Curb Hole vs Pop Up Emitter for Downspout Drains. Which is better?

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hey good morning chuck here with apple drains i thought i'd post a few videos there's hundreds of them um about cutting curbs coring the curb pop-ups versus curbs drilling the hole so you can really understand why it's important to drill or re-cut your curb you know you do need a permit and the reason that you need a permit is because so many small companies and homeowners as well come out they take a big six or nine pound sledge and they whack at that curb and they break it all up and of course the city does not like this at all but if you do it right you'll have no problem a permit usually runs between 25 and 50 dollars i saw some comment said 500 for a permit maybe that's true but that's pretty extreme the city wants you to be able to solve problems permits are not a big deal you just have to go downtown and pull them but take a look i've got hundreds of videos on how to cut the curb we do it every day we'd also put pop-ups in it really depends on your application but putting the pop-up in is very important if you're going to do that place it in the proper spot usually people put it you know behind the sidewalk before it gets to the curb and water will just flood your sidewalk people talk about freezing my gosh that water floods across your walk constantly but yeah sometimes you do have to do that it's all good there's tons of information out there everybody's doing a great job all these companies are putting videos up there now and thank you google um you know luckily maybe i've started before everybody and i have six or seven hundred videos up there but wow there's a lot of information out there and you're welcome to pick apart my videos i think that's great stuff i kind of want to say sometimes is hey is that what you got out of that video but it's all good hey take a look at these things hopefully they help you out what's the best discharge for the downspout drain is it a pop-up emitter or is it a curb hole through the curb okay so some of the problems with a pop-up you can see here's the water and basically it works great we just we're running water through here you can see there's the pop-up lid but you lose fall and as we come back here to the back you can see a very level line so what we're going to do is what we always suggest and recommend is we're going to drill a curb hole through the curve our first thing you do is you go ahead and cut your saw off we're going to excavate this area and we'll set up our bosch hammer drill and we'll go ahead and core that curb during big rains that water is overflowing at the downspouts right at the bottom where the downspout comes down and enters the pipe by coring this curb we are achieving three or four more inches of fall and that will stop that from overflowing in the back okay take a little break here so you can see how clean of a hole a core a hammer drill with a diamond core bit can make really nice we're about halfway through and we just need to keep on going this takes it's a pretty wide curve it's about six and a half inches this takes probably about an hour all together and it is a little bit demanding you know you got to keep pushing on the hammer drill but what a neat tool diamond core bits and you can see the grooves to help pull the debris out you know the waste this is the concrete is pulling out and it just goes right through there like butter well you know what i mean this video is one of the most controversial videos that we put up on youtube because we get so many comments about oh you're not allowed to do this and you can't do that we have to keep the water on our property but take a look so we just popped through you can see that water coming out and dropping over here as well yeah we're all the way through it so let's go ahead and pull our saw or our hammer drill out and you can see that water just pour out of there so we've gained about three inches of fall by putting a curb hole in next we'll go ahead and take this pop-up off remember the pop-up you can see it it's a 90 degree turn and you lose four inches of fall immediately so if you've got a really level yard like this one and the drains are set around behind the corner there i mean they're down a foot from this little rise we see that line is so level as it comes out you really need to come out through to the curb so i've taken off the old pop-up and you can see i mean what a difference what a difference it makes to have a hole through your curb to bring it down just three or four inches i mean the water just pours out of here whereas before the half the line was filled with water now that line is completely empty and draining all the way out to the curb okay so we've been secured our insert into the ads and you can see it comes right out into the curb if you look through there it's dark in there but somewhere in there there's the insert let's go ahead and cover this up and we're done okay so here's the curb hole beautiful little three and a half inch curb hole it's going to accept that four inch pipe it just reduces a little bit doesn't hurt the flow at all and remember there used to be a pop-up over there all gone now it comes out through the curb hole and what a difference it made i mean the line is completely dry when you run water in it it does not fill up half ways doesn't fill up a quarter of the ways it comes straight out here to the