Congresswoman Adopted 55 Children & Turned Them Into Killers

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[Music] Bing badao congresswoman floor had a lot going for her in terms of voter appeal so her whole identity her whole branding to the general public was a politician's dream she nailed every single demographic and hit back at every single objection there was sure she's a woman but FL deise she was she wasn't a career-driven professional she was maternal she had 55 adopted children 55 her whole political campaign was for advocating for children's rights and it just came naturally to her people respected her for it Flora had a stable marriage to a pastor named Anderson so she's got the relationship they lived in a huge gated compound with like dozens of their adopted children it's the perfect family and additionally Flora herself she was a pastor too she had six mega churches she held sermons every single Sunday without skipping a beat and she's a gospel singer that sold over 10 million copies of her [Music] album hallelujah hallelujah she's got the ideal image for someone that you would want to represent to you she's ballsy she goes up against the local gangs she's not scared to speak her mind and demand the government do the right thing the only thing that standing in the way of her career it seemed were these pesky rumors that just like would never quiet down rumors about how congresswoman flora and her husband's life was um interesting whispers about how the two had a very um intense intimate life which is fine considering that they're you know married and they have a family right what's the big deal it was a lot darker than that there were reports of people saying that the couple were spotted at clubs swingers club specifically where couples show up with masks and just start swapping Partners while everybody including their own husband and wives they watch and again nobody is judging that but when you're a congresswoman and a pastor like these types of rumors they're going to be taken a lot more seriously it's rumored the couple were such frequent visitors of these clubs that they even had their own private room that they would go to and sometimes even bring their own friends friends that were influential people in the religious or political space so the rumor is intense but more Sinister than that was the rumor that the couple would show up to these swingers clubs with their own adopted children it's alleged that they were at one of these parties on June 16th 2019 the congresswoman and her husband were out until about 4: in the morning security cameras show them pulling up into their gated compound back home they're they're getting back home from their little date Anderson the husband is driving and congresswoman Flor was in the passenger seat relaxing playing a mobile game called Pet Rescue it's very similar to like Candy Crush they pull into their gate at home Anderson Parks the car and he tells his wife hey I think I'm going to sit in the car real quick to finish up a few quick emails before heading in I mean I imagine that it's really hectic in their house with that many kids so maybe this is the only quiet space that he has they live with 55 kids I think they live with like 30 at a time cuz a lot of them had grown grown up and moved out and uh Flor nodded she slipped out of the passenger seat slipped off her heels and started walking into their house she turned around before she closed the door behind her and looked at her husband and said don't forget to close the gate she smiled went into the house and beelined it for one of the kids' rooms earlier when they were pulling into the house she saw that one of the kids lights was on they have church tomorrow and it's 4:00 in the morning what are they doing still up so she opens the door and it's it's not even one of her adopted kids it's her grandson Ramone so there's like multiple Generations in this family there's a lot going on and she's scolding him like what did I tell you about staying up late and all of a sudden all hell breaks loose rapid fire gunshots going off and it sounds really really really close by back to back to back gunshots boom boom boom the kids in the house they all wake up from it they're scrambling floor is running downstairs screaming three of the kids would run out out of the house and that's when they saw their father Anderson on the pavement with like 30 wounds to his body he had been shot about 18 times why is it 30 shots sometimes the bullet will go in from the side and exit so the Exit Wounds are considered wounds and most of the wounds were focused on his private parts there was a lot of blood everywhere the house goes into full-blown chaos kids are screaming call the authorities some of the kids they're standing frozen they're so speechless they're some of them are sobbing on the ground you can't even tell them come on do something they're inconsolable congresswoman floor was being held back from all the doors and windows in the house by her adopted children whether they were concerned for her safety or whether they knew that her husband was dead on the pavement outside and didn't want her to see that it's unclear but in the 911 call one of the kids tells the operator from what I saw here Anderson's gone he's gone he's dead the kids decided that they still don't want to just wait for authorities to show up they spring into action and they lift their father's body from the ground into the car they drive him to the hospital but it seemed likely that everyone there that in the house that night they already knew that Anderson their dad he was dead Daniel is the couple's only biological son he was the one of of the first to get to the hospital he was in the car that drove their father Anderson there and he's sitting in the waiting room and in walks his mother floor she had come in in a separate car and she demanded all the hospital staff I need to see my husband I need to see my husband right now she's begging the nurses to take her to him immediately and the nurses look down at their feet and they tell her I'm sorry congresswoman FL but he's gone there's nothing that they can do flor's husband was dead and she drops to the floor screaming in shock she's like this can't be my husband my husband what is our family going to do my husband some of the kids are trying to comfort their mom hold her but Daniel their only biological son he just watched and he just thought it was so odd her reaction because they already knew that Dad was dead there were messages on flor's phone about how she wanted one of her 55 adopted children to kill her husband for her and Anderson was not just congresswoman flor's husband he was her adoptive son so she's he's not the husband she adopted him and then married him and then she wanted to kill him allegedly and his murder would blow the door open right into congresswoman floor's home there will be allegations of essay abuse between mother and son father and daughter even between adoptive siblings sister and brother there are allegations of dark magic being used rituals sacrifices being held to gain status money Fame power this is one of Brazil's most controversial cases the case of Florida Lee mother [Music] flower [Music] we would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for rotten mango to support the national Center for missing and exploited children their focus is on finding missing children reducing child exploitation and the prevention of child victimization they have been dedicated in their fight to protect children from all angles and is currently one of the most trusted and reliable nonprofits for children experiencing abuse this episode's Partnerships have also made it possible to support rotten Mango's growing team of dedicated researchers and translators while they focus on shedding light on stories from all over the world and we would also like to thank you guys for your continued support as we work on our mission to be worthy Advocates of these causes as always full show notes are available at Rotten mango and with that being said before we dive into today's story we had a ton of members on our team working on this we had six people working on this case alone it is a behemoth of a case genuinely we had three translators who spoke Portuguese help assist with Gathering of the data on this one but it is still an incredibly complicated controversial case there's probably at least like a 100 people involved either directly or indirectly probably in the hundreds if I'm being honest there's constant contradicting statements contradicting sources everyone seems to have their own perspective and reasoning for what they say truly happened our researchers Tred to refer to the more trustworthy sources as much as possible so court documents official documentaries test Monies to make the whole process as accurate as possible but when you have that many people involved with their own story of what really happened or what they believed happen it's just going to get really really messy very quickly so as always please let us know in the comments if something was Lost in Translation miscommunicated or if you have any additional things that you know about this case and a quick disclaimer two disclaimers okay so this case takes place in Brazil and one of our researchers actually lives in Brazil so we try to get as much of like the cultural cont context as possible but just a reminder whenever we talk about other countries let's not throw stones from our glass houses it seems like every country has essentially the same problems just in varying degrees but just to be extra clear anything we talk about today is not a reflection on the Brazilian people as a whole this is a case where there's a lot of religious talk this is also not representative of Christianity as a whole and since we're at it there is a murder victim in today's case that was later accused of doing some really really heinous things like assault if these allegations are true he should have been held to the highest punishment of the law and sentenced in the court system but instead he was murdered and I know it sounds a bit simpler when I state it like that but like trust me this case is anything but simple there has been so much doubt created by the public on some of the sa claims but it's not because the public doesn't want to believe the victims but it's just really complicated it seemed like at that point when these claims were coming out everybody had their own motive to talk about certain things so just keep it in mind and with that being said let's get into it it's stated that if you wanted to control someone in congresswoman floor's home this is what you would do you would grab a pot fill it with some Honey Melon and Crystal sugar perhaps bring it to a simmer cooking up all the intention and energy and then you place in two slips of paper one with your name the controller and then the name of the person that you want to control you just want to do everything you want to think a thought and they'll do it like a robot like a brainless zombie and then you add in a piece of sentimental jewelry inside the pot you light a candle and for 7 days you pray about the intention you pray about how you will be able to dictate everything that they think control every thought every emotion every action that this person has that is how you get to control someone but a lot of people at least