afternoon cousin what a Charming bow you have I'm sure that he loves to read and I bet he's good at playing [Music] soccer with him on our side we'll have the best team ever or an amazing music band [Music] [Applause] hi hello there cinnnamon cinnamon hello there little kittens my how big you've all gotten where's Bagel we want to meet our cousin of course here's your [Music] cousin um is that really our cousin now sweetie behave yourself you play play with your little cousin and we'll go make some tea the kittens hadn't expected Bagel to be so little they didn't know what to [Music] do he can't even walk how can we play with him I and he really can't talk at all [Music] oh be careful this is my very favorite Dolly see this cool ball Bagel you can play with it if you want to all right I guess you're too small to play with it right hey look at this it's the best game ever it's called chess my chest set you can't play with my dolls or with my toy [Music] cars we should try to calm him down [Music] we can't let him play with the windmill model it's for kittens that are way bigger than him if he plays with it it'll get broken that's it I have a really good idea we just need to find some baby toys for him when I was just a little kitten I loved this rattle very much look isn't it [Music] cute cool [Music] the kittens found the toys they had played with when they were little themselves [Music] this is just wonderful kittens you've become real friends with Bagel well we need to make sure we come visit you guys more often so awesome meow me wow me wow me [Music] wow the kitty cats saw that playing with little kittens can be fun ESP especially if you try to remember what it was like to be a baby yourself kitty cats back in time one day Grandpa and the kitten set out to explore a cave long ago in prehistoric times ancient cats didn't build houses like us instead they lived in caves just like this one don't you worry we've got flashlights and helmets to protect our heads they're really strong yay this is amazing we look like real cave Explorers so awesome me me me me the cave turned out to be quite dark but very exciting [Applause] hey hi Grandpa will you tell us about the ancient cats sure they lived in caves just like this one they wore simple clothes and they didn't have flashlights or electricity or Central Heating so they would gather around fires oh wow I've wanted to find traces of ancient cats since I was small but I never could find any it's a shame that Grandpa never found what he always dreamed he would hey you guys why don't we help him how Grandpa what cookie look here I just found some Paw Prints is it possible ancient cats could have left these cookie these are your own Footprints huh you're right what other kinds of things did ancient cats leave behind well I suppose it could be anything really cookie not just Footprints but objects and paintings on the cave walls sometimes very Granda I think I found an ancient candy wrapper or an ancient cat must have dropped it a long time ago like maybe 100 gajillion and 65 [Music] years don't think that's Ancient Ancient cats only ate things like mushrooms berries and fish they didn't have any candy back then oh no let's pick up the rapper in any case look what I found I think an ancient cat must have drawn this picture it's a wall painting like you said they used to make H that's interesting it's a really wonderful drawing but it wasn't painted by any ancient cat how can you tell that it's not there's one detail that gives it away there were no airplanes back then a please don't feel bad kittens thank you for trying to help me find the ancient cat traces I've always dreamt of hello Lunch is ready please head back home all right be back soon that was your mommy telling us it's time to head home she has your lunch [Music] ready oh there's more than one path which one do we need to take oh oh no we're all lost in here don't you worry pudding we'll figure out how to handle this problem I have a really good idea remember cookie Footprints we can follow our foot Prince back good thinking candy you're a real cave Explorer Grandpa and the kittens headed to the Cave's [Music] exit I'm sorry you didn't find any evidence of ancient cats grandpa but we had a real honest to goodness Adventure let me get a picture of my Brave fellow adventurers uh move right little more so the bat family's in the shot too smile big [Music] now titens look we found an actual wall painting done by ancient cats long ago how can I never have noticed it before you never had anyone with you before that you wanted to take a picture of look at that it's kind of like the ancient cats are trying to wave at us hi there me me me me the kitty cats and their grandpa kept their eyes wide open that day in the cave and by noticing every detail they eventually found what they were looking for the good deeds agency one day daddy was taking out the trash and the kittens decided to help [Music] [Laughter] him thank you kittens what lovely helpful children helping her daddy out know what it feels great when somebody thanks you it sure does should we try helping someone else out we should start our own Good Deeds agency we could help everyone they'd all love that so awesome me me me me W the kittens turned their Treehouse into the Good Deeds agency all they needed next were people to help looks like there just aren't any cats that need our help it's just that