street realize that you'll never beat mother nature but wow what a difference the next example is when you have the sidewalk that comes right up to the curve and this is very common as you get downtown or close to downtown in most cities so basically we need to use the concrete saw and cut across the sidewalk first can you see the two lines that we've already cut next we're going to use the pry bar and if you do this right you'll see that with just a couple of hits on that concrete we'll be able to pry this right out of here it is really that simple wiggle pry pull out that first piece and then you'll easily be able to remove the remaining concrete of the sidewalk again just one hit and this sidewalk will crack watch look at that it cracked so easily the secret is to use your concrete saw and cut clean through the sidewalk you can see it's only three inches thick and that concrete saw will cut that like butter remove the rest of this concrete because you're going to need to either trench or lay your pipe down through where you've removed the sidewalk then we'll be able to core the curb and again this is in a very level yard we need to have more fall a pop-up right before this walk you just lost all the fall that you try to achieve by digging that long trench and putting the pop up there it just doesn't work right once you've removed all that concrete you can see now we've got really good run and we'll be able to go right through this curb and achieve much more fall using our bosch hammer drill and you can see where we're putting this it's just a inch above the gutter we don't want the gutter water to come back into our system but we want our line to be able to drain out into the street so remember this is where the sidewalk actually is poured right up against the curb we had to remove a section of the sidewalk and then we can run the bosch hammer drill to get the curb hole and get much more fall than using a pop-up it really doesn't take long to do it probably took about an hour all together to cut that concrete and to core this curb we are going to run pvc underneath of that section of sidewalk and concrete all of that back together when it's put back it'll look brand new remember that concrete does dry extremely white so you'll be able to tell somebody has cut through the walk but other than that this this job is the way to go if you need to achieve more fall in a flat level yard do not use a pop-up bring that water all the way out to the street go through the curb it is by far the best way for you to get your water out to the stream there's a completed hole you can see the core inside of the core bit you just tap that loose and it comes right out and you can see that water flowing through there much better if you had a pop-up either lost that fall so here's an entire city an entire county that has curb holes this is in columbus ohio this is actually in canal winchester which is a suburb of columbus but all of franklin county and the surrounding cities have curb holes and that's where the water's supposed to go and i kind of want to make that rant it's like is columbus ohio the only city in america that knows how to do this properly every home you see this this is a sump pump line the downspouts are also connected to this line but there's curb holes on every house everywhere you look there's curb holes and it's they look great they're not doing any damage it doesn't freeze in the winter time the water drains down to the storm drains this is the way it's supposed to be this curb hole is actually connected to the downspouts and the sump pump watch what happens as that sump pump kicks on it comes straight out to the street if you had a pop-up there this would just erode behind the curb between the walk and the curb and it would not function properly you can achieve so much more fall by sending this all the way out yes you might need to tunnel that sidewalk or cut the wok but send it all the way out to the street you can see here's a downspout drain and there's also a sump pump and a downspout drain here in the back these are all connected some people ask how many downspouts can you hook to the line well this is three inch line and you could hook up three four even five downspouts to that pipe the three inch is more than enough to keep to handle that water we like to run four edge but you could run three inch and save a little bit more money again downspout drains come straight out to the street some pumps come straight out to the stream and yeah you can see there's a little bit of algae there this this pump runs about every three four minutes there's no way that you're going to stop the algae unless you come out there and clean the street but this is where they're supposed to go and again look at all this water that goes down to the storm drain through this gutter system where it belongs where it's supposed to go and again another great example let's take a look at this house you see the downspout drain three inch pvc downspout drain three inch pvc downspout drain and can you see the sump pump is connected to the same line all of this water runs out to the street where it belongs to the curb holes the entire neighborhood is exactly the same sump pumps go straight down into the ground they tie into the downspout drain and they run out to the street they go under the walk and all the way to a curb hole and you can see there is fall in this yard plenty of it if you put a pop up here before the