Curious George 🐵 Learn to dance with George 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵 Videos for Kids

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George needed a way to tell which foot was which [Music] Ally I'd love to come to your party but I have chicken pox [Music] okay now uh blue is laughed and red is right but which is first oh George wondered what was the best way to put these in order [Music] umbers good idea [Music] hey we've been looking all over for you we saw your bike outside are we going fishing well soon as I learned the Box tab the Box step you say um uh question which steps are fast and which are slow I get it the quick steps are smaller because they take less time you're pretty smart for a city kid [Music] it's hopeless we know left from right fast from slow where to go and when to go there and we still can't dance what is this map missing oh we Step in Time the music keeps us together the problem wasn't the map it was music [Music] they needed some to keep them together [Music] [Music] [Music] at last the big night was here and George and Bill were ready boy I'm glad I didn't have to move to Outer gichigumi wait a minute we can't go in there I can't put this goofy map on the floor I'm such a bad dancer I need a map [Music] that would look a little silly does this make me look like I have mumps [Music] hi George hey Bill thanks for coming to my party [Music] did you go to the dentist [Music] what are we going to do [Music] what's wrong uh my shoe is untied Krill I need to tighten it okay oh can we remember the dance without the map [Music] and then George saw it [Music] the Box step was shaped like a box I see all we have to do is make a box with our feet foreign [Music] [Music] George too I wish I knew that dance you mean you don't know it the only dance I know is this whoops your dance looks fine oh and I've got the perfect song it makes me think of you George oh [Music] [Applause] where's my banana all right left is blue and right is red the church School of Dance was definitely getting off on the right foot [Music] mom could I check out a chicken what did the library have that the chicken coop didn't [Music] books [Music] George was onto something the cookbooks kept some sound out ah [Music] but I need them they have all my secret Family Recipes they're so secret even I forget them if I don't have the books and then George realized books were just a bunch of paper [Music] and he knew where to find lots and lots of that the recycling room was full of it [Music] huh but he ran out of paper and he and he still needed to cover the roof and the floor [Music] maybe the recycling room had stuff for that too [Music] Conley couldn't figure out what that monkey was up to [Music] oh cans didn't make things quiet [Music] neither did bottles aha [Music] [Music] but packing peanuts did [Music] hahaha [Music] ah the cardboard might come in handy too oh thank goodness you're here everything was piling up newspapers boxes packing peanuts huh [Music] okay I see what you mean [Music] [Applause] packing peanuts made chickens wobbly [Music] so George put them where the chickens didn't walk [Music] bubble wrap was a terrible Floor Covering [Music] but cardboard worked great [Music] now if he could just keep sound from coming in the window [Music] but that made the coop look spooky huh maybe that bubble wrap was good for something after all [Music] George could hardly wait until night to try the coop out but he didn't have to once he finished soundproofing The Coop was so quiet he fell asleep and it wasn't even nap time it was the quietest Coop ever [Music] kill no eggs at [Music] eggs you're fixing my chicken it's Georgie now we can make my famous pesto and peppers omelette and to George breakfast never sounded so good [Music] you're right George there's our snap all right [Music] luckily there was plenty of Snappy stuff back in George's apartment [Music] ready for pinning George [Music] and look what we made I call this dinner is served Opus 12 when the wind hits it [Music] George and Mr zubal arranged the pipes [Music] then tried to make the loudest bong they possibly could [Music] but we don't want just one bong right we want lots of bongs [Music] haha oh hang up their parts yeah wow this certainly looks loud and unique Bravo I think we'll be ready except there's no wind oh not to worry when glass wants wind glass gets Wind Watch This glass here just checking on that wind you promised right Mr glass it it hasn't arrived yet but based on my sophisticated computer modeling I can State categorically that when we'll be arriving soon no later than Wednesday wait oh that's no good I need wind now oh boy this is a disaster look all those people are expecting a world-class symphonic event in 23 minutes good luck maestros yeah you said it George if the wind Symphony was going to work George had better go find some wind [Music] George grabbed anything that looked like it could make wind fans the vacuum cleaner the Bellows from the fireplace a piece of paper oh this looked good too [Music] this is so exciting I am one of the patrons did you know no I I didn't congratulations attention attention please without further Ado let the symphony begin hit it George [Laughter] [Music] it was working sort of [Music] quietest wind Symphony George bellowed until he could Bellow no more oh you're in luck Mr glass I was able to call in the 57th Street whirlybird Squadron wind is on the way my arms are about to break oh well [Music] [Music] ah what did I tell you maestros when glass wants wind glass gets wind [Applause] s and Margaret let me take Betsy shopping I love shopping oh really yeah sure plus I know what all the cool kids wear see ya well okay Steve the shoe store's right there I know a shortcut George had to hurry he needed four photos with four shapes by four [Music] the first snapshot was a snap all George had to do was wait for the shape to show up [Music] a triangle three sides three corners aha [Music] George let's buy you a dress but what about George [Music] and George doesn't wear dresses [Music] the next shape was easy to get around too as well it was a picture of a circle [Music] now George only had to find two hidden shapes but first he had to hide himself that's some hat Betsy but you're not wearing it right [Music] you can't you've got a hand over your eyes silly girl foreign [Music] he had the cans but where was the square [Music] and then suddenly everything lined up it was a square Four Corners four sides all of them the same now the only picture George needed was a picture of himself [Music] and a curve ah how was George going to take a picture of George [Music] George hooked up the camera just like Betsy had done then clicked his photos and press print wait you need a new hairdo we do [Music] what [Music] I'm sorry Betsy we didn't mean to mess up your photos it just happened so that's what you've been up to huh you didn't really mess them up [Music] they were there all the time a good photographer always saves her work if anything happens to her pictures she can print new ones these are really good George hey look oh Your Shadow there you are again you're in every picture hey you should enter the contest too definitely but they need a title I have the perfect title for George's photos for her out of sight pictures about out of sight shapes our next award goes to Betsy and our final award goes to George for his imaginative entry photos of a monkey taking photos of a monkey George really liked taking pictures but not as much as he liked having his picture taken with his friends [Music] next come the flappy things right hmm what could make a good flapper [Music] that's great George now we're ready for the blah blah blah part [Music] instead of going blob his soap went blob huh what he needed was another thing with holes in it to help make suds [Music] a tea strainer helped make great Suds [Music] we got the spish fish [Music] oh I better take a hot shower put on my slippers and keep nice and warm [Music] scrubbers bathrooms were great places to look [Music] okay wow that's a lot of scrubbies so how do we make them scrub uh where was he going to find something to make the scrubber spin oh hey [Music] Jessie didn't want to shower after all suddenly answers spun into sight George was ready to take his car wash for a spin [Music] but the car wash didn't just wash cars it also washed George oops and then he remembered what he forgot we're on a conveyor those rails have rollers under them to carry us through the wash he needed some rollers and rails [Music] oh good job George but when his rollers were rolling oops his rails rolled off we need one of those long black mat thingies you know like they have at the grocery store it goes [Music] oh George didn't have a long black mat but he did have some short blue ones [Music] [Applause] you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] a car wash cool oh this is great and my slippers and hat hey the water finally came out of my ears yeah when I bent down to see your amazing car wash it fantastic the automatic car wash was a big hit both of them take good care of my Studebaker George [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 223,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: Pv0SQLy6G_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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