many of flor's adopted children would argue that this is bordering on dark magic and they were confused they had been adopted by congresswoman FL who is a pastor and they're sitting there like why is she performing rituals right now FL would sit them down and say rituals had always been a part of Christianity but they've been lost in history they weren't written down in the Bible Flora took these rituals very very seriously it said that she would lock her adopted children into dark rooms for 21 days straight to isolate them the door would only open twice a day to slip in some food and her kids her adopted kids they felt like they were going crazy but she told them keep praying this was to purify them other times it said that she would have them all stand in a circle all of her adopted kids she would hand out knives make them cut their palms draw blood and write Bible verses in their own blood other allegations included congresswoman Flor having SE relations with others under the pretense of cleansing them with her seemingly dark magic powers one man said said he was certain that Flora had black magic in her body when she was engaging in these intimate relations he said it felt like he was in a trance like he wasn't involved with a human he was doing something intimate with a Divine being it was like an outof worldly experience it said that Flora also believed in a deeper ritualistic meaning of certain objects she would have wealthy businessmen come over and if they confided in her that they wanted to be even more successful in the upcoming year she would have them get naked sit on an Apple with honey drizzled on top of it there would be multicolored strings attached to the apple and this was all for enlightenment all for good luck I'm sorry they're sitting on a apple covered with honey and that's it that's what they're doing and taking pictures of it and they're naked yeah so which side note you know I don't want to make it seem like something is wrong with this these practices I'm not exactly sure how to categorize them I mean in this context people call them dark magic I'm not sure if that's the right categorization I don't think anything's in apparently wrong I think that everyone should feel free to practice whatever they want as long as nobody gets hurt everybody's an adult and no law is broken but I think the negative connotation in today's case is that she's a pastor she's supposed to be leading a group of people closer to a very specific faith that they believe in yet in her free time she's doing things that most Christians would probably faint at the idea of doing so I guess it's it's more of the misalignment than anything another time one of the adopted kids stated that she walked into a room and woman floor's husband was standing in the middle of a chalk circle like a circle a circle on the floor on the floor yes and he's naked and congresswoman Flor starts talking but it sounds more like a chant she didn't really understand what was going on or what was being said but it was very very clear what FL was trying to do here congresswoman FL was trying to offer up her husband as a sacrifice and when you say husband is that the adopted child yeah that she married so when congresswoman flor's husband is found dead the question came up for a lot of people was it really murder was he sacrificed was it black magic FL said when she grew up she always wanted to be a witch just like her mom Flor and her mom they lived on the hill so that might mean nothing for the people that live outside of Brazil but in Brazil there's a saying there are people who live on the asphalt and then there are those that live on the hill if you were to see Drone footage flying over parts of Brazil that you would see the beautifully well if you don't really know the context it's beautiful colorful homes built almost stacked on top of each other up the hills of Brazil they're called favellas and there's this picture of one of the favellas at night where there's just lights lining up the hill and there's almost this Serene Beauty in the picture it looks like La the Hollywood Hills lit up at night it's the type of place that you would drive by and be like oh what kind of people live on a house at the top of the hill but in Brazil it's actually the opposite on the Hill is not where you want to be there is no government no zoning no building codes no law the houses are built typically from scrap or stolen materials and depending on the FLL some of them don't have basic infrastructures in place like sewage networks or even clean water some have stated that favelas are some of the most dangerous places in all of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro alone it's estimated that almost 2 million people live in these faelas around the city and around 6% of the total population of Brazil live in faas and it's likely not a choice favelas are often associated with like extreme poverty these are the people who were pushed out of the Cities because they can't afford it so they're forced into these favelas where there's an overwhelming presence of gang activity drug trafficking violence and because of the social stigma that comes in living in a flla it becomes impossible for these people to find work because they're like you live in a flla you're probably associated with the gang I would call favellas a city of extremes because there's no government oversight you can see most extreme versions of bad and good just colliding in one place so the bad being favellas are run by gangs Dr and arms gangs they have all the power and influence they are known to be ruthless brutal they will take civilians stuff them into tires and light tires on fire then you have the good because this is a population that is not being helped by the government theyve really become community centered they're very creative on trying to build this home for kids that are coming up in the faelas civilians are inspired to take the hardships that they face and there's actually a very strong artistic side in favellas like you will see some of the most creative people in favelas it's interesting and parents of children they don't have the means to even purchase soccer balls for their kids but you still see kids running around the hill with the ball and it's always made out of random scraps recycled bottles trash and they just rolled it up it was fine as long as it rolls and then right around them you see kids not much older than them who were probably kicking around a ball of cans not too long ago and now they're walking around with assault rifles and they're part of a local gang so it's devastating to see two extremes existing all in one place on the hill so for today's story all of that's to say most people on the hill they had no money and flor's mom was one of them Flora's mom kosina and her second husband Francisco they had five kids to feed so every single night they would get gather around they would sit down for dinner and the table would be empty and when there is no food it's time for the witch to come out they called Carina Flora's mom The Witch of Little Crocodile now I do want to make it very clear that the next series of events I'm going to tell you about we have no proof that it happened other than people claiming it happened so just keep that in mind but everyone in jarino otherwise known as Little Crocodile one of the most dangerous faelas in Brazil they said caroen flor's mom had Supernatural powers so one night it's pouring down rain most people they retreated into their homes and there's lightning it's like flashing brightly everybody's kind of freaked out there's this Eerie Aura carosa and her kids they're living in a house that has a Swiss cheese roof basically just a ton of holes everywhere so the minute that it rains just drip drip water pouring in they're running around setting up buckets and bowls catching the rain water throwing it out the window then putting it back so that I could refill but that night there's this pounding at their door a neighbor he's drenched in Rain head to toe begging caroen you have to cure me of my terminal lung cancer I'm going to die carmazen agreed let the man in and started the ritual that night she placed a chair in the middle of the room and told him sit some people who knew her said that a lot of these rituals resembl exorcisms more than anything she would start speaking in unknown languages and in a very low tone sometimes it sounded like she was almost growling or hissing kena's other four kids they were terrified anytime their mom had a little ritual of sorts they would go hide in their rooms but floor was fascinated if anyone was peeking around the corner to learn and watch it was Flor she wanted to learn everything that her mom knew but instead of like the low pitch chance this time it was more of like a high-pitched screaming caroen caroen was yelling at the gods to rip the evil spirits out of this man because the evil spirits were the things that were making him sick and then suddenly a new hole opened up on the roof and water just starts pouring down onto the man sitting on the chair Caro's husband reached out to move the sick man but she yelled at him stop the entities are curing him with the sacred Waters and Flor watched as the man started trembling drooling as if he's in a trance like his body was being taken over and then like a switch flipped he went from being so exhausted so tired barely being able to hold up his body weight his eyes were bright he was present energetic he jumped up from the chair like he's never been sick a day in his life Prime Health and in the following weeks people saw him skipping around the favilla riding his bike looking very very healthy and everyone said see I told you that witch knows what she's doing until the man died so the day of the funeral his wife and kids were a mess crying over his casket the man's wife and kids crying over his casket when another wife and kids walk in they were a small family from the town over and they came to pay their respects to their father and husband so this man was living a double life he had two wives and two families and two different towns and Carina held her chest up and said clearly my ritual didn't work because his life was full of sin that is something even I cannot cure and everyone agreed but there was kind of a question of like you know who decides to a supernatural Powers right is that something that you're born with is that something that you learn when did she even become a witch kazen might say that it started when she was 17 and she bathed herself in her dead brother's blood so in order to fully understand Flora's life and her dark magic allegations we kind of have to understand her mom kena's life is very complicated and it said that everything that she learned in terms of dark magic she passed on to floor and it was like the connection between mother and daughter and also generational trauma so kazina was forced to marry a man that she absolutely Ely despised he was the definition of evil he would violently essay her physically abuse her he tried to kill her in the sense of just everything emotionally physically just wanted her to die basically when carmazen was beaten within like an inch of her life she ran away from her husband straight to her parents and instead of protecting her her parents dragged her back to her husband's doorstep and her mom got down and scolded her and said a