walk it will freeze and that walk becomes a hazard it also erodes the sidewalk if you have a pop up there better much better send this water out to the street where it belongs the entire city the entire county look at these there's curb holes on every home and this is the way it's supposed to be now granted there are places in the country that don't have a square curve or maybe they have a swale but a lot of places have what's called a half round curve and these are a little bit more difficult but again you can do this and the city will help you do this if you know how to make the half round cut you'll be able to achieve much better fall than the pop-up hey good morning chuck here with apple drains today we are going to work on solving one of the hardest problems that there is in the rainwater drainage industry and that is water being trapped between the sidewalk and the curb so on each one of these expansion joints can you see them right here water is getting trapped between that sidewalk and this curb and what we're going to do is we're going to cut these little tiny v cuts down through this expansion to help that water drain out of this area and if that works this entire yard which is really soggy is going to dry out so you might be asking why don't we use the core drill here if you look at that i mean you're going to go down even if we had a longer pilot coming through here it's just going to tape all this up and we're not going to achieve a curb hole at all so that's why we don't use the bosch for this particular type of half round curve so again with these core bits when we drill through a curve we start on this side and we go through to the soil we don't come this way because when it comes out it's just going to shatter this area i mean it would just look so bad when we drill a straight curb we're able to achieve that is we've got a good pilot good carbide diamond teeth and it'll pound right through there it rotates and pounds and goes all the way so the first thing we're going to do is just kind of cut some sod here [Music] then we're just going to dig down to the back side of the curb [Music] there is a terrible hard pan down below this not allowing the water to drain naturally down underground we need to make a v-cut we're going to use the concrete saw and look how easy this really is to do and how nice it looks when we're finished you start by cutting across the expansion there is concrete between that expansion that needs to be cut next we're just going to make a small about an inch inch and a half wide cut it comes at a small angle we cut right down through that until they meet together at the gutter then we're going to use the pry bar and just pop it right out of there [Music] [Music] here we go so we have a really nice v-cut okay and i've got scott the homeowner out here too i'm going to explain to him real quick what happened and what i see going on you're not in the camera so don't worry um but down here let me just reach in here you see this this is solid it i mean as soon as i dug down there we hit water and that when you kick the sprinklers on or when it rains i mean it's like a hard pan of concrete down there the water cannot get through there i thought maybe there was a footer tile that's why i dug it deeper but it's just the backfill they brought in here it's just rock hard and this will allow that water just as you saw before to come out so on this on this cut right here you see where it's been chiseled this is from the homeowner he wanted to test it himself because he was wasn't sure if my idea would work so he came out here with a cold chisel and a hammer and he just broke a little bit of that curb off and you know what he said the water just poured out of here and this area here when he runs the sprinklers now it's dry it works good so i know that as we make this cut down here so i'm going to cut because he chiseled it i went a little bit wider kind of missed it down here at the end but i'll bet you it pops right out chuck put that primer on this side come stand straight at it side of it over here and let's just hit it real hard one time get down in the middle one more time there we go so it looks like we need to clean that out there it goes perfect good and that's the basics of making a v cut in the half round curve you know nobody else does that all these other companies they won't even they don't even core the curb let alone try to do something in the half v this is a half round curb and we figured that out i don't know 25 years ago up in charlotte let's just put the let's just put it to the test here you can see the water coming here on the ground and let's just see if it comes through that curb hole you can clearly see this water now has a place to go you'll see it come right out through that sod through the soil into the curb cut that we made and it drains right out to the gutter so here's the curb hole or the curb catch and you can see i'm just driving slow they just look like regular expansion and if you guys do this right this is how it'll look and you're not going to have any problem the city the county they're going to love you they will give you permits in the future that's for you contractors look at that this is the nds pop-up and they're about 15 bucks they work pretty good they've got a little hole down there in the bottom to let the water drain out that's pretty much for when you're up north you know so that it doesn't freeze it'll eventually