Curious George 🌱 Gardening with George 🌱 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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okay we're all planted if only the seeds could magically grow overnight my problems would be solved [Music] maybe elf George could help [Music] he needed to count how many carrot seeds were planted [Music] and then he had to get the same amount of carrots from his refrigerator oh [Music] George wondered if the chef would be as happy as a cobbler this time [Music] I'm going up to water the garden there Nettie I think we should close the restaurant until the Fresh Veggies grow I know we can buy some from the store but they won't taste Biscuit the fresh [Music] it's a miracle avocados [Music] it's impossible Chef carrots can't grow from seeds overnight I told you but they did and I need to know how it happened so I kind of make it happen again so could you start in my dirt I'll give you a free pizza okay I'll run tests can I keep the carrot no sorry I'm making soup [Music] hey look at the carrots we planted already grown you know as long as I have my fresh veggies I won't have to close down George felt like he'd made a good elf but I wonder what eggplants and squash did not grow oh he'd forgotten the eggplants and squash later I'm gonna plant those [Music] if it works again tomorrow we'll have peas and arugula I'll perform eggplant squash but where were peas in arugula how could George be an elf without fresh vegetables [Music] ah hello Professor Wiseman our dirt is just normal dirt no I I don't know yet if it happened again it's a habit again squash eggplant I'm coming right over don't make soup [Music] [Applause] Pizza at pisketti's stat are you buying we're not eating we're being scientists up George did you um do something which I don't know what it would possibly be with all of our vegetables [Music] you're feeding a vegetarian cobbler did you plant a can of peas they're growing in cans now Nettie called the TV [Music] [Applause] oh boy oh hi everybody I well um this would be mine you see George um wanted wanted to be your Elf oh you did this sold my garden would grow fast [Music] Nettie our garden is not Magic ah but you're cooking still is [Music] well you got me there that's right I'm great I'm gonna cook all this veg up as lunch everybody come on I'm hungry The Man with the Yellow Hat's hat was special but what made it so special George come on it's time to go when I put my hat on I'm all ready to head out the door huh what [Music] okay George that was funny but you know the rule no one is allowed to play with the Yellow Hat oh George sure like that yellow hat George's cap just wasn't special I'd like to return these they were yellow but after only one washing they turned saffron I have to make a big speech and I need to know my shorts are yellow ah [Music] um like a hat of your own George oh well which hat do you like George wanted a big yellow hat but there was only one of those in the world well you could try different hats till you find what feels right for you [Music] George began his quest for headgear Hey where's George today [Applause] didn't recognize you City kid hat some hats are right for some people and some aren't [Music] George's friends didn't appreciate any of his headgear [Music] thinking the right headgear was not easy [Music] what made the yellow hat so great [Music] it was just plain fun George I need to wear the hat for an important speech at the Museum please don't play with it [Music] that's what George wanted a fun hat that he could play with [Music] [Applause] George wanted his fun hat to be more than just a normal hat thank you he uses cap for shape [Music] he would need an opening [Music] because that would be his ice cream dispenser [Music] but it wasn't fun when it froze the top of his head and then melted and leaked [Music] to solve these problems George used heavy poster board [Music] raisins instead of ice cream for a fun healthy snack and a half [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] spring had arrived it was the perfect day for George to break his Moon ball record George to come in [Music] come on bedtime [Music] oh I get it you think because the sun is out you should be out hahaha well George in the winter the days are short so it's dark at dinner time and dark at bedtime but now it's spring so the days are longer it's light when you eat dinner and light when you go to bed [Music] well 7 30 means bedtime no matter how light it is outside George I know [Music] it was hard to fall asleep with the Sun out counting sheep seemed like a good idea [Music] but even the Sheep were out enjoying the sunshine [Music] it just wasn't fair to make a monkey go to bed and miss all this [Music] thank you George didn't fall asleep until the sun went down there we go Good morning George I put new batteries in the clock so now I'm setting the time look I can move the time forward like this [Music] or backward like this [Music] yeah see the little hand points to the hour eight ha ha ha ha ha ha and the big hand tells you how long until the next hour [Music] 8 30. halfway to nine o'clock so while my bedroom clock and watch are in the shop Olga will make sure