man only beats his wife because he loves her all of this is necessary this is what's going to make you stronger later in life so please if you just do whatever he tells you to do you're going to get beaten less and less carmazen was only 10 years old after 7 years of this yeah almost half of her life at 17 carmazen finally runs away and goes to live with her brother so this is Flora's uncle and Flor would never get to meet her uncle but he was famous in the area before there was the witch of Little Crocodile it was flor's Uncle story said that he is the origin of the flor's family's ties to the supernatural people who knew him said if he cursed anyone if he didn't even like you your fate was sealed you would die in the most tragic painful way possible that's how powerful he was and that's how his own wife died kena's brother married a 15-year-old girl and it said that right before their marriage he wanted to purify her and the process included locking his soon Tobe underage bride in a room room for weeks she was allowed to wear nothing but this white gown and every single day the door would open and she would just get raw vegetables and drinking water that's it that's her diet this is to purify her body she's isolated all day and then at night Ken's brother would come in to purify her he was assaulting her this is even before they got married and it's only going to get worse after marriage so he's emotionally abusing her telling her that she's never going to Bear children because the enti DDC worshiped wouldn't like it but what do you know after years of being assaulted she falls pregnant she was so terrified she tried to hide it because she knew that this wasn't going to end well this was going to go against him this is proof that he's wrong about something that he doesn't know what he's talking about and this is clearly a man that's not okay with being wrong he finds out that his wife is 7 months pregnant and his reaction is to beat her violently to force a termination of the pregnancy and he allegedly sat her down force fed her herbal mixtures that would induce a miscarriage which you know she's 7 months pregnant whatever he's feeding her is very strong she ends up getting extremely sick from it and passes she ends up dying but somehow by some miracle the child miraculously survives and a series of tragic events were triggered carena's brother attempted to light his baby on fire kazen saved the baby her niece Days Later car Zena comes home to find her brother dead at the front of his house he was hung up like meat in a you know in a butcher shop sometimes they hang meat on strings he was dismembered and hung up and his body parts were h on hooks and strings whoever did this to him they knew a thing or two about his rituals because they drained him of his blood and stored it in like a vetel what so before he was dismembered he was drained of his blood it was put into containers and then he was dismembered and hung up like meat kazen she had had every intention of calling the police and alerting them of her brother's murder but only after she bathed herself head to toe in her brother's blood because she felt like that was the only way to transfer his powers onto her and then she scooped up his baby daughter that she saved and fled lessia would be caren's adopted daughter flor's cousin and adoptive sister and also her biggest enemy growing up they hated each other as kids so it could be said that Flora fell in love four times in her life before being accused of murdering her husband now we're talking about carena's daughter Flor right so Flora's First Love was through proximity Flora had this very innocent crush on her nextdoor neighbor sandal and the not so innocent part of all of this is that she's 12 and he's 32 but this is a good Learning lesson you know it's a good moment for all the adults including sendal to sit her down and be like hey you know these are a lot of big emotions but nothing's going to come out of this so you know what I mean but instead Sandoval the 32-year-old starts grooming 12-year-old Flor obviously so many things are wrong with this and this is not the definition of love I don't think I have to State the obvious but Flora's mom kazen knew about the grooming and imposed just one condition she said everything's fine I'm going to allow this relationship as long as you do one thing for me FL you are not allowed to have any relationss with him before you get married because that is a sin Flora listened to her mother but 32-year-old s Deval spent every waking moment that he had with Flora like a little snake manipulating her into believing it's only a sin if it's done traditionally he convinced her that himing her did not count now lessia if you remember the daughter of flor's Uncle the one that killed his wife and then was butchered like me yeah lissia was the one of the first people in the family to find out about flor's essay she's 2 to at the time and she knew how bad this was so she went to their dad cuz caroen had remarried and said Hey listen this is what's going on with Flor and her hope was that he would be so upset and he would force Flor to promise I'm never going to see sandal ever again so that lysia could have him to herself she wanted Sandoval but instead their dad got read in the face and he was screaming about how he was going to gather up all of his friends and go jump sand ofal and beat the living day outside of him lysia rushed to warn sandal that he had to Escape run away because their dad would never stop looking for him but she also wanted him to take her with him allegedly he just looked at her and told her you're too old for me and ran off how old is she again 22 wow he's 32 Flora's First Love was through proximity Flora's second love would be through grief and right now Flora's house was very tense her mom Carina and her second husband they just weren't seeing eye to eye she kept trying to tell him do not go to that church trip I had a dream that you're going to die in a car crash and I told you that my Visions are always very accurate to him he's like this is nonsense he's like waving his hand he's going on that trip and he's going to take their son with him because this is what you can't just have dreams and then tell me how to live my life interestingly enough Flora herself she always went on these trips with her dad but this time she chose to stay home and her mom just shook her head as she watched her husband and son leave and she told Flora I cannot go against God's will so she stayed because she believes her mom more than anything okay she thinks her mom is like a witch is the belief right and it's like she knew that this would be the last time that she would see her husband carmazen the church concert was a success and they're all thinking see carmazen isn't always right about everything they pack into their cars and they start driving back home and that is when a bus slams into the back of flor's Dad's car it was really bad passer by stopped to check if everybody was okay if anybody needed help authorities showed up to the scene and thankfully every single person was alive minor injuries but alive police arrived at the scene they're trying to organize everything who needs an ambulance how to direct traffic and in that moment a car comes full speed straight towards them crashing into the civilians that were standing outside the original car crash killing seven people including flor's husband and brother that's crazy yeah do we know what happened what do you mean just a rando a car accident purely car accident I mean it's crazy that I'm sure after the first car incident they were having shaken feelings of like oh my gosh what a close call maybe carmazen was right mhm it's very interesting on the day of Flora's dad's funeral the pastor asked Flor if she could sing for the crowd gathered there it was all very last minute and Flora is like 14 she doesn't doesn't have a band or a mic she really does have a beautiful voice though she sang Acappella no mic in the church just her vocal strength and everyone in attendance was moved for her her father's funeral was the first time that she felt some level of Fame and it seemed like she really really liked it it was her dad's funeral where she would bump into a man named poo her soon to be first husband so the way that they met honestly sounds like a story for the movies she's singing at her dad funeral in front of the crowd she is on like a Podium like a stage of sorts and when she's done she's so shaken from the nerves and the grief and like the sadness and she looks around and there is a man standing next to the stage holding out his hand to help her down she takes his hand he hoists her off the stage and then he disappears into the crowd she doesn't see him for another 4 years until she's 18 she's on the church stage singing and she locks eyes with the man in the crowd it's the kind man that had helped her off the stage at her dad's funeral and as she sang he got up from the church pews it's like both of them were in a trance he starts making his way through the crowd coming closer and closer to the front of the church never breaking eye contact with her which mind you it sounds super romantic but like she's singing a gospel right now not a pop romantic song it's a little interesting he makes his way to the front of the crowd and the rest was history she married Pastor Pao who told her for the past 4 years he had been waiting to see her again I guess how old is Pastor Paulo he seems old yeah for sure I don't know for certain don't quote me on it I would imagine he was like in his 30s and she just turned 18 so I don't think it was he was waiting four years to meet her again I'm sure he knew exactly who she was but conveniently now she's 18 they get married they had three children so Flor has biological children Simone Flavio and Adriano they will become very important to this case later but uh we're going to we're going to dive in later right don't worry about four kids she's going to have another one with her second husband so she's got three biological children with her first husband Pastor Paulo and these were probably the most normal years of Flora's life but Pastor Paulo was convinced Flora was cheating on him he said that he just couldn't do it anymore sure divorce is bad in Christianity but he cannot keep up with her appetite that's what he said she's just too much Flor turned around and accused him of beating her so it was kind of a mess that ended up in divorce and Flor taking her three biological kids and knocking back on the witch's door her mom's door flor's First Love was through proximity her second love was through grief and now her third love would be through adoption Flora now she's in her 30s like 32 is got three biological children she's a single mom and she's heavily involved in the churches in the favelas she starts trying to do anything that she can to help she starts bringing in kids from the flla to stay with her and starts informally adopting just any kid that needs help any kid that doesn't have present parents or food on the table she's bringing them in and this case is very interesting because she never formally adopts any of the kids legally they are not her children and this becomes an issue later because the police accus her of kidnapping 55 kids but as of right now she's taking in random kids off the street telling them to call her mother floor or