drain out of the system the pop-up if you look inside of it as water comes down the line it'll push this pop-up up and it'll dispense the water all around this area it's basically just a four inch 90 degree turn and this is thin wall remember this does not work with schedule 40. so the pop-up goes on the top make sure that your holes pointing down and you just slide it on we want to make sure that we're just below just below the top of the finished grade so that when we backfill that this will be the sod will be right here right underneath of it or right beside it and as the water comes down the line it'll pull this pop-up up and it'll just disperse through the area notice that we're on a hill and i've got a little bit of a trench here for that water to drain out i'll backfill some of that but this is a swale so we want that water to drain down into the swale just a little bit of a trench will be fine and that's the basics of your pop-up so there's a couple ways you can do this one is to get this insert and it's also made by ads ads product and it's got barbs on it and when you slide this into the corrugated pipe it'll get tight and there's just virtually no way you're going to pull that out of there but it also slides into this pipe thin wall and makes a very secure fitting so now we can set that down in i know this is pvc i'm just showing you and we can take our and you can take your pop-up set it on the top and you're all set back fill it again we want this just below the top of the sod so that we can backfill around the area so that's how you would hook up corrugated if you're unincorrugated remember corrugator works really good nothing wrong with it so another fitting you can see this also made by ads and this is got the barb here at the top can you see it this will go on to the corrugated pipe notice how it's tapered and it's for different sizes of pipe so we can take the pop-up and you'll see it's tight see how it's going to fit right there makes a very tight fitting very tight fitting this piece will snap onto your corrugated pipe and set that back down in your trench set your pop-up on there backfill the same same way remember this is just below the side just below the side so there's two different ways that you could put onto the corrugated nds pop-ups 4-inch 90 it has a pre-drilled slot here at the bottom little cap that pops on top we're going to cut this to length and basically we're going to attach this four inch pipe to the nds 90. and you notice it doesn't fit right we've got to make an adjustment so you notice that this is a pvc fitting thin wall pvc and it does not fit the corrugated pipes there are truly 20 or 30 different types of adapters and they all work really good what we're going to do is use this section of this adapter it's got some little barbs in here and it's going to snap into place very secure very secure will not come off then we're going to go ahead and just push our 90 onto this adapter and we are all done it's set we'll go ahead and set this to grade and backfill and that's how simple it is to put a pop-up on it it's not difficult at all and whether you use this adapter or several other adapters they all work great so you can see i basically just cut the sod around the whole pipe back filled underneath of it it's nice and secure remember it has already has a slot cut in it in that 90 to let the water drain so as water comes down the line it pushes up this pop-up whoops get my finger down under there pushes this pop-up up and the water disperses just right across the yard really simple and don't be fooled these things are readily available so much easier to get these at home depot depot or at lowe's either one ace they're everywhere and i think they're about 15 bucks there's other options i've showed you many other options of how you can do this and you can see we've got this all put up this line goes all the way up to that downspout through all of the bushes so a couple of quick notes if you're using a pop-up in a level yard you are going to lose fall much better is to discharge to the curb and core the curb the way it's supposed to be also how many downspouts can you attach to this line well i showed you those homes there in columbus ohio with three inch pipe you can attach three four five even six lines even six downspouts to this pipe and it's going to work just fine just don't forget the pop-up loses fall in a level yard hey this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you to do it have a great day it's on hey i'm chuck with apple drains saturday morning it's on live help check the description box below for all the information on how to join the live help session and the topic is rainwater drainage we're going to talk about everything all of your problems whether it be a french drain a yard drain downspout drain basement exterior crawl space channel drains i can answer all your questions
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 33,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Drain, Crawl Space, Exterior, Foundation, Waterproofing, Apple Drains, Gravel perforated pipe, yard drain, trench drain, sump pump, How to install a french french drain, how a french drain works, french drain tips, DIY, Florida, channel drain, pool patio drain, micro channel drain, how to replace micro channel drain, Charlotte NC
Id: qGScJxV2_OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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