no one knows what we're here to do we should just walk around and help everyone that'll get our agency's name out there the Good Deeds agency is here to help you oh no looks like Mommy isn't here for us to help that's all right we'll just put all these buttons into jars and leave a we helped you card she'll see what we did and the card and she'll thank us later it'll be great [Music] oh no now I'll have to go get some new [Music] dendelion we're really good at helping people our Good Deeds agency is just the best here come the cats that we helped prepare to get thanked what do you say what's wrong dear kittens I understand that you were only trying to be helpful but unfortunately you seem to have created some problems what you've sorted my buttons by color but I needed them sorted by shape the shapes of the buttons were the important thing for me we wanted to plant new flowers today but then you flooded our garden beds all of the soil turned into into a mushy swamp a you kids did not realize my artistic vision and you mixed up all my pains yellow is green and blue is now purple oh no we tried to make a good deeds agency but made a bad one instead don't feel bad my darling kittens trying to help your neighbors is a wonderful idea just make sure you give it some thought I have a really good idea we can correct all of The agency's Mistakes by first asking what we can help them with and exactly how [Music] oh soon the kittens fixed all the mistakes they made and helped everyone so well that word about their Good Deeds agency got around to all their neighbors kittens some of our neighbors could really use the Good Deeds agency's help so awesome me wow me wow me wow me [Music] wow the good deed agency turned out to be a great idea it's so nice to make friends and neighbors Happy by helping them walkie-talkies one day Mommy and Daddy gave the kittens an unusual gift dear kittens these wonderful gadgets are called walkie-talkies over hear you loud and clear with them you three can talk to each other from a distance so awesome me me me W attention this is candy and I'm laying on my bed oh over attention this is pudding I'm just here in the kitchen eating an apple over this is Cookie I'm looking out the window let's play outside over I'm coming me too this is Cookie and I'm outside over um yeah we can see you we can hear you too cookie I guess we really only need these walkie-talkies when we're way far away from each other this is candy here and I in Africa over ising here up in the Arctic Circle over hey can anybody down there hear me over walkie-talkies don't work when you're in orbit did that lawnmower just pass by on its own never mind that let's figure out cool stuff to do with our walkietalkie cookies well we could give one to Mommy so she's always able to get in touch with us but that's why we have a telephone and plus everyone would hear whatever mommy was saying careful on the slide cookie kins or you'll tear the back side of your pants like you did last time oh shush mom the backside of your [Laughter] pants uh why does that lawn mower keep running around everywhere by S I don't know just like I don't know what to use these walkie-talkies for it sort of seems like they're not really that useful attention this is the Police Inspector speaking the city Gardener's lawn mower has gone missing please report it if you spot it over me wow it sounds like cookie managed to find the police Rocky talkie station that's giv me a really good idea kitty cat search Squad here reporting a break in the case we've seen the lawnmower it's running on its own over cookie candy pudding yes it's us then by all means continue the search report back with any new information over great copy that oh wow we'll be looking for the lawnmower just like real life police [Music] officers I found some lawnmower tracks here they lead right inside this bush over oh oh I found some lawn mower tracks around the big old oak tree over and I see lawn mower tracks pretty much everywhere I'm barly sure I can hear the lawn M it's somewhere over there yeah I see it it's headed away from us towards home [Music] guys police come in the kitty cat search Squad have found the lawn mower in our own backyard Roger that I'm on my way [Music] yeah my beautiful lawn mower daddy missed you so much come on stop please stop lawn [Music] mower I can't thank you enough for finding it I don't know what I'd do without it it's the kitty cat search Squad that you should than all cookie candy and pudding thanks friends our [Music] pleasure well oh what a remarkable job you've done trimming our lawn come inside everyone and enjoy some freshly baked muffins Mommy here tea and muffins are on their way do copy over yeah loud and clear now if anyone needs to find something the kitty cat search Squad will always be ready to help Bose's marvelous Play One Day Bo invited the kittens and mustard to his house to watch a play he had written I present a great spectacle Beauty And The Marvelous violin will this be a real play like with actors and props and scenery and everything and music too it's got all those things and music too and guess what I'm going to do everything in it will be really great so awesome meow meow meow meow I really hope it will be super fun because I so get super sleepy after lunch I'm the Prince of this far away country and I have a marvelous violin whose music always makes people happy now here's that