mother flower if you will and she'd be like what's your name Michael okay why not today we start calling you Samuel she really liked names with some sort of biblical undertones and one of the first few kids that she adopted was her biological daughter's 14-year-old boyfriend so you know his name is Anderson do Carmo and this is very interesting even after being adopted by his girlfriend's mother Flor and moving in with them Anderson still stayed in contact with the biological parents so it's you know is it really like a full-scale adoption some of the kids were because they didn't really have parents around or parents left them or they were killed or whatever it may be but a lot of the kids their parents still lived in the same town I see they would reside formally with Flora they would eat her food they would stay with her they they would call her mom but they would still sometimes go see their biological parents it's a very interesting setup so that was the case with Anderson he would go see them frequently but it seemed like they just weren't really in the space to take care of him as a kid because when his girlfriend Simone flor's daughter breaks up with him he's desperately looking for some sort of emotional comfort and allegedly the rumor goes like this after Simone broke up with Anderson he said he wanted to go into the mountains to pray he wanted to go Soul search but instead of going alone he asked his adopted mom mother FL can you come with me for guidance I want you to like be there with me Comfort me they went up the mountain as mother FL and adopted son and they came down the mountain as girlfriend and boyfriend Anderson was 14 at the time FL was 30 years old this is her daughter's ex-boyfriend Flor would later refute this and say no no no no no he was 18 by the time that we started dating but there seems to be a lot of evidence that says otherwise allegedly FL was even briefly expelled from her church because you know pedop but allegedly she was allowed back in because a lot of the churchgoers were like I know what she did was wrong but like she has a beautiful voice and we want to hear her sing and that's when she found her fourth love and maybe that fourth love had always been there but Flora's fourth love and greatest love was herself Flora loved being motherf flower she loved the idea of it the mother of the nation the mother of 50 Children she had this Magnetic Personality and charm to her that's it's just always been like that though I think Charisma is one of those things like yeah maybe you could learn it over time if you buy all these like self-help books online but some people are just born with it growing up Flora would sit all of her family members down in the living room and she would sing for them and it was always the same five songs on repeat but she expected every single one of them to be at full attention and gasp in unison and like this is the first time they've ever heard her hit that note which I will say she is an incredible singer she has this amazing soulfulness to her voice which is great for gospel music you know it's just Flor since the day she was born she knew she was someone special and there are a lot of different sides to flor so at first glance she's congresswoman floor Pastor floor wife floor and mother floor it's like she has 8 lives her political career it started with a vision she told this story a lot on the campaign Trail she said that she woke up one morning with the most Vivid dream she sat up and she started telling her husband Anderson about it I was alone on the road and all these papers were just on the floor on the street just stacks of white paper loose paper and all of a sudden the wind blew and the stack of papers came up in slow motion and they were just floating they weren't falling back down they were just floating levitating in the air so she grabs one and she holds it in her hand and she starts reading it and it it was a picture of herself and four numbers these were flyers for her running for the National Congress in Brazil and she said God was telling me to run for office and that's what she did she told this story on the campaign Trail a lot and she talked about her family life in great detail also so her main cause as a politician was to shorten the adoption process she said as a mother of 55 adopted children in this process in Brazil it's so bureaucratic there is so much nonsense if a child is in need of a loving home they should be able to get that soon not in a few years when the government decides the paperwork is good enough there are at any given point 9,000 children up for adoption and 40,000 couples looking to adopt so why are there still kids in the foster care system does it make sense because this cause was so closely tied to flor's life for the listeners it didn't feel like another politician making empty promises that probably had no real interest or connection to the cause her whole image of being a mom was so fitting that it won her the seat congresswoman FL made history as the most voted woman in the state with over 196,000 votes during her time as congresswoman she strongly advocated on behalf of children looking to be adopted and children's rights in general people saw her as an inspiration then there is woman of God floor she opened up six churches she's doing this all at once okay she's got 55 kids she's a congresswoman and now she's opening up six churches she was a pastor saying at every single service she attracted typically a very wealthy and influential crowd which brought in around $500,000 of offerings every single month wow so she is doing really good on Surface right like she's a celebrity she's a celebrity she's yeah she's a very well-known politician but also a celebrity she is a gospel singer signed with a record produced gospel music she would have concerts where tens of thousands of people would show up to listen to her sing I mean she's internationally recognized for her gospel music she even did a US tour and she was here in Miami New York went to Europe afterward she was everywhere yeah wow then there was a side of her that she called wife floor you know and she would always joke about her marriage she talked about the way that she and Anderson fell in love and she would it it is kind of like a politician is very polished she said Anderson started by having great admiration for me then it became love and then we got married and 3 months later I gave him 36 children and she would laugh this big hearty laugh and you know that she's told that line before but it it was enduring during interviews Anderson would look at his wife with so much love so much respect and he would say you know I fell in love at first sight and I knew that to win flor's heart I would have to get involved in the work that she's doing when I married her I knew that I married all the crazy things too I'm assuming he's off age now right he's like 20s eventually like 30s yeah oh yes oh so this went on for a minute oh yeah they were together for like 30 years what so he said that's when he started helping Flor look after the teenagers and kids in need during the weekday then there was Mother floor when it came to being the mother of the nation Flor said a big part of why she wants to help others is she grew up in the flla herself she said the Fella's people are still forgotten still being ignored and it was by walking the Alleyways of the flla that I saw the harsh reality of children and teenagers being swept up into drug trafficking that's why she said she adopted even when she had nothing so at this point she's really rich but she back then she wasn't she said that she would work all these odd jobs cooking lunches for random security companies stitching patches for military uniforms she would eat less food so that she could give the children more food she would use all of her money to help children her grocery receipts were like 5et long all the time and that was her hard- hard money she barely had money but she was willing to do it because if it wasn't her The Gangs would take the children that's what she said she said it's not easy do you know how hard it is to work 12 hours a day come home change diapers bottle feed infants take kids to the doctor's appointments make sure the kids are staying out of Harm's Way it's a 24-hour job and then some and she said it would have been so impossible without Anderson or even the older kids helping yeah I mean that's you can you have to vote for someone like that yeah and she had a lot of really touching stories so one night according to floor She made one of her biggest adoptions to date she was in bed exhausted after a long day of looking after the kids and she heard a knock on the door she already has like 20 kids okay she drags herself to the door 37 children staring at her Flor was living in a two-bedroom house that was already packed with at least a few dozen people and now 37 kids are looking for a home where are they going to sleep in this two-bedroom house where are they going to shower who's going to pay for the electricity bill the water bill the food the clothing everything Flor closed the door briefly to think about it and her mom caroen and Anderson looked at her and they said like we know better than to tell you no right but like this is dangerous technically it's not just about helping children these kids they could have gang associations they this could be a death sentence for you Flor they could try to steal from you there's a potential that this could backfire and you could get hurt her mom and her husband they try to reason with her like this isn't going to be easy you can't just let your emotions run your life like think logically you have to be responsible for that many children think of the NeverEnding stress FL said in that moment it was clear as day what she needed to do she needed to be mother flower a senator once said about FL each adoption that Flor and her husband have made is a story that can be used to write a reference book about what love truly is every single kid at one point wanted to be loved and adored by someone like mother FL but FL wanted them to prove their love first a lot of the adopted kids said that it felt like a constant competition between the adopted siblings to be flor's favorite they had to go through a bunch of strange unusual rituals and requests to try and get Flora to even notice them allegations came out later that Flora quote initiated the kids into the family kind of like a cult that's an opinion not a statement of fact she would have them change into an all-white outfit allegedly and she would throw them into a dark room for weeks some of the kids stated that they weren't allowed to do anything the door would open slide in some raw vegetables and water and that was it does this remind you of anything the more Sinister allegation was that at night these kids would have to quote perform for floor again if that sounds familiar to you that's what flor's Uncle the origin of the family Supernatural Powers that's what he did to his 15-year-old quote bride now one released from that room the child would be sorted into their appropriate team the house was divided the kids said that there's a team and B Team The A Team consist of all the biological kids anyone who came out of floor directly they were on the a team and then a few of the adopted kids would find their way in there these were the gifted kids The A