Curious George 🐡 George tries Mexican food 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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hungry monkey never refuses an invitation to eat tacos and burritos even if he didn't know what they are the tacos have meat [Music] the burritos are vegetable and cheese wrapped in a tortilla muen provecho [Music] it's my mom Maritza and you know my dad dad and my uncle Felix and my sisters Cecilia Marco tells me you're feeling sad about the Bandstand George we are sad too yeah we tried playing in the street this morning but it was too noisy it's worse than the subway it was nice to have a place where people could actually hear her music hmm eating great food talking about music it reminded George of the last time he'd been at piscetti's [Applause] [Music] do you have a place in mind George where people can hear us [Music] excuse me coming through [Music] everyone has come to help the man piscetti's might be fine for a man with a violin who could go up to each table to be heard but it wasn't working for a whole entire band George and Marco decided to find a place that wasn't crowded or noisy ah you live here [Music] George really hoped the lobby would work that way he could hear the band all the time so you think if we sound good in here then the whole band will sound good [Music] to George's surprise they didn't sound good they sounded sort of muffled except to Hundley [Music] George thought they'd sound less muffled at the zoo there weren't any curtains or carpets but the lions were a little loud there were no lions or carpets at the railway station and the room was big enough for a band [Music] the high ceiling made it difficult to hear the music the bridge reminded George of the Bandstand it was a little too echoey okay so we need a room big enough for the band but not too big a high ceiling but not too high and no lions or carpets or Waiters [Music] hi George and hello friend of George's hola are you coming to the opening tonight Marvel's of the Maya it's our biggest archaeological exhibit ever there'll be food and lots of people bring your friends lots of people was Marco thinking what George was thinking yes um do you think you might want some music tonight my family has a band music oh fantastic idea seven o'clock see you then [Music] it's just a little rain I'll get you an umbrella [Music] I know let's check the Attic [Applause] [Music] I knew I had an umbrella [Music] George thought that cart was wonderful it would be perfect for carrying stuff huh I really should get rid of some of this [Music] you want that oh sure [Music] my first yellow hat now that's a keeper [Music] George loved his new cart now all he needed was something to put in it it was too small for a cow [Music] could hold a ton of coconuts but there were no coconut trees around that's what George could put in it interesting sticks [Music] by the time George got out of the woods he had quite a collection [Music] hiya George hey you want to try some delicious made out of apples that I pick myself apple cider [Music] do you want a whole bottle [Music] that'll be 350 please huh why don't you and Ali make a trade that's what we used to do when we were kids okay come on I like it but I don't want to trade for a stick oh oh I like the cards though George wasn't sure he wanted to give up his new cart but then again that cider was delicious [Music] now just remember kids once you make a trade it's for Keeps we know yay and it squeaks too here you go George by the next morning George had finished all the cider and was missing his cart there were so many fun things he could be doing no like like playing hide and seek or carrying a pet fish around but the cart was gone unless he could trade it back for something something Ali would like George was trying his best not to wake up the Man with the Yellow Hat but today was Saturday and the man was taking George to the zoo to see a dragon okay they weren't really going to see a fire-breathing dragon they were going to see a Komodo dragon which is more like a giant lizard foreign [Music] excited about seeing a dragon so a Subway is a huge network of trains that runs under the ground yeah there's a Subway right below our feet it takes thousands of people and the occasional monkey to places all around the city like the zoo and the entrance is right down those stairs hey wait up dude George stop we have to pay sorry about that officer it's his first time on the subway oh not to worry on my watch monkeys ride free oh thanks George was confused where were the trains [Music] don't worry George the train should be here any minute would you like to look at the map we're here at endless Park station and we're going to take the subway all the way to the zoo along the way we'll pass the Puerto Del Sol station that's the neighborhood where Marco lives and Chinatown where we go for Chinese food Reginald B phones with the Third professional clown At Your Service [Music] we're going to the zoo to see a Komodo dragon travel that far my good man when you can see a Komodo dragon right [Music] yes I know it's a giraffe it's the only animal I know how to make [Music] okay then hey George would you like a subway map as a souvenir of