carpet sword I made [Music] oops that violin doesn't make me happy I am the wicked Underground King and I hate that music so much oh no Underground King wants to destroy my marvelous violin I shall hide in the woods [Music] sorry It's Tricky handling all this stuff on my own I can help you with all the scenery and props if you want it'd be much easier if I did mhm this sure is a scary Forest my whole tail is covered in Goosebumps oh it isn't time for this music to be played yet this scene is supposed to feel scary that fun music didn't feel scary well I could be in charge of turning the music on and off if it would help [Music] mm the lovely damsel has been asleep for 100 years woo but I will wake her up with my marvelous violin oh in my whole life I have never heard such wonderful music never again I'll chop the violin in two it will be silence forever no evil King I will stop you Prince evil King don't argue you'll never beat me we'll soon see let's just all be friends guys only if he promises not to s my my no way I hate music just wait for a second I'm really confused right now who's the bad guy who's the good guy oh boy I wanted the play to be brilliant and instead it's a disaster I'm a terrible actor you're a great actor but you're playing too many parts at the same time yeah oh I wish there were more of me then I could do everything myself no oh no no I know what we need to do cookie would you play the role of the Evil Underground King oh yes I've always wanted a chance to try acting sleepy mustard would you play the part of the Sleeping Beauty a beauty yes I can do that as well as sleeping for sure [Music] haha [Music] wo bo and his company of kittens put on a Marvel is show because everything is better when you do it with friends Championship with only a few more days left until kickoff you can bet the stadium will be flooded with fans very soon and here comes our City's own team and their glorious Captain are we going to the stadium too of course we are kittens it's the only way to truly support our team oh in fact I was just about to call and book our tickets this minute we'll get to watch the game right there at the stadium just like real fans so awesome be we'll get to see our team win and after the game we can drive back waving our winning teams Flags no [Music] no no oh what happened honey there are no more tickets left they've already sold out every seat oh always is lost a it doesn't really matter my darling I'm sure we'll survive we'll just watch the game on television come now I'll make some nice tea for you poor daddy he's such a mega fan I feel bad for him now attention soccer fans the contest for the best trick with a soccer ball is now underway the winner will be awarded an official team ball presented by the captain himself hey we need to win that ball for Daddy because that would really cheer him up I will now bounce this ball on my head a 100 times 1 2 3 oops just a sec this time for real one two [Music] three one 2 3 one two all right maybe I can't bounce it 100 times well maybe you could make just one tricky shot a super Incredible One hey cookie here I will now kick this ball through that door then it'll roll down the slide on the other side cool let's try ouch ouch I don't think I can do it I have a really good idea but to make it work we'll need a little help from our friends the kitten's friends agreed to help them perform the ball trick we ready yeah all right let's do [Music] it [Music] oh go got it now let's send this into the trick shot contest the next day they announc the contest winner and the winner of the trick shot contest is cat the artist for his creative approach to [Music] soccer he will receive an official team ball from the captain but we'd also like to mention another special video from the kitty cats and friends no way they're showing our video and as a special prize all these adorable kittens and their parents will receive tickets to the championship game awesome the stadium is completely full today the home team leads with a score of two to zero the captain power kick the ball high into the air and watching the championship match in cheering for your team from the stands can be a wonderful experience especially when you're with your family Off to the Races one day the kittens brought remote controlled cars to the playground now car number one speeds ahead of the pack rounding all obstacles hey I think we should build our own racetrack on the playground so we can have a Race So Awesome meow me wow me Wow meow but I want to be in the race as well do you even know how to drive these cars well no but I'd really like to learn may I uh okay fine this drives the car forward and this button makes it go backward finally you steer it by turning this little wheel ah it seems simple enough not that way no stop let me try to back up okay I'm starting to get the hang of it which way are you going go backwards reverse well that's about enough of that everybody knows that girls aren't any good at driving they just aren't quick enough uh but girls are really good at pushing strollers so that's something oh here let's put a really sharp turn and then we can put a ramp here I'm going to prove to them that girls are every bit as good at driving cars as boys [Music] are candy found on the remote control that operates her Robo Fish excellent now I just need a little [Music] practice oh thank you Daddy [Music] [Music] oh