Team is where you wanted to be they quite literally ran the house they had their own bedrooms while the other kids practically slept on top of each other in crammed bunk beds crammed into tiny tiny rooms you could always tell who was on The A Team during meal times everybody else would get the same diet every single day of like the cheapest Foods in stock but the a team they would sit there and eat steak french fries those were the coveted Foods they had a refrigerator filled to the brim with snacks but it was locked and only members of the a team had the key even if B Team kids were starving they wouldn't get any food sometimes food would expire and it would be thrown out dude the team ever change so the biological kids always stay on 18 the adopted kids a few of them make it onto 18am but they can easily be swapped they're basically to earn your way there okay and keep your way there yeah neighbors stated that once flor's career career took off some of the flower kids they were really well taken care of new clothes wellfed always seen at Hair Salon Spas getting facials massages like they never had to work a day in their lives they lived like nepo babies but the other flower kids the B Team they would be seen walking around hungry wearing shoes that were two sizes too big two sizes too small they're constantly working non-stop all day all night to quote pull their own weight and contribute to the family's expenses they had to hand over most of their money to Floren Anderson and if they didn't it was alleged that they would get beat with a baseball bat they didn't look like the kids on interviews with Floren Anderson one of the adopted Sons says when you're against floor you're the literal devil it was team a and Team B the team of good good and the team of evil some of the kids stopped seeing her as mother floor but instead they saw her as like a venus fly trap they said if you've ever seen a venus fly trap in person they don't really look scary if anything they look intriguing unassuming right Venus fly traps they lure the unsuspecting prey by secreting a nectar it's a sweet nectar it's like sweetness and then when that unsuspecting innocent prey makes their way into the Jaws the Venus fly trap slowly closes strangling it suffocating it digesting it absorbing it and when no prey landed on her front doorstep it said that floor would go looking for them floor didn't just bring in children living on the street with no family sometimes she would see a kid on the street and think okay that kid's going to be mine that kid's coming home with me she would walk up to families on the street and beg them to take their child and she would tell them I promise to give your kid a better life than you can provide to a degree it almost seemed like she was trying to lure kids to her house she would tell all of her other adopted kids kids like go tell your friends how fun it is at mother flor's house go go go she would have these big arcade games that she would buy at her house and then they would run off and like tell everybody there's no rules here come come so a lot of these kids they would leave their family just run away to go live and be adopted by mother Flor and it's very strange to think about it if these kids were ever running errands with Mother FL out and about they would be like Mom calling on the street and if their real biological mom sees that interaction that's just so strange to me that their real biological parents are there and yet they're being called new names they're calling another woman mother it's odd to say the least in hindsight to a lot of people in Brazil it started to feel like her goal Flora's goal was to have as many quote adopted children as possible make that her whole identity her whole branding and start gaining some sort of adoration respect and love from the community not to mention FL was a very magnetic character on camera so once people found out that she had 55 kids she made in formally adopting children her whole Personality yeah some of her adopted children came forward later to state that she would come up with these tragic backstories for their lives they would be introduced on television like oh everybody meet Michael his mom was killed in a plane crash and his dad died tragically in the river and all five siblings were kidnapped by a local serial killer and they're sitting there like my family literally lives down the block clearly that's an exaggeration but she really did go around saying that like she fish some of the kids out of the the dumpster one story that she practically built her whole political career off of was Flora was walking around the flla when she heard a kid being tortured by a gang they were going to kill the kid and she knew it so she rushed over and one thing that you know about the favellas is you do not mess with the gang like that is a death sentence you don't stand up to them you even if you look at them the wrong way you could be killed so I was trying to like go down the rabbit hole of of favellas and I saw some YouTubers had vlogged in favellas right and someone had commented there is an unspoken rule in favellas you don't hit on any woman in a flla because you don't know if that woman is the object of affection by a gang member and even just saying something nice to her could get you killed like that's how easily you can piss off a gang member okay so she she said I'm going to stop this gang from killing this kid she rushed over saw a little boy 13 years old bag covering his face bloody bruised up there's a gun assault rifle pointed at his head is about to be executed this is the gang that runs the flla she stands in between the gun the kid and the Gang and says absolutely not I don't care who you think you are I'll be damned if you think that you're going to hurt a kid in front of me she's not scared of the revenge or Consequences from the gang yeah that's a whole thing that comes into play later so she said that she put her own life on the line and said you know what gang if he messes up and tries to get in your territory you come after me and you kill me instead then I'm going to take responsibility for this kid this story was a guaranteed crowd mover she told it with so much passion even when it was people's fifth time hearing it they'd be balling they'd be crying and remember the story of the 37 that children that showed up at her door there was more to floor's over-the-top heroic story she claimed that the 37 kids who showed up at her door were survivors of a massacre the massacre of Candelaria was one of the biggest events like tragic events in Brazil and it was a targeted attack against children without homes so more than 60 young kids were outside of a church in central Rio when a group of off-duty police officers opened fire on them killing eight of them side note there are conflicting accounts of why police officers would want to go out and commit literal murder against children of all people there are two main accounts one stated that the police had gotten into an altercation with some of these kids earlier and this was Revenge their second theory was that they were paid to clear the city of quote Street children either way a lot of the children fled from the church terrified and now they really have nowhere to go where is safe because if they're outside who's to say that more off-duty police officers aren't just going to come around shooting them they had nobody to talk to FL claimed 37 of them showed up at her door that night and she took in the survivors of this Infamous Massacre this story catapulted Flora into mainstream media in Brazil news networks TV shows they all wanted to meet Mother Flor they wanted to meet her children they were so curious about so many things right how do they live together do do they take turns showering how do they have enough food right how does one interview were even asked floor how do you remember all their names and she would laugh and she said you know it takes time I have to stare at their cute little faces and repeat their names but to me that's nothing you know saving these children from a life of crime trafficking and drugs that's what matters you know and she takes a lot of pride in not just adopting infants but even teenagers who have according to her Troublesome history if you will the whole messaging is she's the Savior now di her adopted daughter said between the adopted kids there was a feeling that we were being used by Flor and Anderson Flor never gave us affection or love it was a house full of Anguish and resentment and in interviews the family seemed perfect all the kids look like kids they're laughing happy Carefree but many of them would later say it was all an act we were not happy we were not well taken care of not only that but there were allegations that they were being sexually assaulted by their own adoptive parents after the kids were quote initiated into the family Flora would bring them into a secret room that usually none of the other members were allowed into and some of them claimed that she would perform quote rituals on them some of them alleged that they were pretty dirty when they came into the house because they didn't have access to a shower so FL would say hey I need to make sure that you're really clean a lot of the adopted Sons said said that she would follow them into the bathroom and start assaulting them during the first bath and if she liked it then she would continue to assault them throughout this whole process and if you try to go up against it or say hey I don't think that we should be doing this they would be kicked out of the house allegedly other kids said I don't know about the parental abuse but a lot of the adopted kids were dating each other and it was kind of strange like there was always this very tension in the house between everyone it it didn't seem like a family unit it just seemed more like a group of people anyone could eat anyone it was just they thought it was odd even kids as young as 10 were dating each other and allegedly they claimed that Flora not only allowed this but encouraged It Dating amongst her adoptive children it was just strange a lot of these allegations felt like it's nothing like a real family additionally there were allegations that Flora would round up all the teenage still underage girls in the house all of her adopted daughters and offer them up as play things for politicians she wanted to impress or Worse pastors you know sometimes you have cases where there are no Witnesses no personal connections to the victim's life to follow nothing the lead is cold dead end you have nothing else to explore you wish that you had a 100 people who saw something or knew something right but with this case the police said it was the exact opposite problem there are too many people involved too many perspectives experiences biases motivations and when someone is executed like that in front of of their home with most of the wounds to their private area one thing is very clear someone had a very strong very personal motive after Anderson's murder the kids were already divided into groups the ones who thought nobody in their family had anything to do with the murder the ones who thought someone in the family killed Anderson the but nobody saw anything nobody saw the killer no and just like floor Anderson had a lot of people who loved him Anderson is also a very complicated person I think this case gets