Curb Your Enthusiasm: Larry Gets Fired

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and it's like it's like you're driving a bus up there yeah looking over the traffic just for envy bus drivers out there with a big you know oversee the traffic yeah yeah that's right definitely got a great view you know what I think I'm ready to buy oh no kidding yeah oh yeah you get the wood grain ah I don't we might do this today we could get some what sure wait what what's so hard about getting wood grain wood wood grain is not gonna stop us from that's what I like to hear this is a joke right could you could you please excuse us for a minute I'm talking with somebody this is a practical joke right practical joke I'm sorry I'm sorry do please excuse us for a second I'm talking to somebody here can i I'll meet you outside please wait outside excuse me just wait outside okay go outside go outside okay Larry I'm with a customer do you see I'm with somebody you're over the country showing cars to serve sir I'll come back another time forget him he just cost me a customer what do you just cost me a customer of course I was gonna bout to take him into the manager's office what are you doing what are you [ __ ] doing you're doing business in here just came from Jeff's office he tells me you're down here selling cars which I say it's gotta be a [ __ ] joke but what I'm really [ __ ] down is for you tell him that I'm high maintenance he's my manager now what if he goes to a studio to the palm of Spago and tell us to do people like yeah I love Richard buddy time minutes and what if he does what if he does I spent like seven years getting my life together now all of a sudden they can think I'm like a [ __ ] you know sex maniac drinking again you won't get me make From Here to Eternity yeah I know come on I thought I had dark secrets what the hell it's not a dark secret Larry David selling cars on the docks seek what is it is that is that a cashmere sweater this guy it the same one of course it's a cashmere sweater not a hundred percent casual you're doing here Larry is that a hundred percent cashmere well you don't believe me would you mind if I check the label I just wonder why what my words not good enough what's going on here that's it Larry you're fired happy oh Christ I had that I had that cell I'm happy for you Larry I had that guy you're fired yeah III locked him up man I wish you could have heard it it was beautiful leave hi alone what are you doing up so early I got fired you did I got the boot oh my ticket I got 86 [Music]
Channel: Curb YourTube
Views: 726,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content, mpmt, fanatical, custom playlists, 20z, roaring, twenties, enterprises, entertainment, adventures, comedy, outpost, compilation, clip show, cuts, seamless, best of, episode, highlights, tag lines, hbo, larry David, Cheryl, hines, jeff, greene, green, garlin, suzy, susie, essman, Richard lewis, jb smoove, leon
Id: eWVdlwCPdjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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