oh I think these are dads ow oh come on oh not that way wait wait wait wait wait I said huh just stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] it looks like like boys really are better at driving than girls mom what boys that's not true at all driving fast doesn't mean driving well when I drive home from the supermarket I try to avoid every pothole and bump and turn very gently because I don't want to spill my groceries everywhere I've got a really good idea [Music] candy drove the Robo Fish very carefully to keep her favorite doll safe all set for the [Music] rain [Music] H what is that thing a sardine mobile candy the Sardine driver come on Candy hurry up flap your fins faster drivers start your engines go [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys no way the fish swam across the line first it's first middle and last and Candy wins and we all lose it looks like girls can become good drivers after all and since I was Victorious you boys have to push my doll carriage just do it carefully please turns out not only being fast but also being careful can help win the race no matter how big or small following instructions one day Grandma was cleaning out a room for the kittens to have sleepovers at her [Music] house Grandma my dear lovely kittens your new bedroom is virtually ready all that's left is to build your beds they'll be so comfy well that is as soon as I figure out how to assemble them so awesome me me me wow where's the pirate ship you bought for us daddy Oho here it is but I think I left the instruction manual in the trunk look got it oh there are a lot of parts in that one it should take a long time piece of cake we'll make the pirate ship super quick and then we can go down and see it on your pond wonderful and while all of you are busy assembling ships and beds I will go cook our [Music] dinner Hey pudding can you tell me what this says uh take part a and connect it with Part B then insert part C straight into Part D H I didn't understand a single word of that H we can put the ship together using our imagination imagine that this is part of the pirate ship's deck this looks like the steering wheel and right here is the Pirate Flag the kittens are sure that they can build a great ship a I guess we need the instructions after all I'll go and get them out of the trash bin but those instructions are so long I'll be 100 years old before I'm done with them I think we should try being logical meaning what I'll explain there's a lot of these small planks they probably form the deck it's only logical right they probably go up on top of these bow shaped parts that's logical too isn't it doesn't look logical so I guess it's time to get the instructions out of the trash bin all all right uh Grandma where's the stuff that was in this garbage can I sorted them into the recycling bins so the garbage men could cart them [Music] off [Music] no oh why' I have to throw the instructions out a we'll never be able to find them now oh it wouldn't be with the glass recycling instructions are made of paper it should be in with a paper recycling which hasn't been emptied out yet parade the instructions thank you very much grandma this time around the kitty cats did everything just as the instructions told them to it still didn't work with the instructions what's going on I have a really good idea let's ask Daddy to help us put the pirate ship together Daddy was still hard at work assembling the kittens beds it looks like Daddy needs just as much help as us Daddy are you sure you're following the instructions well I did look them over uh I just laid them aside I thought I could build it on my own so Mast and anchor and steering wheel oh kitten de ear may I have a look at your instruction manual well I figured out the problem you got your instructions mixed up somehow right here are the pirate ship instructions and here are the ones for the beds well look at that well I don't think you'll have any more problems now so AES it can be fun imagining or trying to figure out things for yourself following the instructions usually makes the job much easier piano practice candy said she wanted to learn to play the piano great thanks now I can learn to play all sorts of tunes you could play as lullab at bedtime [Music] [Laughter] or you could play something really fun for our [Music] games but first candy has to learn to play cupcakes's mom will be giving her lessons so awesome meow all right let's start with some scales now you give it a try all right now try the left [Music] paw wonderful now let's just repeat that from the [Music] top cookie and pudding thought that Candy's lessons were very boring instead they went to watch their favorite pirate show on TV but [Music] hey candi's lesson was 1 hour long she needs to practice playing her scales every single day see you later see you later see you later the next morning the kittens decided to play pirates in the yard candy remember you need to practice your piano scales for half an hour candy I don't hear you practicing okay I'll start now our our pirate ship is setting sail toward the Treasure Island oh no we've been attacked by a sea monster don't let it gobble up our ship I'm missing the fun because I have to practice those silly scales H I think you can help me can help me can help me all hands on deck but what about your practice oh that I'm all [Music] done good morning good morning I just