really messy because people start accusing each other of basically everything but before the murder Anderson was very well loved in his community and I'm not saying that the allegations of abuse didn't happen because he's loved in his community but it just adds another layer of complication he held his own sermons at church and he was able to really motivate people connect with them people said that he was Charming it was endearing that he was also very passionate and dedicated to not only his kids but to floor so most community members they had a positive association with Anderson but of his kids they did not some of the kids stated Anderson is not the person you think he is they said Anderson's only goal in life was control he wanted to control Flor their children and especially their money some of the kids said you would think that FL is the one in charge because she's technically the congresswoman and like the gospel singer right all of that the mother of 50 Children right Anderson is the one that's making all the calls he's got the brains right and as much as the kids despised him they do give him credit they're like you know what he is the reason that Flor is successful in the first Place some kids stated that to Anderson we were all just numbers like we're a business to him adopted kids would grow up move out or run away and once the num started going down in the house he would go and fetch new kids to bring in he's not really providing love this is just to maintain their image of being the adoptive parents of the nation they said allegedly he would beat the [ __ ] out of the kids and the whole mother floor branding was the only thing that mattered to him so to the police once they start digging initially there's a lot of suspects maybe Flor and Anderson were targeted by political opponents because you know they're controversial people perhaps maybe it was a gang then because Flor had been so vocal about how dangerous the favellas had been and how the gangs are like kidnapping children and doing horrendous things with them maybe they felt insulted that she's undermining their control there it's not a far-fetched Theory it could be political it could be Gang Related or it could be religious maybe it's a religious opponent who just thought that she's dabbling in dark magic allegedly while running six churches and they wanted her gone or was it someone closer to the family maybe someone even in the family an expert would state that because Anderson's private areas were targeted quote there was a goal here to destroy everything there an indication of seual nature rage and to destroy everything that was there a few of the adopted daughters would claim that Anderson would non-stop try to essay them one of them would later tell officers you know Anderson deserved death it seemed like a lot of people motive but only one person had a whole lot to gain congresswoman Flor she was questioned about the night of her husband's murder and things just were not adding up she denied having gone to a club that night by stating that a public figure like myself I would never end up at a place like this even if she had gone there at least she went with her husband right instead of someone else's husband which is kind of an odd way of trying to convince someone that you weren't there but regardless she stated that she had actually gone to the beach again we don't even know if this is true if they had maybe gone to the beach after the club but this is this is flor's version of events and she claims it was just the beach something that they would do often to get alone time away from the kids so they're strolling around the beach holding hands giggling like they're teenagers in love and then in this wild spontaneous romantic gesture she said Anderson ran up to a chair on the beach climbed on top opened his arms and screamed out loud for everyone to hear I love you Flor I love you people were looking at him like he was insane but she was just smiling because you know their romance was so intoxicating she said they found a quiet spot made love in the Moonlight then strolled around a while before making their way back to the car this is when things start getting a bit strange Flor said on their way home she noticed two motorcycles tailing their car they were driving extremely slow which is alarming so there are a lot of motorcycles in Brazil but they're usually all rushing to to get like to deliveries to their next destination these motorcycles usually don't stay behind cars they'll weave in between cars to get ahead but there were two motorcycles just going below speed limit behind them not moving in the same direction as them she thought it was weird she started paying attention to it because you know they live in a city where there was an uptick in crime rates but after a little while the motorcycles took a turn and vanished so she didn't think anything of it 4:00 a.m. they get to the house the streets are quieter no motorcycles in sight her husband said that he wanted to work in the car a little bit longer so she went in herself to check on the kids her grandson Ramon was still awake and she was busy scolding him when she starts hearing the gunshots now she stated that originally she wasn't really that freaked out gunshots are not that uncommon in this neighborhood she went back to talking to her kids but then a few things started popping up in her mind she said one why were there so many gunshots fired it sounded like at least six two why did it sound so close and so loud and three where is Anderson she said she started to realize that Anderson was in trouble because and I quote because my husband is always concerned about my safety with everything any sort of difficult situation the first person he'd look for to help was me me meaning if there were gunshots fired nearby Anderson would have run up to check up on floor I see that's when she realized oh my God Anderson is probably in trouble Flor said she believed that this is a robbery gone wrong the motorcyclists Were Somehow following them home hoping to Rob them but instead they were confronted by Anderson killed him got scared and ran away she later said I went on a date with my husband just a date and it ended like this it ended with him losing his life while protecting the house protecting the family what he tried to do was to unfortunately he opened the gate to the garage and he tried to stop them from entering the house he sacrificed his life to protect the family that's what she said nobody not even authorities wanted to be suspicious of her right cuz she's supposed to be grieving the most but the math was not nothing first of all the dogs the couple own two big dogs I think they live in the yard and they were notorious for barking at strangers that passed by literally a neighbor walks past the gate the dogs are losing their mind barking they went around asking for Neighbors if they had heard dogs barking after the gun or before the gunshots they all responded no if there were multiple strangers tailing floor from their date to their house and they showed up to shoot Anderson the dogs would have at least barked right that didn't make any sense they examined the dogs and neither of them showed signs of being drugged so sometimes robbers will throw treats which drugs to make them you know mellow out so that they won't bark but none of that the dogs were fine huh could it really be robbery then robbery gone wrong I mean this doesn't necessarily cast suspicion on floor it's just that the police think the robbery Theory just doesn't make sense but they still have to check out all the leads the police pull CCTV footage from the cameras on the street that showed Floren Anderson in the car driving home no footage showed the actual murder itself but there were some intriguing things that were found the police were able to track the couple most of their way home and and there were never two motorcycles around them why would Flora lie about something like that and why would she push the theory that the motorcyclist followed them to Rob them but then ended up killing Anderson to the public the couple seemed madly in love like little teenagers but some of Flora's children would later state to the police the wealthier the couple became the more their relationship started to show cracks some kids stated Anderson had full control over the money and that was a big pain point for floor the feeling being that FL seemed like the type of Personality that wanted to spend all of her money Anderson wanted to make sure that didn't happen and save a lot of it maybe for himself maybe for them maybe for the kids who knows kid said that Flora complained that the trade-off was unfair she's like I am the one singing why why is he controlling the money and just to give you context we don't know the relationship behind closed doors but some of the older kids reported that the money wasn't even split that unfairly it was split 6040 Anderson would take 60% floor would take 40% but Anderson paid all the bills so he paid for everything the house the rent grocery bills school fees for the kids Transportation cost he funded all the kids that's why he took 60 and he was the manager behind everything like Flora literally was just like the carismatic figure and all of flor's 40% was just spending money but there are unsubstantiated reports that their relationship was getting really weird because of this and Anderson started doing some questionable things so if a new team teenage girl came in this is an allegation by the way right if a new teenage girl came in to be adopted Anderson would ask Flora if he could assault her FL almost always said yes another allegation states that when an adopted daughter came to flor terrified that Anderson was trying to essay her Flora would tell her if the wife is aware that her husband is looking for someone else it is not a sin if that's true that means Flor doesn't see this as essay but just as regular cheating I mean that doesn't make sense but following that logic maybe FL was over it maybe she was over him cheating and taking her money and controlling the finances but would she really have someone kill her husband like that's what the police were thinking she could just take control over her finances or divorce the guy right she can't divorce him it goes against her image of being a family woman a mother of 55 children a single mom of 55 children just doesn't have that good of a ring to it in the political sphere if she divorces him she risks her political and religious careers both of which are indirectly bringing in a lot of money especially being a pastor of six churches yeah so going by that theory if Anderson is killed FL will only gain more love and admiration because she suffered a tragedy so the motive there is one police you know they've got their suspicions about FL but the public is still rallying around her so for a lot of the public Flora was basically an angel that descended from Heaven to take care of the unfortunate and one of the most famous movies at the time in Brazil was based on Flora's life so they're thinking how can she be capable of killing someone the movie was called Flor Dee I mean one word is enough to create change that was the tagline of the movie just objectively speaking the movie was insane it had some of the most famous Brazilian actors and actresses in it and most of them worked on the movie for free