we're on time for things like going to bed [Music] you know I'd like to get a surprise for George he's been really good about sticking to his bedtime hmm hey what about a blip ride the rough week blimp is in town this week and I know the owner oh George would love a blimp ride well good Mr rough week will be here tomorrow at 9 30. you can make an appointment with him but be on time Mr rough week keeps a tight schedule [Music] George it's bedtime [Music] oh I'm sorry George it's 7 30. if it were 6 30 you could keep playing but it's not 6 30. George just learned how to change time this morning [Music] well your bed is all ready for you [Music] oh it's only huh you thought oh sorry I guess you still have an hour to play [Music] can't be late what happened well they were out of jelly donuts so I got chocolate you're late I should like that's not possible bedtime in the city when all little monkeys like to hear a good story of all the Bedtime Stories double O doggy was George's favorite it's a super spy's job to discover secrets and double O doggy is the best he has lots of tools to help him oh that's a periscope remember huh [Music] well inside the tube are two mirrors the mirror at this end reflects whatever it's pointing at to a mirror at this end [Music] way double O doggy can see things without being [Music] all right good night little spy monkey [Music] the next day George started practicing to be a super spy like double O doggy [Music] oh foreign if you have any paper to recycle put it in this bin okay um George [Music] a super spy needed a spy name George became ah double O monkey Professor Wiseman I was wondering can we meet an hour later a super spy had to be smart quiet came quick with his hands and feet there's this thing I want to get for George he is going to love it sometimes super spies had to go undercover great see you then he'd only been a super spy for two minutes and double O monkey already had his first spy mission find out with a man with a yellow hat was going to get him but he had to make sure he wouldn't be seen [Music] [Music] George [Music] staying out of sight [Music] wasn't complicated hi how you doing what George [Music] hmm no [Music] even puddles could give you away [Music] do you have this in stock [Music] The Barking Sharky was even worse than a puddle the last thing a spy wants is to attract the tension that sounds like Sharky she must have escaped again [Music] obviously not every dog was a good spy like double O doggy [Music] I got it well we found turkey hello sorry we'll help clean that up and no it's all right just take turkey home thanks okay bye let's see now it should be here somewhere oh George [Music] Benji and Willie were George's favorite mice in the entire world [Music] and guno was the only gopher snake he knew personally so when Mr zubal asked him to pet sit for a day George was thrilled thanks for helping me on such short notice George I have to be at the zoo morning till night studying feet for my new mural or I Know What You Did Last Summer [Music] now Bruno has already eaten an egg so he won't be hungry anymore today don't feed him the mice must be fed but I'm out of food so I told the Pet Shop you'd be coming by to pick up Mouse food George was determined to be the best pet sitter ever so he sat see you tonight thanks again George I have to go talk to the park director about Heritage week will you be okay by yourself be a good little monkey pet sitter [Music] a good sitter makes his City feel at home since these guys live together they were probably used to being closer together [Music] oh they didn't seem happy about that of course they weren't happy they were hungry time to get food [Music] here you go one bag of mouse treats for Benji and Willie zulil excuse me would I have to feed a snake long skinny food no snakes eat fish insect spiders mice yeah mice earthworm slugs eggs and they only eat once a week sometimes once a month no wonder Benji and Willie didn't want to be near Bruno [Music] hola zubel here I didn't tell George that Bruno is about to shed his skin he only sheds three times a year so watch for it it's worth seeing sorry I'm out of peanuts [Music] George reassured the mice that they were safe the whole time [Music] when he went to make sure Bruno liked his new spot by the window [Music] he noticed Bruno had changed [Music] what happened to him [Music] the pet shop owner knew all about snakes George could bring Bruno and ask him like any snake when Bruno saw that warm sun he wanted to be in it too noisy for a snake he wanted to find somewhere quiet came back for this [Laughter] ah I see Bruno shed his skin Mr zubo was waiting for it huh as a snake grows up it wriggles out of its old skin did you think this was Bruno hey I'll bet Bruno is under his Rock that's where he always goes after his sheds George was relieved to hear Bruno would be safe in his animal habitat until he remembered he left the habitat open [Music] Bruno must have crawled out [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 428,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: COZkBrGu2tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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