stopped by to see how candy was getting on well she's been been practicing for quite a while [Music] a hey candy if you don't want to learn the piano just say so I want to play I do but what's the point in playing scales but you must play scales to train your pause once you've practiced enough you can play all sorts of tunes just listen to this hey that's from our favorite show I would love to play [Music] that [Music] hey looks like it's still too hard for you to play well I know how to fix that I must practice my scales to train my paw to play after a few more lessons candy gathered everyone in the kitty cat's [Music] room oh well done Bravo you did it that was really great candy practicing scales really works practicing scales really works so awesome meow meow meow meow the chance to learn a favorite tune was candi's inspiration to play the piano and bring joy to everyone around her forgive and forget one day the kittens decided to build a model of their home candy drew a pretty diagram of the house kittens that's a wonderful idea I can sew little doll versions of the family and they can live in the little model house so awesome Mommy and Candy went to the store to get some colored paper right come along I'll find you some cardboard some glue and scissors cookie and pudding worked on the frame of the house following candi's diagram my half of the model's done and it's awesome all that's left is to cover it with colored paper oh no cookie you just ruined a very important part well would you like to crush part of my half of the model that'd be kind of fair right sure all right huh why'd you have to break my roof that's way harder to fix than the part I broke off yours uh how about you cut off one of the walls of mine all [Music] right oops the all right now do I get to destroy your half of the house model no just let me think for a minute I'll find a way to make it up to you Cookie offered putting his favorite tomato [Music] juice so now are we even I don't think so I don't really like tomato juice I like apple juice much better then I gave up my juice for nothing at all uh well do you think we'd be even if I gave you my candy ah it's a deal I like candy very much let's go finish the house just wait a minute your half of the model is still fine and plus you got the candy my house half is just Rubble all I got was that juice I don't even like the flavor of no [Music] fair well then what if I gave you my ship but my ship's really awesome it's way cooler than half of a model what if I trade my magnifying glass to you but wait I love my magnifying glass so much I could give you something besides that or do something for you instead cookie and pudding tried making it up to each other by giving gifts and doing nice things h [Music] oh [Music] huh we bought some great colored paper why did you Splash paint on my drawing of the house I worked really hard making that we're sorry we apologize is there anything we can do for you to make it up if you want you can have my ship my magnifying glass too I can push you on a swing for a long time and then I can give you my dessert this way we could really make it up to you all right stop stop stop if someone you know does something wrong by mistake you just need to work to fix that isn't that right candy yes that's right I have a really good idea pudding in cookie I don't want you to do anything you had me the second you said you're sorry I forgive you oh wow that was simple pudding I absolutely forgive you I absolutely forgive you too cookie well done we'll work up a nice new diagram and build another house so awesome me Wow meow me wow me wow and that's how the kitty cats realize that they have to forgive each other for making mistakes so everyone in the little house could live happily and help each other squabbling kitties one day daddy suggested that the kittens play a board game look at this kittens and this game can be played by several players at once there's no way that you could get bored with it mommy and daddy have some things to take care of but you can play the game together in the meantime so awesome me me okay I'll take the first turn but cookie you go first every time let me be first for once no bear I never get to go first let me but I'm faster so I should be first me I'm [Music] first you can't didn't want to let each other go [Music] first woohoo that was awesome all right it's your turn well I'm done I am not going to play with you anymore I'm not either is that right well in that case I'm not playing with you two so I'm going outside to play with my ball the kittens thought that they would be happier without their siblings I'm going to have so much more time time to make wonderful dresses for my dollies I'll come up with my own fashion collection and everyone will love love love it and I'll become a great fashioned [Applause] designer now I can devote myself completely to science and study cool stuff like plants and mushrooms and I'll go everywhere in the world and discover all kinds of awesome things oh [Music] now I'll have lots more time to practice soccer I'll become the captain of a famous team then we'll win the World Championship ah and win a giant [Music] trophy but then the kittens realized that something was missing oh I really wish cookie and pudding were here to see this yeah I really wish I could share this with my brother and sister celebrating a win with pudding and Candy would be