they volunteered they didn't care about the money they stated they thought that Flora's life story should be told and I mean one of the main actresses she was like a you know the soccer player Neymar like an ex-girlfriend of his like these are star studded casts like you're talking about yeah a lot of insane people now if the police were suspecting her of anything bad the public just thought it's probably because they can't do their jobs they can't protect these kids in the favellas and they hate the fact that she's shedding light on the situation to the whole world it's embarrassing them that she can do their jobs better than they can so the day of Anderson's funeral hundreds of people showed up from all over Brazil to show and pay their respect they just felt so heartbroken not just for Anderson's giant family but for FL you know they had been together for 30 years and now she's a widow a single mom she's got to stay strong for 55 kids so when Flora arrived the crowd forced a human Corridor for her to pass through she had a white jacket and big sunglasses over her eyes she was like in the thick of grief it looked like people were holding her back from flinging her body onto Anderson's casket some people said that she looked like she was going to faint at any point but halfway through the funeral it got a little weird uh floor disappeared and reappeared in a new set of clothing a literal outfit change in the midst of a funeral and she went up on stage to sing I don't think we can dictate how people grieve or show their respect and I know that a lot of artists use music as an outlet for their emotions but I think people were a little bit taken aback because the funeral was like 2 days after Anderson's murder so it was very fresh yeah minutes after Anderson was buried flora and her kids they packed into the car and they started driving out of the funeral funeral goers were waving by to them when they see a line of cop cars pull up to stop flor's family car and at first people just assumed okay the police probably want to escort the family home maybe her life is in danger because they haven't caught the killers yet right it's good to know that the police are trying to protect the family but instead the most chaotic scene unfolds all hell breaks loose two people are dragged out of the family car on the way out of the funeral and two family members are arrested for Anderson's murder flor's biological son Flavio and Floren Anderson's adopted son Lucas they were both arrested for the murder of Anderson and the media went nuts the biological son is from the previous husband yes earlier in the investigation authorities had asked each kid where they were the Knight of Anderson's murder Lucas one of the older kids stated I was partying all night got home really late but when the officers went through CCTV footage outside of Floren Anderson's home there was Lucas arriving home minutes before the murder happened he was dropped off by a car ran inside the house carrying a Black Backpack then he ran out not too long after without his backpack authorities confronted him about his lie and he just responded the backpack right I forgot about the backpack I just wanted to drop off some laundry the police were confused but you don't live there anymore you left the party that you were at grabbed the backpack of dirty clothes and drop them off at 3:00 a.m. at a house that you don't live at anymore he didn't have a good answer to to it police tried to piece together a potential motive for Lucas and all of the other adopted kids said he was one of the more quote problematic kids you know I don't really like that term but a lot of the family members said that he had a temper he was very aggressive he was always involved in some gang activity before he was adopted and he promised Floren Anderson that he would stop but he never did he would show up at home bloody bruised up Anderson was constantly beating him telling him if you don't stop like dealing with these gangs I'm not going to keep a criminal in the house we're going to kick you out one piece of evidence that really intrigued the investigators was Lucas had texted Flor not too long before the murder if Anderson comes to me and dares to lay a hand on me I'll end him in hindsight what he texted is really bad authorities consider this clear intent to kill but some some could argue that it sounds like a teenager that's upset best case it's a wounded ego and it's not a threat worst case it's a threat on Anderson's life police went with the ladder but while the authorities were searching the house looking for evidence against Lucas they found a gun in flavio's room the biological Sun the murder weapon the murder weapon had been wiped of fingerprints but the police knew it was Flavio because a it was in his room and B there was a single pubic hair on the gun and the pubic hair belonged to Flavio so they arrest the two family members and this next part gets really unhinged but both sons were placed in the same interrogation room seated right next to each other and the officer presented them with a gun and said have you ever seen this gun Lucas because we think this gun was in that backpack that you dropped off at the house minutes before Anderson was killed have you seen it before Lucas said yes I have Flavio sent me a message with a picture of the gun a while ago he said it was his new gun okay Flavio explain that Flavio said I only bought the gun for protection reasons I wanted to protect my family from who from Lucas he went on to say while sitting right next to to Lucas that Lucas was very aggressive and violent towards the family and Flavia was terrified that something was going to happen so he bought the gun okay and how did you buy this gun because it's an illegally purchased like black market gun oh I bought it through Lucas he went on to explain how Lucas took him to see some people that were going to sell him the gun cuz he had connections and the logic is just fascinating Flavio asked Lucas to help him buy a gun so he could protect himself and his family from Lucas but Flavio continued he said Lucas even helped him pay for the gun he paid $700 he pitched it in Lucas said no I didn't everybody knows I'm broke I don't have $700 and then out of nowhere during this interrogation if you can even call it that Flavio admits to shooting Anderson even Lucas looks at him in shock and I don't know if it's shock because he just found out or if it's shock from the fact that like dude why would you admit that right now I don't know like what did he say he's like I shot Anderson and the police are like why did you shoot Anderson Lavia went on to explain how Anderson was essaying not only his sisters but his nieces so Simone his biological sister his like blood sister has um a bunch of kids and now he's claiming that Anderson was even trying to assault his grandchildren I guess the family Trea is very complicated both Lucas and Flavio were thrown into prison Flavio would later say wait wait I take it all back I was coerced by the police to say that but the damage was done investigators were going to investigate the claims and relationships between all the family members until this like House of Cards basically crumbled there were so many kids in the house that all had motive to either kill Anderson or help Lucas and Flavio kill Anderson a year before his murder there was an inside joke between the adopted kids that you don't eat food at flor's house in 2018 Anderson went to the ER at least six times due to mysterious stomach problems all six plus times was immediately after drinking or eating something that had had been made in flor's kitchen and it was a bit strange he went from wearing pant sizes that were extra large to a medium within a few months but some of the adopted children felt like something was off so they started taking bites out of Anderson's Food and they too got very very ill and then marsy one of the adopted daughters was caught in the act she's the one that said Anderson deserved death she was seen mixing white powder into Anderson's Food now Marcy had a lot of problems in the family she had recently been caught stealing a ,000 from Anderson and she was told if she ever did it again she would be kicked out for good so now police are thinking maybe she helped maybe she snapped and wanted Anderson gone so that she could steal more cash her search history had things like bad guys assassins where to find someone badass where to find Killers so was Mary also involved then there's Daniel So Daniel is the biological son of Floren Anderson Police found out early on in their investigation that he wasn't actually their biological son so there's two problems with this Revelation okay if you will one Daniel didn't know for the longest time that he was not actually flor's biological son and two Daniel was kidnapped as baby the alleged story goes as follows Flor and Anderson really wanted to have a biological kid together they start trying to get pregnant but it's not working out and because timing is everything one of their friends tell them about an 18-year-old girl who's going to give birth soon and she's looking for someone to adopt her baby Flor and Anderson rushed to the hospital to be the first one to take the baby from their mother and the 18-year-old biological mom she said I don't have what it takes to raise this kid but I still want to know this child she said I will only give you this baby if you promise that I can see this baby once in a while they said of course they ripped Daniel from his mother's arms and then never saw her again went back on their promise that baby is Daniel so maybe Daniel found out that he was lied to and kidnapped and maybe he snapped and helped kill Anderson so the police are thinking Lucas and Flavia are definitely involved but what if there's other kids involved then there was Simone flor's biological daughter and the ex-girlfriend of Anderson she's both Anderson's ex-girlfriend and his stepdaughter she said this about Anderson even at a young age when we were dating he was rude and arrogant he was clingy and didn't want me to play with my classmates he was always searching for me come came to my house he's just Disturbed Simone did not think highly of her exboyfriend slfa but the police were most intrigued by her Google searches she had Googled how to buy cyanide easy to buy lethal poison to kill people and when the police asked her about it she said my friend's dog was sick so the dog had cancer we were trying to put the dog out of its misery so they're investigating every single kit yeah checking their search histories and because seems like a lot of people are not telling the truth it seems like out of the 55 people we don't even know how many people are involved so the question is how many of the kids are involved and question number two is who put the kids up to it was it really just the kids acting on their own or could it be mother floor Simone also told them that Anderson was essaying people constantly telling the daughters that they had hot bodies he would come into their rooms at night and pleasure himself in the dark while trying to touch them it was a lot it was a lot the investigation into Anderson's murder would last 3 years and would involve police interrogating hundreds of people and it would ultimately end in the arrest and sentencing of 11 different people most of them being flower family