Curious George 🍰 George uses a super secret ingredient 🍰 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies

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to never ever tell oh the super top secret ingredient in great great grandpa Bernie's banana bread secret handshake [Music] okay the super secret ingredient in great great grandpa Bernie's banana bread is almond butter it keeps it moist and nutty I think the Reagans will love it [Music] first we mix the dry ingredients [Music] 1 teaspoon baking powder and one of salt hit it now sift okay when you're done we'll combine that with this bowl of butter and eggs and mix oh hmm where is it well to make Grandpa Bernie's banana bread you need a very special tool [Music] ah I know found it this was handed down from great grandfather Bernie to my grandfather who gave it to my dad his mixer [Music] hey do you want to do the mixing George ha ha ha ha ha ha ha okay you're on give it a crank [Music] hang on [Music] oh well it looks like Grandpa's hand mixer has mixed its last banana bread well Luke and Ada probably sell one just like it in their store George do you mind squeaking that mixer a little less stop it's a bit oh just like little monkeys sometimes visited the doctor cars sometimes visited the repair shop sounds like you could use a checkup yeah you seemed to have a problem with lubrication like [Music] like you hear that you see the two metal Parts in that hinge are rubbing against each other that's what gives you a squeak now your car has lots of moving parts to keep them running smoothly you need one magic ingredient oil your car has a way of keeping itself oiled but if it runs out of oil exactly [Music] why sure you can oil it and just put a drop on the hinge yep no more squeaks [Music] ah the mixer I see your problem [Music] good idea George but we'll need to use cooking oil for this we just need a teeny tiny bit [Music] okay only put a drop on the gears [Music] um I think some got on the gears hey we fixed it [Music] okay let's do some mixing it was late summer and everyone's Garden was full of all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables except George's all he had were cucumbers and more cucumbers um George next time try to plant different kinds of seeds instead of all the same kind [Music] well good thing I like cucumbers let's find some more containers we can't leave those on the vine [Music] it took all the pots bowls hats and a few boots too but they finally got all the Cucumbers out of the garden into the house [Music] good job only what do we do with the rest of them foreign maybe they could build cucumber houses [Music] or cucumber boats cucumber action figures hi George see the rabbit's in I thought maybe you liked it wow that's a lot of cucumbers [Applause] [Music] gee thanks George I do love a fresh cucumber [Music] I bet the bunnies will like some too [Music] whoa George rabbits do eat a lot but they could never eat all those before they went bad the other neighbors might want some though yeah I'm not a city kid like you but I have my moments [Music] George gave cucumbers to every person he saw [Music] he even gave cucumbers to people who weren't people but he still had a lot of cucumbers left oh no thanks George I have plenty of cucumbers already see those weren't cucumbers they were pickles no really Vehicles come from cucumbers they sure do there's no such thing as a pickle tree George you ought to pickle those too it's easy I'll show you first I boiled these cucumbers for a few minutes then drained out the water it's called blanching now I'm ready to make my brine that's my pickling liquid brine is a boiled mixture of salt vinegar and water foreign oh my well vinegar is in a lot of salad dressings but it's also used for pickling it makes the Cucumbers ferment for mint he's a fancy way to say enough food changes so that it won't spoila oh well we pour the brine over the cucumbers cover it up and this is where it gets hard we wait get comfy pickling whole cucumbers takes about two weeks [Music] George loves snowy days [Music] wherever he wanted to go he could ride his debug oh my goodness Good morning George [Music] [Music] is that you inside that Snowman ha ha ha ha oh this is my hockey stick I'm on my way to the ice rink oh wow sure try it out [Music] you don't hold it like a baseball bat George [Music] you don't ride it either teach you how to play great let's go to the rink [Music] oh that's the ice resurfacing machine that makes the ice smooth so you can skate on it hey boys sorry to tell you this but the rake's closed for a week yeah the community theater is rehearsing for Goldilocks and the Three Bears on ice [Music] well no harm done you can use the ring next week [Music] tarps frozen solid he could you give me a hand sure thanks [Music] the layer of ice on top made the Frozen tarp look just like a little ice rink [Music] I don't know George I think that tarp's a little small to skate on hmm oh [Music] sure you can use that what do you need it for [Music] oh ice rink sounds like a fun project [Music] [Applause] wow looks good you guys it should freeze to Ice by tomorrow morning meanwhile you two look like you could use some cocoa [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah hey George it worked you know you're pretty good at building ice rinks for a city kid let's play hockey [Music] it was perfect weather for pitching practice with Sharky hahaha [Music] hmm [Music] the best part about pitching in the park was making new friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] hooray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh-huh [Music] there was something sticky stuck on George's head and that something was chewing gum [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] ah the solution to George's problem he would wash it off [Music] if the ball stuck to him the fountain could too oh [Music] oh [Music] oh Sharky loved keep away [Music] oh Coast was clear [Music] but his head was not [Music] oh it was a perfect day in the country for a hike oh [Music] some places in the country were hard to reach [Music] but they were worth it [Music] foreign City kid George we're almost there the super secret hidden nobody but us knows about him you hey I'm getting hungry sandwich break [Music] foreign [Music] I guess I'm not all right I don't think I can walk on my leg George maybe if I go slow [Music] ouch that's not going to work George knew he needed to go for help [Music] hey thanks for the lift guys you did a great job getting help for your friend George I called your mom Bill she's going to meet you at the hospital you know I'm actually looking forward to going there you are yeah they have the best fruit cup I've ever tasted it almost makes all this worth it [Music] hey George would you like to ride in the ambulance with us sure why not [Music] it's the paramedics job to give people first aid and bring them to the hospital George [Music] right and the ambulance has all the equipment we need it's almost like a rolling Hospital [Music] hey Danny haters Paula how's it going Barry hi Trish wow you seem to know a lot of people here yeah I've been in the hospital before ah oh yeah broke my arm playing chess met everybody well hello Bill what happened hurt my leg what was it this time checkers turkey sandwich it's a wristband for the doctors and nurses to keep track of all of us patients [Music] well Bill it looks like your leg is broken in three places really [Music] Bill's leg looked like it was all in one piece you can't see the break on the outside that's why we Radiologists use an x-ray machine it takes pictures of how you look on the inside ah George had seen an x-ray before [Music] that's right there are fractures here here and here what happened slept on a turkey sandwich of course I should have guessed George thought he'd like to have an x-ray machine of his own looks like Bill's going to need a cast so his leg can heal
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 362,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: CrAzJ3yc__U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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