just so [Music] awesome me wow me Wow meow meow me Wow meow what are you doing oh nothing I just wanted to take a look at the game board um are you having fun all by yourself sure it's awesome the most fun ever ever I'm having all the fun in the world Boris came over to visit the kittens who's there it's Boris hi there hi there Boris hi guys Boris come play a game with me no come play with me Boris we'd have way more fun he played with me why don't we all play it together we decided that we're never playing together again cuz someone always wants to be the one that plays first yeah or getting offended by everything we were fighting the whole time I don't have any brothers or sisters at home so I came to play with all of you but you're fighting Boris don't leave let's all play together I'll even let you be the one to play first can I play I'm really tired of just sitting on I agree I've got a really good idea we should stop fighting over stuff and play together [Music] instead looks like the game is in full swing have you got room there for two more players your father and I would be very happy to play the game with you so awesome me well the kitty cats realized that it's not that important if you go first or if you win as long as your friends and family are with you Kitty clothes one day Mommy was working on her new line of clothes for kittens and ran out of fabric kittens I need to run to the store if you do need something while I'm gone ask Daddy in his office okay we will Mommy I can't wait to see all of the cool clothes Mommy's working on why don't we take a look they're right there in her [Music] office hey it's a kitten shaped doll except it doesn't have a head that's mommy's kakin it's a special model shaped like a real kitten to help mommy make sure the clothes she makes will fit nicely the coat on the drawing on the wall looks pretty nice but the one on the katak in here doesn't a poor Mommy she had so much to do that she didn't have the time to finish it hey why don't we help her let's do it we'll help make mommy's coat the best kitten coat ever so awesome me wow me wowow wow we need to add some pockets and a collar cookie bring us some glue I will draw the collar in the pockets after that pudding you can cut them out [Music] pretty sure it's the best outfit ever all right now someone needs to try it on well professional models are usually pretty tall and since pudding's the tallest one it's pretty clear pudding should be our model go on pudding see how well it fits well I'll try it but I don't think I can pull off that walk the Real Models do [Music] ouch I can't see anything through this collar looks a little bit too high it really shouldn't cover up your eyes and mouth we could cut some slits for his mouth and his [Music] eyes I'd only be able to see what's right in front of me though what if I needed to look in a direction other than Straight Ahead we don't need to cut holes at all we can just fold the color down cool good yeah that feels a lot better except uh I can't get my Paws into any of the pockets though oh that's probably because we kind of glued them shut that's all right they still make really pretty decorations we can also glue some pretty buttons onto it and make it the prettiest coat ever the kittens were so enthusiastic that they covered the whole coat with buttons without even noticing it oh boy now it feels like it weighs a ton I can't even lift my paws up I guess it'd be all right to remove a few of the [Music] buttons oh no now it's covered in glue which doesn't make it look pretty at all what if we covered up the glue with [Music] ribbons that is way better come on pudding let's see your walk oh boy oh boy I can't walk in this thing kittens what are all of you doing here in my office and where's the coat that was on the kakin mommy I'm wearing it we decided to try and finish it we're sorry mommy don't worry my darlings that was actually just a practice coat to try things out I'll make the real thing with this fabric I just bought and if you would like to help me out you're all very welcome so awesome me Mew me W [Music] me you'll be perfect if you practice or at least that's what they say and we're learning that the fact is if you work hard every day oh you just won't believe all the things you can achieve do your best let them see all you can be the new Cod turned out to bew awesome and the kitty cats were really happy that they got to help their mommy not so Carefree cat mommy had gone out for the day leaving daddy at home with the kitty cats honey yes my darling you remember all the chores I asked you to do uh chore yeah but we were just about to start them uh kittens mommy would like for you to vacuum the house and me to do the laundry before she gets back before we do the chores could we for a while I'd love to sit here and watch soccer all day but if we don't do these important chores they won't get done at all are you tired of chores the all new Carefree cat device will do all your chores for you it'll clean do laundry and take care of everything else call now and order the Carefree cat home system today awesome I bet that thing could vacuum all the rocks for us and do many other things [Music] [Music] do you know what I think I'll do kittens put to a Carefree cat so awesome me wow me wow me wow me wow daddy ordered the Carefree cat system and in an hour it was installed in the kitten's house Carefree Cat is