your first ride okay wait here I'll be right back [Music] George couldn't wait to get on the train so he didn't oh good the Train's here now where's George George [Music] uh here you go George [Applause] [Music] wait my monkey's on the train George get off at the next station and wait for me there [Music] oh boy careful add another giraffe [Music] foreign [Music] I've never had a monkey on my train before would you like to see how I drive this thing oh maybe you'd even like to help [Music] from here I control the Train's speed brakes and doors okay the workers are done and the lights green so it's time to get moving so let's blow the horn [Music] now move the lever forward easy and get this trainer rolling [Music] and here we are at our next stop where to Del Sol great job you can drive my train anytime bye now [Music] few things captured the attention of a curious little monkey I wonder what this could be okay oh it's from my mother happy birthday love Mom oh that's so sweet is today your birthday it is and George and I are going to celebrate I'm late for my appointment hold on to this for me will you George I'll be back at seven and then we'll celebrate bye George it's my birthday I'd have a party you want to have a party a surprise party even better you know how I throw a party it's as easy as a b c d all you need is a an apartment B your buddies c a cake and D decorations [Music] a b c d that didn't sound hard at all [Music] The Man with the Yellow Hat would be back at seven George had only four hours to get the party ready he already had an apartment [Music] and the man's buddies were listed in this book so that took care of a and b but George still needed c and d a cake and decorations you want me to invite the people in his address book all of them okay seven Oh you mean seven o'clock got it [Music] who invited me to your party I'm gonna give you my special all fruit Frozen cake on the house just pick a size oh a big party needed a big cake I had the big one surprise [Music] looks like quite a celebration is it a birthday yeah say I could blow that up for you it'd make a great decoration let's pick a size normal huge or jumbo Madness [Music] jumbo Madness it is laughs [Music] [Music] hiya George everyone's coming I just had to say yellow hat and they all said yes thanks foreign oh I'll take that stuff upstairs maybe you want to get a stepladder to hang the star [Music] s George thought the small ladder looked about right five o'clock oh I gotta get back to work Hundley can stay though see you at the party [Music] George had picked too wide of a cake it wouldn't fit in the freezer [Music] luckily it was cold out on the balcony I took care of C cake now for D decorations [Music] Georgian also picked too big of a poster and a too small ladder secret that monkeys like cars all kinds of cars [Music] get set and oh [Music] foreign [Music] that reminds me you should have seen me almost wipe out at the Derby I was coming down the hill accelerating into maximum gravitational pull and then I lost a wheel huh think Bill is talking about a Soapbox Derby George it's where kids build and race their own cars ah and there's a Derby today on boysenberry Hill oh check it out bill that is one nice looking vehicle did you build it yourself I sure did it's got rear wheel steering caliper brakes and a parachute you have a parachute in there it pays to be prepared me too I want to build a car like that and almost wipe out on a hill you kids want to enter the Soapbox Derby yes serious you're serious is then you'll need the rule book it pretty much tells you everything you need and how to put it together hey you want some help I was a pretty mean Derby racer in my day sorry but that's against the rules contestants have to build their own cars oh yeah okay well you're welcome to borrow anything you see around the house [Music] you keep that keep that I don't need it anymore the race starts at 2 p.m sharp see you there foreign bill was right the book could tell them everything If Only They knew how to read the car I think something cars something car this book needs more pictures [Music] this looked like something they'd need the part to sit in yeah they also needed that a steering wheel just like on the man's car and wheels for the car to sit on [Music] ah a break maybe this book could show them how to build a car for the pictures one two three and four uh-huh let's go look in our barn grandpa has all kinds of stuff in there oh hey oh yeah good idea let's take the wagon maybe we'll find car stuff on the way [Music] wasn't the wagon right here yeah ah these flowers look beautiful in that old kayak what George me we're building a car so we can race in a race all we need are car parts well if you see any car parts lying around just help yourself [Music] must have left my gloves inside [Music] the broken boat and the car body looked a lot alike they're almost totally exactly the same and and and and look it it already has two seats one for you and one for me laughs [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 389,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: l6FPfHymm48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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