members if you will now I don't want to get too into the legal nitty-gritty of the case and I'm going to try to simplify the trial as best as possible so it's easy to follow but there are so many moving parts so many testimonies so many changing of stories floor would argue that she's innocent her husband was killed she had nothing to do with it but now now that you bring it up her husband husband was an abusive husband who was probably essaying the daughters so if someone killed him it was probably because of his crimes to begin with then you had Flores protector kids who said that Flora had nothing to do with this and they were the ones that plotted to kill Anderson all on their own to protect their mother then there are the kids who were arrested and they were now saying Hey listen Flor is the evil one I don't even know what I'm doing in jail right now so let's start with Flor she was voted out of Congress before her arrest and she was pissed she told her peers you're going to put your head up your ass and you're going to regret condemning someone who hasn't been judged yet Flora begged the public to see her innocence and she said for those who think I killed my husband I'm asking you to give me a reason why I would do that I didn't gain anything from his death I only lost and before the trial was in full swing Flor still had a lot of supporters her Instagram comments were filled like God will always be with her and she won't ever stop giving a hand to those who need it stuff like that but once the trial started public opinion started shifting many of flor's adopted children started testifying against her the ones that were not arrested for Anderson's Murder One adopted son stated that after Anderson's funeral Flora was shouting I'm free Melle one of adopted one of the adopted kids stated that for the past year Flora had been complaining about Anderson and actively thinking about ways to get rid of him and when he told her mom just divorce him she said absolutely not they preached at church about the importance of a strong family unit and how SA marriages they would be Unthinkable she responded that she could not scandalize the name of God like that and when FL even found out that Melle was talking to the police for this trial one of um Melle is the adopted son oh okay one of the biological children went up to him and said you know snitches die right he said he was very scared for his life and he has not been in contact with Mother Flor the rest of the family since then and if you feel like this is turning into a he said she said situation text messages were uncovered where Flor literally told Lucas her adopted son that's in prison I will give you $2,000 after the job is done you can pretend it's a robbery but only Anderson can be targeted nobody else in another text message to a different adopted son Flor said let's put an end to this help me I'm asking you no I'm begging you Andre how much longer do we have to put up with this scumbag in our lives Andre responded mom I got your back there's not much I can do but I'm on your side she responded yes there is something you can do it's simple I'll explain it to you help me Focus to end this once and for all one week and we can put an end to this story later marsy the adopted daughter who was trying to poison Anderson allegedly she would declare that she stole her mom's phone and sent those messages to her adopted Brothers Simone and marsy they really wanted to defend their mom but another kid said yeah no we're telling you nothing happened in that house without flor's permission and it's not in the sense of what if she intervened and prevented her kids from killing Anderson no because this isn't coming from Simone or marsy the number one person on flor's mind is always Flor with that question Flor argued I didn't know about any of this I didn't know about the abuse going on in my home I loved my husband too much he was everything to me he was my life I had a suspicion once concerning our daughter Kelly but I didn't want to believe that he was capable of that sort of thing he abused me yes but I didn't want to believe that in my home he was doing the same thing to other women saying if the kids killed Anderson because of the abuse she didn't know about it but in the end Flora was found guilty of all charges she was sentenced to 50 years in prison for first-degree murder Flavio the biological son who is believed to have committed the actual shooting was sentenced to 33 years in prison Simone flor's biological daughter and Anderson's ex-girlfriend was sentenced to 30 years in prison Lucas the adopted son who dropped who was that Simone the exgirlfriend of Anderson they think she is a part of it that's why she got 30 that she was like you know conspiring with them to commit the murder now Lucas the adopted son who dropped off the backpack presumably with the gun inside the night of the murder he cooperated with the police and got a lesser sentence of 7 years marsy and two of the other adopted kids they were acquitted of all accusations four other siblings were absolved of the murder charges but they're still facing time for criminal conspiracy and I think the saddest part it really story that involves children typically is that children are always the indirect or direct victims in those stories Flor had over 50 children and just to sum it up because I think this case is so complicated there's so many things there's so many other little factors of why people really dislike or support floor which is interesting and how they feel about Anderson there was a nzen who wrote about this case and I think this sums up the public opinion so this is not my opinion but the general public opinion although it wasn't definitively concluded that Anderson was capable of sexual abuse it was confirmed that there was a huge defi in their family there were favorites if it's not sex abuse some sort of abuse from both flora and Anderson it's clear Flora had reason to kill her husband it's also clear that she had most of her children under her thumb whom she probably used to commit this horrible murder then threw them under the bus when it was convenient for her she also groomed Anderson probably since he was 14 years old then married him if she were a man we'd all be calling her a predator a lot of things can coexist all at once so I think it's just it's really complicated I do think that Anderson's story gets lost along the way also because of the allegations of abuse which I'm not saying aren't true I I feel like they're unsubstantiated right now but I do think that there were a lot of bad weird things going on in that house and if Anderson wasn't the one committing abuse he likely knew it was happening cuz there was some sort of abuse going on in that house and it's very clear but it's just very complicated I think though the only thing we know is the children since the very beginning they were the ultimate victims in this case in one interview Flor said if you ask me FL what do you love doing the most in the world I will always answer being a mother because by being a mother you're receiving way more than you're giving there are two ways you can interpret that statement that could mean she feels so fulfilled by being a mom that she is receiving more emotional fulfillment in the proc process than giving or that she enjoys receiving so much love and attention and praise from these children is she altruistic or she's selfish there was an incident before Flora's arrest that I find telling so Flora had a new boyfriend before their arrest and trial by the way and before the arrest because she knew she was getting arrested she was spending time with her boyfriend at home getting her hair and nails done wait this is after the husband died yeah she got a new boyfriend yeah okay she was getting Botox injections she was getting her hair and makeup done and someone was blow drying her hair while she screamed I'm not a criminal I didn't kill anyone I don't know just very telling that she's yeah and now in a Brazilian prison there is a mother daughter Duo sharing a cell flora and Simone both of them have been charged with the murder of the same man Simone was found guilty of killing her ex-boyfriend Anderson Flor was found guilty of killing her ex-husband Anderson both women shared a lover once and now they both share a prison cell wow the only time they don't is when Flora's new husband comes in for conjugal visits cuz she married her boyfriend Allan we don't even know when they first started dating that's another thing that people have suspicions about because Flora actually knew her new husband while she was still married to Anderson and there's even a photo of the three of them together so that could have added more motive for Flora to want Anderson gone to this day Flora maintains her innocence and she said it's clear that they wanted to arrest me at any cost they want to make me The Mastermind of this murder that's why I'm asking for help outside of Brazil I'm begging for help Flora told a journalist she wanted help from an American TV show called deadly recall it's a true crime show hosted by a celebrity detective and she told the journalist this is who I want to help me I found him on the Discovery Channel most people think Flora's mom predicted Flora's dad's death in the car accident and now Flora has predicted her husband's death but in a murder how do she predict because if it's murder you know it's coming oh I see I see that was the very intense case of Flora there's a lot of other things that it's just it's so so complicated that it yeah there's so many other statements so many other little things that Flora would have said but let me know your thoughts what are your thoughts on this one do you think that all of the kids were involved were they manipulated by Flora you really think Flora had no idea that any of this was going on I think it's so crazy that she was able B to fool everyone the whole country for that long yeah that brought her to that level of admiration from the whole country and then they eventually all crumble down right but that's insane the the amount the success that she achieved for that that long terrifying nobody knew until now people loved her I mean she had some of the like biggest celebrities politicians she met the first wife of Brazil and they were friendly with each other judges supported her everybody Ed her nobody saw a thing nobody suspected a thing yeah and that just goes to show that children really are just unheard and uncared for in even America so it's not trying to point fingers at any other country but just generally in the world so leave your thoughts in the comments and please stay safe I'll see you guys on Wednesday for the main episode
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 1,065,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Rotten Mango, Rotten Mango Podcast, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Urban Legends, Creepy, Creepy Storytime, Documentary, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, Dark Reality, Dark Truth, Morbid, Ashley Flowers, AudioChuck, Kendall Rae, Mile Higher, Eleanor Neale, Danielle Kirsty, kpop, k-drama, korea, korean case, Netflix, GrazyTV, korea case, scary
Id: J1h7o0hZzPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 43sec (5263 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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