ready for use so Carefree cat turn on your cleaning mode [Music] yes that's so awesome what other stuff can it do for one thing it can recognize its owners by sight and unlock the doors to let them [Applause] in identity confirmed now Carefree cat turn on your laundry setting laundry initiated [Music] Daddy and the kittens like the Carefree cat very [Music] much but then something went wrong trash on the floor commence pleas stop my puzzle pieces laundry is done please remove your items oh it washed the colored clothes and the white clothes together let me in identity cannot be confirmed but it's me Cookie pudding too identity cannot be confirmed we need to take our costumes off to show who we really are but we haven't finished pretending to be aliens [Music] [Applause] yet this crazy Carefree cat system is turning out to be more troubl than it's worth I have a really good idea we should just turn it off and do all the chores [Music] ourselves I'm home everyone mommy welcome home we just got all the chores finished well done my darlings I knew I could count on you to get everything done which is why I brought you all ice cream so awesome me me me if the Carefree cat had done the chores instead of us do you think he'd get to eat the ice cream instead of us too uh what Carefree cat are you talking about oh we sort of tried out a labor saving Gadget but we figured out right away that we just don't need it yes come on everybody let's have ice cream the kid kittens actually had some fun doing the chores themselves and what's more they loved how happy it made mommy kittens on time one day cookie pudding candy and mustard were playing on the playground I'm putting on a Cinderella play for my Mommy's birthday of course I'll play Cinderella but would you guys play all the other parts I can play The Prince and pudding can play the king candy can be the Fairy Godmother and mustard can be the evil stepm mother yeah I can do that sure we also need a place to rehearse that's no problem we can have the rehearsals at our tree house so awesome me wow me wow me wow me wow it wasn't very long until the play needed to be ready for cupcakes mom's birthday so the kittens work very hard getting their costumes ready [Music] [Music] just as planned they hurried to the treehouse in the morning to start rehearsals where's cupcake huh I got up very early to be [Music] here I'm sorry I switched my alarm off so I didn't get up on time [Music] I'm ready [Music] everyone oh well would you look at that it's lunchtime I'm going home we'll just rehearse without the evil stepmother but I've only memorized the first part of the play the evil stepmother part so we can just start again [Music] tomorrow h the next morning cupcake was late again I just can't seem to wake up on time plus I'm also running late to my dance class we'll just have to rehearse fast then Cinderella you have to bake a dress scrub the beans and sew the buttons on the stove what I think you mix some things up there well welcome to the fancy royal ball did somebody order one glass slipper that comes later you've all got to learn your parts better we'll try to rehearse again tomorrow all right I have to get to my dance class bye but the next morning cupcake was late yet again and they only had one rehearsal left before her mom's [Music] birthday kindly stuff your dainty foot in this slipper no the slipper part's at the end how can we perform this play if none of you learn your parts right but you're always late cupcake we can never rehearse our parts because we're waiting for you oh yes you're right I just don't know how I'll ever wake up on time maybe you should stay awake all night then cupcake would end up falling asleep right on stage maybe you should get the biggest alarm clock ever I mean super [Music] big where would we ever get an alarm clock down big I have a really good idea cupcake needs to put her alarm clock away from her bed that way she won't switch it off if cupcakes trying to get the alarm clock way up there she'll wake up for sure great idea that's what I'll do the next morning the kittens were surprised well good morning everybody I've been waiting for you to rehearse and that day everyone got a chance to memorize and rehearse their lines my lady you're not leaving yet I'm afraid I must be going now but perhaps we'll meet again someday and I promise that I won't be late happy birthday thank you everyone you were just amazing but my cupcake is such a sleepy head how on Earth did you get all of this work done thanks to the kitty cats I'm not a sleepy head anymore mommy they help me learn to get up on time so awesome W me w me wow me wow cupcakes's mom loved the surprise and cupcake has been on time ever since
Channel: Kid-E-Cats
Views: 10,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids cartoons, Cartoon, Kid-E-Cats, Three cats, new episodes, Cookie, Pudding, Candy, Russian cartoons, popular, best cartoon, animation, cartoon online, Animated cartoon, for kids, educational cartoons, preschool, Me-wow, cat cartoon, english cartoons for beginners, kids, nursery rhymes, cartoons for children, cartoons for kids, cartoon for kids, kids tv show, baby songs, kids videos, kids songs, cartoons, compilation, videos for kids
Id: wbpH2EzdFKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 3sec (3783 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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